blob: fe7d546f51b7b6a9ae2fbb7ee87bcadb50b4f011 [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(27): Error: unexpected `(` in declarator
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(27): Error: basic type expected, not `=`
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(28): Error: found `End of File` when expecting `(`
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(28): Error: found `End of File` instead of statement
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(28): Error: expression expected, not `End of File`
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(28): Error: found `End of File` when expecting `;` following `for` condition
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(28): Error: expression expected, not `End of File`
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(28): Error: found `End of File` when expecting `)`
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(28): Error: found `End of File` instead of statement
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(28): Error: found `End of File` when expecting `}` following compound statement
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(28): Error: found `End of File` when expecting `)`
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(28): Error: no identifier for declarator `d(_error_ = ()
for (__error__
0; 0)
fail_compilation/e15876_3.d(28): Error: semicolon expected following function declaration