blob: 399192d750f9e97ecab0d5505cf13068abe58129 [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/fail7851.d(38): Error: need `this` for `__mem_field_0` of type `int`
fail_compilation/fail7851.d(38): Error: need `this` for `__mem_field_1` of type `long`
fail_compilation/fail7851.d(38): Error: need `this` for `__mem_field_2` of type `float`
template TypeTuple(TList...)
alias TList TypeTuple;
struct Tuple(Specs...)
TypeTuple!(int, long, float) mem;
alias Identity!(mem[0]) _0;
alias Identity!(mem[1]) _1;
alias Identity!(mem[2]) _2;
alias mem this;
enum length = mem.length;
private template Identity(alias T)
alias T Identity;
void main() {
alias Tuple!(int, long, float) TL;
foreach (i; TL)
{ }