blob: b2908ce02b03f5a6e5243fc853ac6349756771d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Defines a package and module.
* Specification: $(LINK2, Modules)
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* Authors: $(LINK2, Walter Bright)
* License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
* Source: $(LINK2, _dmodule.d)
* Documentation:
* Coverage:
module dmd.dmodule;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
import core.stdc.string;
import dmd.aggregate;
import dmd.arraytypes;
import dmd.astcodegen;
import dmd.astenums;
import dmd.compiler;
import dmd.gluelayer;
import dmd.dimport;
import dmd.dmacro;
import dmd.doc;
import dmd.dscope;
import dmd.dsymbol;
import dmd.dsymbolsem;
import dmd.errors;
import dmd.expression;
import dmd.expressionsem;
import dmd.file_manager;
import dmd.globals;
import dmd.identifier;
import dmd.parse;
import dmd.cparse;
import dmd.root.array;
import dmd.root.file;
import dmd.root.filename;
import dmd.common.outbuffer;
import dmd.root.port;
import dmd.root.rmem;
import dmd.root.rootobject;
import dmd.root.string;
import dmd.semantic2;
import dmd.semantic3;
import dmd.utils;
import dmd.visitor;
// function used to call semantic3 on a module's dependencies
void semantic3OnDependencies(Module m)
if (!m)
if (m.semanticRun > PASS.semantic3)
foreach (i; 1 .. m.aimports.dim)
* Remove generated .di files on error and exit
void removeHdrFilesAndFail(ref Param params, ref Modules modules) nothrow
if (params.dihdr.doOutput)
foreach (m; modules)
if (m.filetype == FileType.dhdr)
* Converts a chain of identifiers to the filename of the module
* Params:
* packages = the names of the "parent" packages
* ident = the name of the child package or module
* Returns:
* the filename of the child package or module
private const(char)[] getFilename(Identifier[] packages, Identifier ident) nothrow
const(char)[] filename = ident.toString();
OutBuffer buf;
OutBuffer dotmods;
auto modAliases = &global.params.modFileAliasStrings;
if (packages.length == 0 && modAliases.length == 0)
return filename;
void checkModFileAlias(const(char)[] p)
/* Check and replace the contents of buf[] with
* an alias string from global.params.modFileAliasStrings[]
foreach_reverse (const m; *modAliases)
const q = strchr(m, '=');
if (dotmods.length == q - m && memcmp(dotmods.peekChars(), m, q - m) == 0)
auto rhs = q[1 .. strlen(q)];
if (rhs.length > 0 && (rhs[$ - 1] == '/' || rhs[$ - 1] == '\\'))
rhs = rhs[0 .. $ - 1]; // remove trailing separator
break; // last matching entry in ms[] wins
foreach (pid; packages)
const p = pid.toString();
if (modAliases.dim)
version (Windows)
enum FileSeparator = '\\';
enum FileSeparator = '/';
if (modAliases.dim)
filename = buf.extractSlice()[0 .. $ - 1];
return filename;
extern (C++) class Package : ScopeDsymbol
PKG isPkgMod = PKG.unknown;
uint tag; // auto incremented tag, used to mask package tree in scopes
Module mod; // !=null if isPkgMod == PKG.module_
final extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident) nothrow
super(loc, ident);
__gshared uint packageTag;
this.tag = packageTag++;
override const(char)* kind() const nothrow
return "package";
override bool equals(const RootObject o) const
// custom 'equals' for bug 17441. "package a" and "module a" are not equal
if (this == o)
return true;
auto p = cast(Package)o;
return p && isModule() == p.isModule() && ident.equals(p.ident);
* Input:
* packages[] the pkg1.pkg2 of pkg1.pkg2.mod
* Returns:
* the symbol table that mod should be inserted into
* Output:
* *pparent the rightmost package, i.e. pkg2, or NULL if no packages
* *ppkg the leftmost package, i.e. pkg1, or NULL if no packages
extern (D) static DsymbolTable resolve(Identifier[] packages, Dsymbol* pparent, Package* ppkg)
DsymbolTable dst = Module.modules;
Dsymbol parent = null;
if (ppkg)
*ppkg = null;
foreach (pid; packages)
Package pkg;
Dsymbol p = dst.lookup(pid);
if (!p)
pkg = new Package(Loc.initial, pid);
pkg.parent = parent;
pkg.symtab = new DsymbolTable();
pkg = p.isPackage();
// It might already be a module, not a package, but that needs
// to be checked at a higher level, where a nice error message
// can be generated.
// dot net needs modules and packages with same name
// But we still need a symbol table for it
if (!pkg.symtab)
pkg.symtab = new DsymbolTable();
parent = pkg;
dst = pkg.symtab;
if (ppkg && !*ppkg)
*ppkg = pkg;
if (pkg.isModule())
// Return the module so that a nice error message can be generated
if (ppkg)
*ppkg = cast(Package)p;
if (pparent)
*pparent = parent;
return dst;
override final inout(Package) isPackage() inout
return this;
* Checks if pkg is a sub-package of this
* For example, if this qualifies to 'a1.a2' and pkg - to 'a1.a2.a3',
* this function returns 'true'. If it is other way around or qualified
* package paths conflict function returns 'false'.
* Params:
* pkg = possible subpackage
* Returns:
* see description
final bool isAncestorPackageOf(const Package pkg) const
if (this == pkg)
return true;
if (!pkg || !pkg.parent)
return false;
return isAncestorPackageOf(pkg.parent.isPackage());
override Dsymbol search(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, int flags = SearchLocalsOnly)
//printf("%s'%s', flags = x%x)\n", toChars(), ident.toChars(), flags);
flags &= ~SearchLocalsOnly; // searching an import is always transitive
if (!isModule() && mod)
// Prefer full package name.
Dsymbol s = symtab ? symtab.lookup(ident) : null;
if (s)
return s;
//printf("[%s] through pkdmod: %s\n", loc.toChars(), toChars());
return, ident, flags);
return, ident, flags);
override void accept(Visitor v)
final Module isPackageMod()
if (isPkgMod == PKG.module_)
return mod;
return null;
* Checks for the existence of a package.d to set isPkgMod appropriately
* if isPkgMod == PKG.unknown
final void resolvePKGunknown()
if (isModule())
if (isPkgMod != PKG.unknown)
Identifier[] packages;
for (Dsymbol s = this.parent; s; s = s.parent)
packages ~= s.ident;
if (Module.find(getFilename(packages, ident)))
Module.load(Loc.initial, packages, this.ident);
isPkgMod = PKG.package_;
extern (C++) final class Module : Package
extern (C++) __gshared Module rootModule;
extern (C++) __gshared DsymbolTable modules; // symbol table of all modules
extern (C++) __gshared Modules amodules; // array of all modules
extern (C++) __gshared Dsymbols deferred; // deferred Dsymbol's needing semantic() run on them
extern (C++) __gshared Dsymbols deferred2; // deferred Dsymbol's needing semantic2() run on them
extern (C++) __gshared Dsymbols deferred3; // deferred Dsymbol's needing semantic3() run on them
static void _init()
modules = new DsymbolTable();
* Deinitializes the global state of the compiler.
* This can be used to restore the state set by `_init` to its original
* state.
static void deinitialize()
modules = modules.init;
extern (C++) __gshared AggregateDeclaration moduleinfo;
const(char)[] arg; // original argument name
ModuleDeclaration* md; // if !=null, the contents of the ModuleDeclaration declaration
const FileName srcfile; // input source file
const FileName objfile; // output .obj file
const FileName hdrfile; // 'header' file
FileName docfile; // output documentation file
const(ubyte)[] src; /// Raw content of the file
uint errors; // if any errors in file
uint numlines; // number of lines in source file
FileType filetype; // source file type
bool hasAlwaysInlines; // contains references to functions that must be inlined
bool isPackageFile; // if it is a package.d
Package pkg; // if isPackageFile is true, the Package that contains this package.d
Strings contentImportedFiles; // array of files whose content was imported
int needmoduleinfo;
int selfimports; // 0: don't know, 1: does not, 2: does
Dsymbol[void*] tagSymTab; /// ImportC: tag symbols that conflict with other symbols used as the index
private OutBuffer defines; // collect all the #define lines here
* Return true if module imports itself.
bool selfImports()
//printf("Module::selfImports() %s\n", toChars());
if (selfimports == 0)
foreach (Module m; amodules)
m.insearch = 0;
selfimports = imports(this) + 1;
foreach (Module m; amodules)
m.insearch = 0;
return selfimports == 2;
int rootimports; // 0: don't know, 1: does not, 2: does
* Return true if module imports root module.
bool rootImports()
//printf("Module::rootImports() %s\n", toChars());
if (rootimports == 0)
foreach (Module m; amodules)
m.insearch = 0;
rootimports = 1;
foreach (Module m; amodules)
if (m.isRoot() && imports(m))
rootimports = 2;
foreach (Module m; amodules)
m.insearch = 0;
return rootimports == 2;
int insearch;
Identifier searchCacheIdent;
Dsymbol searchCacheSymbol; // cached value of search
int searchCacheFlags; // cached flags
* A root module is one that will be compiled all the way to
* object code. This field holds the root module that caused
* this module to be loaded. If this module is a root module,
* then it will be set to `this`. This is used to determine
* ownership of template instantiation.
Module importedFrom;
Dsymbols* decldefs; // top level declarations for this Module
Modules aimports; // all imported modules
uint debuglevel; // debug level
Identifiers* debugids; // debug identifiers
Identifiers* debugidsNot; // forward referenced debug identifiers
uint versionlevel; // version level
Identifiers* versionids; // version identifiers
Identifiers* versionidsNot; // forward referenced version identifiers
MacroTable macrotable; // document comment macros
Escape* _escapetable; // document comment escapes
size_t nameoffset; // offset of module name from start of ModuleInfo
size_t namelen; // length of module name in characters
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, const(char)[] filename, Identifier ident, int doDocComment, int doHdrGen)
super(loc, ident);
const(char)[] srcfilename;
//printf("Module::Module(filename = '%.*s', ident = '%s')\n", cast(int)filename.length, filename.ptr, ident.toChars());
this.arg = filename;
srcfilename = FileName.defaultExt(filename, mars_ext);
if (target.run_noext && &&
!FileName.ext(filename) &&
FileName.exists(srcfilename) == 0 &&
FileName.exists(filename) == 1)
srcfilename = FileName.removeExt(filename); // just does a mem.strdup(filename)
else if (!FileName.equalsExt(srcfilename, mars_ext) &&
!FileName.equalsExt(srcfilename, hdr_ext) &&
!FileName.equalsExt(srcfilename, c_ext) &&
!FileName.equalsExt(srcfilename, i_ext) &&
!FileName.equalsExt(srcfilename, dd_ext))
error("source file name '%.*s' must have .%.*s extension",
cast(int)srcfilename.length, srcfilename.ptr,
cast(int)mars_ext.length, mars_ext.ptr);
srcfile = FileName(srcfilename);
objfile = setOutfilename(global.params.objname, global.params.objdir, filename, target.obj_ext);
if (doDocComment)
if (doHdrGen)
hdrfile = setOutfilename(, global.params.dihdr.dir, arg, hdr_ext);
extern (D) this(const(char)[] filename, Identifier ident, int doDocComment, int doHdrGen)
this(Loc.initial, filename, ident, doDocComment, doHdrGen);
static Module create(const(char)* filename, Identifier ident, int doDocComment, int doHdrGen)
return create(filename.toDString, ident, doDocComment, doHdrGen);
extern (D) static Module create(const(char)[] filename, Identifier ident, int doDocComment, int doHdrGen)
return new Module(Loc.initial, filename, ident, doDocComment, doHdrGen);
static const(char)* find(const(char)* filename)
return find(filename.toDString).ptr;
extern (D) static const(char)[] find(const(char)[] filename)
return FileManager.lookForSourceFile(filename, global.path ? (*global.path)[] : null);
extern (C++) static Module load(const ref Loc loc, Identifiers* packages, Identifier ident)
return load(loc, packages ? (*packages)[] : null, ident);
extern (D) static Module load(const ref Loc loc, Identifier[] packages, Identifier ident)
//printf("Module::load(ident = '%s')\n", ident.toChars());
// Build module filename by turning:
// into:
// foo\bar\baz
const(char)[] filename = getFilename(packages, ident);
// Look for the source file
if (const result = find(filename))
filename = result; // leaks
auto m = new Module(loc, filename, ident, 0, 0);
if (!
return null;
if (global.params.verbose)
OutBuffer buf;
foreach (pid; packages)
buf.printf("%s\t(%s)", ident.toChars(), m.srcfile.toChars());
message("import %s", buf.peekChars());
if((m = m.parse()) is null) return null;
return m;
override const(char)* kind() const
return "module";
* Combines things into output file name for .html and .di files.
* Input:
* name Command line name given for the file, NULL if none
* dir Command line directory given for the file, NULL if none
* arg Name of the source file
* ext File name extension to use if 'name' is NULL
* global.params.preservePaths get output path from arg
* srcfile Input file - output file name must not match input file
extern(D) FileName setOutfilename(const(char)[] name, const(char)[] dir, const(char)[] arg, const(char)[] ext)
const(char)[] docfilename;
if (name)
docfilename = name;
const(char)[] argdoc;
OutBuffer buf;
if (arg == "__stdin.d")
version (Posix)
import core.sys.posix.unistd : getpid;
else version (Windows)
import : getpid = GetCurrentProcessId;
buf.printf("__stdin_%d.d", getpid());
arg = buf[];
if (global.params.preservePaths)
argdoc = arg;
argdoc =;
// If argdoc doesn't have an absolute path, make it relative to dir
if (!FileName.absolute(argdoc))
argdoc = FileName.combine(dir, argdoc);
docfilename = FileName.forceExt(argdoc, ext);
if (FileName.equals(docfilename, srcfile.toString()))
error("source file and output file have same name '%s'", srcfile.toChars());
return FileName(docfilename);
extern (D) void setDocfile()
docfile = setOutfilename(, global.params.ddoc.dir, arg, doc_ext);
* Trigger the relevant semantic error when a file cannot be read
* We special case `object.d` as a failure is likely to be a rare
* but difficult to diagnose case for the user. Packages also require
* special handling to avoid exposing the compiler's internals.
* Params:
* loc = The location at which the file read originated (e.g. import)
private void onFileReadError(const ref Loc loc)
if (FileName.equals(srcfile.toString(), "object.d"))
.error(loc, "cannot find source code for runtime library file 'object.d'");
errorSupplemental(loc, "dmd might not be correctly installed. Run 'dmd -man' for installation instructions.");
const dmdConfFile = global.inifilename.length ? FileName.canonicalName(global.inifilename) : "not found";
errorSupplemental(loc, "config file: %.*s", cast(int)dmdConfFile.length, dmdConfFile.ptr);
else if (FileName.ext(this.arg) || !loc.isValid())
// Modules whose original argument name has an extension, or do not
// have a valid location come from the command-line.
// Error that their file cannot be found and return early.
.error(loc, "cannot find input file `%s`", srcfile.toChars());
// if module is not named 'package' but we're trying to read 'package.d', we're looking for a package module
bool isPackageMod = (strcmp(toChars(), "package") != 0) && isPackageFileName(srcfile);
if (isPackageMod)
.error(loc, "importing package '%s' requires a 'package.d' file which cannot be found in '%s'", toChars(), srcfile.toChars());
.error(loc, "unable to read module `%s`", toChars());
const pkgfile = FileName.combine(FileName.removeExt(srcfile.toString()), package_d);
.errorSupplemental(loc, "Expected '%s' or '%s' in one of the following import paths:",
srcfile.toChars(), pkgfile.ptr);
if (!global.gag)
/* Print path
if (global.path)
foreach (i, p; *global.path)
fprintf(stderr, "import path[%llu] = %s\n", cast(ulong)i, p);
fprintf(stderr, "Specify path to file '%s' with -I switch\n", srcfile.toChars());
removeHdrFilesAndFail(global.params, Module.amodules);
* Reads the file from `srcfile` and loads the source buffer.
* If makefile module dependency is requested, we add this module
* to the list of dependencies from here.
* Params:
* loc = the location
* Returns: `true` if successful
bool read(const ref Loc loc)
if (this.src)
return true; // already read
//printf("Module::read('%s') file '%s'\n", toChars(), srcfile.toChars());
/* Preprocess the file if it's a .c file
FileName filename = srcfile;
bool ifile = false; // did we generate a .i file
scope (exit)
if (ifile)
File.remove(filename.toChars()); // remove generated file
if (global.preprocess &&
FileName.equalsExt(srcfile.toString(), c_ext) &&
filename = global.preprocess(srcfile, loc, ifile, &defines); // run C preprocessor
if (auto result = global.fileManager.lookup(filename))
this.src = result;
if (global.params.makeDeps.doOutput)
return true;
return false;
/// syntactic parse
Module parse()
return parseModule!ASTCodegen();
/// ditto
extern (D) Module parseModule(AST)()
const(char)* srcname = srcfile.toChars();
//printf("Module::parse(srcname = '%s')\n", srcname);
isPackageFile = isPackageFileName(srcfile);
const(char)[] buf = processSource(src, this);
// an error happened on UTF conversion
if (buf is null) return null;
/* If it starts with the string "Ddoc", then it's a documentation
* source file.
if (buf.length>= 4 && buf[0..4] == "Ddoc")
comment = buf.ptr + 4;
filetype = FileType.ddoc;
if (!docfile)
return this;
/* If it has the extension ".dd", it is also a documentation
* source file. Documentation source files may begin with "Ddoc"
* but do not have to if they have the .dd extension.
if (FileName.equalsExt(arg, dd_ext))
comment = buf.ptr; // the optional Ddoc, if present, is handled above.
filetype = FileType.ddoc;
if (!docfile)
return this;
/* If it has the extension ".di", it is a "header" file.
if (FileName.equalsExt(arg, hdr_ext))
filetype = FileType.dhdr;
/// Promote `this` to a root module if requested via `-i`
void checkCompiledImport()
if (!this.isRoot() && Compiler.onImport(this))
this.importedFrom = this;
DsymbolTable dst;
Package ppack = null;
/* If it has the extension ".c", it is a "C" file.
* If it has the extension ".i", it is a preprocessed "C" file.
if (FileName.equalsExt(arg, c_ext) || FileName.equalsExt(arg, i_ext))
filetype = FileType.c;
scope p = new CParser!AST(this, buf, cast(bool) docfile, target.c, &defines);
members = p.parseModule();
assert(!; // C doesn't have module declarations
numlines = p.scanloc.linnum;
scope p = new Parser!AST(this, buf, cast(bool) docfile);
md =;
if (md)
/* A ModuleDeclaration, md, was provided.
* The ModuleDeclaration sets the packages this module appears in, and
* the name of this module.
this.ident =;
dst = Package.resolve(md.packages, &this.parent, &ppack);
// Done after parsing the module header because `module x.y.z` may override the file name
members = p.parseModuleContent();
numlines = p.scanloc.linnum;
/* The symbol table into which the module is to be inserted.
if (md)
// Mark the package path as accessible from the current module
// Code taken from Import.addPackageAccess()
if (md.packages.length > 0)
// module a.b.c.d;
auto p = ppack; // a
addAccessiblePackage(p, Visibility(Visibility.Kind.private_));
foreach (id; md.packages[1 .. $]) // [b, c]
p = cast(Package) p.symtab.lookup(id);
if (p is null)
addAccessiblePackage(p, Visibility(Visibility.Kind.private_));
Module m = ppack ? ppack.isModule() : null;
if (m && !isPackageFileName(m.srcfile))
.error(md.loc, "package name '%s' conflicts with usage as a module name in file %s", ppack.toPrettyChars(), m.srcfile.toChars());
/* The name of the module is set to the source file name.
* There are no packages.
dst = modules; // and so this module goes into global module symbol table
/* Check to see if module name is a valid identifier
if (!Identifier.isValidIdentifier(this.ident.toChars()))
error("has non-identifier characters in filename, use module declaration instead");
// Insert module into the symbol table
Dsymbol s = this;
if (isPackageFile)
/* If the source tree is as follows:
* pkg/
* +- package.d
* +- common.d
* the 'pkg' will be incorporated to the internal package tree in two ways:
* import pkg;
* and:
* import pkg.common;
* If both are used in one compilation, 'pkg' as a module (== pkg/package.d)
* and a package name 'pkg' will conflict each other.
* To avoid the conflict:
* 1. If preceding package name insertion had occurred by Package::resolve,
* reuse the previous wrapping 'Package' if it exists
* 2. Otherwise, 'package.d' wrapped by 'Package' is inserted to the internal tree in here.
* Then change Package::isPkgMod to PKG.module_ and set Package::mod.
* Note that the 'wrapping Package' is the Package that contains package.d and other submodules,
* the one inserted to the symbol table.
auto ps = dst.lookup(ident);
Package p = ps ? ps.isPackage() : null;
if (p is null)
p = new Package(Loc.initial, ident);
p.tag = this.tag; // reuse the same package tag
p.symtab = new DsymbolTable();
this.tag = p.tag; // reuse the 'older' package tag
this.pkg = p;
p.parent = this.parent;
p.isPkgMod = PKG.module_;
p.mod = this;
s = p;
if (!dst.insert(s))
/* It conflicts with a name that is already in the symbol table.
* Figure out what went wrong, and issue error message.
Dsymbol prev = dst.lookup(ident);
if (Module mprev = prev.isModule())
if (!FileName.equals(srcname, mprev.srcfile.toChars()))
error(loc, "from file %s conflicts with another module %s from file %s", srcname, mprev.toChars(), mprev.srcfile.toChars());
else if (isRoot() && mprev.isRoot())
error(loc, "from file %s is specified twice on the command line", srcname);
error(loc, "from file %s must be imported with 'import %s;'", srcname, toPrettyChars());
// Return previously parsed module to avoid AST duplication ICE.
return mprev;
else if (Package pkg = prev.isPackage())
// 'package.d' loaded after a previous 'Package' insertion
if (isPackageFile)
amodules.push(this); // Add to global array of all modules
error(md ? md.loc : loc, "from file %s conflicts with package name %s", srcname, pkg.toChars());
// Add to global array of all modules
return this;
override void importAll(Scope* prevsc)
//printf("+Module::importAll(this = %p, '%s'): parent = %p\n", this, toChars(), parent);
if (_scope)
return; // already done
if (filetype == FileType.ddoc)
error("is a Ddoc file, cannot import it");
/* Note that modules get their own scope, from scratch.
* This is so regardless of where in the syntax a module
* gets imported, it is unaffected by context.
* Ignore prevsc.
Scope* sc = Scope.createGlobal(this); // create root scope
if (md && md.msg)
md.msg = semanticString(sc, md.msg, "deprecation message");
// Add import of "object", even for the "object" module.
// If it isn't there, some compiler rewrites, like
// classinst == classinst -> .object.opEquals(classinst, classinst)
// would fail inside object.d.
if (filetype != FileType.c &&
(members.dim == 0 ||
(*members)[0].ident != Id.object ||
(*members)[0].isImport() is null))
auto im = new Import(Loc.initial, null, Id.object, null, 0);
if (!symtab)
// Add all symbols into module's symbol table
symtab = new DsymbolTable();
for (size_t i = 0; i < members.dim; i++)
Dsymbol s = (*members)[i];
s.addMember(sc, sc.scopesym);
// anything else should be run after addMember, so version/debug symbols are defined
/* Set scope for the symbols so that if we forward reference
* a symbol, it can possibly be resolved on the spot.
* If this works out well, it can be extended to all modules
* before any semantic() on any of them.
setScope(sc); // remember module scope for semantic
for (size_t i = 0; i < members.dim; i++)
Dsymbol s = (*members)[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < members.dim; i++)
Dsymbol s = (*members)[i];
sc = sc.pop();
sc.pop(); // 2 pops because Scope.createGlobal() created 2
* Determine if we need to generate an instance of ModuleInfo
* for this Module.
int needModuleInfo()
//printf("needModuleInfo() %s, %d, %d\n", toChars(), needmoduleinfo, global.params.cov);
return needmoduleinfo || global.params.cov;
* Print deprecation warning if we're deprecated, when
* this module is imported from scope sc.
* Params:
* sc = the scope into which we are imported
* loc = the location of the import statement
void checkImportDeprecation(const ref Loc loc, Scope* sc)
if (md && md.isdeprecated && !sc.isDeprecated)
Expression msg = md.msg;
if (StringExp se = msg ? msg.toStringExp() : null)
const slice = se.peekString();
if (slice.length)
deprecation(loc, "is deprecated - %.*s", cast(int)slice.length, slice.ptr);
deprecation(loc, "is deprecated");
override Dsymbol search(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, int flags = SearchLocalsOnly)
/* Since modules can be circularly referenced,
* need to stop infinite recursive searches.
* This is done with the cache.
//printf("%s'%s', flags = x%x) insearch = %d\n", toChars(), ident.toChars(), flags, insearch);
if (insearch)
return null;
/* Qualified module searches always search their imports,
* even if SearchLocalsOnly
if (!(flags & SearchUnqualifiedModule))
flags &= ~(SearchUnqualifiedModule | SearchLocalsOnly);
if (searchCacheIdent == ident && searchCacheFlags == flags)
//printf("%s Module::search('%s', flags = %d) insearch = %d searchCacheSymbol = %s\n",
// toChars(), ident.toChars(), flags, insearch, searchCacheSymbol ? searchCacheSymbol.toChars() : "null");
return searchCacheSymbol;
uint errors = global.errors;
insearch = 1;
Dsymbol s =, ident, flags);
insearch = 0;
if (errors == global.errors)
// Can cache the result only when it does not cause
// access error so the side-effect should be reproduced in later search.
searchCacheIdent = ident;
searchCacheSymbol = s;
searchCacheFlags = flags;
return s;
override bool isPackageAccessible(Package p, Visibility visibility, int flags = 0)
if (insearch) // don't follow import cycles
return false;
insearch = true;
scope (exit)
insearch = false;
if (flags & IgnorePrivateImports)
visibility = Visibility(Visibility.Kind.public_); // only consider public imports
return super.isPackageAccessible(p, visibility);
override Dsymbol symtabInsert(Dsymbol s)
searchCacheIdent = null; // symbol is inserted, so invalidate cache
return Package.symtabInsert(s);
void deleteObjFile()
if (global.params.obj)
if (docfile)
* Can't run semantic on s now, try again later.
extern (D) static void addDeferredSemantic(Dsymbol s)
//printf("Module::addDeferredSemantic('%s')\n", s.toChars());
if (!deferred.contains(s))
extern (D) static void addDeferredSemantic2(Dsymbol s)
//printf("Module::addDeferredSemantic2('%s')\n", s.toChars());
if (!deferred2.contains(s))
extern (D) static void addDeferredSemantic3(Dsymbol s)
//printf("Module::addDeferredSemantic3('%s')\n", s.toChars());
if (!deferred.contains(s))
* Run semantic() on deferred symbols.
static void runDeferredSemantic()
__gshared int nested;
if (nested)
//if (deferred.dim) printf("+Module::runDeferredSemantic(), len = %ld\n", deferred.dim);
size_t len;
len = deferred.dim;
if (!len)
Dsymbol* todo;
Dsymbol* todoalloc = null;
Dsymbol tmp;
if (len == 1)
todo = &tmp;
todo = cast(Dsymbol*)Mem.check(malloc(len * Dsymbol.sizeof));
todoalloc = todo;
memcpy(todo, deferred.tdata(), len * Dsymbol.sizeof);
foreach (i; 0..len)
Dsymbol s = todo[i];
//printf("deferred: %s, parent = %s\n", s.toChars(), s.parent.toChars());
//printf("\tdeferred.dim = %ld, len = %ld\n", deferred.dim, len);
if (todoalloc)
while (deferred.dim != len); // while making progress
//printf("-Module::runDeferredSemantic(), len = %ld\n", deferred.dim);
static void runDeferredSemantic2()
Dsymbols* a = &Module.deferred2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < a.dim; i++)
Dsymbol s = (*a)[i];
//printf("[%d] %s semantic2a\n", i, s.toPrettyChars());
if (global.errors)
static void runDeferredSemantic3()
Dsymbols* a = &Module.deferred3;
for (size_t i = 0; i < a.dim; i++)
Dsymbol s = (*a)[i];
//printf("[%d] %s semantic3a\n", i, s.toPrettyChars());
if (global.errors)
extern (D) static void clearCache() nothrow
foreach (Module m; amodules)
m.searchCacheIdent = null;
* Recursively look at every module this module imports,
* return true if it imports m.
* Can be used to detect circular imports.
int imports(Module m) nothrow
//printf("%s Module::imports(%s)\n", toChars(), m.toChars());
version (none)
foreach (i, Module mi; aimports)
printf("\t[%d] %s\n", cast(int) i, mi.toChars());
foreach (Module mi; aimports)
if (mi == m)
return true;
if (!mi.insearch)
mi.insearch = 1;
int r = mi.imports(m);
if (r)
return r;
return false;
bool isRoot() nothrow
return this.importedFrom == this;
// true if the module source file is directly
// listed in command line.
bool isCoreModule(Identifier ident) nothrow
return this.ident == ident && parent && parent.ident == Id.core && !parent.parent;
// Back end
int doppelganger; // sub-module
Symbol* cov; // private uint[] __coverage;
uint* covb; // bit array of valid code line numbers
Symbol* sictor; // module order independent constructor
Symbol* sctor; // module constructor
Symbol* sdtor; // module destructor
Symbol* ssharedctor; // module shared constructor
Symbol* sshareddtor; // module shared destructor
Symbol* stest; // module unit test
Symbol* sfilename; // symbol for filename
uint[uint] ctfe_cov; /// coverage information from ctfe execution_count[line]
override inout(Module) isModule() inout nothrow
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Writes this module's fully-qualified name to buf
* Params:
* buf = The buffer to write to
void fullyQualifiedName(ref OutBuffer buf) nothrow
for (auto package_ = parent; package_ !is null; package_ = package_.parent)
/** Lazily initializes and returns the escape table.
Turns out it eats a lot of memory.
extern(D) Escape* escapetable() nothrow
if (!_escapetable)
_escapetable = new Escape();
return _escapetable;
extern (C++) struct ModuleDeclaration
Loc loc;
Identifier id;
Identifier[] packages; // array of Identifier's representing packages
bool isdeprecated; // if it is a deprecated module
Expression msg;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier[] packages, Identifier id, Expression msg, bool isdeprecated)
this.loc = loc;
this.packages = packages; = id;
this.msg = msg;
this.isdeprecated = isdeprecated;
extern (C++) const(char)* toChars() const
OutBuffer buf;
foreach (pid; packages)
return buf.extractChars();
/// Provide a human readable representation
extern (D) const(char)[] toString() const
return this.toChars().toDString;
* Process the content of a source file
* Attempts to find which encoding it is using, if it has BOM,
* and then normalize the source to UTF-8. If no encoding is required,
* a slice of `src` will be returned without extra allocation.
* Params:
* src = Content of the source file to process
* mod = Module matching `src`, used for error handling
* Returns:
* UTF-8 encoded variant of `src`, stripped of any BOM,
* or `null` if an error happened.
private const(char)[] processSource (const(ubyte)[] src, Module mod)
enum SourceEncoding { utf16, utf32}
enum Endian { little, big}
* Convert a buffer from UTF32 to UTF8
* Params:
* Endian = is the buffer big/little endian
* buf = buffer of UTF32 data
* Returns:
* input buffer reencoded as UTF8
char[] UTF32ToUTF8(Endian endian)(const(char)[] buf)
static if (endian == Endian.little)
alias readNext = Port.readlongLE;
alias readNext = Port.readlongBE;
if (buf.length & 3)
mod.error("odd length of UTF-32 char source %llu", cast(ulong) buf.length);
return null;
const (uint)[] eBuf = cast(const(uint)[])buf;
OutBuffer dbuf;
foreach (i; 0 .. eBuf.length)
const u = readNext(&eBuf[i]);
if (u & ~0x7F)
if (u > 0x10FFFF)
mod.error("UTF-32 value %08x greater than 0x10FFFF", u);
return null;
dbuf.writeByte(0); //add null terminator
return dbuf.extractSlice();
* Convert a buffer from UTF16 to UTF8
* Params:
* Endian = is the buffer big/little endian
* buf = buffer of UTF16 data
* Returns:
* input buffer reencoded as UTF8
char[] UTF16ToUTF8(Endian endian)(const(char)[] buf)
static if (endian == Endian.little)
alias readNext = Port.readwordLE;
alias readNext = Port.readwordBE;
if (buf.length & 1)
mod.error("odd length of UTF-16 char source %llu", cast(ulong) buf.length);
return null;
const (ushort)[] eBuf = cast(const(ushort)[])buf;
OutBuffer dbuf;
//i will be incremented in the loop for high codepoints
foreach (ref i; 0 .. eBuf.length)
uint u = readNext(&eBuf[i]);
if (u & ~0x7F)
if (0xD800 <= u && u < 0xDC00)
if (i >= eBuf.length)
mod.error("surrogate UTF-16 high value %04x at end of file", u);
return null;
const u2 = readNext(&eBuf[i]);
if (u2 < 0xDC00 || 0xE000 <= u2)
mod.error("surrogate UTF-16 low value %04x out of range", u2);
return null;
u = (u - 0xD7C0) << 10;
u |= (u2 - 0xDC00);
else if (u >= 0xDC00 && u <= 0xDFFF)
mod.error("unpaired surrogate UTF-16 value %04x", u);
return null;
else if (u == 0xFFFE || u == 0xFFFF)
mod.error("illegal UTF-16 value %04x", u);
return null;
dbuf.writeByte(0); //add a terminating null byte
return dbuf.extractSlice();
const(char)[] buf = cast(const(char)[]) src;
// Assume the buffer is from memory and has not be read from disk. Assume UTF-8.
if (buf.length < 2)
return buf;
/* Convert all non-UTF-8 formats to UTF-8.
* BOM :
* 00 00 FE FF UTF-32BE, big-endian
* FF FE 00 00 UTF-32LE, little-endian
* FE FF UTF-16BE, big-endian
* FF FE UTF-16LE, little-endian
if (buf[0] == 0xFF && buf[1] == 0xFE)
if (buf.length >= 4 && buf[2] == 0 && buf[3] == 0)
return UTF32ToUTF8!(Endian.little)(buf[4 .. $]);
return UTF16ToUTF8!(Endian.little)(buf[2 .. $]);
if (buf[0] == 0xFE && buf[1] == 0xFF)
return UTF16ToUTF8!(Endian.big)(buf[2 .. $]);
if (buf.length >= 4 && buf[0] == 0 && buf[1] == 0 && buf[2] == 0xFE && buf[3] == 0xFF)
return UTF32ToUTF8!(Endian.big)(buf[4 .. $]);
if (buf.length >= 3 && buf[0] == 0xEF && buf[1] == 0xBB && buf[2] == 0xBF)
return buf[3 .. $];
/* There is no BOM. Make use of Arcane Jill's insight that
* the first char of D source must be ASCII to
* figure out the encoding.
if (buf.length >= 4 && buf[1] == 0 && buf[2] == 0 && buf[3] == 0)
return UTF32ToUTF8!(Endian.little)(buf);
if (buf.length >= 4 && buf[0] == 0 && buf[1] == 0 && buf[2] == 0)
return UTF32ToUTF8!(Endian.big)(buf);
// try to check for UTF-16
if (buf.length >= 2 && buf[1] == 0)
return UTF16ToUTF8!(Endian.little)(buf);
if (buf[0] == 0)
return UTF16ToUTF8!(Endian.big)(buf);
// It's UTF-8
if (buf[0] >= 0x80)
mod.error("source file must start with BOM or ASCII character, not \\x%02X", buf[0]);
return null;
return buf;