blob: 367c56b7918df0efc5478d7be5809362e96d2a76 [file] [log] [blame]
* Handle introspection functionality of the `__traits()` construct.
* Specification: $(LINK2, Traits)
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* Authors: $(LINK2, Walter Bright)
* License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
* Source: $(LINK2, _traits.d)
* Documentation:
* Coverage:
module dmd.traits;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import dmd.aggregate;
import dmd.arraytypes;
import dmd.astcodegen;
import dmd.astenums;
import dmd.attrib;
import dmd.canthrow;
import dmd.dclass;
import dmd.declaration;
import dmd.dimport;
import dmd.dmangle;
import dmd.dmodule;
import dmd.dscope;
import dmd.dsymbol;
import dmd.dsymbolsem;
import dmd.dtemplate;
import dmd.errors;
import dmd.expression;
import dmd.expressionsem;
import dmd.func;
import dmd.globals;
import dmd.hdrgen;
import dmd.identifier;
import dmd.mtype;
import dmd.nogc;
import dmd.parse;
import dmd.root.array;
import dmd.root.speller;
import dmd.root.stringtable;
import dmd.tokens;
import dmd.typesem;
import dmd.visitor;
import dmd.root.rootobject;
import dmd.common.outbuffer;
import dmd.root.string;
enum LOGSEMANTIC = false;
/************************ TraitsExp ************************************/
* Convert `Expression` or `Type` to corresponding `Dsymbol`, additionally
* stripping off expression contexts.
* Some symbol related `__traits` ignore arguments expression contexts.
* For example:
* ----
* struct S { void f() {} }
* S s;
* pragma(msg, __traits(isNested, s.f));
* // s.f is `DotVarExp`, but `__traits(isNested)`` needs a `FuncDeclaration`.
* ----
* This is used for that common `__traits` behavior.
* Input:
* oarg object to get the symbol for
* Returns:
* Dsymbol the corresponding symbol for oarg
private Dsymbol getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(RootObject oarg)
if (auto e = isExpression(oarg))
if (auto dve = e.isDotVarExp())
return dve.var;
if (auto dte = e.isDotTemplateExp())
return getDsymbol(oarg);
private const StringTable!bool traitsStringTable;
shared static this()
static immutable string[] names =
StringTable!(bool)* stringTable = cast(StringTable!(bool)*) &traitsStringTable;
foreach (s; names)
auto sv = stringTable.insert(s, true);
* get an array of size_t values that indicate possible pointer words in memory
* if interpreted as the type given as argument
* Returns: the size of the type in bytes, ulong.max on error
ulong getTypePointerBitmap(Loc loc, Type t, Array!(ulong)* data)
ulong sz;
if (t.ty == Tclass && !(cast(TypeClass)t).sym.isInterfaceDeclaration())
sz = (cast(TypeClass)t).sym.AggregateDeclaration.size(loc);
sz = t.size(loc);
if (sz == SIZE_INVALID)
return ulong.max;
const sz_size_t = Type.tsize_t.size(loc);
if (sz > sz.max - sz_size_t)
error(loc, "size overflow for type `%s`", t.toChars());
return ulong.max;
ulong bitsPerWord = sz_size_t * 8;
ulong cntptr = (sz + sz_size_t - 1) / sz_size_t;
ulong cntdata = (cntptr + bitsPerWord - 1) / bitsPerWord;
extern (C++) final class PointerBitmapVisitor : Visitor
alias visit = Visitor.visit;
extern (D) this(Array!(ulong)* _data, ulong _sz_size_t)
{ = _data;
this.sz_size_t = _sz_size_t;
void setpointer(ulong off)
ulong ptroff = off / sz_size_t;
(*data)[cast(size_t)(ptroff / (8 * sz_size_t))] |= 1L << (ptroff % (8 * sz_size_t));
override void visit(Type t)
Type tb = t.toBasetype();
if (tb != t)
override void visit(TypeError t)
override void visit(TypeNext t)
override void visit(TypeBasic t)
if (t.ty == Tvoid)
override void visit(TypeVector t)
override void visit(TypeArray t)
override void visit(TypeSArray t)
ulong arrayoff = offset;
ulong nextsize =;
if (nextsize == SIZE_INVALID)
error = true;
ulong dim = t.dim.toInteger();
for (ulong i = 0; i < dim; i++)
offset = arrayoff + i * nextsize;;
offset = arrayoff;
override void visit(TypeDArray t)
setpointer(offset + sz_size_t);
// dynamic array is {length,ptr}
override void visit(TypeAArray t)
override void visit(TypePointer t)
if (t.nextOf().ty != Tfunction) // don't mark function pointers
override void visit(TypeReference t)
override void visit(TypeClass t)
override void visit(TypeFunction t)
override void visit(TypeDelegate t)
// delegate is {context, function}
override void visit(TypeQualified t)
// assume resolved
override void visit(TypeIdentifier t)
override void visit(TypeInstance t)
override void visit(TypeTypeof t)
override void visit(TypeReturn t)
override void visit(TypeEnum t)
override void visit(TypeTuple t)
override void visit(TypeSlice t)
override void visit(TypeNull t)
// always a null pointer
override void visit(TypeStruct t)
ulong structoff = offset;
foreach (v; t.sym.fields)
offset = structoff + v.offset;
if (v.type.ty == Tclass)
offset = structoff;
// a "toplevel" class is treated as an instance, while TypeClass fields are treated as references
void visitClass(TypeClass t)
ulong classoff = offset;
// skip vtable-ptr and monitor
if (t.sym.baseClass)
foreach (v; t.sym.fields)
offset = classoff + v.offset;
offset = classoff;
Array!(ulong)* data;
ulong offset;
ulong sz_size_t;
bool error;
scope PointerBitmapVisitor pbv = new PointerBitmapVisitor(data, sz_size_t);
if (t.ty == Tclass)
return pbv.error ? ulong.max : sz;
* get an array of size_t values that indicate possible pointer words in memory
* if interpreted as the type given as argument
* the first array element is the size of the type for independent interpretation
* of the array
* following elements bits represent one word (4/8 bytes depending on the target
* architecture). If set the corresponding memory might contain a pointer/reference.
* Returns: [T.sizeof, pointerbit0-31/63, pointerbit32/64-63/128, ...]
private Expression pointerBitmap(TraitsExp e)
if (!e.args || e.args.dim != 1)
error(e.loc, "a single type expected for trait pointerBitmap");
return ErrorExp.get();
Type t = getType((*e.args)[0]);
if (!t)
error(e.loc, "`%s` is not a type", (*e.args)[0].toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
Array!(ulong) data;
ulong sz = getTypePointerBitmap(e.loc, t, &data);
if (sz == ulong.max)
return ErrorExp.get();
auto exps = new Expressions(data.dim + 1);
(*exps)[0] = new IntegerExp(e.loc, sz, Type.tsize_t);
foreach (size_t i; 1 .. exps.dim)
(*exps)[i] = new IntegerExp(e.loc, data[cast(size_t) (i - 1)], Type.tsize_t);
auto ale = new ArrayLiteralExp(e.loc, Type.tsize_t.sarrayOf(data.dim + 1), exps);
return ale;
Expression semanticTraits(TraitsExp e, Scope* sc)
static if (LOGSEMANTIC)
printf("TraitsExp::semantic() %s\n", e.toChars());
if (e.ident != Id.compiles &&
e.ident != Id.isSame &&
e.ident != Id.identifier &&
e.ident != Id.getProtection && e.ident != Id.getVisibility &&
e.ident != Id.getAttributes)
// Pretend we're in a deprecated scope so that deprecation messages
// aren't triggered when checking if a symbol is deprecated
const save =;
if (e.ident == Id.isDeprecated) |= STC.deprecated_;
if (!TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs(e.loc, sc, e.args, 1))
{ = save;
return ErrorExp.get();
} = save;
size_t dim = e.args ? e.args.dim : 0;
Expression dimError(int expected)
e.error("expected %d arguments for `%s` but had %d", expected, e.ident.toChars(), cast(int)dim);
return ErrorExp.get();
static IntegerExp True()
return IntegerExp.createBool(true);
static IntegerExp False()
return IntegerExp.createBool(false);
* Gets the function type from a given AST node
* if the node is a function of some sort.
* Params:
* o = an AST node to check for a `TypeFunction`
* fdp = if `o` is a FuncDeclaration then fdp is set to that, otherwise `null`
* Returns:
* a type node if `o` is a declaration of
* a delegate, function, function-pointer or a variable of the former.
* Otherwise, `null`.
static TypeFunction toTypeFunction(RootObject o, out FuncDeclaration fdp)
Type t;
if (auto s = getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(o))
if (auto fd = s.isFuncDeclaration())
t = fd.type;
fdp = fd;
else if (auto vd = s.isVarDeclaration())
t = vd.type;
t = isType(o);
t = isType(o);
if (t)
if (auto tf = t.isFunction_Delegate_PtrToFunction())
return tf;
return null;
IntegerExp isX(T)(bool delegate(T) fp)
if (!dim)
return False();
foreach (o; *e.args)
static if (is(T == Type))
auto y = getType(o);
static if (is(T : Dsymbol))
auto s = getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(o);
if (!s)
return False();
static if (is(T == Dsymbol))
alias y = s;
static if (is(T == Declaration))
auto y = s.isDeclaration();
static if (is(T == FuncDeclaration))
auto y = s.isFuncDeclaration();
if (!y || !fp(y))
return False();
return True();
alias isTypeX = isX!Type;
alias isDsymX = isX!Dsymbol;
alias isDeclX = isX!Declaration;
alias isFuncX = isX!FuncDeclaration;
Expression isPkgX(bool function(Package) fp)
return isDsymX((Dsymbol sym) {
Package p = resolveIsPackage(sym);
return (p !is null) && fp(p);
if (e.ident == Id.isArithmetic)
return isTypeX(t => t.isintegral() || t.isfloating());
if (e.ident == Id.isFloating)
return isTypeX(t => t.isfloating());
if (e.ident == Id.isIntegral)
return isTypeX(t => t.isintegral());
if (e.ident == Id.isScalar)
return isTypeX(t => t.isscalar());
if (e.ident == Id.isUnsigned)
return isTypeX(t => t.isunsigned());
if (e.ident == Id.isAssociativeArray)
return isTypeX(t => t.toBasetype().ty == Taarray);
if (e.ident == Id.isDeprecated)
if (isTypeX(t => t.iscomplex() || t.isimaginary()).toBool().hasValue(true))
return True();
return isDsymX(t => t.isDeprecated());
if (e.ident == Id.isFuture)
return isDeclX(t => t.isFuture());
if (e.ident == Id.isStaticArray)
return isTypeX(t => t.toBasetype().ty == Tsarray);
if (e.ident == Id.isAbstractClass)
return isTypeX(t => t.toBasetype().ty == Tclass &&
if (e.ident == Id.isFinalClass)
return isTypeX(t => t.toBasetype().ty == Tclass &&
((cast(TypeClass)t.toBasetype()).sym.storage_class & STC.final_) != 0);
if (e.ident == Id.isTemplate)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isDsymX((s)
if (!s.toAlias().isOverloadable())
return false;
return overloadApply(s,
sm => sm.isTemplateDeclaration() !is null) != 0;
if (e.ident == Id.isPOD)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto t = isType(o);
if (!t)
e.error("type expected as second argument of __traits `%s` instead of `%s`",
e.ident.toChars(), o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
Type tb = t.baseElemOf();
if (auto sd = tb.ty == Tstruct ? (cast(TypeStruct)tb).sym : null)
return sd.isPOD() ? True() : False();
return True();
if (e.ident == Id.hasCopyConstructor || e.ident == Id.hasPostblit)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto t = isType(o);
if (!t)
e.error("type expected as second argument of __traits `%s` instead of `%s`",
e.ident.toChars(), o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
Type tb = t.baseElemOf();
if (auto sd = tb.ty == Tstruct ? (cast(TypeStruct)tb).sym : null)
return (e.ident == Id.hasPostblit) ? (sd.postblit ? True() : False())
: (sd.hasCopyCtor ? True() : False());
return False();
if (e.ident == Id.isCopyable)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto t = isType(o);
if (!t)
e.error("type expected as second argument of __traits `%s` instead of `%s`",
e.ident.toChars(), o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
t = t.toBasetype(); // get the base in case `t` is an `enum`
if (auto ts = t.isTypeStruct())
return isCopyable(t) ? True() : False();
if (e.ident == Id.isNested)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto s = getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(o);
if (!s)
else if (auto ad = s.isAggregateDeclaration())
return ad.isNested() ? True() : False();
else if (auto fd = s.isFuncDeclaration())
return fd.isNested() ? True() : False();
e.error("aggregate or function expected instead of `%s`", o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
if (e.ident == Id.isDisabled)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isDeclX(f => f.isDisabled());
if (e.ident == Id.isAbstractFunction)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isFuncX(f => f.isAbstract());
if (e.ident == Id.isVirtualFunction)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isFuncX(f => f.isVirtual());
if (e.ident == Id.isVirtualMethod)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isFuncX(f => f.isVirtualMethod());
if (e.ident == Id.isFinalFunction)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isFuncX(f => f.isFinalFunc());
if (e.ident == Id.isOverrideFunction)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isFuncX(f => f.isOverride());
if (e.ident == Id.isStaticFunction)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isFuncX(f => !f.needThis() && !f.isNested());
if (e.ident == Id.isModule)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isPkgX(p => p.isModule() || p.isPackageMod());
if (e.ident == Id.isPackage)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isPkgX(p => p.isModule() is null);
if (e.ident == Id.isRef)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isDeclX(d => d.isRef());
if (e.ident == Id.isOut)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isDeclX(d => d.isOut());
if (e.ident == Id.isLazy)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
return isDeclX(d => (d.storage_class & STC.lazy_) != 0);
if (e.ident == Id.identifier)
// Get identifier for symbol as a string literal
/* Specify 0 for bit 0 of the flags argument to semanticTiargs() so that
* a symbol should not be folded to a constant.
* Bit 1 means don't convert Parameter to Type if Parameter has an identifier
if (!TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs(e.loc, sc, e.args, 2))
return ErrorExp.get();
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
Identifier id;
if (auto po = isParameter(o))
if (!po.ident)
e.error("argument `%s` has no identifier", po.type.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
id = po.ident;
Dsymbol s = getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(o);
if (!s || !s.ident)
e.error("argument `%s` has no identifier", o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
id = s.ident;
auto se = new StringExp(e.loc, id.toString());
return se.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.getProtection || e.ident == Id.getVisibility)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
Scope* sc2 = sc.push();
sc2.flags = sc.flags | SCOPE.noaccesscheck | SCOPE.ignoresymbolvisibility;
bool ok = TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs(e.loc, sc2, e.args, 1);
if (!ok)
return ErrorExp.get();
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto s = getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(o);
if (!s)
if (!isError(o))
e.error("argument `%s` has no visibility", o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
if (s.semanticRun == PASS.initial)
auto protName = visibilityToString(s.visible().kind); // TODO: How about package(names)
auto se = new StringExp(e.loc, protName);
return se.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.parent)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto s = getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(o);
if (s)
// Consider:
// class T1
// {
// class C(uint value) { }
// }
// __traits(parent, T1.C!2)
if (auto ad = s.isAggregateDeclaration()) // `s` is `C`
if (ad.isNested()) // `C` is nested
if (auto p = s.toParent()) // `C`'s parent is `C!2`, believe it or not
if (p.isTemplateInstance()) // `C!2` is a template instance
s = p; // `C!2`'s parent is `T1`
auto td = (cast(TemplateInstance)p).tempdecl;
if (td)
s = td; // get the declaration context just in case there's two contexts
if (auto fd = s.isFuncDeclaration()) //
s = fd.toAliasFunc();
if (!s.isImport()) //
s = s.toParent();
if (!s || s.isImport())
e.error("argument `%s` has no parent", o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
if (auto f = s.isFuncDeclaration())
if (auto td = getFuncTemplateDecl(f))
if (td.overroot) // if not start of overloaded list of TemplateDeclaration's
td = td.overroot; // then get the start
Expression ex = new TemplateExp(e.loc, td, f);
ex = ex.expressionSemantic(sc);
return ex;
if (auto fld = f.isFuncLiteralDeclaration())
// Directly translate to VarExp instead of FuncExp
Expression ex = new VarExp(e.loc, fld, true);
return ex.expressionSemantic(sc);
return symbolToExp(s, e.loc, sc, false);
if (e.ident == Id.child)
if (dim != 2)
return dimError(2);
Expression ex;
auto op = (*e.args)[0];
if (auto symp = getDsymbol(op))
ex = new DsymbolExp(e.loc, symp);
else if (auto exp = op.isExpression())
ex = exp;
e.error("symbol or expression expected as first argument of __traits `child` instead of `%s`", op.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
ex = ex.expressionSemantic(sc);
auto oc = (*e.args)[1];
auto symc = getDsymbol(oc);
if (!symc)
e.error("symbol expected as second argument of __traits `child` instead of `%s`", oc.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
if (auto d = symc.isDeclaration())
ex = new DotVarExp(e.loc, ex, d);
else if (auto td = symc.isTemplateDeclaration())
ex = new DotExp(e.loc, ex, new TemplateExp(e.loc, td));
else if (auto ti = symc.isScopeDsymbol())
ex = new DotExp(e.loc, ex, new ScopeExp(e.loc, ti));
ex = ex.expressionSemantic(sc);
return ex;
if (e.ident == Id.toType)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto ex = isExpression((*e.args)[0]);
if (!ex)
e.error("expression expected as second argument of __traits `%s`", e.ident.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
ex = ex.ctfeInterpret();
StringExp se = semanticString(sc, ex, "__traits(toType, string)");
if (!se)
return ErrorExp.get();
Type t = decoToType(se.toUTF8(sc).peekString());
if (!t)
e.error("cannot determine `%s`", e.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
return (new TypeExp(e.loc, t)).expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.hasMember ||
e.ident == Id.getMember ||
e.ident == Id.getOverloads ||
e.ident == Id.getVirtualMethods ||
e.ident == Id.getVirtualFunctions)
if (dim != 2 && !(dim == 3 && e.ident == Id.getOverloads))
return dimError(2);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto ex = isExpression((*e.args)[1]);
if (!ex)
e.error("expression expected as second argument of __traits `%s`", e.ident.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
ex = ex.ctfeInterpret();
bool includeTemplates = false;
if (dim == 3 && e.ident == Id.getOverloads)
auto b = isExpression((*e.args)[2]);
b = b.ctfeInterpret();
if (!b.type.equals(Type.tbool))
e.error("`bool` expected as third argument of `__traits(getOverloads)`, not `%s` of type `%s`", b.toChars(), b.type.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
includeTemplates = b.toBool().get();
StringExp se = ex.toStringExp();
if (!se || se.len == 0)
e.error("string expected as second argument of __traits `%s` instead of `%s`", e.ident.toChars(), ex.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
se = se.toUTF8(sc);
if ( != 1)
e.error("string must be chars");
return ErrorExp.get();
auto id = Identifier.idPool(se.peekString());
/* Prefer a Type, because getDsymbol(Type) can lose type modifiers.
Then a Dsymbol, because it might need some runtime contexts.
Dsymbol sym = getDsymbol(o);
if (auto t = isType(o))
ex = typeDotIdExp(e.loc, t, id);
else if (sym)
if (e.ident == Id.hasMember)
if (auto sm =, id))
return True();
ex = new DsymbolExp(e.loc, sym);
ex = new DotIdExp(e.loc, ex, id);
else if (auto ex2 = isExpression(o))
ex = new DotIdExp(e.loc, ex2, id);
e.error("invalid first argument");
return ErrorExp.get();
// ignore symbol visibility and disable access checks for these traits
Scope* scx = sc.push();
scx.flags |= SCOPE.ignoresymbolvisibility | SCOPE.noaccesscheck;
scope (exit) scx.pop();
if (e.ident == Id.hasMember)
/* Take any errors as meaning it wasn't found
ex = ex.trySemantic(scx);
return ex ? True() : False();
else if (e.ident == Id.getMember)
if (auto die = ex.isDotIdExp())
// Prevent semantic() from replacing Symbol with its initializer
die.wantsym = true;
ex = ex.expressionSemantic(scx);
return ex;
else if (e.ident == Id.getVirtualFunctions ||
e.ident == Id.getVirtualMethods ||
e.ident == Id.getOverloads)
uint errors = global.errors;
Expression eorig = ex;
ex = ex.expressionSemantic(scx);
if (errors < global.errors)
e.error("`%s` cannot be resolved", eorig.toChars());
/* Create tuple of functions of ex
auto exps = new Expressions();
Dsymbol f;
if (auto ve = ex.isVarExp)
if (ve.var.isFuncDeclaration() || ve.var.isOverDeclaration())
f = ve.var;
ex = null;
else if (auto dve = ex.isDotVarExp)
if (dve.var.isFuncDeclaration() || dve.var.isOverDeclaration())
f = dve.var;
if (dve.e1.op == EXP.dotType || dve.e1.op == EXP.this_)
ex = null;
ex = dve.e1;
else if (auto te = ex.isTemplateExp)
auto td =;
f = td;
if (td && td.funcroot)
f = td.funcroot;
ex = null;
else if (auto dte = ex.isDotTemplateExp)
auto td =;
f = td;
if (td && td.funcroot)
f = td.funcroot;
ex = null;
if (dte.e1.op != EXP.dotType && dte.e1.op != EXP.this_)
ex = dte.e1;
bool[string] funcTypeHash;
/* Compute the function signature and insert it in the
* hashtable, if not present. This is needed so that
* traits(getOverlods, F3, "visit") does not count `int visit(int)`
* twice in the following example:
* =============================================
* interface F1 { int visit(int);}
* interface F2 { int visit(int); void visit(); }
* interface F3 : F2, F1 {}
void insertInterfaceInheritedFunction(FuncDeclaration fd, Expression e)
auto signature = fd.type.toString();
//printf("%s - %s\n", fd.toChars, signature);
if (signature !in funcTypeHash)
funcTypeHash[signature] = true;
int dg(Dsymbol s)
auto fd = s.isFuncDeclaration();
if (!fd)
if (includeTemplates)
if (auto td = s.isTemplateDeclaration())
// if td is part of an overload set we must take a copy
// which shares the same `instances` cache but without
// `overroot` and `overnext` set to avoid overload
// behaviour in the result.
if (td.overnext !is null)
if (td.instances is null)
// create an empty AA just to copy it
scope ti = new TemplateInstance(Loc.initial, Id.empty, null);
auto tib = TemplateInstanceBox(ti);
td.instances[tib] = null;
td = td.syntaxCopy(null);
import core.stdc.string : memcpy;
memcpy(cast(void*) td, cast(void*) s,
__traits(classInstanceSize, TemplateDeclaration));
td.overroot = null;
td.overnext = null;
auto e = ex ? new DotTemplateExp(Loc.initial, ex, td)
: new DsymbolExp(Loc.initial, td);
return 0;
if (e.ident == Id.getVirtualFunctions && !fd.isVirtual())
return 0;
if (e.ident == Id.getVirtualMethods && !fd.isVirtualMethod())
return 0;
auto fa = new FuncAliasDeclaration(fd.ident, fd, false);
fa.visibility = fd.visibility;
auto e = ex ? new DotVarExp(Loc.initial, ex, fa, false)
: new DsymbolExp(Loc.initial, fa, false);
// if the parent is an interface declaration
// we must check for functions with the same signature
// in different inherited interfaces
if (sym && sym.isInterfaceDeclaration())
insertInterfaceInheritedFunction(fd, e);
return 0;
InterfaceDeclaration ifd = null;
if (sym)
ifd = sym.isInterfaceDeclaration();
// If the symbol passed as a parameter is an
// interface that inherits other interfaces
overloadApply(f, &dg);
if (ifd && ifd.interfaces && f)
// check the overloads of each inherited interface individually
foreach (bc; ifd.interfaces)
if (auto fd =, f.ident))
overloadApply(fd, &dg);
auto tup = new TupleExp(e.loc, exps);
return tup.expressionSemantic(scx);
if (e.ident == Id.classInstanceSize || e.ident == Id.classInstanceAlignment)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto s = getDsymbol(o);
auto cd = s ? s.isClassDeclaration() : null;
if (!cd)
e.error("first argument is not a class");
return ErrorExp.get();
if (cd.sizeok != Sizeok.done)
if (cd.sizeok != Sizeok.done)
e.error("%s `%s` is forward referenced", cd.kind(), cd.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
return new IntegerExp(e.loc, e.ident == Id.classInstanceSize ? cd.structsize : cd.alignsize, Type.tsize_t);
if (e.ident == Id.getAliasThis)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto s = getDsymbol(o);
auto ad = s ? s.isAggregateDeclaration() : null;
auto exps = new Expressions();
if (ad && ad.aliasthis)
exps.push(new StringExp(e.loc, ad.aliasthis.ident.toString()));
Expression ex = new TupleExp(e.loc, exps);
ex = ex.expressionSemantic(sc);
return ex;
if (e.ident == Id.getAttributes)
/* Specify 0 for bit 0 of the flags argument to semanticTiargs() so that
* a symbol should not be folded to a constant.
* Bit 1 means don't convert Parameter to Type if Parameter has an identifier
if (!TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs(e.loc, sc, e.args, 3))
return ErrorExp.get();
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto po = isParameter(o);
auto s = getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(o);
auto typeOfArg = isType(o);
UserAttributeDeclaration udad = null;
if (po)
udad = po.userAttribDecl;
else if (s)
if (s.isImport())
s = s.isImport().mod;
//printf("getAttributes %s, attrs = %p, scope = %p\n", s.toChars(), s.userAttribDecl, s._scope);
udad = s.userAttribDecl;
else if (typeOfArg)
// If there is a type but no symbol, do nothing rather than erroring.
version (none)
Expression x = isExpression(o);
Type t = isType(o);
if (x)
printf("e = %s %s\n", EXPtoString(x.op).ptr, x.toChars());
if (t)
printf("t = %d %s\n", t.ty, t.toChars());
e.error("first argument is not a symbol");
return ErrorExp.get();
auto exps = udad ? udad.getAttributes() : new Expressions();
auto tup = new TupleExp(e.loc, exps);
return tup.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.getFunctionAttributes)
/* Extract all function attributes as a tuple (const/shared/inout/pure/nothrow/etc) except UDAs.
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
FuncDeclaration fd;
TypeFunction tf = toTypeFunction((*e.args)[0], fd);
if (!tf)
e.error("first argument is not a function");
return ErrorExp.get();
auto mods = new Expressions();
void addToMods(string str)
mods.push(new StringExp(Loc.initial, str));
tf.attributesApply(&addToMods, TRUSTformatSystem);
auto tup = new TupleExp(e.loc, mods);
return tup.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.isReturnOnStack)
/* Extract as a boolean if function return value is on the stack
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
RootObject o = (*e.args)[0];
FuncDeclaration fd;
TypeFunction tf = toTypeFunction(o, fd);
if (!tf)
e.error("argument to `__traits(isReturnOnStack, %s)` is not a function", o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
bool value = target.isReturnOnStack(tf, fd && fd.needThis());
return IntegerExp.createBool(value);
if (e.ident == Id.getFunctionVariadicStyle)
/* Accept a symbol or a type. Returns one of the following:
* "none" not a variadic function
* "argptr" extern(D) void dstyle(...), use `__argptr` and `__arguments`
* "stdarg" extern(C) void cstyle(int, ...), use core.stdc.stdarg
* "typesafe" void typesafe(T[] ...)
// get symbol linkage as a string
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
LINK link;
VarArg varargs;
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
FuncDeclaration fd;
TypeFunction tf = toTypeFunction(o, fd);
if (tf)
link = tf.linkage;
varargs = tf.parameterList.varargs;
if (!fd)
e.error("argument to `__traits(getFunctionVariadicStyle, %s)` is not a function", o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
link = fd._linkage;
varargs = fd.getParameterList().varargs;
string style;
final switch (varargs)
case VarArg.none: style = "none"; break;
case VarArg.variadic: style = (link == LINK.d)
? "argptr"
: "stdarg"; break;
case VarArg.typesafe: style = "typesafe"; break;
auto se = new StringExp(e.loc, style);
return se.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.getParameterStorageClasses)
/* Accept a function symbol or a type, followed by a parameter index.
* Returns a tuple of strings of the parameter's storage classes.
// get symbol linkage as a string
if (dim != 2)
return dimError(2);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto o1 = (*e.args)[1];
ParameterList fparams;
CallExp ce;
if (auto exp = isExpression(o))
ce = exp.isCallExp();
if (ce)
fparams = ce.f.getParameterList();
FuncDeclaration fd;
auto tf = toTypeFunction(o, fd);
if (tf)
fparams = tf.parameterList;
else if (fd)
fparams = fd.getParameterList();
e.error("first argument to `__traits(getParameterStorageClasses, %s, %s)` is not a function or a function call",
o.toChars(), o1.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
// Avoid further analysis for invalid functions leading to misleading error messages
if (!fparams.parameters)
return ErrorExp.get();
StorageClass stc;
// Set stc to storage class of the ith parameter
auto ex = isExpression((*e.args)[1]);
if (!ex)
e.error("expression expected as second argument of `__traits(getParameterStorageClasses, %s, %s)`",
o.toChars(), o1.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
ex = ex.ctfeInterpret();
auto ii = ex.toUInteger();
if (ii >= fparams.length)
e.error("parameter index must be in range 0..%u not %s", cast(uint)fparams.length, ex.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
uint n = cast(uint)ii;
Parameter p = fparams[n];
stc = p.storageClass;
// This mirrors hdrgen.visit(Parameter p)
if (p.type && p.type.mod & MODFlags.shared_)
stc &= ~STC.shared_;
auto exps = new Expressions;
void push(string s)
exps.push(new StringExp(e.loc, s));
if (stc & STC.auto_)
if (stc & STC.return_)
if (stc & STC.out_)
else if (stc & STC.in_)
else if (stc & STC.ref_)
else if (stc & STC.lazy_)
else if (stc & STC.alias_)
if (stc & STC.const_)
if (stc & STC.immutable_)
if (stc & STC.wild)
if (stc & STC.shared_)
if (stc & STC.scope_ && !(stc & STC.scopeinferred))
auto tup = new TupleExp(e.loc, exps);
return tup.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.getLinkage)
// get symbol linkage as a string
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
LINK link;
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
FuncDeclaration fd;
TypeFunction tf = toTypeFunction(o, fd);
if (tf)
link = fd ? fd.toAliasFunc()._linkage : tf.linkage;
auto s = getDsymbol(o);
Declaration d;
AggregateDeclaration agg;
if (!s || ((d = s.isDeclaration()) is null && (agg = s.isAggregateDeclaration()) is null))
e.error("argument to `__traits(getLinkage, %s)` is not a declaration", o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
if (d !is null)
link = d._linkage;
// Resolves forward references
if (agg.sizeok != Sizeok.done)
if (agg.sizeok != Sizeok.done)
e.error("%s `%s` is forward referenced", agg.kind(), agg.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
final switch (agg.classKind)
case ClassKind.d:
link = LINK.d;
case ClassKind.cpp:
link = LINK.cpp;
case ClassKind.objc:
link = LINK.objc;
case ClassKind.c:
link = LINK.c;
auto linkage = linkageToChars(link);
auto se = new StringExp(e.loc, linkage.toDString());
return se.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.allMembers ||
e.ident == Id.derivedMembers)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto s = getDsymbol(o);
if (!s)
e.error("in expression `%s` `%s` can't have members", e.toChars(), o.toChars());
e.errorSupplemental("`%s` must evaluate to either a module, a struct, an union, a class, an interface or a template instantiation", o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
if (auto imp = s.isImport())
s = imp.mod;
if (auto p = s.isPackage())
if (auto pm = p.isPackageMod())
s = pm;
auto sds = s.isScopeDsymbol();
if (!sds || sds.isTemplateDeclaration())
e.error("in expression `%s` %s `%s` has no members", e.toChars(), s.kind(), s.toChars());
e.errorSupplemental("`%s` must evaluate to either a module, a struct, an union, a class, an interface or a template instantiation", s.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
auto idents = new Identifiers();
int pushIdentsDg(size_t n, Dsymbol sm)
if (!sm)
return 1;
// skip local symbols, such as static foreach loop variables
if (auto decl = sm.isDeclaration())
if (decl.storage_class & STC.local)
return 0;
// skip 'this' context pointers
else if (decl.isThisDeclaration())
return 0;
// skip version and debug identifiers
if (sm.isVersionSymbol() || sm.isDebugSymbol())
return 0;
//printf("\t[%i] %s %s\n", i, sm.kind(), sm.toChars());
if (sm.ident)
// Skip over internal members in __traits(allMembers)
if ((sm.isCtorDeclaration() && sm.ident != Id.ctor) ||
(sm.isDtorDeclaration() && sm.ident != Id.dtor) ||
(sm.isPostBlitDeclaration() && sm.ident != Id.postblit) ||
sm.isInvariantDeclaration() ||
return 0;
if (sm.ident == Id.empty)
return 0;
if (sm.isTypeInfoDeclaration()) //
return 0;
if ((!sds.isModule() && !sds.isPackage()) && sm.isImport()) //
return 0;
//printf("\t%s\n", sm.ident.toChars());
/* Skip if already present in idents[]
foreach (id; *idents)
if (id == sm.ident)
return 0;
// Avoid using strcmp in the first place due to the performance impact in an O(N^2) loop.
import core.stdc.string : strcmp;
assert(strcmp(id.toChars(), sm.ident.toChars()) != 0);
else if (auto ed = sm.isEnumDeclaration())
ScopeDsymbol._foreach(null, ed.members, &pushIdentsDg);
return 0;
ScopeDsymbol._foreach(sc, sds.members, &pushIdentsDg);
auto cd = sds.isClassDeclaration();
if (cd && e.ident == Id.allMembers)
if (cd.semanticRun < PASS.semanticdone)
cd.dsymbolSemantic(null); //
// Try to resolve forward reference
void pushBaseMembersDg(ClassDeclaration cd)
for (size_t i = 0; i < cd.baseclasses.dim; i++)
auto cb = (*cd.baseclasses)[i].sym;
ScopeDsymbol._foreach(null, cb.members, &pushIdentsDg);
if (cb.baseclasses.dim)
// Turn Identifiers into StringExps reusing the allocated array
assert(Expressions.sizeof == Identifiers.sizeof);
auto exps = cast(Expressions*)idents;
foreach (i, id; *idents)
auto se = new StringExp(e.loc, id.toString());
(*exps)[i] = se;
/* Making this a tuple is more flexible, as it can be statically unrolled.
* To make an array literal, enclose __traits in [ ]:
* [ __traits(allMembers, ...) ]
Expression ex = new TupleExp(e.loc, exps);
ex = ex.expressionSemantic(sc);
return ex;
if (e.ident == Id.compiles)
/* Determine if all the objects - types, expressions, or symbols -
* compile without error
if (!dim)
return False();
foreach (o; *e.args)
uint errors = global.startGagging();
Scope* sc2 = sc.push();
sc2.tinst = null;
sc2.minst = null;
sc2.flags = (sc.flags & ~(SCOPE.ctfe | SCOPE.condition)) | SCOPE.compile | SCOPE.fullinst;
bool err = false;
auto t = isType(o);
auto ex = isExpression(o);
if (t)
Dsymbol s;
t.resolve(e.loc, sc2, ex, t, s);
if (t)
t.typeSemantic(e.loc, sc2);
if (t.ty == Terror)
err = true;
else if (s && s.errors)
err = true;
if (ex)
ex = ex.expressionSemantic(sc2);
ex = resolvePropertiesOnly(sc2, ex);
ex = ex.optimize(WANTvalue);
if (sc2.func && sc2.func.type.ty == Tfunction)
const tf = cast(TypeFunction)sc2.func.type;
err |= tf.isnothrow && canThrow(ex, sc2.func, false);
ex = checkGC(sc2, ex);
if (ex.op == EXP.error)
err = true;
// Carefully detach the scope from the parent and throw it away as
// we only need it to evaluate the expression
if (global.endGagging(errors) || err)
return False();
return True();
if (e.ident == Id.isSame)
/* Determine if two symbols are the same
if (dim != 2)
return dimError(2);
// tiarg semantic may expand in place the list of arguments, for example:
// before tiarg sema: __traits(isSame, seq!(0,0), seq!(1,1))
// after : __traits(isSame, 0, 0, 1, 1)
// so we split in two lists
Objects ob1;
Objects ob2;
if (!TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs(e.loc, sc, &ob1, 0))
return ErrorExp.get();
if (!TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs(e.loc, sc, &ob2, 0))
return ErrorExp.get();
if (ob1.dim != ob2.dim)
return False();
foreach (immutable i; 0 .. ob1.dim)
if (!ob1[i].isSame(ob2[i], sc))
return False();
return True();
if (e.ident == Id.getUnitTests)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto s = getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(o);
if (!s)
e.error("argument `%s` to __traits(getUnitTests) must be a module or aggregate",
return ErrorExp.get();
if (auto imp = s.isImport()) //
s = imp.mod;
auto sds = s.isScopeDsymbol();
if (!sds || sds.isTemplateDeclaration())
e.error("argument `%s` to __traits(getUnitTests) must be a module or aggregate, not a %s",
s.toChars(), s.kind());
return ErrorExp.get();
auto exps = new Expressions();
if (global.params.useUnitTests)
bool[void*] uniqueUnitTests;
void symbolDg(Dsymbol s)
if (auto ad = s.isAttribDeclaration())
else if (auto tm = s.isTemplateMixin())
else if (auto ud = s.isUnitTestDeclaration())
if (cast(void*)ud in uniqueUnitTests)
uniqueUnitTests[cast(void*)ud] = true;
auto ad = new FuncAliasDeclaration(ud.ident, ud, false);
ad.visibility = ud.visibility;
auto e = new DsymbolExp(Loc.initial, ad, false);
auto te = new TupleExp(e.loc, exps);
return te.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.getVirtualIndex)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto s = getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(o);
auto fd = s ? s.isFuncDeclaration() : null;
if (!fd)
e.error("first argument to __traits(getVirtualIndex) must be a function");
return ErrorExp.get();
fd = fd.toAliasFunc(); // Necessary to support multiple overloads.
return new IntegerExp(e.loc, fd.vtblIndex, Type.tptrdiff_t);
if (e.ident == Id.getPointerBitmap)
return pointerBitmap(e);
if (e.ident == Id.initSymbol)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
Type t = isType(o);
AggregateDeclaration ad = t ? isAggregate(t) : null;
// Interfaces don't have an init symbol and hence cause linker errors
if (!ad || ad.isInterfaceDeclaration())
e.error("struct / class type expected as argument to __traits(initSymbol) instead of `%s`", o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
Declaration d = new SymbolDeclaration(ad.loc, ad);
d.type = Type.tvoid.arrayOf().constOf();
d.storage_class |= STC.rvalue;
return new VarExp(e.loc, d);
if (e.ident == Id.isZeroInit)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
Type t = isType(o);
if (!t)
e.error("type expected as second argument of __traits `%s` instead of `%s`",
e.ident.toChars(), o.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
Type tb = t.baseElemOf();
return tb.isZeroInit(e.loc) ? True() : False();
if (e.ident == Id.getTargetInfo)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto ex = isExpression((*e.args)[0]);
StringExp se = ex ? ex.ctfeInterpret().toStringExp() : null;
if (!ex || !se || se.len == 0)
e.error("string expected as argument of __traits `%s` instead of `%s`", e.ident.toChars(), ex.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
se = se.toUTF8(sc);
const slice = se.peekString();
Expression r = target.getTargetInfo(slice.ptr, e.loc); // BUG: reliance on terminating 0
if (!r)
e.error("`getTargetInfo` key `\"%.*s\"` not supported by this implementation",
cast(int)slice.length, slice.ptr);
return ErrorExp.get();
return r.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.getLocation)
if (dim != 1)
return dimError(1);
auto arg0 = (*e.args)[0];
Dsymbol s = getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(arg0);
if (!s || !s.loc.isValid())
e.error("can only get the location of a symbol, not `%s`", arg0.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
const fd = s.isFuncDeclaration();
// FIXME:td.overnext is always set, even when using an index on it
//const td = s.isTemplateDeclaration();
if ((fd && fd.overnext) /*|| (td && td.overnext)*/)
e.error("cannot get location of an overload set, " ~
"use `__traits(getOverloads, ..., \"%s\"%s)[N]` " ~
"to get the Nth overload",
arg0.toChars(), /*td ? ", true".ptr :*/ "".ptr);
return ErrorExp.get();
auto exps = new Expressions(3);
(*exps)[0] = new StringExp(e.loc, s.loc.filename.toDString());
(*exps)[1] = new IntegerExp(e.loc, s.loc.linnum,Type.tint32);
(*exps)[2] = new IntegerExp(e.loc, s.loc.charnum,Type.tint32);
auto tup = new TupleExp(e.loc, exps);
return tup.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.getCppNamespaces)
auto o = (*e.args)[0];
auto s = getDsymbolWithoutExpCtx(o);
auto exps = new Expressions(0);
if (auto d = s.isDeclaration())
if (d.inuse)
d.error("circular reference in `__traits(GetCppNamespaces,...)`");
return ErrorExp.get();
d.inuse = 1;
Prepend the namespaces in the linked list `ns` to `es`.
Returns: true if `ns` contains an `ErrorExp`.
bool prependNamespaces(Expressions* es, CPPNamespaceDeclaration ns)
// Semantic processing will convert `extern(C++, "a", "b", "c")`
// into `extern(C++, "a") extern(C++, "b") extern(C++, "c")`,
// creating a linked list what `a`'s `cppnamespace` points to `b`,
// and `b`'s points to `c`. Our entry point is `a`.
for (; ns !is null; ns = ns.cppnamespace)
if (ns.exp.isErrorExp())
return true;
auto se = ns.exp.toStringExp();
// extern(C++, (emptyTuple))
// struct D {}
// will produce a blank ident
if (!se.len)
es.insert(0, se);
return false;
for (auto p = s; !p.isModule(); p = p.toParent())
auto pp = p.toParent();
if (pp.isTemplateInstance())
if (!p.cppnamespace)
//if (!p.toParent().cppnamespace)
// continue;
auto inner = new Expressions(0);
auto outer = new Expressions(0);
if (prependNamespaces(inner, p.cppnamespace)) return ErrorExp.get();
if (prependNamespaces(outer, pp.cppnamespace)) return ErrorExp.get();
size_t i = 0;
while(i < outer.dim && ((*inner)[i]) == (*outer)[i])
foreach_reverse (ns; (*inner)[][i .. $])
exps.insert(0, ns);
if (p.isNspace())
exps.insert(0, new StringExp(p.loc, p.ident.toString()));
if (prependNamespaces(exps, p.cppnamespace))
return ErrorExp.get();
if (auto d = s.isDeclaration())
d.inuse = 0;
auto tup = new TupleExp(e.loc, exps);
return tup.expressionSemantic(sc);
if (e.ident == Id.parameters)
//No args are valid
if (e.args)
char[] contents = cast(char[]) e.args.toString();
contents = contents[1..$];
contents[$-1] = '\0';
e.error("`__traits(parameters)` cannot have arguments, but `%s` was supplied", contents.ptr);
return ErrorExp.get();
auto fd = sc.getEnclosingFunction();
if (!fd)
e.error("`__traits(parameters)` may only be used inside a function");
return ErrorExp.get();
auto tf = fd.type.isTypeFunction();
auto exps = new Expressions(0);
int addParameterDG(size_t idx, Parameter x)
exps.push(new IdentifierExp(e.loc, x.ident));
return 0;
This is required since not all "parameters" actually have a name
until they (tuples) are expanded e.g. an anonymous tuple parameter's
contents get given names but not the tuple itself.
Parameter._foreach(tf.parameterList.parameters, &addParameterDG);
auto tup = new TupleExp(e.loc, exps);
return tup.expressionSemantic(sc);
static const(char)[] trait_search_fp(const(char)[] seed, out int cost)
//printf("trait_search_fp('%s')\n", seed);
if (!seed.length)
return null;
cost = 0; // all the same cost
const sv = traitsStringTable.lookup(seed);
return sv ? sv.toString() : null;
if (auto sub = speller!trait_search_fp(e.ident.toString()))
e.error("unrecognized trait `%s`, did you mean `%.*s`?", e.ident.toChars(), cast(int) sub.length, sub.ptr);
e.error("unrecognized trait `%s`", e.ident.toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
/// compare arguments of __traits(isSame)
private bool isSame(RootObject o1, RootObject o2, Scope* sc)
static FuncLiteralDeclaration isLambda(RootObject oarg)
if (auto t = isDsymbol(oarg))
if (auto td = t.isTemplateDeclaration())
if (td.members && td.members.dim == 1)
if (auto fd = (*td.members)[0].isFuncLiteralDeclaration())
return fd;
else if (auto ea = isExpression(oarg))
if (ea.op == EXP.function_)
if (auto fe = ea.isFuncExp())
return fe.fd;
return null;
auto l1 = isLambda(o1);
auto l2 = isLambda(o2);
if (l1 && l2)
import dmd.lambdacomp : isSameFuncLiteral;
if (isSameFuncLiteral(l1, l2, sc))
return true;
// issue 12001, allow isSame, <BasicType>, <BasicType>
Type t1 = isType(o1);
Type t2 = isType(o2);
if (t1 && t2 && t1.equals(t2))
return true;
auto s1 = getDsymbol(o1);
auto s2 = getDsymbol(o2);
//printf("isSame: %s, %s\n", o1.toChars(), o2.toChars());
version (none)
printf("o1: %p\n", o1);
printf("o2: %p\n", o2);
if (!s1)
if (auto ea = isExpression(o1))
printf("%s\n", ea.toChars());
if (auto ta = isType(o1))
printf("%s\n", ta.toChars());
return false;
printf("%s %s\n", s1.kind(), s1.toChars());
if (!s1 && !s2)
auto ea1 = isExpression(o1);
auto ea2 = isExpression(o2);
if (ea1 && ea2)
if (ea1.equals(ea2))
return true;
if (!s1 || !s2)
return false;
s1 = s1.toAlias();
s2 = s2.toAlias();
if (auto fa1 = s1.isFuncAliasDeclaration())
s1 = fa1.toAliasFunc();
if (auto fa2 = s2.isFuncAliasDeclaration())
s2 = fa2.toAliasFunc();
// compare import symbol to a package symbol
static bool cmp(Dsymbol s1, Dsymbol s2)
auto imp = s1.isImport();
return imp && imp.pkg && imp.pkg == s2.isPackage();
if (cmp(s1,s2) || cmp(s2,s1))
return true;
if (s1 == s2)
return true;
// OverloadSets are equal if they contain the same functions
auto overSet1 = s1.isOverloadSet();
if (!overSet1)
return false;
auto overSet2 = s2.isOverloadSet();
if (!overSet2)
return false;
if (overSet1.a.dim != overSet2.a.dim)
return false;
// OverloadSets contain array of Dsymbols => O(n*n)
// to compare for equality as the order of overloads
// might not be the same
foreach(overload1; overSet1.a)
foreach(overload2; overSet2.a)
if (overload1 == overload2)
continue Lnext;
return false;
return true;