blob: 58d0aafeff53b1f97899d3c9a833461a1afa097e [file] [log] [blame]
// generic error tests for contract redecls with generalized redecl
// { dg-do compile }
// { dg-options "-std=c++2a -fcontracts" }
// OK if equivalent -- even through renames.
int g0(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]];
int g0(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]];
int g0b(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]];
int g0b(int b) [[ pre: b > 0 ]];
int g0b(int c) [[ pre: c > 0 ]]
return 0;
// OK if specified before.
int g1(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]];
int g1(int a);
// OK if specified after.
int g2(int a);
int g2(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]];
int g2b(int a);
int g2b(int b) [[ pre: b > 0 ]];
// can add to non-virtual methods
struct G0
int f(int a);
// OK to add contracts at the point of definition.
int G0::f(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]]
return -a;
struct G1
int f1(int a);
// OK to redeclare functions and add constraints...
int G1::f1(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]];
// ...and leave them off later.
int G1::f1(int a)
return -a;
int f0(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]];
int f0(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]] [[ pre: a > 10 ]]; // { dg-error "different number of contracts" }
int f1(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]] [[ pre: a > 10 ]];
int f1(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]]; // { dg-error "different number of contracts" }
int f2(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]];
int f2(int a) [[ pre: a < 0 ]]; // { dg-error "mismatched contract" }
int f3(int a) { return a; }
int f3(int a) [[ pre: a < 0 ]]; // { dg-error "cannot add contracts" }
struct Base
virtual int f(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]];
struct Child : Base
int f(int a) [[ pre: a < 0 ]]; // { dg-error "mismatched contract" }
struct S1
virtual int f(int a); // contracts are inherited at the point of declarations
int S1::f(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]] // { dg-error "cannot add" }
return -a;
struct S2
int f() { return 0; }
int S2::f(); // OK?
struct S3
int f() { return 0; }
int S3::f() [[pre: true]]; // { dg-error "cannot add contracts" }
// The initial decl of a guarded member must appear inside the class.
struct S4
int f(int a);
int S4::g(int a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]]; // { dg-error "no declaration matches" }
struct S5
template<typename T>
S5(T a);
template<typename T>
S5::S5(T a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]]
struct S6
template<typename T>
S6(T a);
template<typename T>
S6::S6(T a) [[ pre: a > 0 ]];
template<typename T>
S6::S6(T a)
int p0(int n)
[[ post r: r > 0 && r == n ]]
[[ post r: r > 1 && r == n ]]
[[ post r: r > 2 && r == n ]]
[[ post r: r > 3 && r == n ]];
int p0(int z)
[[ post r: r > 0 && r == z ]]
[[ post r1: r1 > 1 && r1 == z ]]
[[ post r2: r2 > 2 && r2 == z ]]
[[ post r3: r3 > 3 && r3 == z ]]
return z;