blob: d4d6c91cde741ada51166d4bee71702d6dbe0ab4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test that we clean up the right number of array elements when
// a temporary destructor throws.
// { dg-do run }
#if __cplusplus > 201100L
#define THROWING noexcept(false)
#define THROWING
extern "C" void abort ();
int b;
int d = -1;
struct A {
A() { }
A(const A&);
if (b == d) throw b;
struct B {
B(const A& = A()) { ++b; }
B(const B&);
~B() { --b; }
void f()
b = 0;
B bs[3];
if (b != 3) abort ();
catch (int i) { }
if (b != 0) abort ();
int main()
for (d = 0; d <= 3; ++d)