blob: 08f9ead196ee2d804a3b02633f83f5c57129604d [file] [log] [blame]
* This module provides an `Array` type with deterministic memory usage not
* reliant on the GC, as an alternative to the built-in arrays.
* This module is a submodule of $(MREF std, container).
* Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/container/array.d)
* Copyright: 2010- Andrei Alexandrescu. All rights reserved by the respective holders.
* License: Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at $(HTTP
* Authors: $(HTTP, Andrei Alexandrescu)
* $(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
module std.container.array;
import core.exception : RangeError;
import std.range.primitives;
import std.traits;
public import std.container.util;
pure @system unittest
// We test multiple array lengths in order to ensure that the "a1.capacity == a0.length" test is meaningful
// for the version in which the constructor uses insertBack
// (because for some lengths, the test passes even without reserve).
for (size_t n = 0; n < 100; ++n)
float[] a0;
import std.range : iota;
import std.array;
import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
a0 = iota (0, n).map!(i => i * 1.1f).array;
auto a1 = Array!float(a0);
// We check that a1 has the same length and contents as a0:
assert(a1.length == a0.length);
// I wish that I could write "assert(a1[] == a0[]);",
// but the compiler complains: "Error: incompatible types for `(a1.opSlice()) == (a0[])`: `RangeT!(Array!float)` and `float[]`".
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
assert(equal(a1[], a0[]));
// We check that a1's constructor has called reserve (to maintain good performance):
assert(a1.capacity == a0.length);
pure @system unittest
// To avoid bad performance, we check that an Array constructed from an empty range
// does not initialize its RefCountedStore object, even after a call to "reserve(0)".
Array!float a1;
assert(! a1._data.refCountedStore.isInitialized);
assert(! a1._data.refCountedStore.isInitialized);
float[] a0 = [];
Array!float a1 = a0;
// [2021-09-26] TODO: Investigate RefCounted.
//assert(! a1._data.refCountedStore.isInitialized);
// [2021-09-26] TODO: Investigate RefCounted.
//assert(! a1._data.refCountedStore.isInitialized);
pure @system unittest
auto arr = Array!int(0, 2, 3);
assert(arr[0] == 0);
assert(arr.front == 0);
assert(arr.back == 3);
// reserve space
assert(arr.length == 3);
assert(arr.capacity >= 1000);
// insertion
arr.insertBefore(arr[1..$], 1);
assert(arr.front == 0);
assert(arr.length == 4);
assert(arr.back == 4);
assert(arr.length == 5);
// set elements
arr[1] *= 42;
assert(arr[1] == 42);
pure @system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto arr = Array!int(1, 2, 3);
// concat
auto b = Array!int(11, 12, 13);
arr ~= b;
assert(arr.length == 6);
// slicing
assert(arr[1 .. 3].equal([2, 3]));
// remove
arr.linearRemove(arr[1 .. 3]);
assert(arr[0 .. 2].equal([1, 11]));
/// `Array!bool` packs together values efficiently by allocating one bit per element
pure @system unittest
auto arr = Array!bool([true, true, false, true, false]);
assert(arr.length == 5);
private struct RangeT(A)
/* Workaround for
See also:
private A[1] _outer_;
private @property ref inout(A) _outer() inout { return _outer_[0]; }
private size_t _a, _b;
/* E is different from T when A is more restrictively qualified than T:
immutable(Array!int) => T == int, E = immutable(int) */
alias E = typeof(_outer_[0]._data._payload[0]);
private this(ref A data, size_t a, size_t b)
_outer_ = data;
_a = a;
_b = b;
@property RangeT save()
return this;
@property bool empty() @safe pure nothrow const
return _a >= _b;
@property size_t length() @safe pure nothrow const
return _b - _a;
alias opDollar = length;
@property ref inout(E) front() inout
assert(!empty, "Attempting to access the front of an empty Array");
return _outer[_a];
@property ref inout(E) back() inout
assert(!empty, "Attempting to access the back of an empty Array");
return _outer[_b - 1];
void popFront() @safe @nogc pure nothrow
assert(!empty, "Attempting to popFront an empty Array");
void popBack() @safe @nogc pure nothrow
assert(!empty, "Attempting to popBack an empty Array");
static if (isMutable!A)
import std.algorithm.mutation : move;
E moveFront()
assert(!empty, "Attempting to moveFront an empty Array");
assert(_a < _outer.length,
"Attempting to moveFront using an out of bounds low index on an Array");
return move(_outer._data._payload[_a]);
E moveBack()
assert(!empty, "Attempting to moveBack an empty Array");
assert(_b - 1 < _outer.length,
"Attempting to moveBack using an out of bounds high index on an Array");
return move(_outer._data._payload[_b - 1]);
E moveAt(size_t i)
assert(_a + i < _b,
"Attempting to moveAt using an out of bounds index on an Array");
assert(_a + i < _outer.length,
"Cannot move past the end of the array");
return move(_outer._data._payload[_a + i]);
ref inout(E) opIndex(size_t i) inout
assert(_a + i < _b,
"Attempting to fetch using an out of bounds index on an Array");
return _outer[_a + i];
RangeT opSlice()
return typeof(return)(_outer, _a, _b);
RangeT opSlice(size_t i, size_t j)
assert(i <= j && _a + j <= _b,
"Attempting to slice using an out of bounds indices on an Array");
return typeof(return)(_outer, _a + i, _a + j);
RangeT!(const(A)) opSlice() const
return typeof(return)(_outer, _a, _b);
RangeT!(const(A)) opSlice(size_t i, size_t j) const
assert(i <= j && _a + j <= _b,
"Attempting to slice using an out of bounds indices on an Array");
return typeof(return)(_outer, _a + i, _a + j);
static if (isMutable!A)
void opSliceAssign(E value)
assert(_b <= _outer.length,
"Attempting to assign using an out of bounds indices on an Array");
_outer[_a .. _b] = value;
void opSliceAssign(E value, size_t i, size_t j)
assert(_a + j <= _b,
"Attempting to slice assign using an out of bounds indices on an Array");
_outer[_a + i .. _a + j] = value;
void opSliceUnary(string op)()
if (op == "++" || op == "--")
assert(_b <= _outer.length,
"Attempting to slice using an out of bounds indices on an Array");
mixin(op~"_outer[_a .. _b];");
void opSliceUnary(string op)(size_t i, size_t j)
if (op == "++" || op == "--")
assert(_a + j <= _b,
"Attempting to slice using an out of bounds indices on an Array");
mixin(op~"_outer[_a + i .. _a + j];");
void opSliceOpAssign(string op)(E value)
assert(_b <= _outer.length,
"Attempting to slice using an out of bounds indices on an Array");
mixin("_outer[_a .. _b] "~op~"= value;");
void opSliceOpAssign(string op)(E value, size_t i, size_t j)
assert(_a + j <= _b,
"Attempting to slice using an out of bounds indices on an Array");
mixin("_outer[_a + i .. _a + j] "~op~"= value;");
@system unittest
enum : bool { display = false }
static if (display)
import std.stdio;
enum { nDigitsForPointer = 2 * size_t.sizeof, nDigitsForNObjects = 4 }
static struct S
static size_t s_nConstructed;
static size_t s_nDestroyed;
static void throwIfTooMany()
if (s_nConstructed >= 7) throw new Exception ("Ka-boom !");
uint _i;
static if (display) writefln("@%*Xh: Destroying.", nDigitsForPointer, &this);
this(uint i)
static if (display) writefln("@%*Xh: Constructing.", nDigitsForPointer, &this);
_i = i;
static if (display) writefln("@%*Xh: Copying.", nDigitsForPointer, &this);
auto a = Array!S (S(0), S(1), S(2), S(3));
static if (display) writefln("@%*Xh: This is where the array elements are.", nDigitsForPointer, &a [0]);
catch (Exception e)
static if (display) writefln("Exception caught !");
static if (display)
writefln("s_nConstructed %*Xh.", nDigitsForNObjects, S.s_nConstructed);
writefln("s_nDestroyed %*Xh.", nDigitsForNObjects, S.s_nDestroyed);
writefln("s_nConstructed should be equal to s_nDestroyed.");
assert(S.s_nDestroyed == S.s_nConstructed);
* _Array type with deterministic control of memory. The memory allocated
* for the array is reclaimed as soon as possible; there is no reliance
* on the garbage collector. `Array` uses `malloc`, `realloc` and `free`
* for managing its own memory.
* This means that pointers to elements of an `Array` will become
* dangling as soon as the element is removed from the `Array`. On the other hand
* the memory allocated by an `Array` will be scanned by the GC and
* GC managed objects referenced from an `Array` will be kept alive.
* Note:
* When using `Array` with range-based functions like those in `std.algorithm`,
* `Array` must be sliced to get a range (for example, use `array[].map!`
* instead of `!`). The container itself is not a range.
struct Array(T)
if (!is(immutable T == immutable bool))
import core.memory : free = pureFree;
import std.internal.memory : enforceMalloc, enforceRealloc;
import core.stdc.string : memcpy, memmove, memset;
import core.memory : GC;
import std.exception : enforce;
import std.typecons : RefCounted, RefCountedAutoInitialize;
// This structure is not copyable.
private struct Payload
size_t _capacity;
T[] _payload;
this(T[] p) { _capacity = p.length; _payload = p; }
// Destructor releases array memory
// Warning: destroy would destroy also class instances.
// The hasElaborateDestructor protects us here.
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
foreach (ref e; _payload)
static if (hasIndirections!T)
this(this) @disable;
void opAssign(Payload rhs) @disable;
@property size_t length() const
return _payload.length;
@property void length(size_t newLength)
if (length >= newLength)
// shorten
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
foreach (ref e; _payload.ptr[newLength .. _payload.length])
_payload = _payload.ptr[0 .. newLength];
static if (__traits(compiles, { static T _; }))
import std.algorithm.mutation : initializeAll;
immutable startEmplace = length;
initializeAll(_payload.ptr[startEmplace .. newLength]);
_payload = _payload.ptr[0 .. newLength];
assert(0, "Cannot add elements to array because `" ~
fullyQualifiedName!T ~ ".this()` is annotated with " ~
@property size_t capacity() const
return _capacity;
void reserve(size_t elements)
if (elements <= capacity) return;
static if (T.sizeof == 1)
const sz = elements;
import core.checkedint : mulu;
bool overflow;
const sz = mulu(elements, T.sizeof, overflow);
if (overflow)
assert(false, "Overflow");
static if (hasIndirections!T)
/* Because of the transactional nature of this
* relative to the garbage collector, ensure no
* threading bugs by using malloc/copy/free rather
* than realloc.
immutable oldLength = length;
auto newPayloadPtr = cast(T*) enforceMalloc(sz);
auto newPayload = newPayloadPtr[0 .. oldLength];
// copy old data over to new array
memcpy(newPayload.ptr, _payload.ptr, T.sizeof * oldLength);
// Zero out unused capacity to prevent gc from seeing false pointers
memset(newPayload.ptr + oldLength,
(elements - oldLength) * T.sizeof);
GC.addRange(newPayload.ptr, sz);
_payload = newPayload;
// These can't have pointers, so no need to zero unused region
auto newPayloadPtr = cast(T*) enforceRealloc(_payload.ptr, sz);
auto newPayload = newPayloadPtr[0 .. length];
_payload = newPayload;
_capacity = elements;
// Insert one item
size_t insertBack(Elem)(Elem elem)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(Elem, T))
import core.lifetime : emplace;
assert(_capacity >= length);
if (_capacity == length)
import core.checkedint : addu;
bool overflow;
immutable size_t newCapacity = addu(capacity, capacity / 2 + 1, overflow);
if (overflow)
assert(false, "Overflow");
assert(capacity > length && _payload.ptr,
"Failed to reserve memory");
emplace(_payload.ptr + _payload.length, elem);
_payload = _payload.ptr[0 .. _payload.length + 1];
return 1;
// Insert a range of items
size_t insertBack(Range)(Range r)
if (isInputRange!Range && isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Range, T))
immutable size_t oldLength = length;
static if (hasLength!Range)
immutable size_t rLength = r.length;
reserve(oldLength + rLength);
size_t result;
foreach (item; r)
static if (hasLength!Range)
assert(result == rLength, "insertBack: range might have changed length");
assert(length == oldLength + result,
"Failed to insertBack range");
return result;
private alias Data = RefCounted!(Payload,;
private Data _data;
* Constructor taking a number of items.
this(U)(U[] values...)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(U, T))
// [2021-07-17] Checking to see whether *always* calling ensureInitialized works-around-and/or-is-related-to
//if (values.length)
foreach (ref value; values)
// We do not simply write "_data.insertBack(value);"
// because that might perform, on each iteration, a now-redundant check of length vs capacity.
// Thanks to @dkorpel (
import core.lifetime : emplace;
emplace(_data._payload.ptr + _data._payload.length, value);
// We increment the length after each iteration (as opposed to adjusting it just once, after the loop)
// in order to improve error-safety (in case one of the calls to emplace throws).
_data._payload = _data._payload.ptr[0 .. _data._payload.length + 1];
assert(length == values.length); // We check that all values have been inserted.
assert(capacity == values.length); // We check that reserve has been called before the loop.
* Constructor taking an $(REF_ALTTEXT input range, isInputRange, std,range,primitives)
this(Range)(Range r)
if (isInputRange!Range && isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Range, T) && !is(Range == T[]))
* Comparison for equality.
bool opEquals(const Array rhs) const
return opEquals(rhs);
/// ditto
bool opEquals(ref const Array rhs) const
if (empty) return rhs.empty;
if (rhs.empty) return false;
return _data._payload == rhs._data._payload;
* Defines the array's primary range, which is a random-access range.
* `ConstRange` is a variant with `const` elements.
* `ImmutableRange` is a variant with `immutable` elements.
alias Range = RangeT!Array;
/// ditto
alias ConstRange = RangeT!(const Array);
/// ditto
alias ImmutableRange = RangeT!(immutable Array);
* Duplicates the array. The elements themselves are not transitively
* duplicated.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH length).
@property Array dup()
if (!_data.refCountedStore.isInitialized) return this;
return Array(_data._payload);
* Returns: `true` if and only if the array has no elements.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
@property bool empty() const
return !_data.refCountedStore.isInitialized || _data._payload.empty;
* Returns: The number of elements in the array.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1).
@property size_t length() const
return _data.refCountedStore.isInitialized ? _data._payload.length : 0;
/// ditto
size_t opDollar() const
return length;
* Returns: The maximum number of elements the array can store without
* reallocating memory and invalidating iterators upon insertion.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
@property size_t capacity()
return _data.refCountedStore.isInitialized ? _data._capacity : 0;
* Returns: the internal representation of the array.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1).
inout(T)[] data() inout @system
return _data.refCountedStore.isInitialized ? _data._payload : [];
* Ensures sufficient capacity to accommodate `e` _elements.
* If `e < capacity`, this method does nothing.
* Postcondition: `capacity >= e`
* Note: If the capacity is increased, one should assume that all
* iterators to the elements are invalidated.
* Complexity: at most $(BIGOH length) if `e > capacity`, otherwise $(BIGOH 1).
void reserve(size_t elements)
if (elements > capacity)
assert(capacity == elements); // Might need changing to ">=" if implementation of Payload.reserve is changed.
* Returns: A range that iterates over elements of the array in
* forward order.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
Range opSlice()
return typeof(return)(this, 0, length);
ConstRange opSlice() const
return typeof(return)(this, 0, length);
ImmutableRange opSlice() immutable
return typeof(return)(this, 0, length);
* Returns: A range that iterates over elements of the array from
* index `i` up to (excluding) index `j`.
* Precondition: `i <= j && j <= length`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
Range opSlice(size_t i, size_t j)
assert(i <= j && j <= length, "Invalid slice bounds");
return typeof(return)(this, i, j);
ConstRange opSlice(size_t i, size_t j) const
assert(i <= j && j <= length, "Invalid slice bounds");
return typeof(return)(this, i, j);
ImmutableRange opSlice(size_t i, size_t j) immutable
assert(i <= j && j <= length, "Invalid slice bounds");
return typeof(return)(this, i, j);
* Returns: The first element of the array.
* Precondition: `empty == false`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
@property ref inout(T) front() inout
"Cannot get front of empty range");
return _data._payload[0];
* Returns: The last element of the array.
* Precondition: `empty == false`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
@property ref inout(T) back() inout
"Cannot get back of empty range");
return _data._payload[$ - 1];
* Returns: The element or a reference to the element at the specified index.
* Precondition: `i < length`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
ref inout(T) opIndex(size_t i) inout
"Cannot index empty range");
return _data._payload[i];
* Slicing operators executing the specified operation on the entire slice.
* Precondition: `i < j && j < length`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH slice.length)
void opSliceAssign(T value)
if (!_data.refCountedStore.isInitialized) return;
_data._payload[] = value;
/// ditto
void opSliceAssign(T value, size_t i, size_t j)
auto slice = _data.refCountedStore.isInitialized ?
_data._payload :
slice[i .. j] = value;
/// ditto
void opSliceUnary(string op)()
if (op == "++" || op == "--")
if (!_data.refCountedStore.isInitialized) return;
/// ditto
void opSliceUnary(string op)(size_t i, size_t j)
if (op == "++" || op == "--")
auto slice = _data.refCountedStore.isInitialized ? _data._payload : T[].init;
mixin(op~"slice[i .. j];");
/// ditto
void opSliceOpAssign(string op)(T value)
if (!_data.refCountedStore.isInitialized) return;
mixin("_data._payload[] "~op~"= value;");
/// ditto
void opSliceOpAssign(string op)(T value, size_t i, size_t j)
auto slice = _data.refCountedStore.isInitialized ? _data._payload : T[].init;
mixin("slice[i .. j] "~op~"= value;");
private enum hasSliceWithLength(T) = is(typeof({ T t = T.init; t[].length; }));
* Returns: A new array which is a concatenation of `this` and its argument.
* Complexity:
* $(BIGOH length + m), where `m` is the number of elements in `stuff`.
Array opBinary(string op, Stuff)(Stuff stuff)
if (op == "~")
Array result;
static if (hasLength!Stuff || isNarrowString!Stuff)
result.reserve(length + stuff.length);
else static if (hasSliceWithLength!Stuff)
result.reserve(length + stuff[].length);
else static if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(Stuff, T))
result.reserve(length + 1);
result ~= stuff;
return result;
* Forwards to `insertBack`.
void opOpAssign(string op, Stuff)(auto ref Stuff stuff)
if (op == "~")
static if (is(typeof(stuff[])) && isImplicitlyConvertible!(typeof(stuff[0]), T))
* Removes all the elements from the array and releases allocated memory.
* Postcondition: `empty == true && capacity == 0`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH length)
void clear()
_data = Data.init;
* Sets the number of elements in the array to `newLength`. If `newLength`
* is greater than `length`, the new elements are added to the end of the
* array and initialized with `T.init`. If `T` is a `struct` whose default
* constructor is annotated with `@disable`, `newLength` must be lower than
* or equal to `length`.
* Complexity:
* Guaranteed $(BIGOH abs(length - newLength)) if `capacity >= newLength`.
* If `capacity < newLength` the worst case is $(BIGOH newLength).
* Precondition: `__traits(compiles, { static T _; }) || newLength <= length`
* Postcondition: `length == newLength`
@property void length(size_t newLength)
_data.length = newLength;
* Removes the last element from the array and returns it.
* Both stable and non-stable versions behave the same and guarantee
* that ranges iterating over the array are never invalidated.
* Precondition: `empty == false`
* Returns: The element removed.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1).
* Throws: `Exception` if the array is empty.
T removeAny()
auto result = back;
return result;
/// ditto
alias stableRemoveAny = removeAny;
* Inserts the specified elements at the back of the array. `stuff` can be
* a value convertible to `T` or a range of objects convertible to `T`.
* Returns: The number of elements inserted.
* Complexity:
* $(BIGOH length + m) if reallocation takes place, otherwise $(BIGOH m),
* where `m` is the number of elements in `stuff`.
size_t insertBack(Stuff)(Stuff stuff)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(Stuff, T) ||
isInputRange!Stuff && isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Stuff, T))
return _data.insertBack(stuff);
/// ditto
alias insert = insertBack;
* Removes the value from the back of the array. Both stable and non-stable
* versions behave the same and guarantee that ranges iterating over the
* array are never invalidated.
* Precondition: `empty == false`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1).
* Throws: `Exception` if the array is empty.
void removeBack()
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
.destroy(_data._payload[$ - 1]);
_data._payload = _data._payload[0 .. $ - 1];
/// ditto
alias stableRemoveBack = removeBack;
* Removes `howMany` values from the back of the array.
* Unlike the unparameterized versions above, these functions
* do not throw if they could not remove `howMany` elements. Instead,
* if `howMany > n`, all elements are removed. The returned value is
* the effective number of elements removed. Both stable and non-stable
* versions behave the same and guarantee that ranges iterating over
* the array are never invalidated.
* Returns: The number of elements removed.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH howMany).
size_t removeBack(size_t howMany)
if (howMany > length) howMany = length;
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
foreach (ref e; _data._payload[$ - howMany .. $])
_data._payload = _data._payload[0 .. $ - howMany];
return howMany;
/// ditto
alias stableRemoveBack = removeBack;
* Inserts `stuff` before, after, or instead range `r`, which must
* be a valid range previously extracted from this array. `stuff`
* can be a value convertible to `T` or a range of objects convertible
* to `T`. Both stable and non-stable version behave the same and
* guarantee that ranges iterating over the array are never invalidated.
* Returns: The number of values inserted.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH length + m), where `m` is the length of `stuff`.
* Throws: `Exception` if `r` is not a range extracted from this array.
size_t insertBefore(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(Stuff, T))
import core.lifetime : emplace;
enforce(r._outer._data is _data && r._a <= length);
reserve(length + 1);
"Failed to allocate capacity to insertBefore");
// Move elements over by one slot
memmove(_data._payload.ptr + r._a + 1,
_data._payload.ptr + r._a,
T.sizeof * (length - r._a));
emplace(_data._payload.ptr + r._a, stuff);
_data._payload = _data._payload.ptr[0 .. _data._payload.length + 1];
return 1;
/// ditto
size_t insertBefore(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
if (isInputRange!Stuff && isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Stuff, T))
import core.lifetime : emplace;
enforce(r._outer._data is _data && r._a <= length);
static if (isForwardRange!Stuff)
// Can find the length in advance
auto extra = walkLength(stuff);
if (!extra) return 0;
reserve(length + extra);
"Failed to allocate capacity to insertBefore");
// Move elements over by extra slots
memmove(_data._payload.ptr + r._a + extra,
_data._payload.ptr + r._a,
T.sizeof * (length - r._a));
foreach (p; _data._payload.ptr + r._a ..
_data._payload.ptr + r._a + extra)
emplace(p, stuff.front);
_data._payload =
_data._payload.ptr[0 .. _data._payload.length + extra];
return extra;
import std.algorithm.mutation : bringToFront;
immutable offset = r._a;
enforce(offset <= length);
auto result = insertBack(stuff);
bringToFront(this[offset .. length - result],
this[length - result .. length]);
return result;
/// ditto
alias stableInsertBefore = insertBefore;
/// ditto
size_t insertAfter(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(Stuff, T) ||
isInputRange!Stuff && isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Stuff, T))
import std.algorithm.mutation : bringToFront;
enforce(r._outer._data is _data);
// TODO: optimize
immutable offset = r._b;
enforce(offset <= length);
auto result = insertBack(stuff);
bringToFront(this[offset .. length - result],
this[length - result .. length]);
return result;
/// ditto
size_t replace(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
if (isInputRange!Stuff && isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Stuff, T))
enforce(r._outer._data is _data);
size_t result;
for (; !stuff.empty; stuff.popFront())
if (r.empty)
// insert the rest
return result + insertBefore(r, stuff);
r.front = stuff.front;
// Remove remaining stuff in r
return result;
/// ditto
size_t replace(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(Stuff, T))
enforce(r._outer._data is _data);
if (r.empty)
insertBefore(r, stuff);
r.front = stuff;
return 1;
* Removes all elements belonging to `r`, which must be a range
* obtained originally from this array.
* Returns: A range spanning the remaining elements in the array that
* initially were right after `r`.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH length)
* Throws: `Exception` if `r` is not a valid range extracted from this array.
Range linearRemove(Range r)
import std.algorithm.mutation : copy;
enforce(r._outer._data is _data);
enforce(r._a <= r._b && r._b <= length);
immutable offset1 = r._a;
immutable offset2 = r._b;
immutable tailLength = length - offset2;
// Use copy here, not a[] = b[] because the ranges may overlap
copy(this[offset2 .. length], this[offset1 .. offset1 + tailLength]);
length = offset1 + tailLength;
return this[length - tailLength .. length];
@system unittest
Array!int a;
@system unittest
Array!int a;
a.length = 10;
assert(a.length == 10);
assert(a.capacity >= a.length);
@system unittest
struct Dumb { int x = 5; }
Array!Dumb a;
a.length = 10;
assert(a.length == 10);
assert(a.capacity >= a.length);
immutable cap = a.capacity;
foreach (ref e; a)
e.x = 10;
a.length = 5;
assert(a.length == 5);
// do not realloc if length decreases
assert(a.capacity == cap);
foreach (ref e; a)
assert(e.x == 10);
a.length = 8;
assert(a.length == 8);
// do not realloc if capacity sufficient
assert(a.capacity == cap);
assert(Dumb.init.x == 5);
foreach (i; 0 .. 5)
assert(a[i].x == 10);
foreach (i; 5 .. a.length)
assert(a[i].x == Dumb.init.x);
// realloc required, check if values properly copied
a[] = Dumb(1);
a.length = 20;
assert(a.capacity >= 20);
foreach (i; 0 .. 8)
assert(a[i].x == 1);
foreach (i; 8 .. a.length)
assert(a[i].x == Dumb.init.x);
// check if overlapping elements properly initialized
a.length = 1;
a.length = 20;
assert(a[0].x == 1);
foreach (e; a[1 .. $])
assert(e.x == Dumb.init.x);
@system unittest
Array!int a = Array!int(1, 2, 3);
//a._data._refCountedDebug = true;
auto b = a.dup;
assert(b == Array!int(1, 2, 3));
b.front = 42;
assert(b == Array!int(42, 2, 3));
assert(a == Array!int(1, 2, 3));
@system unittest
auto a = Array!int(1, 2, 3);
assert(a.length == 3);
@system unittest
const Array!int a = [1, 2];
assert(a[0] == 1);
assert(a.front == 1);
assert(a.back == 2);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { a[0] = 1; }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { a.front = 1; }));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { a.back = 1; }));
auto r = a[];
size_t i;
foreach (e; r)
assert(e == i + 1);
@safe unittest
import std.container : Array, BinaryHeap;
alias Heap = BinaryHeap!(Array!int);
@system unittest
static struct S { void* p; }
Array!S a;
a.length = 10;
@system unittest
Array!int a;
assert(a.length == 0);
assert(a.capacity >= 1000);
auto p = a._data._payload.ptr;
foreach (i; 0 .. 1000)
assert(p == a._data._payload.ptr);
@system unittest
auto a = Array!int(1, 2, 3);
a[1] *= 42;
assert(a[1] == 84);
@system unittest
auto a = Array!int(1, 2, 3);
auto b = Array!int(11, 12, 13);
auto c = a ~ b;
assert(c == Array!int(1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13));
assert(a ~ b[] == Array!int(1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13));
assert(a ~ [4,5] == Array!int(1,2,3,4,5));
@system unittest
auto a = Array!int(1, 2, 3);
auto b = Array!int(11, 12, 13);
a ~= b;
assert(a == Array!int(1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13));
@system unittest
auto a = Array!int(1, 2, 3, 4);
assert(a.removeAny() == 4);
assert(a == Array!int(1, 2, 3));
@system unittest
auto a = Array!int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
auto r = a[2 .. a.length];
assert(a.insertBefore(r, 42) == 1);
assert(a == Array!int(1, 2, 42, 3, 4, 5));
r = a[2 .. 2];
assert(a.insertBefore(r, [8, 9]) == 2);
assert(a == Array!int(1, 2, 8, 9, 42, 3, 4, 5));
@system unittest
auto a = Array!int(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
a.linearRemove(a[4 .. 6]);
assert(a == Array!int(0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8));
// Give the Range object some testing.
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
import std.range : retro;
auto a = Array!int(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)[];
auto b = Array!int(6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)[];
alias A = typeof(a);
static assert(isRandomAccessRange!A);
static assert(hasSlicing!A);
static assert(hasAssignableElements!A);
static assert(hasMobileElements!A);
assert(equal(retro(b), a));
assert(a.length == 7);
assert(equal(a[1 .. 4], [1, 2, 3]));
@system unittest
struct structBug5920
int order;
uint* pDestructionMask;
if (pDestructionMask)
*pDestructionMask += 1 << order;
alias S = structBug5920;
uint dMask;
auto arr = Array!S(cast(S[])[]);
foreach (i; 0 .. 8)
arr.insertBack(S(i, &dMask));
// don't check dMask now as S may be copied multiple times (it's ok?)
assert(arr.length == 8);
dMask = 0;
arr.length = 6;
assert(arr.length == 6); // make sure shrinking calls the d'tor
assert(dMask == 0b1100_0000);
assert(arr.length == 5); // make sure removeBack() calls the d'tor
assert(dMask == 0b1110_0000);
assert(arr.length == 2); // ditto
assert(dMask == 0b1111_1100);
assert(arr.length == 0); // make sure clear() calls the d'tor
assert(dMask == 0b1111_1111);
assert(dMask == 0b1111_1111); // make sure the d'tor is called once only.
// Test for
// (mainly just to check if this piece of code is compilable)
@system unittest
auto a = Array!(int[])([[1,2],[3,4]]);
assert(a.capacity >= 4);
assert(a.length == 2);
assert(a[0] == [1,2]);
assert(a[1] == [3,4]);
assert(a.capacity >= 16);
assert(a.length == 2);
assert(a[0] == [1,2]);
assert(a[1] == [3,4]);
// test replace!Stuff with range Stuff
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto a = Array!int([1, 42, 5]);
a.replace(a[1 .. 2], [2, 3, 4]);
assert(equal(a[], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
// test insertBefore and replace with empty Arrays
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto a = Array!int();
a.insertBefore(a[], 1);
assert(equal(a[], [1]));
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto a = Array!int();
a.insertBefore(a[], [1, 2]);
assert(equal(a[], [1, 2]));
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto a = Array!int();
a.replace(a[], [1, 2]);
assert(equal(a[], [1, 2]));
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto a = Array!int();
a.replace(a[], 1);
assert(equal(a[], [1]));
// make sure that Array instances refuse ranges that don't belong to them
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
Array!int a = [1, 2, 3];
auto r = a.dup[];
assertThrown(a.insertBefore(r, 42));
assertThrown(a.insertBefore(r, [42]));
assertThrown(a.insertAfter(r, 42));
assertThrown(a.replace(r, 42));
assertThrown(a.replace(r, [42]));
@system unittest
auto a = Array!int([1, 1]);
a[1] = 0; //Check Array.opIndexAssign
assert(a[1] == 0);
a[1] += 1; //Check Array.opIndexOpAssign
assert(a[1] == 1);
//Check Array.opIndexUnary
//a[0]++ //op++ doesn't return, so this shouldn't work, even with 5044 fixed
assert(a[0] == 2);
assert(+a[0] == +2);
assert(-a[0] == -2);
assert(~a[0] == ~2);
auto r = a[];
r[1] = 0; //Check Array.Range.opIndexAssign
assert(r[1] == 0);
r[1] += 1; //Check Array.Range.opIndexOpAssign
assert(r[1] == 1);
//Check Array.Range.opIndexUnary
//r[0]++ //op++ doesn't return, so this shouldn't work, even with 5044 fixed
assert(r[0] == 3);
assert(+r[0] == +3);
assert(-r[0] == -3);
assert(~r[0] == ~3);
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
//Test "array-wide" operations
auto a = Array!int([0, 1, 2]); //Array
a[] += 5;
assert(a[].equal([5, 6, 7]));
assert(a[].equal([6, 7, 8]));
a[1 .. 3] *= 5;
assert(a[].equal([6, 35, 40]));
a[0 .. 2] = 0;
assert(a[].equal([0, 0, 40]));
//Test empty array
auto a2 = Array!int.init;
++a2[0 .. 0];
a2[] = 0;
a2[0 .. 0] = 0;
a2[] += 0;
a2[0 .. 0] += 0;
//Test "range-wide" operations
auto r = Array!int([0, 1, 2])[]; //Array.Range
r[] += 5;
assert(r.equal([5, 6, 7]));
assert(r.equal([6, 7, 8]));
r[1 .. 3] *= 5;
assert(r.equal([6, 35, 40]));
r[0 .. 2] = 0;
assert(r.equal([0, 0, 40]));
//Test empty Range
auto r2 = Array!int.init[];
++r2[0 .. 0];
r2[] = 0;
r2[0 .. 0] = 0;
r2[] += 0;
r2[0 .. 0] += 0;
// Test issue 11194
@system unittest
static struct S {
int i = 1337;
void* p;
this(this) { assert(i == 1337); }
~this() { assert(i == 1337); }
Array!S arr;
S s;
arr ~= s;
arr ~= s;
@safe unittest
static struct S
bool b;
alias b this;
alias A = Array!S;
alias B = Array!(shared bool);
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.iteration : filter;
auto a = Array!int([1, 2, 2].filter!"true"());
@safe unittest
auto arr = new Array!int;
@system unittest
static int i = 0;
class C
int dummy = 1;
assert(i == 0);
auto c = new C();
assert(i == 1);
auto arr = Array!C(c);
assert(i == 1);
//Array should not have destroyed the class instance
assert(i == 1);
//Just to make sure the GC doesn't collect before the above test.
assert(c.dummy == 1);
// (2)
@system unittest
static class C {int i;}
auto c = new C;
c.i = 42;
Array!C a;
a ~= c;
assert(c.i == 42); //fails
@safe unittest
static assert(is(Array!int.Range));
static assert(is(Array!int.ConstRange));
@system unittest // const/immutable Array and Ranges
static void test(A, R, E, S)()
A a;
R r = a[];
assert(r.length == 0);
static assert(is(typeof(r.front) == E));
static assert(is(typeof(r.back) == E));
static assert(is(typeof(r[0]) == E));
static assert(is(typeof(r[]) == S));
static assert(is(typeof(r[0 .. 0]) == S));
alias A = Array!int;
test!(A, A.Range, int, A.Range);
test!(A, const A.Range, const int, A.ConstRange);
test!(const A, A.ConstRange, const int, A.ConstRange);
test!(const A, const A.ConstRange, const int, A.ConstRange);
test!(immutable A, A.ImmutableRange, immutable int, A.ImmutableRange);
test!(immutable A, const A.ImmutableRange, immutable int, A.ImmutableRange);
test!(immutable A, immutable A.ImmutableRange, immutable int,
// ensure @nogc
@nogc @system unittest
Array!int ai;
ai ~= 1;
assert(ai.front == 1);
assert(ai.capacity == 10);
static immutable arr = [1, 2, 3];
* typeof may give wrong result in case of classes defining `opCall` operator
* destructor std.container.array.Array!(MyClass).Array.~this is @system
* so the unittest is @system too
@system unittest
class MyClass
T opCall(T)(T p)
return p;
Array!MyClass arr;
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto a = Array!int([1,2,3,4,5]);
assert(a.length == 5);
assert(a.insertAfter(a[0 .. 5], [7, 8]) == 2);
assert(equal(a[], [1,2,3,4,5,7,8]));
assert(a.insertAfter(a[0 .. 5], 6) == 1);
assert(equal(a[], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]));
@system unittest
import core.exception : AssertError;
import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
struct NoDefaultCtor
int i;
@disable this();
this(int j) { i = j; }
auto array = Array!NoDefaultCtor([NoDefaultCtor(1), NoDefaultCtor(2)]);
assertNotThrown!AssertError(array.length = 1);
assertThrown!AssertError(array.length = 5);
// Array!bool
* _Array specialized for `bool`. Packs together values efficiently by
* allocating one bit per element.
struct Array(T)
if (is(immutable T == immutable bool))
import std.exception : enforce;
import std.typecons : RefCounted, RefCountedAutoInitialize;
static immutable uint bitsPerWord = size_t.sizeof * 8;
private static struct Data
Array!size_t.Payload _backend;
size_t _length;
private RefCounted!(Data, _store;
private @property ref size_t[] data()
"Cannot get data of uninitialized Array");
return _store._backend._payload;
* Defines the array's primary range.
struct Range
private Array _outer;
private size_t _a, _b;
/// Range primitives
@property Range save()
version (bug4437)
return this;
auto copy = this;
return copy;
/// Ditto
@property bool empty()
return _a >= _b || _outer.length < _b;
/// Ditto
@property T front()
enforce(!empty, "Attempting to access the front of an empty Array");
return _outer[_a];
/// Ditto
@property void front(bool value)
enforce(!empty, "Attempting to set the front of an empty Array");
_outer[_a] = value;
/// Ditto
T moveFront()
enforce(!empty, "Attempting to move the front of an empty Array");
return _outer.moveAt(_a);
/// Ditto
void popFront()
enforce(!empty, "Attempting to popFront an empty Array");
/// Ditto
@property T back()
enforce(!empty, "Attempting to access the back of an empty Array");
return _outer[_b - 1];
/// Ditto
@property void back(bool value)
enforce(!empty, "Attempting to set the back of an empty Array");
_outer[_b - 1] = value;
/// Ditto
T moveBack()
enforce(!empty, "Attempting to move the back of an empty Array");
return _outer.moveAt(_b - 1);
/// Ditto
void popBack()
enforce(!empty, "Attempting to popBack an empty Array");
/// Ditto
T opIndex(size_t i)
return _outer[_a + i];
/// Ditto
void opIndexAssign(T value, size_t i)
_outer[_a + i] = value;
/// Ditto
T moveAt(size_t i)
return _outer.moveAt(_a + i);
/// Ditto
@property size_t length() const
assert(_a <= _b, "Invalid bounds");
return _b - _a;
alias opDollar = length;
/// ditto
Range opSlice(size_t low, size_t high)
// Note: indexes start at 0, which is equivalent to _a
low <= high && high <= (_b - _a),
"Using out of bounds indexes on an Array"
return Range(_outer, _a + low, _a + high);
* Constructor taking a number of items.
this(U)(U[] values...)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(U, T))
foreach (i, v; values)
auto rem = i % bitsPerWord;
if (rem)
// Fits within the current array
if (v)
data[$ - 1] |= (cast(size_t) 1 << rem);
data[$ - 1] &= ~(cast(size_t) 1 << rem);
// Need to add more data
_store._length = values.length;
* Constructor taking an $(REF_ALTTEXT input range, isInputRange, std,range,primitives)
this(Range)(Range r)
if (isInputRange!Range && isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Range, T) && !is(Range == T[]))
* Property returning `true` if and only if the array has
* no elements.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
@property bool empty()
return !length;
* Returns: A duplicate of the array.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH length).
@property Array dup()
Array result;
return result;
* Returns the number of elements in the array.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1).
@property size_t length() const
return _store.refCountedStore.isInitialized ? _store._length : 0;
alias opDollar = length;
* Returns: The maximum number of elements the array can store without
* reallocating memory and invalidating iterators upon insertion.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1).
@property size_t capacity()
return _store.refCountedStore.isInitialized
? cast(size_t) bitsPerWord * _store._backend.capacity
: 0;
* Ensures sufficient capacity to accommodate `e` _elements.
* If `e < capacity`, this method does nothing.
* Postcondition: `capacity >= e`
* Note: If the capacity is increased, one should assume that all
* iterators to the elements are invalidated.
* Complexity: at most $(BIGOH length) if `e > capacity`, otherwise $(BIGOH 1).
void reserve(size_t e)
import std.conv : to;
_store._backend.reserve(to!size_t((e + bitsPerWord - 1) / bitsPerWord));
* Returns: A range that iterates over all elements of the array in forward order.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
Range opSlice()
return Range(this, 0, length);
* Returns: A range that iterates the array between two specified positions.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
Range opSlice(size_t a, size_t b)
enforce(a <= b && b <= length);
return Range(this, a, b);
* Returns: The first element of the array.
* Precondition: `empty == false`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
* Throws: `Exception` if the array is empty.
@property bool front()
return data.ptr[0] & 1;
/// Ditto
@property void front(bool value)
if (value) data.ptr[0] |= 1;
else data.ptr[0] &= ~cast(size_t) 1;
* Returns: The last element of the array.
* Precondition: `empty == false`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
* Throws: `Exception` if the array is empty.
@property bool back()
return cast(bool)(data.back & (cast(size_t) 1 << ((_store._length - 1) % bitsPerWord)));
/// Ditto
@property void back(bool value)
if (value)
data.back |= (cast(size_t) 1 << ((_store._length - 1) % bitsPerWord));
data.back &=
~(cast(size_t) 1 << ((_store._length - 1) % bitsPerWord));
* Indexing operators yielding or modifyng the value at the specified index.
* Precondition: `i < length`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1)
bool opIndex(size_t i)
auto div = cast(size_t) (i / bitsPerWord);
auto rem = i % bitsPerWord;
enforce(div < data.length);
return cast(bool)(data.ptr[div] & (cast(size_t) 1 << rem));
/// ditto
void opIndexAssign(bool value, size_t i)
auto div = cast(size_t) (i / bitsPerWord);
auto rem = i % bitsPerWord;
enforce(div < data.length);
if (value) data.ptr[div] |= (cast(size_t) 1 << rem);
else data.ptr[div] &= ~(cast(size_t) 1 << rem);
/// ditto
void opIndexOpAssign(string op)(bool value, size_t i)
auto div = cast(size_t) (i / bitsPerWord);
auto rem = i % bitsPerWord;
enforce(div < data.length);
auto oldValue = cast(bool) (data.ptr[div] & (cast(size_t) 1 << rem));
// Do the deed
auto newValue = mixin("oldValue "~op~" value");
// Write back the value
if (newValue != oldValue)
if (newValue) data.ptr[div] |= (cast(size_t) 1 << rem);
else data.ptr[div] &= ~(cast(size_t) 1 << rem);
/// Ditto
T moveAt(size_t i)
return this[i];
* Returns: A new array which is a concatenation of `this` and its argument.
* Complexity:
* $(BIGOH length + m), where `m` is the number of elements in `stuff`.
Array!bool opBinary(string op, Stuff)(Stuff rhs)
if (op == "~")
Array!bool result;
static if (hasLength!Stuff)
result.reserve(length + rhs.length);
else static if (is(typeof(rhs[])) && hasLength!(typeof(rhs[])))
result.reserve(length + rhs[].length);
else static if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(Stuff, bool))
result.reserve(length + 1);
result ~= rhs;
return result;
* Forwards to `insertBack`.
Array!bool opOpAssign(string op, Stuff)(Stuff stuff)
if (op == "~")
static if (is(typeof(stuff[]))) insertBack(stuff[]);
else insertBack(stuff);
return this;
* Removes all the elements from the array and releases allocated memory.
* Postcondition: `empty == true && capacity == 0`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH length)
void clear()
this = Array();
* Sets the number of elements in the array to `newLength`. If `newLength`
* is greater than `length`, the new elements are added to the end of the
* array and initialized with `false`.
* Complexity:
* Guaranteed $(BIGOH abs(length - newLength)) if `capacity >= newLength`.
* If `capacity < newLength` the worst case is $(BIGOH newLength).
* Postcondition: `length == newLength`
@property void length(size_t newLength)
import std.conv : to;
auto newDataLength =
to!size_t((newLength + bitsPerWord - 1) / bitsPerWord);
_store._backend.length = newDataLength;
_store._length = newLength;
* Removes the last element from the array and returns it.
* Both stable and non-stable versions behave the same and guarantee
* that ranges iterating over the array are never invalidated.
* Precondition: `empty == false`
* Returns: The element removed.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1).
* Throws: `Exception` if the array is empty.
T removeAny()
auto result = back;
return result;
/// ditto
alias stableRemoveAny = removeAny;
* Inserts the specified elements at the back of the array. `stuff` can be
* a value convertible to `bool` or a range of objects convertible to `bool`.
* Returns: The number of elements inserted.
* Complexity:
* $(BIGOH length + m) if reallocation takes place, otherwise $(BIGOH m),
* where `m` is the number of elements in `stuff`.
size_t insertBack(Stuff)(Stuff stuff)
if (is(Stuff : bool))
auto rem = _store._length % bitsPerWord;
if (rem)
// Fits within the current array
if (stuff)
data[$ - 1] |= (cast(size_t) 1 << rem);
data[$ - 1] &= ~(cast(size_t) 1 << rem);
// Need to add more data
return 1;
/// ditto
size_t insertBack(Stuff)(Stuff stuff)
if (isInputRange!Stuff && is(ElementType!Stuff : bool))
size_t result;
static if (hasLength!Stuff)
result = stuff.length;
for (; !stuff.empty; stuff.popFront())
static if (!hasLength!Stuff) ++result;
return result;
/// ditto
alias stableInsertBack = insertBack;
/// ditto
alias insert = insertBack;
/// ditto
alias stableInsert = insertBack;
/// ditto
alias linearInsert = insertBack;
/// ditto
alias stableLinearInsert = insertBack;
* Removes the value from the back of the array. Both stable and non-stable
* versions behave the same and guarantee that ranges iterating over the
* array are never invalidated.
* Precondition: `empty == false`
* Complexity: $(BIGOH 1).
* Throws: `Exception` if the array is empty.
void removeBack()
if (_store._length % bitsPerWord)
// Cool, just decrease the length
// Reduce the allocated space
_store._backend.length = _store._backend.length - 1;
/// ditto
alias stableRemoveBack = removeBack;
* Removes `howMany` values from the back of the array. Unlike the
* unparameterized versions above, these functions do not throw if
* they could not remove `howMany` elements. Instead, if `howMany > n`,
* all elements are removed. The returned value is the effective number
* of elements removed. Both stable and non-stable versions behave the same
* and guarantee that ranges iterating over the array are never invalidated.
* Returns: The number of elements removed.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH howMany).
size_t removeBack(size_t howMany)
if (howMany >= length)
howMany = length;
length = length - howMany;
return howMany;
/// ditto
alias stableRemoveBack = removeBack;
* Inserts `stuff` before, after, or instead range `r`, which must
* be a valid range previously extracted from this array. `stuff`
* can be a value convertible to `bool` or a range of objects convertible
* to `bool`. Both stable and non-stable version behave the same and
* guarantee that ranges iterating over the array are never invalidated.
* Returns: The number of values inserted.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH length + m), where `m` is the length of `stuff`.
size_t insertBefore(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
import std.algorithm.mutation : bringToFront;
// TODO: make this faster, it moves one bit at a time
immutable inserted = stableInsertBack(stuff);
immutable tailLength = length - inserted;
this[r._a .. tailLength],
this[tailLength .. length]);
return inserted;
/// ditto
alias stableInsertBefore = insertBefore;
/// ditto
size_t insertAfter(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(Stuff, T) ||
isInputRange!Stuff && isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!Stuff, T))
import std.algorithm.mutation : bringToFront;
// TODO: make this faster, it moves one bit at a time
immutable inserted = stableInsertBack(stuff);
immutable tailLength = length - inserted;
this[r._b .. tailLength],
this[tailLength .. length]);
return inserted;
/// ditto
alias stableInsertAfter = insertAfter;
/// ditto
size_t replace(Stuff)(Range r, Stuff stuff)
if (is(Stuff : bool))
if (!r.empty)
// There is room
r.front = stuff;
// No room, must insert
insertBefore(r, stuff);
return 1;
/// ditto
alias stableReplace = replace;
* Removes all elements belonging to `r`, which must be a range
* obtained originally from this array.
* Returns: A range spanning the remaining elements in the array that
* initially were right after `r`.
* Complexity: $(BIGOH length)
Range linearRemove(Range r)
import std.algorithm.mutation : copy;
copy(this[r._b .. length], this[r._a .. length]);
length = length - r.length;
return this[r._a .. length];
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto a = Array!bool([true, true, false, false, true, false]);
assert(equal(a[], [true, true, false, false, true, false]));
// using Ranges
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
import std.range : retro;
bool[] arr = [true, true, false, false, true, false];
auto a = Array!bool(retro(arr));
assert(equal(a[], retro(arr)));
@system unittest
Array!bool a;
@system unittest
auto arr = Array!bool([false, false, false, false]);
assert(arr.front == false);
assert(arr.back == false);
assert(arr[1] == false);
auto slice = arr[];
slice = arr[0 .. $];
slice = slice[1 .. $];
slice.front = true;
slice.back = true;
slice[1] = true;
slice = slice[0 .. $]; //
assert(slice.front == true);
assert(slice.back == true);
assert(slice[1] == true);
assert(slice.moveFront == true);
assert(slice.moveBack == true);
assert(slice.moveAt(1) == true);
// uncomparable values are valid values for an array
@system unittest
double[] values = [double.nan, double.nan];
auto arr = Array!double(values);
@nogc @system unittest
auto a = Array!int(0, 1, 2);
int[3] b = [3, 4, 5];
short[3] ci = [0, 1, 0];
auto c = Array!short(ci);
assert(Array!int(0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2) == a ~ a);
assert(Array!int(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) == a ~ b);
assert(Array!int(0, 1, 2, 3) == a ~ 3);
assert(Array!int(0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0) == a ~ c);
@nogc @system unittest
auto a = Array!char('a', 'b');
assert(Array!char("abc") == a ~ 'c');
import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
assert(Array!char("abcd") == a ~ "cd".byCodeUnit);
@nogc @system unittest
auto a = Array!dchar("ąćę"d);
assert(Array!dchar("ąćęϢϖ"d) == a ~ "Ϣϖ"d);
wchar x = 'Ï¢';
assert(Array!dchar("ąćęϢz"d) == a ~ x ~ 'z');
@system unittest
Array!bool a;
@system unittest
Array!bool a;
auto b = a.dup;
@system unittest
import std.conv : to;
Array!bool a;
assert(a.length == 0);
assert(a.length == 1, to!string(a.length));
@system unittest
import std.conv : to;
Array!bool a;
assert(a.capacity == 0);
foreach (i; 0 .. 100)
assert(a.capacity >= a.length, to!string(a.capacity));
@system unittest
Array!bool a;
assert(a.capacity == 0);
assert(a.capacity >= 15657);
assert(a.capacity >= 15657);
@system unittest
auto a = Array!bool([true, false, true, true]);
assert(a[0 .. 2].length == 2);
@system unittest
auto a = Array!bool([true, false, true, true]);
assert(a[].length == 4);
@system unittest
auto a = Array!bool([true, false, true, true]);
a.front = false;
@system unittest
auto a = Array!bool([true, false, true, true]);
assert(a[].length == 4);
@system unittest
auto a = Array!bool([true, false, true, true]);
a.back = false;
@system unittest
auto a = Array!bool([true, false, true, true]);
assert(a[0] && !a[1]);
a[0] &= a[1];
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto a = Array!bool([true, false, true, true]);
auto b = Array!bool([true, true, false, true]);
assert(equal((a ~ b)[],
[true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true]));
assert((a ~ [true, false])[].equal([true, false, true, true, true, false]));
Array!bool c;
assert((c ~ false)[].equal([true, false]));
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
auto a = Array!bool([true, false, true, true]);
auto b = Array!bool([false, true, false, true, true]);
a ~= b;
[true, false, true, true, false, true, false, true, true]));
@system unittest
auto a = Array!bool([true, false, true, true]);
assert(a.capacity == 0);
@system unittest
Array!bool a;
a.length = 1057;
assert(a.length == 1057);
assert(a.capacity >= a.length);
foreach (e; a)
immutable cap = a.capacity;
a.length = 100;
assert(a.length == 100);
// do not realloc if length decreases
assert(a.capacity == cap);
@system unittest
Array!bool a;
a.length = 1057;
assert(a.length == 1056);
foreach (e; a)
@system unittest
Array!bool a;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
foreach (e; a)
@system unittest
Array!bool a;
a.length = 1057;
assert(a.removeBack(1000) == 1000);
assert(a.length == 57);
foreach (e; a)
@system unittest
import std.conv : to;
Array!bool a;
version (bugxxxx)
a._store.refCountedDebug = true;
a.insertBefore(a[], true);
assert(a.length == 1, to!string(a.length));
a.insertBefore(a[], false);
assert(a.length == 2, to!string(a.length));
a.insertBefore(a[1 .. $], true);
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
assert(a[].equal([false, true, true]));
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
Array!bool arr;
size_t len = arr.insertBack([false, true]);
assert(len == 2);
@system unittest
import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
Array!bool a;
a.insertBack([true, true, false, false, true]);
assert(a.length == 5);
assert(a.insertAfter(a[0 .. 5], [false, false]) == 2);
assert(equal(a[], [true, true, false, false, true, false, false]));
assert(a.insertAfter(a[0 .. 5], true) == 1);
assert(equal(a[], [true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false]));
@system unittest
import std.conv : to;
Array!bool a;
a.length = 10;
a.insertAfter(a[0 .. 5], true);
assert(a.length == 11, to!string(a.length));
@system unittest
alias V3 = int[3];
V3 v = [1, 2, 3];
Array!V3 arr;
arr ~= v;
assert(arr[0] == [1, 2, 3]);
@system unittest
alias V3 = int[3];
V3[2] v = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];
Array!V3 arr;
arr ~= v;
assert(arr[0] == [1, 2, 3]);
assert(arr[1] == [4, 5, 6]);
// Change of length reallocates without calling GC.
@system unittest
import core.memory;
class ABC { void func() { int x = 5; } }
Array!ABC arr;
// Length only allocates if capacity is too low.
assert(arr.capacity == 4);
void func() @nogc
arr.length = 5;
foreach (ref b; arr) b = new ABC;
@system unittest
Array!int arr = [1, 2, 4, 5];
int[] data =;
const Array!int arr2 = [8, 9];
assert( == [8, 9]);
data[0] = 0;
assert(arr[0] == 0);
arr.length = 0;
assert( == []);
Array!int empty;
assert( == []);