blob: 72d128700bf19d74157d185e7f6fd451c73f854f [file] [log] [blame]
// Written in the D programming language.
Read and write data in the
$(LINK2, zip archive)
The current implementation mostly conforms to
$(LINK2, ISO/IEC 21320-1:2015),
which means,
$(LI that files can only be stored uncompressed or using the deflate mechanism,)
$(LI that encryption features are not used,)
$(LI that digital signature features are not used,)
$(LI that patched data features are not used, and)
$(LI that archives may not span multiple volumes.)
Additionally, archives are checked for malware attacks and rejected if detected.
This includes
$(LI $(LINK2, zip bombs) which
generate gigantic amounts of unpacked data)
$(LI zip archives that contain overlapping records)
$(LI chameleon zip archives which generate different unpacked data, depending
on the implementation of the unpack algorithm)
The current implementation makes use of the zlib compression library.
There are two main ways of usage: Extracting files from a zip archive
and storing files into a zip archive. These can be mixed though (e.g.
read an archive, remove some files, add others and write the new
Example for reading an existing zip archive:
import std.stdio : writeln, writefln;
import std.file : read;
void main(string[] args)
// read a zip file into memory
auto zip = new ZipArchive(read(args[1]));
// iterate over all zip members
writefln("%-10s %-8s Name", "Length", "CRC-32");
foreach (name, am;
// print some data about each member
writefln("%10s %08x %s", am.expandedSize, am.crc32, name);
assert(am.expandedData.length == 0);
// decompress the archive member
assert(am.expandedData.length == am.expandedSize);
Example for writing files into a zip archive:
import std.file : write;
import std.string : representation;
void main()
// Create an ArchiveMembers for each file.
ArchiveMember file1 = new ArchiveMember(); = "test1.txt";
file1.expandedData("Test data.\n".dup.representation);
file1.compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.none; // don't compress
ArchiveMember file2 = new ArchiveMember(); = "test2.txt";
file2.expandedData("More test data.\n".dup.representation);
file2.compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.deflate; // compress
// Create an archive and add the member.
ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive();
// add ArchiveMembers
// Build the archive
void[] compressed_data =;
// Write to a file
write("", compressed_data);
* Copyright: Copyright The D Language Foundation 2000 - 2009.
* License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).
* Authors: $(HTTP, Walter Bright)
* Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/zip.d)
/* Copyright The D Language Foundation 2000 - 2009.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
import std.exception : enforce;
// Non-Android/Apple ARM POSIX-only, because we can't rely on the unzip
// command being available on Android, Apple ARM or Windows
version (Android) {}
else version (iOS) {}
else version (TVOS) {}
else version (WatchOS) {}
else version (Posix)
version = HasUnzip;
/// Thrown on error.
class ZipException : Exception
import std.exception : basicExceptionCtors;
mixin basicExceptionCtors;
/// Compression method used by `ArchiveMember`.
enum CompressionMethod : ushort
none = 0, /// No compression, just archiving.
deflate = 8 /// Deflate algorithm. Use zlib library to compress.
/// A single file or directory inside the archive.
final class ArchiveMember
import std.conv : to, octal;
import std.datetime.systime : DosFileTime, SysTime, SysTimeToDosFileTime;
* The name of the archive member; it is used to index the
* archive directory for the member. Each member must have a
* unique name. Do not change without removing member from the
* directory first.
string name;
* The content of the extra data field for this member. See
* $(LINK2,
* original documentation)
* for a description of the general format of this data. May contain
* undocumented 3rd-party data.
ubyte[] extra;
string comment; /// Comment associated with this member.
private ubyte[] _compressedData;
private ubyte[] _expandedData;
private uint offset;
private uint _crc32;
private uint _compressedSize;
private uint _expandedSize;
private CompressionMethod _compressionMethod;
private ushort _madeVersion = 20;
private ushort _extractVersion = 20;
private uint _externalAttributes;
private DosFileTime _time;
// by default, no explicit order goes after explicit order
private uint _index = uint.max;
* Contains some information on how to extract this archive. See
* $(LINK2,
* original documentation)
* for details.
ushort flags;
* Internal attributes. Bit 1 is set, if the member is apparently in binary format
* and bit 2 is set, if each record is preceded by the length of the record.
ushort internalAttributes;
* The zip file format version needed to extract this member.
* Returns: Format version needed to extract this member.
@property @safe pure nothrow @nogc ushort extractVersion() const { return _extractVersion; }
* Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value.
* Returns: CRC32 value.
@property @safe pure nothrow @nogc uint crc32() const { return _crc32; }
* Size of data of member in compressed form.
* Returns: Size of the compressed archive.
@property @safe pure nothrow @nogc uint compressedSize() const { return _compressedSize; }
* Size of data of member in uncompressed form.
* Returns: Size of uncompressed archive.
@property @safe pure nothrow @nogc uint expandedSize() const { return _expandedSize; }
* Data of member in compressed form.
* Returns: The file data in compressed form.
@property @safe pure nothrow @nogc ubyte[] compressedData() { return _compressedData; }
* Get or set data of member in uncompressed form. When an existing archive is
* read `ZipArchive.expand` needs to be called before this can be accessed.
* Params:
* ed = Expanded Data.
* Returns: The file data.
@property @safe pure nothrow @nogc ubyte[] expandedData() { return _expandedData; }
/// ditto
@property @safe void expandedData(ubyte[] ed)
_expandedData = ed;
_expandedSize = to!uint(_expandedData.length);
// Clean old compressed data, if any
_compressedData.length = 0;
_compressedSize = 0;
* Get or set the OS specific file attributes for this archive member.
* Params:
* attr = Attributes as obtained by $(REF getAttributes, std,file) or
* $(REF DirEntry.attributes, std,file).
* Returns: The file attributes or 0 if the file attributes were
* encoded for an incompatible OS (Windows vs. POSIX).
@property @safe void fileAttributes(uint attr)
version (Posix)
_externalAttributes = (attr & 0xFFFF) << 16;
_madeVersion &= 0x00FF;
_madeVersion |= 0x0300; // attributes are in UNIX format
else version (Windows)
_externalAttributes = attr;
_madeVersion &= 0x00FF; // attributes are in MS-DOS and OS/2 format
static assert(0, "Unimplemented platform");
version (Posix) @safe unittest
auto am = new ArchiveMember();
am.fileAttributes = octal!100644;
assert(am._externalAttributes == octal!100644 << 16);
assert((am._madeVersion & 0xFF00) == 0x0300);
/// ditto
@property @nogc nothrow uint fileAttributes() const
version (Posix)
if ((_madeVersion & 0xFF00) == 0x0300)
return _externalAttributes >> 16;
return 0;
else version (Windows)
if ((_madeVersion & 0xFF00) == 0x0000)
return _externalAttributes;
return 0;
static assert(0, "Unimplemented platform");
* Get or set the last modification time for this member.
* Params:
* time = Time to set (will be saved as DosFileTime, which is less accurate).
* Returns:
* The last modification time in DosFileFormat.
@property DosFileTime time() const @safe pure nothrow @nogc
return _time;
/// ditto
@property void time(SysTime time)
_time = SysTimeToDosFileTime(time);
/// ditto
@property void time(DosFileTime time) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
_time = time;
* Get or set compression method used for this member.
* Params:
* cm = Compression method.
* Returns: Compression method.
* See_Also:
* $(LREF CompressionMethod)
@property @safe @nogc pure nothrow CompressionMethod compressionMethod() const { return _compressionMethod; }
/// ditto
@property @safe pure void compressionMethod(CompressionMethod cm)
if (cm == _compressionMethod) return;
enforce!ZipException(_compressedSize == 0, "Can't change compression method for a compressed element");
_compressionMethod = cm;
* The index of this archive member within the archive. Set this to a
* different value for reordering the members of an archive.
* Params:
* value = Index value to set.
* Returns: The index.
@property uint index(uint value) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _index = value; }
@property uint index() const @safe pure nothrow @nogc { return _index; } /// ditto
void print()
printf("name = '%.*s'\n", cast(int) name.length, name.ptr);
printf("\tcomment = '%.*s'\n", cast(int) comment.length, comment.ptr);
printf("\tmadeVersion = x%04x\n", _madeVersion);
printf("\textractVersion = x%04x\n", extractVersion);
printf("\tflags = x%04x\n", flags);
printf("\tcompressionMethod = %d\n", compressionMethod);
printf("\ttime = %d\n", time);
printf("\tcrc32 = x%08x\n", crc32);
printf("\texpandedSize = %d\n", expandedSize);
printf("\tcompressedSize = %d\n", compressedSize);
printf("\tinternalAttributes = x%04x\n", internalAttributes);
printf("\texternalAttributes = x%08x\n", externalAttributes);
printf("\tindex = x%08x\n", index);
@safe pure unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
auto am = new ArchiveMember();
am._compressedData = [0x65]; // not strictly necessary, but for consistency
am._compressedSize = 1;
* Object representing the entire archive.
* ZipArchives are collections of ArchiveMembers.
final class ZipArchive
import std.algorithm.comparison : max;
import std.bitmanip : littleEndianToNative, nativeToLittleEndian;
import std.conv : to;
import std.datetime.systime : DosFileTime;
// names are taken directly from the specification
static immutable ubyte[] centralFileHeaderSignature = [ 0x50, 0x4b, 0x01, 0x02 ];
static immutable ubyte[] localFileHeaderSignature = [ 0x50, 0x4b, 0x03, 0x04 ];
static immutable ubyte[] endOfCentralDirSignature = [ 0x50, 0x4b, 0x05, 0x06 ];
static immutable ubyte[] archiveExtraDataSignature = [ 0x50, 0x4b, 0x06, 0x08 ];
static immutable ubyte[] digitalSignatureSignature = [ 0x50, 0x4b, 0x05, 0x05 ];
static immutable ubyte[] zip64EndOfCentralDirSignature = [ 0x50, 0x4b, 0x06, 0x06 ];
static immutable ubyte[] zip64EndOfCentralDirLocatorSignature = [ 0x50, 0x4b, 0x06, 0x07 ];
enum centralFileHeaderLength = 46;
enum localFileHeaderLength = 30;
enum endOfCentralDirLength = 22;
enum archiveExtraDataLength = 8;
enum digitalSignatureLength = 6;
enum zip64EndOfCentralDirLength = 56;
enum zip64EndOfCentralDirLocatorLength = 20;
enum dataDescriptorLength = 12;
string comment; /// The archive comment. Must be less than 65536 bytes in length.
private ubyte[] _data;
private bool _isZip64;
static const ushort zip64ExtractVersion = 45;
private Segment[] _segs;
* Array representing the entire contents of the archive.
* Returns: Data of the entire contents of the archive.
@property @safe @nogc pure nothrow ubyte[] data() { return _data; }
* Number of ArchiveMembers in the directory.
* Returns: The number of files in this archive.
@property @safe @nogc pure nothrow uint totalEntries() const { return cast(uint) _directory.length; }
* True when the archive is in Zip64 format. Set this to true to force building a Zip64 archive.
* Params:
* value = True, when the archive is forced to be build in Zip64 format.
* Returns: True, when the archive is in Zip64 format.
@property @safe @nogc pure nothrow bool isZip64() const { return _isZip64; }
/// ditto
@property @safe @nogc pure nothrow void isZip64(bool value) { _isZip64 = value; }
* Associative array indexed by the name of each member of the archive.
* All the members of the archive can be accessed with a foreach loop:
* Example:
* --------------------
* ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(data);
* foreach (ArchiveMember am;
* {
* writefln("member name is '%s'",;
* }
* --------------------
* Returns: Associative array with all archive members.
@property @safe @nogc pure nothrow ArchiveMember[string] directory() { return _directory; }
private ArchiveMember[string] _directory;
debug (print)
@safe void print()
printf("\tdiskNumber = %u\n", diskNumber);
printf("\tdiskStartDir = %u\n", diskStartDir);
printf("\tnumEntries = %u\n", numEntries);
printf("\ttotalEntries = %u\n", totalEntries);
printf("\tcomment = '%.*s'\n", cast(int) comment.length, comment.ptr);
/* ============ Creating a new archive =================== */
* Constructor to use when creating a new archive.
this() @safe @nogc pure nothrow
* Add a member to the archive. The file is compressed on the fly.
* Params:
* de = Member to be added.
* Throws: ZipException when an unsupported compression method is used or when
* compression failed.
@safe void addMember(ArchiveMember de)
_directory[] = de;
if (!de._compressedData.length)
switch (de.compressionMethod)
case CompressionMethod.none:
de._compressedData = de._expandedData;
case CompressionMethod.deflate:
import std.zlib : compress;
() @trusted
de._compressedData = cast(ubyte[]) compress(cast(void[]) de._expandedData);
de._compressedData = de._compressedData[2 .. de._compressedData.length - 4];
throw new ZipException("unsupported compression method");
de._compressedSize = to!uint(de._compressedData.length);
import std.zlib : crc32;
() @trusted { de._crc32 = crc32(0, cast(void[]) de._expandedData); }();
assert(de._compressedData.length == de._compressedSize, "Archive member compressed failed.");
@safe unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
ArchiveMember am = new ArchiveMember();
am.compressionMethod = cast(CompressionMethod) 3;
ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive();
* Delete member `de` from the archive. Uses the name of the member
* to detect which element to delete.
* Params:
* de = Member to be deleted.
@safe void deleteMember(ArchiveMember de)
@safe unittest
import std.string : representation;
ArchiveMember file1 = new ArchiveMember(); = "test1.txt";
file1.expandedData("Test data.\n".dup.representation);
ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive();
assert(zip.totalEntries == 1);
assert(zip.totalEntries == 0);
* Construct the entire contents of the current members of the archive.
* Fills in the properties data[], totalEntries, and directory[].
* For each ArchiveMember, fills in properties crc32, compressedSize,
* compressedData[].
* Returns: Array representing the entire archive.
* Throws: ZipException when the archive could not be build.
void[] build() @safe pure
import std.array : array, uninitializedArray;
import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
import std.string : representation;
uint i;
uint directoryOffset;
enforce!ZipException(comment.length <= 0xFFFF, "archive comment longer than 65535");
// Compress each member; compute size
uint archiveSize = 0;
uint directorySize = 0;
auto directory = _directory.byValue.array.sort!((x, y) => x.index < y.index).release;
foreach (ArchiveMember de; directory)
enforce!ZipException(to!ulong(archiveSize) + localFileHeaderLength +
+ de.extra.length + de.compressedSize + directorySize
+ centralFileHeaderLength + + de.extra.length
+ de.comment.length + endOfCentralDirLength + comment.length
+ zip64EndOfCentralDirLocatorLength + zip64EndOfCentralDirLength <= uint.max,
"zip files bigger than 4 GB are unsupported");
archiveSize += localFileHeaderLength + +
de.extra.length +
directorySize += centralFileHeaderLength + +
de.extra.length +
if (!isZip64 && _directory.length > ushort.max)
_isZip64 = true;
uint dataSize = archiveSize + directorySize + endOfCentralDirLength + cast(uint) comment.length;
if (isZip64)
dataSize += zip64EndOfCentralDirLocatorLength + zip64EndOfCentralDirLength;
_data = uninitializedArray!(ubyte[])(dataSize);
// Populate the data[]
// Store each archive member
i = 0;
foreach (ArchiveMember de; directory)
de.offset = i;
_data[i .. i + 4] = localFileHeaderSignature;
putUshort(i + 4, de.extractVersion);
putUshort(i + 6, de.flags);
putUshort(i + 8, de._compressionMethod);
putUint (i + 10, cast(uint) de.time);
putUint (i + 14, de.crc32);
putUint (i + 18, de.compressedSize);
putUint (i + 22, to!uint(de.expandedSize));
putUshort(i + 26, cast(ushort);
putUshort(i + 28, cast(ushort) de.extra.length);
i += localFileHeaderLength;
_data[i .. i +] = ([];
i +=;
_data[i .. i + de.extra.length] = (cast(ubyte[]) de.extra)[];
i += de.extra.length;
_data[i .. i + de.compressedSize] = de.compressedData[];
i += de.compressedSize;
// Write directory
directoryOffset = i;
foreach (ArchiveMember de; directory)
_data[i .. i + 4] = centralFileHeaderSignature;
putUshort(i + 4, de._madeVersion);
putUshort(i + 6, de.extractVersion);
putUshort(i + 8, de.flags);
putUshort(i + 10, de._compressionMethod);
putUint (i + 12, cast(uint) de.time);
putUint (i + 16, de.crc32);
putUint (i + 20, de.compressedSize);
putUint (i + 24, de.expandedSize);
putUshort(i + 28, cast(ushort);
putUshort(i + 30, cast(ushort) de.extra.length);
putUshort(i + 32, cast(ushort) de.comment.length);
putUshort(i + 34, cast(ushort) 0);
putUshort(i + 36, de.internalAttributes);
putUint (i + 38, de._externalAttributes);
putUint (i + 42, de.offset);
i += centralFileHeaderLength;
_data[i .. i +] = ([];
i +=;
_data[i .. i + de.extra.length] = (cast(ubyte[]) de.extra)[];
i += de.extra.length;
_data[i .. i + de.comment.length] = (de.comment.representation)[];
i += de.comment.length;
if (isZip64)
// Write zip64 end of central directory record
uint eocd64Offset = i;
_data[i .. i + 4] = zip64EndOfCentralDirSignature;
putUlong (i + 4, zip64EndOfCentralDirLength - 12);
putUshort(i + 12, zip64ExtractVersion);
putUshort(i + 14, zip64ExtractVersion);
putUint (i + 16, cast(ushort) 0);
putUint (i + 20, cast(ushort) 0);
putUlong (i + 24, directory.length);
putUlong (i + 32, directory.length);
putUlong (i + 40, directorySize);
putUlong (i + 48, directoryOffset);
i += zip64EndOfCentralDirLength;
// Write zip64 end of central directory record locator
_data[i .. i + 4] = zip64EndOfCentralDirLocatorSignature;
putUint (i + 4, cast(ushort) 0);
putUlong (i + 8, eocd64Offset);
putUint (i + 16, 1);
i += zip64EndOfCentralDirLocatorLength;
// Write end record
_data[i .. i + 4] = endOfCentralDirSignature;
putUshort(i + 4, cast(ushort) 0);
putUshort(i + 6, cast(ushort) 0);
putUshort(i + 8, (totalEntries > ushort.max ? ushort.max : cast(ushort) totalEntries));
putUshort(i + 10, (totalEntries > ushort.max ? ushort.max : cast(ushort) totalEntries));
putUint (i + 12, directorySize);
putUint (i + 16, directoryOffset);
putUshort(i + 20, cast(ushort) comment.length);
i += endOfCentralDirLength;
// Write archive comment
assert(i + comment.length == data.length, "Writing the archive comment failed.");
_data[i .. data.length] = (comment.representation)[];
return cast(void[]) data;
@safe pure unittest
import std.exception : assertNotThrown;
ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive();
zip.comment = "A";
@safe pure unittest
import std.range : repeat, array;
import std.exception : assertThrown;
ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive();
zip.comment = 'A'.repeat(70_000).array;
/* ============ Reading an existing archive =================== */
* Constructor to use when reading an existing archive.
* Fills in the properties data[], totalEntries, comment[], and directory[].
* For each ArchiveMember, fills in
* properties madeVersion, extractVersion, flags, compressionMethod, time,
* crc32, compressedSize, expandedSize, compressedData[],
* internalAttributes, externalAttributes, name[], extra[], comment[].
* Use expand() to get the expanded data for each ArchiveMember.
* Params:
* buffer = The entire contents of the archive.
* Throws: ZipException when the archive was invalid or when malware was detected.
this(void[] buffer)
this._data = cast(ubyte[]) buffer;
enforce!ZipException(data.length <= uint.max - 2, "zip files bigger than 4 GB are unsupported");
_segs = [Segment(0, cast(uint) data.length)];
uint i = findEndOfCentralDirRecord();
int endCommentLength = getUshort(i + 20);
comment = cast(string)(_data[i + endOfCentralDirLength .. i + endOfCentralDirLength + endCommentLength]);
// end of central dir record
removeSegment(i, i + endOfCentralDirLength + endCommentLength);
uint k = i - zip64EndOfCentralDirLocatorLength;
if (k < i && _data[k .. k + 4] == zip64EndOfCentralDirLocatorSignature)
_isZip64 = true;
i = k;
// zip64 end of central dir record locator
removeSegment(k, k + zip64EndOfCentralDirLocatorLength);
uint directorySize;
uint directoryOffset;
uint directoryCount;
if (isZip64)
// Read Zip64 record data
ulong eocdOffset = getUlong(i + 8);
enforce!ZipException(eocdOffset + zip64EndOfCentralDirLength <= _data.length,
"corrupted directory");
i = to!uint(eocdOffset);
enforce!ZipException(_data[i .. i + 4] == zip64EndOfCentralDirSignature,
"invalid Zip EOCD64 signature");
ulong eocd64Size = getUlong(i + 4);
enforce!ZipException(eocd64Size + i - 12 <= data.length,
"invalid Zip EOCD64 size");
// zip64 end of central dir record
removeSegment(i, cast(uint) (i + 12 + eocd64Size));
ulong numEntriesUlong = getUlong(i + 24);
ulong totalEntriesUlong = getUlong(i + 32);
ulong directorySizeUlong = getUlong(i + 40);
ulong directoryOffsetUlong = getUlong(i + 48);
enforce!ZipException(numEntriesUlong <= uint.max,
"supposedly more than 4294967296 files in archive");
enforce!ZipException(numEntriesUlong == totalEntriesUlong,
"multiple disk zips not supported");
enforce!ZipException(directorySizeUlong <= i && directoryOffsetUlong <= i
&& directorySizeUlong + directoryOffsetUlong <= i,
"corrupted directory");
directoryCount = to!uint(totalEntriesUlong);
directorySize = to!uint(directorySizeUlong);
directoryOffset = to!uint(directoryOffsetUlong);
// Read end record data
directoryCount = getUshort(i + 10);
directorySize = getUint(i + 12);
directoryOffset = getUint(i + 16);
i = directoryOffset;
for (int n = 0; n < directoryCount; n++)
/* The format of an entry is:
* 'PK' 1, 2
* directory info
* path
* extra data
* comment
uint namelen;
uint extralen;
uint commentlen;
enforce!ZipException(_data[i .. i + 4] == centralFileHeaderSignature,
"wrong central file header signature found");
ArchiveMember de = new ArchiveMember();
de._index = n;
de._madeVersion = getUshort(i + 4);
de._extractVersion = getUshort(i + 6);
de.flags = getUshort(i + 8);
de._compressionMethod = cast(CompressionMethod) getUshort(i + 10);
de.time = cast(DosFileTime) getUint(i + 12);
de._crc32 = getUint(i + 16);
de._compressedSize = getUint(i + 20);
de._expandedSize = getUint(i + 24);
namelen = getUshort(i + 28);
extralen = getUshort(i + 30);
commentlen = getUshort(i + 32);
de.internalAttributes = getUshort(i + 36);
de._externalAttributes = getUint(i + 38);
de.offset = getUint(i + 42);
// central file header
removeSegment(i, i + centralFileHeaderLength + namelen + extralen + commentlen);
i += centralFileHeaderLength;
enforce!ZipException(i + namelen + extralen + commentlen <= directoryOffset + directorySize,
"invalid field lengths in file header found"); = cast(string)(_data[i .. i + namelen]);
i += namelen;
de.extra = _data[i .. i + extralen];
i += extralen;
de.comment = cast(string)(_data[i .. i + commentlen]);
i += commentlen;
auto localFileHeaderNamelen = getUshort(de.offset + 26);
auto localFileHeaderExtralen = getUshort(de.offset + 28);
// file data
removeSegment(de.offset, de.offset + localFileHeaderLength + localFileHeaderNamelen
+ localFileHeaderExtralen + de._compressedSize);
immutable uint dataOffset = de.offset + localFileHeaderLength
+ localFileHeaderNamelen + localFileHeaderExtralen;
de._compressedData = _data[dataOffset .. dataOffset + de.compressedSize];
_directory[] = de;
enforce!ZipException(i == directoryOffset + directorySize, "invalid directory entry 3");
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// contains wrong directorySize (extra byte 0xff)
auto file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// wrong eocdOffset
auto file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// wrong signature of zip64 end of central directory
auto file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// wrong size of zip64 end of central directory
auto file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// too many entries in zip64 end of central directory
auto file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// zip64: numEntries and totalEntries differ
auto file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// zip64: directorySize too large
auto file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
// zip64: directoryOffset too large
file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
// zip64: directorySize + directoryOffset too large
// we need to add a useless byte at the beginning to avoid that one of the other two checks allready fires
file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// wrong central file header signature
auto file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// invalid field lengths in file header
auto file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
private uint findEndOfCentralDirRecord()
// end of central dir record can be followed by a comment of up to 2^^16-1 bytes
// therefore we have to scan 2^^16 positions
uint endrecOffset = to!uint(data.length);
foreach (i; 0 .. 2 ^^ 16)
if (endOfCentralDirLength + i > data.length) break;
uint start = to!uint(data.length) - endOfCentralDirLength - i;
if (data[start .. start + 4] != endOfCentralDirSignature) continue;
auto numberOfThisDisc = getUshort(start + 4);
if (numberOfThisDisc != 0) continue; // no support for multiple volumes yet
auto numberOfStartOfCentralDirectory = getUshort(start + 6);
if (numberOfStartOfCentralDirectory != 0) continue; // dito
if (numberOfThisDisc < numberOfStartOfCentralDirectory) continue;
uint k = start - zip64EndOfCentralDirLocatorLength;
auto maybeZip64 = k < start && _data[k .. k + 4] == zip64EndOfCentralDirLocatorSignature;
auto totalNumberOfEntriesOnThisDisk = getUshort(start + 8);
auto totalNumberOfEntriesInCentralDir = getUshort(start + 10);
if (totalNumberOfEntriesOnThisDisk > totalNumberOfEntriesInCentralDir &&
(!maybeZip64 || totalNumberOfEntriesOnThisDisk < 0xffff)) continue;
auto sizeOfCentralDirectory = getUint(start + 12);
if (sizeOfCentralDirectory > start &&
(!maybeZip64 || sizeOfCentralDirectory < 0xffff)) continue;
auto offsetOfCentralDirectory = getUint(start + 16);
if (offsetOfCentralDirectory > start - sizeOfCentralDirectory &&
(!maybeZip64 || offsetOfCentralDirectory < 0xffff)) continue;
auto zipfileCommentLength = getUshort(start + 20);
if (start + zipfileCommentLength + endOfCentralDirLength != data.length) continue;
enforce!ZipException(endrecOffset == to!uint(data.length),
"found more than one valid 'end of central dir record'");
endrecOffset = start;
enforce!ZipException(endrecOffset != to!uint(data.length),
"found no valid 'end of central dir record'");
return endrecOffset;
* Decompress the contents of a member.
* Fills in properties extractVersion, flags, compressionMethod, time,
* crc32, compressedSize, expandedSize, expandedData[], name[], extra[].
* Params:
* de = Member to be decompressed.
* Returns: The expanded data.
* Throws: ZipException when the entry is invalid or the compression method is not supported.
ubyte[] expand(ArchiveMember de)
import std.string : representation;
uint namelen;
uint extralen;
enforce!ZipException(_data[de.offset .. de.offset + 4] == localFileHeaderSignature,
"wrong local file header signature found");
// These values should match what is in the main zip archive directory
de._extractVersion = getUshort(de.offset + 4);
de.flags = getUshort(de.offset + 6);
de._compressionMethod = cast(CompressionMethod) getUshort(de.offset + 8);
de.time = cast(DosFileTime) getUint(de.offset + 10);
de._crc32 = getUint(de.offset + 14);
de._compressedSize = max(getUint(de.offset + 18), de.compressedSize);
de._expandedSize = max(getUint(de.offset + 22), de.expandedSize);
namelen = getUshort(de.offset + 26);
extralen = getUshort(de.offset + 28);
printf("\t\texpandedSize = %d\n", de.expandedSize);
printf("\t\tcompressedSize = %d\n", de.compressedSize);
printf("\t\tnamelen = %d\n", namelen);
printf("\t\textralen = %d\n", extralen);
enforce!ZipException((de.flags & 1) == 0, "encryption not supported");
switch (de.compressionMethod)
case CompressionMethod.none:
de._expandedData = de.compressedData;
return de.expandedData;
case CompressionMethod.deflate:
// -15 is a magic value used to decompress zip files.
// It has the effect of not requiring the 2 byte header
// and 4 byte trailer.
import std.zlib : uncompress;
de._expandedData = cast(ubyte[]) uncompress(cast(void[]) de.compressedData, de.expandedSize, -15);
return de.expandedData;
throw new ZipException("unsupported compression method");
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// check for correct local file header signature
auto file =
auto za = new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file);
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// check for encryption flag
auto file =
auto za = new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file);
@system unittest
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// check for invalid compression method
auto file =
auto za = new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file);
/* ============ Utility =================== */
@safe @nogc pure nothrow ushort getUshort(uint i)
ubyte[2] result = data[i .. i + 2];
return littleEndianToNative!ushort(result);
@safe @nogc pure nothrow uint getUint(uint i)
ubyte[4] result = data[i .. i + 4];
return littleEndianToNative!uint(result);
@safe @nogc pure nothrow ulong getUlong(uint i)
ubyte[8] result = data[i .. i + 8];
return littleEndianToNative!ulong(result);
@safe @nogc pure nothrow void putUshort(uint i, ushort us)
data[i .. i + 2] = nativeToLittleEndian(us);
@safe @nogc pure nothrow void putUint(uint i, uint ui)
data[i .. i + 4] = nativeToLittleEndian(ui);
@safe @nogc pure nothrow void putUlong(uint i, ulong ul)
data[i .. i + 8] = nativeToLittleEndian(ul);
/* ============== for detecting overlaps =============== */
// defines a segment of the zip file, including start, excluding end
struct Segment
uint start;
uint end;
// removes Segment start .. end from _segs
// throws zipException if start .. end is not completely available in _segs;
void removeSegment(uint start, uint end) pure @safe
in (start < end, "segment invalid")
auto found = false;
size_t pos;
foreach (i,seg;_segs)
if (seg.start <= start && seg.end >= end
&& (!found || seg.start > _segs[pos].start))
found = true;
pos = i;
enforce!ZipException(found, "overlapping data detected");
if (start>_segs[pos].start)
_segs ~= Segment(_segs[pos].start, start);
if (end<_segs[pos].end)
_segs ~= Segment(end, _segs[pos].end);
_segs = _segs[0 .. pos] ~ _segs[pos + 1 .. $];
pure @safe unittest
with (new ZipArchive())
_segs = [Segment(0,100)];
assert(_segs == [Segment(0,10),Segment(20,100)]);
_segs = [Segment(0,100)];
assert(_segs == [Segment(20,100)]);
_segs = [Segment(0,100)];
assert(_segs == [Segment(0,10)]);
_segs = [Segment(0,100), Segment(200,300), Segment(400,500)];
assert(_segs == [Segment(0,100),Segment(400,500),Segment(200,220),Segment(230,300)]);
_segs = [Segment(200,300), Segment(0,100), Segment(400,500)];
assert(_segs == [Segment(200,300),Segment(400,500),Segment(0,20),Segment(30,100)]);
import std.exception : assertThrown;
_segs = [Segment(0,100), Segment(200,300), Segment(400,500)];
_segs = [Segment(0,100), Segment(200,300), Segment(400,500)];
_segs = [Segment(0,100)];
@safe void arrayPrint(ubyte[] array)
printf("array %p,%d\n", cast(void*) array, array.length);
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
printf("%02x ", array[i]);
if (((i + 1) & 15) == 0)
@system unittest
// @system due to (at least)
auto zip1 = new ZipArchive();
auto zip2 = new ZipArchive();
auto am1 = new ArchiveMember(); = "foo";
am1.expandedData = new ubyte[](1024);
auto data1 =;
auto am2 =["foo"];
assert(am1.expandedData == am2.expandedData);
auto zip3 = new ZipArchive(data1);;
assert(["foo"].compressedSize == am1.compressedSize);
// Test if packing and unpacking produces the original data
import std.conv, std.stdio;
import std.random : uniform, MinstdRand0;
MinstdRand0 gen;
const uint itemCount = 20, minSize = 10, maxSize = 500;
foreach (variant; 0 .. 2)
bool useZip64 = !!variant;
zip1 = new ZipArchive();
zip1.isZip64 = useZip64;
ArchiveMember[itemCount] ams;
foreach (i; 0 .. itemCount)
ams[i] = new ArchiveMember();
ams[i].name = to!string(i);
ams[i].expandedData = new ubyte[](uniform(minSize, maxSize));
foreach (ref ubyte c; ams[i].expandedData)
c = cast(ubyte)(uniform(0, 256));
ams[i].compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.deflate;
auto zippedData =;
zip2 = new ZipArchive(zippedData);
assert(zip2.isZip64 == useZip64);
foreach (am; ams)
am2 =[];
assert(am.crc32 == am2.crc32);
assert(am.expandedData == am2.expandedData);
@system unittest
import std.conv : to;
import std.random : Mt19937, randomShuffle;
// Test if packing and unpacking preserves order.
auto rand = Mt19937(15966);
string[] names;
int value = 0;
// Generate a series of unique numbers as filenames.
foreach (i; 0 .. 20)
value += 1 + rand.front & 0xFFFF;
names ~=!string;
// Insert them in a random order.
auto zip1 = new ZipArchive();
foreach (i, name; names)
auto member = new ArchiveMember(); = name;
member.expandedData = cast(ubyte[]) name;
member.index = cast(int) i;
auto data =;
// Ensure that they appear in the same order.
auto zip2 = new ZipArchive(data);
foreach (i, name; names)
const member =[name];
assert(member.index == i, "member " ~ name ~ " had index " ~!string ~ " but we expected index " ~!string ~
". The input array was " ~!string);
@system unittest
import std.zlib;
ubyte[] src = cast(ubyte[])
"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\r
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\r
auto dst = cast(ubyte[]) compress(cast(void[]) src);
auto after = cast(ubyte[]) uncompress(cast(void[]) dst);
assert(src == after);
@system unittest
// @system due to
import std.datetime;
ubyte[] buf = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9];
auto ar = new ZipArchive;
auto am = new ArchiveMember; // 10 = "buf";
am.expandedData = buf;
am.compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.deflate;
am.time = SysTimeToDosFileTime(Clock.currTime());
ar.addMember(am); // 15
auto zip1 =;
auto arAfter = new ZipArchive(zip1);
assert( == 1);
auto amAfter =["buf"];
assert( ==;
assert(amAfter.expandedData == am.expandedData);
assert(amAfter.time == am.time);
@system unittest
// invalid format of end of central directory entry
import std.exception : assertThrown;
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) "\x50\x4B\x05\x06aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"));
@system unittest
// minimum (empty) archive should pass
auto za = new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) "\x50\x4B\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"~
assert( == 0);
// one byte too short or too long should not pass
import std.exception : assertThrown;
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) "\x50\x4B\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"~
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) "\x50\x4B\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"~
@system unittest
// chameleon file, containing two valid end of central directory entries
auto file =
import std.exception : assertThrown;
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
@system unittest
// check for correct compressed data
auto file =
auto za = new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file);
assert(["file"].compressedData == [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]);
@system unittest
// central file header overlaps end of central directory
auto file =
// lfh
import std.exception : assertThrown;
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
// local file header and file data overlap second local file header and file data
file =
assertThrown!ZipException(new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file));
@system unittest
// zip64 with 0xff bytes in end of central dir record do not work
// minimum (empty zip64) archive should pass
auto file =
auto za = new ZipArchive(cast(void[]) file);
assert( == 0);
version (HasUnzip)
@system unittest
import std.datetime, std.file, std.format, std.path, std.process, std.stdio;
if (executeShell("unzip").status != 0)
writeln("Can't run unzip, skipping unzip test");
auto zr = new ZipArchive();
auto am = new ArchiveMember();
am.compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.deflate; = "";
am.time = SysTimeToDosFileTime(Clock.currTime());
am.expandedData = cast(ubyte[])"We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine";
auto data2 =;
scope(exit) rmdirRecurse(deleteme);
string zipFile = buildPath(deleteme, "");
std.file.write(zipFile, cast(byte[]) data2);
auto result = executeShell(format("unzip -l %s", zipFile));
scope(failure) writeln(result.output);
assert(result.status == 0);