blob: 7cd8df19bdcb0fab5dcd39c06a6efe611f4fa077 [file] [log] [blame]
* Miscellaneous declarations, including typedef, alias, variable declarations including the
* implicit this declaration, type tuples, ClassInfo, ModuleInfo and various TypeInfos.
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* Authors: $(LINK2, Walter Bright)
* License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
* Source: $(LINK2, _declaration.d)
* Documentation:
* Coverage:
module dmd.declaration;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import dmd.aggregate;
import dmd.arraytypes;
import dmd.astenums;
import dmd.attrib;
import dmd.ctorflow;
import dmd.dclass;
import dmd.delegatize;
import dmd.dscope;
import dmd.dstruct;
import dmd.dsymbol;
import dmd.dsymbolsem;
import dmd.dtemplate;
import dmd.errors;
import dmd.expression;
import dmd.func;
import dmd.globals;
import dmd.gluelayer;
import dmd.identifier;
import dmd.init;
import dmd.initsem;
import dmd.intrange;
import dmd.location;
import dmd.mtype;
import dmd.common.outbuffer;
import dmd.root.rootobject;
import dmd.tokens;
import dmd.typesem;
import dmd.visitor;
* Check to see the aggregate type is nested and its context pointer is
* accessible from the current scope.
* Returns true if error occurs.
bool checkFrameAccess(Loc loc, Scope* sc, AggregateDeclaration ad, size_t iStart = 0)
Dsymbol sparent = ad.toParentLocal();
Dsymbol sparent2 = ad.toParent2();
Dsymbol s = sc.func;
if (ad.isNested() && s)
//printf("ad = %p %s [%s], parent:%p\n", ad, ad.toChars(), ad.loc.toChars(), ad.parent);
//printf("sparent = %p %s [%s], parent: %s\n", sparent, sparent.toChars(), sparent.loc.toChars(), sparent.parent,toChars());
//printf("sparent2 = %p %s [%s], parent: %s\n", sparent2, sparent2.toChars(), sparent2.loc.toChars(), sparent2.parent,toChars());
if (!ensureStaticLinkTo(s, sparent) || sparent != sparent2 && !ensureStaticLinkTo(s, sparent2))
error(loc, "cannot access frame pointer of `%s`", ad.toPrettyChars());
return true;
bool result = false;
for (size_t i = iStart; i < ad.fields.length; i++)
VarDeclaration vd = ad.fields[i];
Type tb = vd.type.baseElemOf();
if (tb.ty == Tstruct)
result |= checkFrameAccess(loc, sc, (cast(TypeStruct)tb).sym);
return result;
* Mark variable v as modified if it is inside a constructor that var
* is a field in.
* Also used to allow immutable globals to be initialized inside a static constructor.
* Returns:
* true if it's an initialization of v
bool modifyFieldVar(Loc loc, Scope* sc, VarDeclaration var, Expression e1)
//printf("modifyFieldVar(var = %s)\n", var.toChars());
Dsymbol s = sc.func;
while (1)
FuncDeclaration fd = null;
if (s)
fd = s.isFuncDeclaration();
if (fd &&
((fd.isCtorDeclaration() && var.isField()) ||
((fd.isStaticCtorDeclaration() || fd.isCrtCtor) && !var.isField())) &&
fd.toParentDecl() == var.toParent2() &&
(!e1 || e1.op == EXP.this_))
bool result = true;
var.ctorinit = true;
//printf("setting ctorinit\n");
if (var.isField() && sc.ctorflow.fieldinit.length && !sc.intypeof)
auto mustInit = ((var.storage_class & STC.nodefaultctor) != 0 ||
const dim = sc.ctorflow.fieldinit.length;
auto ad = fd.isMemberDecl();
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) // same as findFieldIndexByName in ctfeexp.c ?
if (ad.fields[i] == var)
assert(i < dim);
auto fieldInit = &sc.ctorflow.fieldinit[i];
const fi = fieldInit.csx;
if (fi & CSX.this_ctor)
if (var.type.isMutable() && e1.type.isMutable())
result = false;
const(char)* modStr = !var.type.isMutable() ? MODtoChars(var.type.mod) : MODtoChars(e1.type.mod);
.error(loc, "%s field `%s` initialized multiple times", modStr, var.toChars());
.errorSupplemental(fieldInit.loc, "Previous initialization is here.");
else if (sc.inLoop || (fi & CSX.label))
if (!mustInit && var.type.isMutable() && e1.type.isMutable())
result = false;
const(char)* modStr = !var.type.isMutable() ? MODtoChars(var.type.mod) : MODtoChars(e1.type.mod);
.error(loc, "%s field `%s` initialization is not allowed in loops or after labels", modStr, var.toChars());
fieldInit.csx |= CSX.this_ctor;
fieldInit.loc = e1.loc;
if (var.overlapped) //
foreach (j, v; ad.fields)
if (v is var || !var.isOverlappedWith(v))
v.ctorinit = true;
sc.ctorflow.fieldinit[j].csx = CSX.this_ctor;
else if (fd != sc.func)
if (var.type.isMutable())
result = false;
else if (sc.func.fes)
const(char)* p = var.isField() ? "field" : var.kind();
.error(loc, "%s %s `%s` initialization is not allowed in foreach loop",
MODtoChars(var.type.mod), p, var.toChars());
const(char)* p = var.isField() ? "field" : var.kind();
.error(loc, "%s %s `%s` initialization is not allowed in nested function `%s`",
MODtoChars(var.type.mod), p, var.toChars(), sc.func.toChars());
else if (fd.isStaticCtorDeclaration() && !fd.isSharedStaticCtorDeclaration() &&
.error(loc, "%s %s `%s` initialization is not allowed in `static this`",
MODtoChars(var.type.mod), var.kind(), var.toChars());
errorSupplemental(loc, "Use `shared static this` instead.");
return result;
if (s)
s = s.toParentP(var.toParent2());
return false;
extern (C++) void ObjectNotFound(Identifier id)
error(Loc.initial, "`%s` not found. object.d may be incorrectly installed or corrupt.", id.toChars());
/* Accumulator for successive matches.
struct MatchAccumulator
int count; // number of matches found so far
MATCH last = MATCH.nomatch; // match level of lastf
FuncDeclaration lastf; // last matching function we found
FuncDeclaration nextf; // if ambiguous match, this is the "other" function
extern (C++) abstract class Declaration : Dsymbol
Type type;
Type originalType; // before semantic analysis
StorageClass storage_class = STC.undefined_;
Visibility visibility;
LINK _linkage = LINK.default_; // may be `LINK.system`; use `resolvedLinkage()` to resolve it
short inuse; // used to detect cycles
ubyte adFlags; // control re-assignment of AliasDeclaration (put here for packing reasons)
enum wasRead = 1; // set if AliasDeclaration was read
enum ignoreRead = 2; // ignore any reads of AliasDeclaration
enum nounderscore = 4; // don't prepend _ to mangled name
Symbol* isym; // import version of csym
// overridden symbol with pragma(mangle, "...")
const(char)[] mangleOverride;
final extern (D) this(Identifier ident)
visibility = Visibility(Visibility.Kind.undefined);
final extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident)
super(loc, ident);
visibility = Visibility(Visibility.Kind.undefined);
override const(char)* kind() const
return "declaration";
override final uinteger_t size(const ref Loc loc)
const sz = type.size();
if (sz == SIZE_INVALID)
errors = true;
return sz;
* Issue an error if an attempt to call a disabled method is made
* If the declaration is disabled but inside a disabled function,
* returns `true` but do not issue an error message.
* Params:
* loc = Location information of the call
* sc = Scope in which the call occurs
* isAliasedDeclaration = if `true` searches overload set
* Returns:
* `true` if this `Declaration` is `@disable`d, `false` otherwise.
extern (D) final bool checkDisabled(Loc loc, Scope* sc, bool isAliasedDeclaration = false)
if (!(storage_class & STC.disable))
return false;
if (sc.func && sc.func.storage_class & STC.disable)
return true;
if (auto p = toParent())
if (auto postblit = isPostBlitDeclaration())
* If the generated postblit is disabled, it
* means that one of the fields has a disabled
* postblit. Print the first field that has
* a disabled postblit.
if (postblit.isGenerated())
auto sd = p.isStructDeclaration();
for (size_t i = 0; i < sd.fields.length; i++)
auto structField = sd.fields[i];
if (structField.overlapped)
Type tv = structField.type.baseElemOf();
if (tv.ty != Tstruct)
auto sdv = (cast(TypeStruct)tv).sym;
if (!sdv.postblit)
if (sdv.postblit.isDisabled())
p.error(loc, "is not copyable because field `%s` is not copyable", structField.toChars());
return true;
p.error(loc, "is not copyable because it has a disabled postblit");
return true;
// if the function is @disabled, maybe there
// is an overload in the overload set that isn't
if (isAliasedDeclaration)
FuncDeclaration fd = isFuncDeclaration();
if (fd)
for (FuncDeclaration ovl = fd; ovl; ovl = cast(FuncDeclaration)ovl.overnext)
if (!(ovl.storage_class & STC.disable))
return false;
if (auto ctor = isCtorDeclaration())
if (ctor.isCpCtor && ctor.isGenerated())
.error(loc, "generating an `inout` copy constructor for `struct %s` failed, therefore instances of it are uncopyable", parent.toPrettyChars());
return true;
error(loc, "cannot be used because it is annotated with `@disable`");
return true;
* Check to see if declaration can be modified in this context (sc).
* Issue error if not.
* Params:
* loc = location for error messages
* e1 = `null` or `this` expression when this declaration is a field
* sc = context
* flag = if the first bit is set it means do not issue error message for
* invalid modification; if the second bit is set, it means that
this declaration is a field and a subfield of it is modified.
* Returns:
* Modifiable.yes or Modifiable.initialization
extern (D) final Modifiable checkModify(Loc loc, Scope* sc, Expression e1, ModifyFlags flag)
VarDeclaration v = isVarDeclaration();
if (v && v.canassign)
return Modifiable.initialization;
if (isParameter() || isResult())
for (Scope* scx = sc; scx; scx = scx.enclosing)
if (scx.func == parent && (scx.flags & SCOPE.contract))
const(char)* s = isParameter() && parent.ident != Id.ensure ? "parameter" : "result";
if (!(flag & ModifyFlags.noError))
error(loc, "cannot modify %s `%s` in contract", s, toChars());
return Modifiable.initialization; // do not report type related errors
if (e1 && e1.op == EXP.this_ && isField())
VarDeclaration vthis = e1.isThisExp().var;
for (Scope* scx = sc; scx; scx = scx.enclosing)
if (scx.func == vthis.parent && (scx.flags & SCOPE.contract))
if (!(flag & ModifyFlags.noError))
error(loc, "cannot modify parameter `this` in contract");
return Modifiable.initialization; // do not report type related errors
if (v && (v.isCtorinit() || isField()))
// It's only modifiable if inside the right constructor
if ((storage_class & (STC.foreach_ | STC.ref_)) == (STC.foreach_ | STC.ref_))
return Modifiable.initialization;
if (flag & ModifyFlags.fieldAssign)
return Modifiable.yes;
return modifyFieldVar(loc, sc, v, e1) ? Modifiable.initialization : Modifiable.yes;
return Modifiable.yes;
override final Dsymbol search(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, int flags = SearchLocalsOnly)
Dsymbol s =, ident, flags);
if (!s && type)
s = type.toDsymbol(_scope);
if (s)
s =, ident, flags);
return s;
final bool isStatic() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.static_) != 0;
/// Returns the linkage, resolving the target-specific `System` one.
final LINK resolvedLinkage() const
return _linkage == LINK.system ? target.systemLinkage() : _linkage;
bool isDelete()
return false;
bool isDataseg()
return false;
bool isThreadlocal()
return false;
bool isCodeseg() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return false;
final bool isFinal() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.final_) != 0;
bool isAbstract()
return (storage_class & STC.abstract_) != 0;
final bool isConst() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.const_) != 0;
final bool isImmutable() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.immutable_) != 0;
final bool isWild() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.wild) != 0;
final bool isAuto() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.auto_) != 0;
final bool isScope() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.scope_) != 0;
final bool isReturn() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.return_) != 0;
final bool isSynchronized() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.synchronized_) != 0;
final bool isParameter() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.parameter) != 0;
override final bool isDeprecated() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.deprecated_) != 0;
final bool isDisabled() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.disable) != 0;
final bool isOverride() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.override_) != 0;
final bool isResult() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.result) != 0;
final bool isField() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.field) != 0;
final bool isIn() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.in_) != 0;
final bool isOut() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.out_) != 0;
final bool isRef() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.ref_) != 0;
/// Returns: Whether the variable is a reference, annotated with `out` or `ref`
final bool isReference() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & (STC.ref_ | STC.out_)) != 0;
final bool isFuture() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.future) != 0;
final extern(D) bool isSystem() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return (storage_class & STC.system) != 0;
override final Visibility visible() pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return visibility;
override final inout(Declaration) isDeclaration() inout pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TupleDeclaration : Declaration
Objects* objects;
TypeTuple tupletype; // !=null if this is a type tuple
bool isexp; // true: expression tuple
bool building; // it's growing in AliasAssign semantic
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Objects* objects)
super(loc, ident);
this.objects = objects;
override TupleDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
override const(char)* kind() const
return "tuple";
override Type getType()
/* If this tuple represents a type, return that type
//printf("TupleDeclaration::getType() %s\n", toChars());
if (isexp || building)
return null;
if (!tupletype)
/* It's only a type tuple if all the Object's are types
for (size_t i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)
RootObject o = (*objects)[i];
if (o.dyncast() != DYNCAST.type)
//printf("\tnot[%d], %p, %d\n", i, o, o.dyncast());
return null;
/* We know it's a type tuple, so build the TypeTuple
Types* types = cast(Types*)objects;
auto args = new Parameters(objects.length);
OutBuffer buf;
int hasdeco = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < types.length; i++)
Type t = (*types)[i];
//printf("type = %s\n", t.toChars());
version (none)
buf.printf("_%s_%d", ident.toChars(), i);
const len = buf.offset;
const name = buf.extractSlice().ptr;
auto id = Identifier.idPool(name, len);
auto arg = new Parameter(STC.in_, t, id, null);
auto arg = new Parameter(0, t, null, null, null);
(*args)[i] = arg;
if (!t.deco)
hasdeco = 0;
tupletype = new TypeTuple(args);
if (hasdeco)
return tupletype.typeSemantic(Loc.initial, null);
return tupletype;
override Dsymbol toAlias2()
//printf("TupleDeclaration::toAlias2() '%s' objects = %s\n", toChars(), objects.toChars());
for (size_t i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)
RootObject o = (*objects)[i];
if (Dsymbol s = isDsymbol(o))
s = s.toAlias2();
(*objects)[i] = s;
return this;
override bool needThis()
//printf("TupleDeclaration::needThis(%s)\n", toChars());
return isexp ? foreachVar((s) { return s.needThis(); }) != 0 : false;
* Calls dg(Dsymbol) for each Dsymbol, which should be a VarDeclaration
* inside VarExp (isexp == true).
* Params:
* dg = delegate to call for each Dsymbol
extern (D) void foreachVar(scope void delegate(Dsymbol) dg)
foreach (o; *objects)
if (auto e = o.isExpression())
if (auto ve = e.isVarExp())
* Calls dg(Dsymbol) for each Dsymbol, which should be a VarDeclaration
* inside VarExp (isexp == true).
* If dg returns !=0, stops and returns that value else returns 0.
* Params:
* dg = delegate to call for each Dsymbol
* Returns:
* last value returned by dg()
extern (D) int foreachVar(scope int delegate(Dsymbol) dg)
foreach (o; *objects)
if (auto e = o.isExpression())
if (auto ve = e.isVarExp())
if(auto ret = dg(ve.var))
return ret;
return 0;
override inout(TupleDeclaration) isTupleDeclaration() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class AliasDeclaration : Declaration
Dsymbol aliassym; // alias ident = aliassym;
Dsymbol overnext; // next in overload list
Dsymbol _import; // !=null if unresolved internal alias for selective import
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Type type)
super(loc, ident);
//printf("AliasDeclaration(id = '%s', type = %p)\n", id.toChars(), type);
//printf("type = '%s'\n", type.toChars());
this.type = type;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Identifier ident, Dsymbol s)
super(loc, ident);
//printf("AliasDeclaration(id = '%s', s = %p)\n", id.toChars(), s);
assert(s != this);
this.aliassym = s;
static AliasDeclaration create(const ref Loc loc, Identifier id, Type type)
return new AliasDeclaration(loc, id, type);
override AliasDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
AliasDeclaration sa = type ? new AliasDeclaration(loc, ident, type.syntaxCopy()) : new AliasDeclaration(loc, ident, aliassym.syntaxCopy(null));
sa.comment = comment;
sa.storage_class = storage_class;
return sa;
override bool overloadInsert(Dsymbol s)
//printf("[%s] AliasDeclaration::overloadInsert('%s') s = %s %s @ [%s]\n",
// loc.toChars(), toChars(), s.kind(), s.toChars(), s.loc.toChars());
/** Aliases aren't overloadable themselves, but if their Aliasee is
* overloadable they are converted to an overloadable Alias (either
* FuncAliasDeclaration or OverDeclaration).
* This is done by moving the Aliasee into such an overloadable alias
* which is then used to replace the existing Aliasee. The original
* Alias (_this_) remains a useless shell.
* This is a horrible mess. It was probably done to avoid replacing
* existing AST nodes and references, but it needs a major
* simplification b/c it's too complex to maintain.
* A simpler approach might be to merge any colliding symbols into a
* simple Overload class (an array) and then later have that resolve
* all collisions.
if (semanticRun >= PASS.semanticdone)
/* Semantic analysis is already finished, and the aliased entity
* is not overloadable.
if (type)
If type has been resolved already we could
still be inserting an alias from an import.
If we are handling an alias then pretend
it was inserting and return true, if not then
false since we didn't even pretend to insert something.
return this._import && this.equals(s);
/* When s is added in member scope by static if, mixin("code") or others,
* aliassym is determined already. See the case in: test/compilable/test61.d
auto sa = aliassym.toAlias();
if (auto td = s.toAlias().isTemplateDeclaration())
s = td.funcroot ? td.funcroot : td;
if (auto fd = sa.isFuncDeclaration())
auto fa = new FuncAliasDeclaration(ident, fd);
fa.visibility = visibility;
fa.parent = parent;
aliassym = fa;
return aliassym.overloadInsert(s);
if (auto td = sa.isTemplateDeclaration())
auto od = new OverDeclaration(ident, td.funcroot ? td.funcroot : td);
od.visibility = visibility;
od.parent = parent;
aliassym = od;
return aliassym.overloadInsert(s);
if (auto od = sa.isOverDeclaration())
if (sa.ident != ident || sa.parent != parent)
od = new OverDeclaration(ident, od);
od.visibility = visibility;
od.parent = parent;
aliassym = od;
return od.overloadInsert(s);
if (auto os = sa.isOverloadSet())
if (sa.ident != ident || sa.parent != parent)
os = new OverloadSet(ident, os);
// TODO: visibility is lost here b/c OverloadSets have no visibility attribute
// Might no be a practical issue, b/c the code below fails to resolve the overload anyhow.
// ----
// module os1;
// import a, b;
// private alias merged = foo; // private alias to overload set of and
// ----
// module os2;
// import a, b;
// public alias merged = bar; // public alias to overload set of and
// ----
// module bug;
// import os1, os2;
// void test() { merged(123); } // should only look at os2.merged
// os.visibility = visibility;
os.parent = parent;
aliassym = os;
return true;
return false;
/* Don't know yet what the aliased symbol is, so assume it can
* be overloaded and check later for correctness.
if (overnext)
return overnext.overloadInsert(s);
if (s is this)
return true;
overnext = s;
return true;
override const(char)* kind() const
return "alias";
override Type getType()
if (type)
return type;
return toAlias().getType();
override Dsymbol toAlias()
//printf("[%s] AliasDeclaration::toAlias('%s', this = %p, aliassym = %p, kind = '%s', inuse = %d)\n",
// loc.toChars(), toChars(), this, aliassym, aliassym ? aliassym.kind() : "", inuse);
assert(this != aliassym);
//static int count; if (++count == 10) *(char*)0=0;
// Reading the AliasDeclaration
if (!(adFlags & ignoreRead))
adFlags |= wasRead; // can never assign to this AliasDeclaration again
if (inuse == 1 && type && _scope)
inuse = 2;
uint olderrors = global.errors;
Dsymbol s = type.toDsymbol(_scope);
//printf("[%s] type = %s, s = %p, this = %p\n", loc.toChars(), type.toChars(), s, this);
if (global.errors != olderrors)
goto Lerr;
if (s)
s = s.toAlias();
if (global.errors != olderrors)
goto Lerr;
aliassym = s;
inuse = 0;
Type t = type.typeSemantic(loc, _scope);
if (t.ty == Terror)
goto Lerr;
if (global.errors != olderrors)
goto Lerr;
//printf("t = %s\n", t.toChars());
inuse = 0;
if (inuse)
error("recursive alias declaration");
// Avoid breaking "recursive alias" state during errors gagged
if (global.gag)
return this;
aliassym = new AliasDeclaration(loc, ident, Type.terror);
type = Type.terror;
return aliassym;
if (semanticRun >= PASS.semanticdone)
// semantic is already done.
// Do not see aliassym !is null, because of lambda aliases.
// Do not see type.deco !is null, even so "alias T = const int;` needs
// semantic analysis to take the storage class `const` as type qualifier.
// stop AliasAssign tuple building
if (aliassym)
if (auto td = aliassym.isTupleDeclaration())
if (td.building)
td.building = false;
semanticRun = PASS.semanticdone;
return td;
if (_import && _import._scope)
/* If this is an internal alias for selective/renamed import,
* load the module first.
if (_scope)
aliasSemantic(this, _scope);
inuse = 1;
Dsymbol s = aliassym ? aliassym.toAlias() : this;
inuse = 0;
return s;
override Dsymbol toAlias2()
if (inuse)
error("recursive alias declaration");
return this;
inuse = 1;
Dsymbol s = aliassym ? aliassym.toAlias2() : this;
inuse = 0;
return s;
override bool isOverloadable() const
// assume overloadable until alias is resolved
return semanticRun < PASS.semanticdone ||
aliassym && aliassym.isOverloadable();
override inout(AliasDeclaration) isAliasDeclaration() inout
return this;
/** Returns: `true` if this instance was created to make a template parameter
visible in the scope of a template body, `false` otherwise */
extern (D) bool isAliasedTemplateParameter() const
return !!(storage_class & STC.templateparameter);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class OverDeclaration : Declaration
Dsymbol overnext; // next in overload list
Dsymbol aliassym;
extern (D) this(Identifier ident, Dsymbol s)
this.aliassym = s;
override const(char)* kind() const
return "overload alias"; // todo
override bool equals(const RootObject o) const
if (this == o)
return true;
auto s = isDsymbol(o);
if (!s)
return false;
if (auto od2 = s.isOverDeclaration())
return this.aliassym.equals(od2.aliassym);
return this.aliassym == s;
override bool overloadInsert(Dsymbol s)
//printf("OverDeclaration::overloadInsert('%s') aliassym = %p, overnext = %p\n", s.toChars(), aliassym, overnext);
if (overnext)
return overnext.overloadInsert(s);
if (s == this)
return true;
overnext = s;
return true;
override bool isOverloadable() const
return true;
Dsymbol isUnique()
Dsymbol result = null;
overloadApply(aliassym, (Dsymbol s)
if (result)
result = null;
return 1; // ambiguous, done
result = s;
return 0;
return result;
override inout(OverDeclaration) isOverDeclaration() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) class VarDeclaration : Declaration
Initializer _init;
FuncDeclarations nestedrefs; // referenced by these lexically nested functions
TupleDeclaration aliasTuple; // when `this` is really a tuple of declarations
VarDeclaration lastVar; // Linked list of variables for goto-skips-init detection
Expression edtor; // if !=null, does the destruction of the variable
IntRange* range; // if !=null, the variable is known to be within the range
VarDeclarations* maybes; // maybeScope variables that are assigned to this maybeScope variable
uint endlinnum; // line number of end of scope that this var lives in
uint offset;
uint sequenceNumber; // order the variables are declared
structalign_t alignment;
// When interpreting, these point to the value (NULL if value not determinable)
// The index of this variable on the CTFE stack, AdrOnStackNone if not allocated
enum AdrOnStackNone = ~0u;
uint ctfeAdrOnStack;
// `bool` fields that are compacted into bit fields in a string mixin
private extern (D) static struct BitFields
bool isargptr; /// if parameter that _argptr points to
bool ctorinit; /// it has been initialized in a ctor
bool iscatchvar; /// this is the exception object variable in catch() clause
bool isowner; /// this is an Owner, despite it being `scope`
bool setInCtorOnly; /// field can only be set in a constructor, as it is const or immutable
/// It is a class that was allocated on the stack
/// This means the var is not rebindable once assigned,
/// and the destructor gets run when it goes out of scope
bool onstack;
bool overlapped; /// if it is a field and has overlapping
bool overlapUnsafe; /// if it is an overlapping field and the overlaps are unsafe
bool maybeScope; /// allow inferring 'scope' for this variable
bool doNotInferReturn; /// do not infer 'return' for this variable
bool isArgDtorVar; /// temporary created to handle scope destruction of a function argument
bool isCmacro; /// it is a C macro turned into a C declaration
version (MARS)
bool inClosure; /// is inserted into a GC allocated closure
bool inAlignSection; /// is inserted into an aligned section on stack
import dmd.common.bitfields : generateBitFields;
mixin(generateBitFields!(BitFields, ushort));
byte canassign; // it can be assigned to
ubyte isdataseg; // private data for isDataseg 0 unset, 1 true, 2 false
final extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type type, Identifier ident, Initializer _init, StorageClass storage_class = STC.undefined_)
//printf("VarDeclaration('%s')\n", ident.toChars());
super(loc, ident);
if (!type && !_init)
//printf("VarDeclaration('%s')\n", ident.toChars());
assert(type || _init);
this.type = type;
this._init = _init;
ctfeAdrOnStack = AdrOnStackNone;
this.storage_class = storage_class;
static VarDeclaration create(const ref Loc loc, Type type, Identifier ident, Initializer _init, StorageClass storage_class = STC.undefined_)
return new VarDeclaration(loc, type, ident, _init, storage_class);
override VarDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
//printf("VarDeclaration::syntaxCopy(%s)\n", toChars());
auto v = new VarDeclaration(loc, type ? type.syntaxCopy() : null, ident, _init ? _init.syntaxCopy() : null, storage_class);
v.comment = comment;
return v;
override void setFieldOffset(AggregateDeclaration ad, ref FieldState fieldState, bool isunion)
//printf("VarDeclaration::setFieldOffset(ad = %s) %s\n", ad.toChars(), toChars());
if (aliasTuple)
// If this variable was really a tuple, set the offsets for the tuple fields
aliasTuple.foreachVar((s) { s.setFieldOffset(ad, fieldState, isunion); });
if (!isField())
assert(!(storage_class & (STC.static_ | STC.extern_ | STC.parameter)));
//printf("+VarDeclaration::setFieldOffset(ad = %s) %s\n", ad.toChars(), toChars());
/* Fields that are tuples appear both as part of TupleDeclarations and
* as members. That means ignore them if they are already a field.
if (offset)
// already a field
fieldState.offset = ad.structsize; //
for (size_t i = 0; i < ad.fields.length; i++)
if (ad.fields[i] == this)
// already a field
fieldState.offset = ad.structsize; //
// Check for forward referenced types which will fail the size() call
Type t = type.toBasetype();
if (storage_class & STC.ref_)
// References are the size of a pointer
t = Type.tvoidptr;
Type tv = t.baseElemOf();
if (tv.ty == Tstruct)
auto ts = cast(TypeStruct)tv;
assert(ts.sym != ad); // already checked in ad.determineFields()
if (!ts.sym.determineSize(loc))
type = Type.terror;
errors = true;
// List in ad.fields. Even if the type is error, it's necessary to avoid
// pointless error diagnostic "more initializers than fields" on struct literal.
if (t.ty == Terror)
/* If coming after a bit field in progress,
* advance past the field
fieldState.inFlight = false;
const sz = t.size(loc);
assert(sz != SIZE_INVALID && sz < uint.max);
uint memsize = cast(uint)sz; // size of member
uint memalignsize = target.fieldalign(t); // size of member for alignment purposes
offset = AggregateDeclaration.placeField(
memsize, memalignsize, alignment,
&ad.structsize, &ad.alignsize,
//printf("\t%s: memalignsize = %d\n", toChars(), memalignsize);
//printf(" addField '%s' to '%s' at offset %d, size = %d\n", toChars(), ad.toChars(), offset, memsize);
override const(char)* kind() const
return "variable";
override final inout(AggregateDeclaration) isThis() inout
if (!(storage_class & (STC.static_ | STC.extern_ | STC.manifest | STC.templateparameter | STC.gshared | STC.ctfe)))
/* The casting is necessary because `s = s.parent` is otherwise rejected
for (auto s = cast(Dsymbol)this; s; s = s.parent)
auto ad = (cast(inout)s).isMember();
if (ad)
return ad;
if (!s.parent || !s.parent.isTemplateMixin())
return null;
override final bool needThis()
//printf("VarDeclaration::needThis(%s, x%x)\n", toChars(), storage_class);
return isField();
override final bool isExport() const
return visibility.kind == Visibility.Kind.export_;
override final bool isImportedSymbol() const
/* If global variable has `export` and `extern` then it is imported
* export int sym1; // definition: exported
* export extern int sym2; // declaration: imported
* export extern int sym3 = 0; // error, extern cannot have initializer
bool result =
visibility.kind == Visibility.Kind.export_ &&
storage_class & STC.extern_ &&
(storage_class & STC.static_ || parent.isModule());
//printf("isImportedSymbol() %s %d\n", toChars(), result);
return result;
final bool isCtorinit() const pure nothrow @nogc @safe
return setInCtorOnly;
* Does symbol go into data segment?
* Includes extern variables.
override final bool isDataseg()
version (none)
printf("VarDeclaration::isDataseg(%p, '%s')\n", this, toChars());
printf("%llx, isModule: %p, isTemplateInstance: %p, isNspace: %p\n",
storage_class & (STC.static_ | STC.const_), parent.isModule(), parent.isTemplateInstance(), parent.isNspace());
printf("parent = '%s'\n", parent.toChars());
if (isdataseg == 0) // the value is not cached
isdataseg = 2; // The Variables does not go into the datasegment
if (!canTakeAddressOf())
return false;
Dsymbol parent = toParent();
if (!parent && !(storage_class & STC.static_))
error("forward referenced");
type = Type.terror;
else if (storage_class & (STC.static_ | STC.extern_ | STC.gshared) ||
parent.isModule() || parent.isTemplateInstance() || parent.isNspace())
assert(!isParameter() && !isResult());
isdataseg = 1; // It is in the DataSegment
return (isdataseg == 1);
* Does symbol go into thread local storage?
override final bool isThreadlocal()
//printf("VarDeclaration::isThreadlocal(%p, '%s')\n", this, toChars());
/* Data defaults to being thread-local. It is not thread-local
* if it is immutable, const or shared.
bool i = isDataseg() && !(storage_class & (STC.immutable_ | STC.const_ | STC.shared_ | STC.gshared));
//printf("\treturn %d\n", i);
return i;
* Can variable be read and written by CTFE?
final bool isCTFE()
return (storage_class & STC.ctfe) != 0; // || !isDataseg();
final bool isOverlappedWith(VarDeclaration v)
const vsz = v.type.size();
const tsz = type.size();
assert(vsz != SIZE_INVALID && tsz != SIZE_INVALID);
// Overlap is checked by comparing bit offsets
auto bitoffset = offset * 8;
auto vbitoffset = v.offset * 8;
// Bitsize of types are overridden by any bit-field widths.
ulong tbitsize = void;
if (auto bf = isBitFieldDeclaration())
bitoffset += bf.bitOffset;
tbitsize = bf.fieldWidth;
tbitsize = tsz * 8;
ulong vbitsize = void;
if (auto vbf = v.isBitFieldDeclaration())
vbitoffset += vbf.bitOffset;
vbitsize = vbf.fieldWidth;
vbitsize = vsz * 8;
return bitoffset < vbitoffset + vbitsize &&
vbitoffset < bitoffset + tbitsize;
override final bool hasPointers()
//printf("VarDeclaration::hasPointers() %s, ty = %d\n", toChars(), type.ty);
return (!isDataseg() && type.hasPointers());
* Return true if we can take the address of this variable.
final bool canTakeAddressOf()
return !(storage_class & STC.manifest);
* Return true if variable needs to call the destructor.
final bool needsScopeDtor()
//printf("VarDeclaration::needsScopeDtor() %s\n", toChars());
return edtor && !(storage_class & STC.nodtor);
* If a variable has a scope destructor call, return call for it.
* Otherwise, return NULL.
extern (D) final Expression callScopeDtor(Scope* sc)
//printf("VarDeclaration::callScopeDtor() %s\n", toChars());
// Destruction of STC.field's is handled by buildDtor()
if (storage_class & (STC.nodtor | STC.ref_ | STC.out_ | STC.field))
return null;
if (iscatchvar)
return null; // destructor is built by `void semantic(Catch c, Scope* sc)`, not here
Expression e = null;
// Destructors for structs and arrays of structs
Type tv = type.baseElemOf();
if (tv.ty == Tstruct)
StructDeclaration sd = (cast(TypeStruct)tv).sym;
if (!sd.dtor || sd.errors)
return null;
const sz = type.size();
assert(sz != SIZE_INVALID);
if (!sz)
return null;
if (type.toBasetype().ty == Tstruct)
// v.__xdtor()
e = new VarExp(loc, this);
/* This is a hack so we can call destructors on const/immutable objects.
* Need to add things like "const ~this()" and "immutable ~this()" to
* fix properly.
e.type = e.type.mutableOf();
// Enable calling destructors on shared objects.
// The destructor is always a single, non-overloaded function,
// and must serve both shared and non-shared objects.
e.type = e.type.unSharedOf;
e = new DotVarExp(loc, e, sd.dtor, false);
e = new CallExp(loc, e);
// __ArrayDtor(v[0 .. n])
e = new VarExp(loc, this);
const sdsz = sd.type.size();
assert(sdsz != SIZE_INVALID && sdsz != 0);
const n = sz / sdsz;
SliceExp se = new SliceExp(loc, e, new IntegerExp(loc, 0, Type.tsize_t),
new IntegerExp(loc, n, Type.tsize_t));
// Prevent redundant bounds check
se.upperIsInBounds = true;
se.lowerIsLessThanUpper = true;
// This is a hack so we can call destructors on const/immutable objects.
se.type = sd.type.arrayOf();
e = new CallExp(loc, new IdentifierExp(loc, Id.__ArrayDtor), se);
return e;
// Destructors for classes
if (storage_class & (STC.auto_ | STC.scope_) && !(storage_class & STC.parameter))
for (ClassDeclaration cd = type.isClassHandle(); cd; cd = cd.baseClass)
/* We can do better if there's a way with onstack
* classes to determine if there's no way the monitor
* could be set.
//if (cd.isInterfaceDeclaration())
// error("interface `%s` cannot be scope", cd.toChars());
if (onstack) // if any destructors
// delete'ing C++ classes crashes (and delete is deprecated anyway)
if (cd.classKind == ClassKind.cpp)
// Don't call non-existant dtor
if (!cd.dtor)
e = new VarExp(loc, this);
e.type = e.type.mutableOf().unSharedOf(); // Hack for mutable ctor on immutable instances
e = new DotVarExp(loc, e, cd.dtor, false);
e = new CallExp(loc, e);
// delete this;
Expression ec;
ec = new VarExp(loc, this);
e = new DeleteExp(loc, ec, true);
e.type = Type.tvoid;
return e;
* If variable has a constant expression initializer, get it.
* Otherwise, return null.
extern (D) final Expression getConstInitializer(bool needFullType = true)
assert(type && _init);
// Ungag errors when not speculative
uint oldgag = global.gag;
if (global.gag)
Dsymbol sym = isMember();
if (sym && !sym.isSpeculative())
global.gag = 0;
if (_scope)
_init = _init.initializerSemantic(_scope, type, INITinterpret);
_scope = null;
Expression e = _init.initializerToExpression(needFullType ? type : null);
global.gag = oldgag;
return e;
* Helper function for the expansion of manifest constant.
extern (D) final Expression expandInitializer(Loc loc)
assert((storage_class & STC.manifest) && _init);
auto e = getConstInitializer();
if (!e)
.error(loc, "cannot make expression out of initializer for `%s`", toChars());
return ErrorExp.get();
e = e.copy();
e.loc = loc; // for better error message
return e;
override final void checkCtorConstInit()
version (none)
/* doesn't work if more than one static ctor */
if (ctorinit == 0 && isCtorinit() && !isField())
error("missing initializer in static constructor for const variable");
* Check to see if this variable is actually in an enclosing function
* rather than the current one.
* Update nestedrefs[], closureVars[] and outerVars[].
* Returns: true if error occurs.
extern (D) final bool checkNestedReference(Scope* sc, Loc loc)
//printf("VarDeclaration::checkNestedReference() %s\n", toChars());
if (sc.intypeof == 1 || (sc.flags & SCOPE.ctfe))
return false;
if (!parent || parent == sc.parent)
return false;
if (isDataseg() || (storage_class & STC.manifest))
return false;
// The current function
FuncDeclaration fdthis = sc.parent.isFuncDeclaration();
if (!fdthis)
return false; // out of function scope
Dsymbol p = toParent2();
// Function literals from fdthis to p must be delegates
ensureStaticLinkTo(fdthis, p);
// The function that this variable is in
FuncDeclaration fdv = p.isFuncDeclaration();
if (!fdv || fdv == fdthis)
return false;
// Add fdthis to nestedrefs[] if not already there
if (!nestedrefs.contains(fdthis))
//printf("\tfdv = %s\n", fdv.toChars());
//printf("\tfdthis = %s\n", fdthis.toChars());
if (loc.isValid())
if (fdthis.getLevelAndCheck(loc, sc, fdv, this) == fdthis.LevelError)
return true;
// Add this VarDeclaration to fdv.closureVars[] if not already there
if (!sc.intypeof && !(sc.flags & SCOPE.compile) &&
(fdv.skipCodegen || !fdthis.skipCodegen))
if (!fdv.closureVars.contains(this))
if (!fdthis.outerVars.contains(this))
//printf("fdthis is %s\n", fdthis.toChars());
//printf("var %s in function %s is nested ref\n", toChars(), fdv.toChars());
// __dollar creates problems because it isn't a real variable
if (ident == Id.dollar)
.error(loc, "cannnot use `$` inside a function literal");
return true;
if (ident == Id.withSym) //
ExpInitializer ez = _init.isExpInitializer();
Expression e = ez.exp;
if (e.op == EXP.construct || e.op == EXP.blit)
e = (cast(AssignExp)e).e2;
return lambdaCheckForNestedRef(e, sc);
return false;
override final Dsymbol toAlias()
//printf("VarDeclaration::toAlias('%s', this = %p, aliassym = %p)\n", toChars(), this, aliassym);
if ((!type || !type.deco) && _scope)
dsymbolSemantic(this, _scope);
assert(this != aliasTuple);
Dsymbol s = aliasTuple ? aliasTuple.toAlias() : this;
return s;
// Eliminate need for dynamic_cast
override final inout(VarDeclaration) isVarDeclaration() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* C11 bit fields
extern (C++) class BitFieldDeclaration : VarDeclaration
Expression width;
uint fieldWidth;
uint bitOffset;
final extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type type, Identifier ident, Expression width)
super(loc, type, ident, null);
this.width = width;
this.storage_class |= STC.field;
override BitFieldDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
//printf("BitFieldDeclaration::syntaxCopy(%s)\n", toChars());
auto bf = new BitFieldDeclaration(loc, type ? type.syntaxCopy() : null, ident, width.syntaxCopy());
bf.comment = comment;
return bf;
override final inout(BitFieldDeclaration) isBitFieldDeclaration() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
* Retrieve the .min or .max values.
* Only valid after semantic analysis.
* Params:
* id = Id.min or Id.max
* Returns:
* the min or max value
final ulong getMinMax(Identifier id)
const width = fieldWidth;
const uns = type.isunsigned();
const min = id == Id.min;
ulong v;
assert(width != 0); // should have been rejected in semantic pass
if (width == ulong.sizeof * 8)
v = uns ? (min ? ulong.min : ulong.max)
: (min ? long.min : long.max);
v = uns ? (min ? 0
: (1L << width) - 1)
: (min ? -(1L << (width - 1))
: (1L << (width - 1)) - 1);
return v;
override final void setFieldOffset(AggregateDeclaration ad, ref FieldState fieldState, bool isunion)
enum log = false;
static if (log)
printf("BitFieldDeclaration::setFieldOffset(ad: %s, field: %s)\n", ad.toChars(), toChars());
void print(const ref FieldState fieldState)
printf("FieldState.offset = %d bytes\n", fieldState.offset);
printf(" .fieldOffset = %d bytes\n", fieldState.fieldOffset);
printf(" .bitOffset = %d bits\n", fieldState.bitOffset);
printf(" .fieldSize = %d bytes\n", fieldState.fieldSize);
printf(" .inFlight = %d\n", fieldState.inFlight);
printf(" fieldWidth = %d bits\n", fieldWidth);
Type t = type.toBasetype();
const bool anon = isAnonymous();
// List in ad.fields. Even if the type is error, it's necessary to avoid
// pointless error diagnostic "more initializers than fields" on struct literal.
if (!anon)
if (t.ty == Terror)
const sz = t.size(loc);
assert(sz != SIZE_INVALID && sz < uint.max);
uint memsize = cast(uint)sz; // size of member
uint memalignsize = target.fieldalign(t); // size of member for alignment purposes
if (log) printf(" memsize: %u memalignsize: %u\n", memsize, memalignsize);
if (fieldWidth == 0 && !anon)
error(loc, "named bit fields cannot have 0 width");
if (fieldWidth > memsize * 8)
error(loc, "bit field width %d is larger than type", fieldWidth);
const style = target.c.bitFieldStyle;
void startNewField()
if (log) printf("startNewField()\n");
uint alignsize;
if (style == TargetC.BitFieldStyle.Gcc_Clang)
if (fieldWidth > 32)
alignsize = memalignsize;
else if (fieldWidth > 16)
alignsize = 4;
else if (fieldWidth > 8)
alignsize = 2;
alignsize = 1;
alignsize = memsize; // not memalignsize
uint dummy;
offset = AggregateDeclaration.placeField(
memsize, alignsize, alignment,
(anon && style == TargetC.BitFieldStyle.Gcc_Clang) ? &dummy : &ad.alignsize,
fieldState.inFlight = true;
fieldState.fieldOffset = offset;
fieldState.bitOffset = 0;
fieldState.fieldSize = memsize;
if (style == TargetC.BitFieldStyle.Gcc_Clang)
if (fieldWidth == 0)
if (!isunion)
// Use type of zero width field to align to next field
fieldState.offset = (fieldState.offset + memalignsize - 1) & ~(memalignsize - 1);
ad.structsize = fieldState.offset;
fieldState.inFlight = false;
if (ad.alignsize == 0)
ad.alignsize = 1;
if (!anon &&
ad.alignsize < memalignsize)
ad.alignsize = memalignsize;
else if (style == TargetC.BitFieldStyle.MS)
if (ad.alignsize == 0)
ad.alignsize = 1;
if (fieldWidth == 0)
if (fieldState.inFlight && !isunion)
// documentation says align to next int
//const alsz = cast(uint)Type.tint32.size();
const alsz = memsize; // but it really does this
fieldState.offset = (fieldState.offset + alsz - 1) & ~(alsz - 1);
ad.structsize = fieldState.offset;
fieldState.inFlight = false;
else if (style == TargetC.BitFieldStyle.DM)
if (anon && fieldWidth && (!fieldState.inFlight || fieldState.bitOffset == 0))
return; // this probably should be a bug in DMC
if (ad.alignsize == 0)
ad.alignsize = 1;
if (fieldWidth == 0)
if (fieldState.inFlight && !isunion)
const alsz = memsize;
fieldState.offset = (fieldState.offset + alsz - 1) & ~(alsz - 1);
ad.structsize = fieldState.offset;
fieldState.inFlight = false;
if (!fieldState.inFlight)
//printf("not in flight\n");
else if (style == TargetC.BitFieldStyle.Gcc_Clang)
// If the bit-field spans more units of alignment than its type,
// start a new field at the next alignment boundary.
if (fieldState.bitOffset == fieldState.fieldSize * 8)
startNewField(); // the bit field is full
// if alignment boundary is crossed
uint start = fieldState.fieldOffset * 8 + fieldState.bitOffset;
uint end = start + fieldWidth;
//printf("%s start: %d end: %d memalignsize: %d\n", ad.toChars(), start, end, memalignsize);
if (start / (memalignsize * 8) != (end - 1) / (memalignsize * 8))
//printf("alignment is crossed\n");
else if (style == TargetC.BitFieldStyle.DM ||
style == TargetC.BitFieldStyle.MS)
if (memsize != fieldState.fieldSize ||
fieldState.bitOffset + fieldWidth > fieldState.fieldSize * 8)
//printf("new field\n");
offset = fieldState.fieldOffset;
bitOffset = fieldState.bitOffset;
const pastField = bitOffset + fieldWidth;
if (style == TargetC.BitFieldStyle.Gcc_Clang)
auto size = (pastField + 7) / 8;
fieldState.fieldSize = size;
//printf(" offset: %d, size: %d\n", offset, size);
ad.structsize = offset + size;
fieldState.fieldSize = memsize;
//printf("at end: ad.structsize = %d\n", cast(int)ad.structsize);
if (!isunion)
fieldState.offset = offset + fieldState.fieldSize;
fieldState.bitOffset = pastField;
//printf("\t%s: memalignsize = %d\n", toChars(), memalignsize);
//printf(" addField '%s' to '%s' at offset %d, size = %d\n", toChars(), ad.toChars(), offset, memsize);
* This is a shell around a back end symbol
extern (C++) final class SymbolDeclaration : Declaration
AggregateDeclaration dsym;
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, AggregateDeclaration dsym)
super(loc, dsym.ident);
this.dsym = dsym;
storage_class |= STC.const_;
// Eliminate need for dynamic_cast
override inout(SymbolDeclaration) isSymbolDeclaration() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) class TypeInfoDeclaration : VarDeclaration
Type tinfo;
final extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
super(Loc.initial, Type.dtypeinfo.type, tinfo.getTypeInfoIdent(), null);
this.tinfo = tinfo;
storage_class = STC.static_ | STC.gshared;
visibility = Visibility(Visibility.Kind.public_);
_linkage = LINK.c;
static TypeInfoDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoDeclaration(tinfo);
override final TypeInfoDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
assert(0); // should never be produced by syntax
override final const(char)* toChars() const
//printf("TypeInfoDeclaration::toChars() tinfo = %s\n", tinfo.toChars());
OutBuffer buf;
return buf.extractChars();
override final inout(TypeInfoDeclaration) isTypeInfoDeclaration() inout @nogc nothrow pure @safe
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoStructDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfostruct)
type = Type.typeinfostruct.type;
static TypeInfoStructDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoStructDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoClassDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfoclass)
type = Type.typeinfoclass.type;
static TypeInfoClassDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoClassDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoInterfaceDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfointerface)
type = Type.typeinfointerface.type;
static TypeInfoInterfaceDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoInterfaceDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoPointerDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfopointer)
type = Type.typeinfopointer.type;
static TypeInfoPointerDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoPointerDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoArrayDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfoarray)
type = Type.typeinfoarray.type;
static TypeInfoArrayDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoArrayDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoStaticArrayDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfostaticarray)
type = Type.typeinfostaticarray.type;
static TypeInfoStaticArrayDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoStaticArrayDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoAssociativeArrayDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfoassociativearray)
type = Type.typeinfoassociativearray.type;
static TypeInfoAssociativeArrayDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoAssociativeArrayDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoEnumDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfoenum)
type = Type.typeinfoenum.type;
static TypeInfoEnumDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoEnumDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoFunctionDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfofunction)
type = Type.typeinfofunction.type;
static TypeInfoFunctionDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoFunctionDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoDelegateDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfodelegate)
type = Type.typeinfodelegate.type;
static TypeInfoDelegateDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoDelegateDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoTupleDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfotypelist)
type = Type.typeinfotypelist.type;
static TypeInfoTupleDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoTupleDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoConstDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfoconst)
type = Type.typeinfoconst.type;
static TypeInfoConstDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoConstDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoInvariantDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfoinvariant)
type = Type.typeinfoinvariant.type;
static TypeInfoInvariantDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoInvariantDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoSharedDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfoshared)
type = Type.typeinfoshared.type;
static TypeInfoSharedDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoSharedDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoWildDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfowild)
type = Type.typeinfowild.type;
static TypeInfoWildDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoWildDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
extern (C++) final class TypeInfoVectorDeclaration : TypeInfoDeclaration
extern (D) this(Type tinfo)
if (!Type.typeinfovector)
type = Type.typeinfovector.type;
static TypeInfoVectorDeclaration create(Type tinfo)
return new TypeInfoVectorDeclaration(tinfo);
override void accept(Visitor v)
* For the "this" parameter to member functions
extern (C++) final class ThisDeclaration : VarDeclaration
extern (D) this(const ref Loc loc, Type t)
super(loc, t, Id.This, null);
storage_class |= STC.nodtor;
override ThisDeclaration syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
assert(0); // should never be produced by syntax
override inout(ThisDeclaration) isThisDeclaration() inout
return this;
override void accept(Visitor v)