blob: 67f54eef02baaa0736f502e9fe86cd5400c556f2 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
// This is a slow larval-stage kludge to help massage the generated man
// pages. It's used like this:
const std::string_view usage = R"(
Takes on stdin, whitespace-separated words of the form
and writes on stdout the nearest matching standard header name.
Takes no command-line arguments.
// List of standard headers
std::set<std::string_view> std_headers;
// Map of partial header filenames to standard headers.
std::map<std::string_view, std::string_view> headers;
void init_map()
// Enter the glamourous world of data entry!! Maintain these!
// Because the map_header function removes common prefixes and suffixes,
// a header "bits/st[dl]_foo.h" will automatically map to "foo" if that
// is a standard header, so we don't need to list those cases here.
headers["atomic_base.h"] = "atomic";
headers["atomic_lockfree_defines.h"] = "atomic";
headers["atomic_timed_wait.h"] = "atomic";
headers["atomic_wait.h"] = "atomic";
headers["algorithmfwd.h"] = "algorithm";
headers["algo.h"] = "algorithm";
headers["algobase.h"] = "algorithm";
headers["ranges_algo.h"] = "algorithm";
headers["ranges_algobase.h"] = "algorithm";
headers["heap.h"] = "algorithm";
headers["exception_ptr.h"] = "exception";
headers["nested_exception.h"] = "exception";
headers["fs_dir.h"] = "filesystem";
headers["fs_fwd.h"] = "filesystem";
headers["fs_ops.h"] = "filesystem";
headers["fs_path.h"] = "filesystem";
headers["binders.h"] = "functional";
headers["function.h"] = "functional";
headers["functional_hash.h"] = "functional";
headers["mofunc_impl.h"] = "functional";
headers["move_only_function.h"] = "functional";
headers["invoke.h"] = "functional";
headers["refwrap.h"] = "functional";
headers["quoted_string.h"] = "iomanip";
headers["ios_base.h"] = "ios";
headers["basic_ios.h"] = "ios";
headers["basic_ios.tcc"] = "ios";
headers["iosfwd.h"] = "iosfwd";
headers["iostream.h"] = "iostream";
headers["iterator_base_funcs.h"] = "iterator";
headers["iterator_base_types.h"] = "iterator";
headers["stream_iterator.h"] = "iterator";
headers["streambuf_iterator.h"] = "iterator";
headers["iterator_concepts.h"] = "iterator";
headers["range_access.h"] = "iterator";
headers["codecvt.h"] = "locale";
headers["c++locale.h"] = "locale";
headers["localefwd.h"] = "locale";
headers["ctype_base.h"] = "locale";
headers["locale_classes.h"] = "locale";
headers["locale_classes.tcc"] = "locale";
headers["locale_facets.h"] = "locale";
headers["locale_facets.tcc"] = "locale";
headers["locale_facets_nonio.h"] = "locale";
headers["locale_facets_nonio.tcc"] = "locale";
headers["locale_conv.h"] = "locale";
headers["multimap.h"] = "map";
headers["memoryfwd.h"] = "memory";
headers["align.h"] = "memory";
headers["alloc_traits.h"] = "memory";
headers["auto_ptr.h"] = "memory";
headers["construct.h"] = "memory";
headers["allocator.h"] = "memory";
headers["raw_storage_iter.h"] = "memory";
headers["tempbuf.h"] = "memory";
headers["uninitialized.h"] = "memory";
headers["shared_ptr.h"] = "memory";
headers["shared_ptr_base.h"] = "memory";
headers["shared_ptr_atomic.h"] = "memory";
headers["unique_ptr.h"] = "memory";
headers["ranges_uninitialized.h"] = "memory";
headers["ptr_traits.h"] = "memory";
headers["uses_allocator.h"] = "memory";
headers["uses_allocator_args.h"] = "memory";
headers["unique_lock.h"] = "mutex";
headers["uniform_int_dist.h"] = "random";
headers["ranges_base.h"] = "ranges";
headers["ranges_util.h"] = "ranges";
headers["ranges_cmp.h"] = "functional";
headers["regex_automaton.h"] = "regex";
headers["regex_automaton.tcc"] = "regex";
headers["regex_compiler.h"] = "regex";
headers["regex_compiler.tcc"] = "regex";
headers["regex_constants.h"] = "regex";
headers["regex_error.h"] = "regex";
headers["regex_executor.h"] = "regex";
headers["regex_executor.tcc"] = "regex";
headers["regex_scanner.h"] = "regex";
headers["regex_scanner.tcc"] = "regex";
headers["semaphore_base.h"] = "semaphore";
headers["multiset.h"] = "set";
headers["node_handle.h"] = "set";
headers["functexcept.h"] = "stdexcept";
headers["char_traits.h"] = "string";
headers["stringfwd.h"] = "string";
headers["postypes.h"] = "string";
headers["basic_string.h"] = "string";
headers["basic_string.tcc"] = "string";
headers["cow_string.h"] = "string";
headers["string_view.tcc"] = "string_view";
headers["this_thread_sleep.h"] = "thread";
headers["tree.h"] = "map";
headers["pair.h"] = "utility";
headers["relops.h"] = "utility";
headers["gslice.h"] = "valarray";
headers["gslice_array.h"] = "valarray";
headers["indirect_array.h"] = "valarray";
headers["mask_array.h"] = "valarray";
headers["slice_array.h"] = "valarray";
headers["valarray_after.h"] = "valarray";
headers["valarray_before.h"] = "valarray";
headers["valarray_array.h"] = "valarray";
headers["valarray_array.tcc"] = "valarray";
headers["valarray_meta.h"] = "valarray";
headers["bvector.h"] = "vector";
//headers["concurrence.h"] who knows
//headers["atomicity.h"] who knows
headers["abs.h"] = "cstdlib";
headers["specfun.h"] = "cmath";
// This list is complete as of the October 2021 working draft.
std_headers = {
"algorithm", "any", "array", "atomic",
"barrier", "bit", "bitset",
"charconv", "chrono", "codecvt", "compare", "complex",
"concepts", "condition_variable", "coroutine",
"exception", "execution",
"filesystem", "format", "forward_list", "fstream",
"functional", "future",
"initializer_list", "iomanip", "ios", "iosfwd",
"iostream", "istream", "iterator",
"latch", "limits", "list", "locale",
"map", "memory", "memory_resource", "mutex",
"new", "numbers", "numeric",
"optional", "ostream",
"random", "ranges", "ratio", "regex",
"scoped_allocator", "semaphore", "set", "shared_mutex",
"source_location", "span", "spanstream", "sstream",
"stack", "stacktrace", "stdexcept", "stop_token",
"streambuf", "string", "string_view", "strstream",
"syncstream", "system_error",
"thread", "tuple", "typeindex", "typeinfo", "type_traits",
"unordered_map", "unordered_set", "utility",
"valarray", "variant", "vector", "version",
"cassert", "cctype", "cerrno", "cfenv", "cfloat",
"cinttypes", "climits", "clocale", "cmath", "csetjmp",
"csignal", "cstdarg", "cstddef", "cstdint", "cstdio",
"cstdlib", "cstring", "ctime", "cuchar", "cwchar",
"assert.h", "ctype.h", "errno.h", "fenv.h", "float.h",
"inttypes.h", "limits.h", "locale.h", "math.h", "setjmp.h",
"signal.h", "stdarg.h", "stddef.h", "stdint.h", "stdio.h",
"stdlib.h", "string.h", "time.h", "uchar.h", "wchar.h",
// In case we missed any:
for (const auto& h : headers)
std::string_view map_header (std::string_view header)
// if it doesn't contain a "." then it's already a std header
if (!header.contains('.'))
// make sure it's in the set:
return header;
for (std::string_view prefix : {"bits/", "stl_", "std_"})
if (header.starts_with(prefix))
if (auto it = headers.find(header); it != headers.end())
return it->second;
for (std::string_view ext : {".h", ".tcc"})
if (header.ends_with(ext))
if (auto it = std_headers.find(header); it != std_headers.end())
return *it;
return {};
std::string map_header_or_complain (std::string header)
// For <experimental/xxx.h> and <tr1/xxx.h> try to map <xxx.h>
// then add the directory back to it.
if (header.contains('.'))
for (std::string_view dir : {"experimental/", "tr1/"})
if (header.starts_with(dir))
auto h = map_header(header.substr(dir.size()));
if (!h.empty())
return std::string(dir) + std::string(h);
return std::string(header);
if (auto mapped = map_header(header); !mapped.empty())
return std::string(mapped);
std::cerr << "Could not map <" << header << "> to a standard header\n";
return std::string(header);
int main (int argc, char** argv)
if (argc > 1)
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << '\n' << usage;
return 1;
std::transform(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(std::cin), {},