blob: f1aed0f3bec09dcbbf8a9a019976d558619f683e [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- sanitizer_allocator_internal.h --------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This allocator is used inside run-times.
#include "sanitizer_allocator.h"
#include "sanitizer_internal_defs.h"
namespace __sanitizer {
// FIXME: Check if we may use even more compact size class map for internal
// purposes.
typedef CompactSizeClassMap InternalSizeClassMap;
static const uptr kInternalAllocatorRegionSizeLog = 20;
static const uptr kInternalAllocatorNumRegions =
SANITIZER_MMAP_RANGE_SIZE >> kInternalAllocatorRegionSizeLog;
typedef FlatByteMap<kInternalAllocatorNumRegions> ByteMap;
typedef TwoLevelByteMap<(kInternalAllocatorNumRegions >> 12), 1 << 12> ByteMap;
struct AP32 {
static const uptr kSpaceBeg = 0;
static const u64 kSpaceSize = SANITIZER_MMAP_RANGE_SIZE;
static const uptr kMetadataSize = 0;
typedef InternalSizeClassMap SizeClassMap;
static const uptr kRegionSizeLog = kInternalAllocatorRegionSizeLog;
typedef __sanitizer::ByteMap ByteMap;
typedef NoOpMapUnmapCallback MapUnmapCallback;
static const uptr kFlags = 0;
typedef SizeClassAllocator32<AP32> PrimaryInternalAllocator;
typedef SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<PrimaryInternalAllocator>
typedef CombinedAllocator<PrimaryInternalAllocator, InternalAllocatorCache,
LargeMmapAllocator<NoOpMapUnmapCallback, DieOnFailure>
> InternalAllocator;
void *InternalAlloc(uptr size, InternalAllocatorCache *cache = nullptr,
uptr alignment = 0);
void *InternalRealloc(void *p, uptr size,
InternalAllocatorCache *cache = nullptr);
void *InternalCalloc(uptr countr, uptr size,
InternalAllocatorCache *cache = nullptr);
void InternalFree(void *p, InternalAllocatorCache *cache = nullptr);
InternalAllocator *internal_allocator();
enum InternalAllocEnum {
} // namespace __sanitizer
inline void *operator new(__sanitizer::operator_new_size_type size,
__sanitizer::InternalAllocEnum) {
return __sanitizer::InternalAlloc(size);