blob: 6971c6a1313d12b033f136d6809aa5bbcdefa136 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Progam to test the dfloat intrinsic.
program dfloat_1
implicit none
integer(2) i2
integer(4) i4
integer(8) i8
i2 = -4_2
i4 = 4_4
i8 = 10_8
if (dfloat(i2) /= -4.d0) call abort() ! { dg-warning "non-default INTEGER" }
if (dfloat(i4) /= 4.d0) call abort()
if (dfloat(i8) /= 10.d0) call abort() ! { dg-warning "non-default INTEGER" }
if (dfloat(i4*i2) /= -16.d0) call abort()
if (kind(dfloat(i4)) /= kind(1.0_8)) call abort
if (kind(dfloat(i8)) /= kind(1.0_8)) call abort ! { dg-warning "non-default INTEGER" }
end program dfloat_1