blob: bc6f01739f59993ff22e764232ec319c53bf135a [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-fdump-tree-original" }
! Test the fix for PR66079. The original problem was with the first
! allocate statement. The rest of this testcase fixes problems found
! whilst working on it!
! Reported by Damian Rouson <>
type subdata
integer, allocatable :: b
! block
call newRealVec
! end block
subroutine newRealVec
type(subdata), allocatable :: d, e, f
character(:), allocatable :: g, h, i
character(8), allocatable :: j
allocate(d,source=subdata(1)) ! memory was lost, now OK
allocate(e,source=d) ! OK
allocate(f,source=create (99)) ! memory was lost, now OK
if (d%b .ne. 1) call abort
if (e%b .ne. 1) call abort
if (f%b .ne. 99) call abort
allocate (g, source = greeting1("good day"))
if (g .ne. "good day") call abort
allocate (h, source = greeting2("hello"))
if (h .ne. "hello") call abort
allocate (i, source = greeting3("hiya!"))
if (i .ne. "hiya!") call abort
call greeting4 (j, "Goodbye ") ! Test that dummy arguments are OK
if (j .ne. "Goodbye ") call abort
end subroutine
function create (arg) result(res)
integer :: arg
type(subdata), allocatable :: res, res1
allocate(res, res1, source = subdata(arg))
end function
function greeting1 (arg) result(res) ! memory was lost, now OK
character(*) :: arg
Character(:), allocatable :: res
allocate(res, source = arg)
end function
function greeting2 (arg) result(res)
character(5) :: arg
Character(:), allocatable :: res
allocate(res, source = arg)
end function
function greeting3 (arg) result(res)
character(5) :: arg
Character(5), allocatable :: res, res1
allocate(res, res1, source = arg) ! Caused an ICE
if (res1 .ne. res) call abort
end function
subroutine greeting4 (res, arg)
character(8), intent(in) :: arg
Character(8), allocatable, intent(out) :: res
allocate(res, source = arg) ! Caused an ICE
end subroutine
! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "builtin_malloc" 20 "original" } }
! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "builtin_free" 21 "original" } }