blob: 009acc1d29066dbcc1cf70ab5503f739be5e6a22 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for all the remaining issues in PR54070. These were all
! concerned with deferred length characters being returned as function results,
! except for comment #23 where the descriptor dtype was not correctly set and
! array IO failed in consequence.
! Contributed by Tobias Burnus <>
! The original comment #1 with an allocate statement.
! Allocatable, deferred length scalar resul.
function f()
character(len=:),allocatable :: f
allocate (f, source = "abc")
f ="ABC"
end function
! Allocatable, deferred length, explicit, array result
function g(a) result (res)
character(len=*) :: a(:)
character(len (a)) :: b(size (a))
character(len=:),allocatable :: res(:)
integer :: i
allocate (character(len(a)) :: res(2*size(a)))
do i = 1, len (a)
b(:)(i:i) = char (ichar (a(:)(i:i)) + 4)
end do
res = [a, b]
end function
! Allocatable, deferred length, array result
function h(a)
character(len=*) :: a(:)
character(len(a)) :: b (size(a))
character(len=:),allocatable :: h(:)
integer :: i
allocate (character(len(a)) :: h(size(a)))
do i = 1, len (a)
b(:)(i:i) = char (ichar (a(:)(i:i)) + 32)
end do
h = b
end function
module deferred_length_char_array
function return_string(argument)
character(*) :: argument
character(:), dimension(:), allocatable :: return_string
allocate (character (len(argument)) :: return_string(2))
return_string = argument
end function
end module
use deferred_length_char_array
character(len=3) :: chr(3)
character(:), pointer :: s(:)
character(6) :: buffer
function f()
character(len=:),allocatable :: f
end function
function g(a) result(res)
character(len=*) :: a(:)
character(len=:),allocatable :: res(:)
end function
function h(a)
character(len=*) :: a(:)
character(len=:),allocatable :: h(:)
end function
end interface
if (f () .ne. "ABC") call abort
if (any (g (["ab","cd"]) .ne. ["ab","cd","ef","gh"])) call abort
chr = h (["ABC","DEF","GHI"])
if (any (chr .ne. ["abc","def","ghi"])) call abort
if (any (return_string ("abcdefg") .ne. ["abcdefg","abcdefg"])) call abort
! Comment #23
s(1) = 'foo'
s(2) = 'bar'
write (buffer, '(2A3)') s
if (buffer .ne. 'foobar') call abort