blob: 5f3c7882ff21d30d5cb1da7124641e9f665b669b [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR81048, where in the second call to 'g2' the
! default initialization was "forgotten". 'g1', 'g1a' and 'g3' check
! that this does not occur for scalars and explicit results.
! Contributed by David Smith <>
program test
type f
integer :: f = -1
end type
type(f) :: a, b(3)
type(f), allocatable :: ans
b = g2(a)
b = g2(a)
ans = g1(a)
if (ans%f .ne. -1) call abort
ans = g1(a)
if (ans%f .ne. -1) call abort
ans = g1a(a)
if (ans%f .ne. -1) call abort
ans = g1a(a)
if (ans%f .ne. -1) call abort
b = g3(a)
b = g3(a)
function g3(a) result(res)
type(f) :: a, res(3)
do j = 1, 3
if (res(j)%f == -1) then
res(j)%f = a%f - 1
call abort
end function g3
function g2(a)
type(f) :: a, g2(3)
do j = 1, 3
if (g2(j)%f == -1) then
g2(j)%f = a%f - 1
call abort
end function g2
function g1(a)
type(f) :: g1, a
if (g1%f .ne. -1 ) call abort
end function
function g1a(a) result(res)
type(f) :: res, a
if (res%f .ne. -1 ) call abort
end function
end program test