blob: 31803453c54102a8b40a50de9336671eaef9ba75 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR59198, where the field for the component 'term' in
! the derived type 'decay_gen_t' was not being built.
! Contributed by Paul Thomas and based on the original testcase by
! Juergen Reuter <>
module decays
implicit none
real elemental function iface (arg)
real, intent(in) :: arg
end function
end interface
type :: decay_term_t
type(decay_t), pointer :: unstable_product
integer :: i
end type
type :: decay_gen_t
procedure(iface), nopass, pointer :: obs1_int
type(decay_term_t), allocatable :: term
end type
type :: rng_t
integer :: i
end type
type, extends (decay_gen_t) :: decay_t
class(rng_t), allocatable :: rng
end type
class(decay_t), allocatable :: object
use decays
type(decay_t), pointer :: template
real, parameter :: arg = 1.570796327
allocate (template)
allocate (template%rng)
template%obs1_int => cos
if (abs (template%obs1_int (arg) - cos (arg)) .gt. 1e-4) call abort
allocate (object, source = template)
if (abs (object%obs1_int (arg) - cos (arg)) .gt. 1e-4) call abort