blob: 578492e54e7cb6438f5a3087625039b1fb058c98 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Basic test of submodule functionality.
! Contributed by Paul Thomas <>
module foo_interface
implicit none
character(len = 100) :: message
character(len = 100) :: message2
type foo
character(len=15) :: greeting = "Hello, world! "
character(len=15), private :: byebye = "adieu, world! "
procedure :: greet => say_hello
procedure :: farewell => bye
procedure, private :: adieu => byebye
end type foo
module subroutine say_hello(this)
class(foo), intent(in) :: this
end subroutine
module subroutine bye(this)
class(foo), intent(in) :: this
end subroutine
module subroutine byebye(this, that)
class(foo), intent(in) :: this
class(foo), intent(inOUT), allocatable :: that
end subroutine
module function realf (arg) result (res)
real :: arg, res
end function
integer module function intf (arg)
integer :: arg
end function
real module function realg (arg)
real :: arg
end function
integer module function intg (arg)
integer :: arg
end function
end interface
integer :: factor = 5
subroutine smurf
class(foo), allocatable :: this
allocate (this)
message = "say_hello from SMURF --->"
call say_hello (this)
end subroutine
end module
SUBMODULE (foo_interface) foo_interface_son
! Test module procedure with conventional specification part for dummies
module subroutine say_hello(this)
class(foo), intent(in) :: this
class(foo), allocatable :: that
allocate (that, source = this)
! call this%farewell ! NOTE WELL: This compiles and causes a crash in run-time
! due to recursion through the call to this procedure from
! say hello.
message = that%greeting
! Check that descendant module procedure is correctly processed
if (intf (77) .ne. factor*77) call abort
end subroutine
module function realf (arg) result (res)
real :: arg, res
res = 2*arg
end function
end SUBMODULE foo_interface_son
! Check that multiple generations of submodules are OK
SUBMODULE (foo_interface:foo_interface_son) foo_interface_grandson
module procedure intf
intf = factor*arg
end SUBMODULE foo_interface_grandson
SUBMODULE (foo_interface) foo_interface_daughter
! Test module procedure with abbreviated declaration and no specification of dummies
module procedure bye
class(foo), allocatable :: that
call say_hello (this)
! check access to a PRIVATE procedure pointer that accesses a private component
call this%adieu (that)
message2 = that%greeting
! Test module procedure pointed to by PRIVATE component of foo
module procedure byebye
allocate (that, source = this)
! Access a PRIVATE component of foo
that%greeting = that%byebye
module procedure intg
intg = 3*arg
module procedure realg
realg = 3*arg
end SUBMODULE foo_interface_daughter
program try
use foo_interface
implicit none
type(foo) :: bar
call clear_messages
call bar%greet ! typebound call
if (trim (message) .ne. "Hello, world!") call abort
call clear_messages
bar%greeting = "G'day, world!"
call say_hello(bar) ! Checks use association of 'say_hello'
if (trim (message) .ne. "G'day, world!") call abort
call clear_messages
bar%greeting = "Hi, world!"
call bye(bar) ! Checks use association in another submodule
if (trim (message) .ne. "Hi, world!") call abort
if (trim (message2) .ne. "adieu, world!") call abort
call clear_messages
call smurf ! Checks host association of 'say_hello'
if (trim (message) .ne. "Hello, world!") call abort
call clear_messages
bar%greeting = "farewell "
call bar%farewell
if (trim (message) .ne. "farewell") call abort
if (trim (message2) .ne. "adieu, world!") call abort
if (realf(2.0) .ne. 4.0) call abort ! Check module procedure with explicit result
if (intf(2) .ne. 10) call abort ! ditto
if (realg(3.0) .ne. 9.0) call abort ! Check module procedure with function declaration result
if (intg(3) .ne. 9) call abort ! ditto
subroutine clear_messages
message = ""
message2 = ""
end subroutine
end program
! { dg-final { cleanup-submodules "foo_interface@foo_interface_son" } }
! { dg-final { cleanup-submodules "foo_interface@foo_interface_grandson" } }
! { dg-final { cleanup-submodules "foo_interface@foo_interface_daughter" } }