blob: 9d6c8d28e3a2ef17f2b5f8e32514d1cd010950f4 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-std=f2003" }
! Check enforcement of F2008 standard for MODULE PROCEDURES and SUBMODULES
! This is rather bare-bones to reduce the number of error messages too the
! essential minimum.
! Contributed by Paul Thomas <>
module foo_interface
implicit none
module function array1(this) result (that) ! { dg-error "MODULE prefix" }
end function ! { dg-error "Expecting END INTERFACE" }
character(16) module function array2(this, that) ! { dg-error "MODULE prefix" }
end function ! { dg-error "Expecting END INTERFACE" }
end interface
end module
SUBMODULE (foo_interface) foo_interface_son ! { dg-error "SUBMODULE declaration" }
module function array1 (this) result(that) ! { dg-error "MODULE prefix" }
end function ! { dg-error "Expecting END PROGRAM" }
! Test array characteristics for dummy and result are OK for
! abbreviated module procedure declaration.
module procedure array2 ! { dg-error "must be in a generic module interface" }
end PROCEDURE ! { dg-error "Expecting END PROGRAM" }
end SUBMODULE foo_interface_son ! { dg-error "Expecting END PROGRAM" }
end ! { dg-error "CONTAINS statement without FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE" }