blob: a183f50e46cd0ab0a31bbab3a975116fde858afb [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Example in F2008 C.8.4 to demonstrate submodules
module color_points
type color_point
real :: x, y
integer :: color
end type color_point
! Interfaces for procedures with separate
! bodies in the submodule color_points_a
module subroutine color_point_del ( p ) ! Destroy a color_point object
type(color_point), allocatable :: p
end subroutine color_point_del
! Distance between two color_point objects
real module function color_point_dist ( a, b )
type(color_point), intent(in) :: a, b
end function color_point_dist
module subroutine color_point_draw ( p ) ! Draw a color_point object
type(color_point), intent(in) :: p
end subroutine color_point_draw
module subroutine color_point_new ( p ) ! Create a color_point object
type(color_point), allocatable :: p
end subroutine color_point_new
module subroutine verify_cleanup ( p1, p2 ) ! Check cleanup of color_point objects
type(color_point), allocatable :: p1, p2
end subroutine verify_cleanup
end interface
end module color_points
module palette_stuff
type :: palette ;
end type palette
subroutine test_palette ( p )
! Draw a color wheel using procedures from the color_points module
use color_points ! This does not cause a circular dependency because
! the "use palette_stuff" that is logically within
! color_points is in the color_points_a submodule.
type(palette), intent(in) :: p
end subroutine test_palette
end module palette_stuff
submodule ( color_points ) color_points_a ! Submodule of color_points
integer :: instance_count = 0
! Interface for a procedure with a separate
! body in submodule color_points_b
module subroutine inquire_palette ( pt, pal )
use palette_stuff
! palette_stuff, especially submodules
! thereof, can reference color_points by use
! association without causing a circular
! dependence during translation because this
! use is not in the module. Furthermore,
! changes in the module palette_stuff do not
! affect the translation of color_points.
type(color_point), intent(in) :: pt
type(palette), intent(out) :: pal
end subroutine inquire_palette
end interface
! Invisible bodies for public separate module procedures
! declared in the module
module subroutine color_point_del ( p )
type(color_point), allocatable :: p
instance_count = instance_count - 1
deallocate ( p )
end subroutine color_point_del
real module function color_point_dist ( a, b ) result ( dist )
type(color_point), intent(in) :: a, b
dist = sqrt( (b%x - a%x)**2 + (b%y - a%y)**2 )
end function color_point_dist
module subroutine color_point_new ( p )
type(color_point), allocatable :: p
instance_count = instance_count + 1
allocate ( p )
! Added to example so that it does something.
p%x = real (instance_count) * 1.0
p%y = real (instance_count) * 2.0
p%color = instance_count
end subroutine color_point_new
end submodule color_points_a
submodule ( color_points:color_points_a ) color_points_b ! Subsidiary**2 submodule
! Invisible body for interface declared in the ancestor module
module subroutine color_point_draw ( p )
use palette_stuff, only: palette
type(color_point), intent(in) :: p
type(palette) :: MyPalette
call inquire_palette ( p, MyPalette )
! Added to example so that it does something.
if (abs (p%x - real (p%color) * 1.0) .gt. 1.0e-6) call abort
if (abs (p%y - real (p%color) * 2.0) .gt. 1.0e-6) call abort
end subroutine color_point_draw
! Invisible body for interface declared in the parent submodule
module procedure inquire_palette
!... implementation of inquire_palette
end procedure inquire_palette
module procedure verify_cleanup
if (allocated (p1) .or. allocated (p2)) call abort
if (instance_count .ne. 0) call abort
end procedure
subroutine private_stuff ! not accessible from color_points_a
end subroutine private_stuff
end submodule color_points_b
program main
use color_points
! "instance_count" and "inquire_palette" are not accessible here
! because they are not declared in the "color_points" module.
! "color_points_a" and "color_points_b" cannot be referenced by
! use association.
interface draw
! just to demonstrate its possible
module procedure color_point_draw
end interface
type(color_point), allocatable :: C_1, C_2
real :: RC
call color_point_new (c_1)
call color_point_new (c_2)
! body in color_points_a, interface in color_points
call draw (c_1)
! body in color_points_b, specific interface
! in color_points, generic interface here.
rc = color_point_dist (c_1, c_2) ! body in color_points_a, interface in color_points
if (abs (rc - 2.23606801) .gt. 1.0e-6) call abort
call color_point_del (c_1)
call color_point_del (c_2)
! body in color_points_a, interface in color_points
call verify_cleanup (c_1, c_2)
end program main
! { dg-final { cleanup-submodules "color_points@color_points_a" } }
! { dg-final { cleanup-submodules "color_points@color_points_b" } }