blob: 3ff1e551ee520dc52da258f57aa973d9aee5d800 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Basic tests of functionality of unlimited polymorphism
! Contributed by Paul Thomas <>
TYPE :: a
integer :: i
subroutine bar (arg, res)
class(*) :: arg
character(100) :: res
select type (w => arg)
type is (a)
write (res, '(a, I4)') "type(a)", w%i
type is (integer)
write (res, '(a, I4)') "integer", w
type is (real(4))
write (res, '(a, F4.1)') "real4", w
type is (real(8))
write (res, '(a, F4.1)') "real8", w
type is (character(*, kind = 4))
call abort
type is (character(*))
write (res, '(a, I2, a, a)') "char(", LEN(w), ")", trim(w)
end select
end subroutine
subroutine foo (arg, res)
class(*) :: arg (:)
character(100) :: res
select type (w => arg)
type is (a)
write (res,'(a, 10I4)') "type(a) array", w%i
type is (integer)
write (res,'(a, 10I4)') "integer array", w
type is (real)
write (res,'(a, 10F4.1)') "real array", w
type is (character(*))
write (res, '(a5, I2, a, I2, a1, 2(a))') &
"char(",len(w),",", size(w,1),") array ", w
end select
end subroutine
TYPE(a), target :: obj1 = a(99)
TYPE(a), target :: obj2(3) = a(999)
integer, target :: obj3 = 999
real(4), target :: obj4(4) = [(real(i), i = 1, 4)]
integer, target :: obj5(3) = [(i*99, i = 1, 3)]
class(*), pointer :: u1
class(*), pointer :: u2(:)
class(*), allocatable :: u3
class(*), allocatable :: u4(:)
type(a), pointer :: aptr(:)
character(8) :: sun = "sunshine"
character(100) :: res
! NULL without MOLD used to cause segfault
u2 => NULL()
u2 => NULL(aptr)
! Test pointing to derived types.
u1 => obj1
if (SAME_TYPE_AS (obj1, u1) .neqv. .TRUE.) call abort
u2 => obj2
call bar (u1, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) 99") call abort
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) array 999 999 999") call abort
if (SAME_TYPE_AS (obj1, u1) .neqv. .TRUE.) call abort
! Check allocate with an array SOURCE.
allocate (u2(5), source = [(a(i), i = 1,5)])
if (SAME_TYPE_AS (u1, a(2)) .neqv. .TRUE.) call abort
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) array 1 2 3 4 5") call abort
deallocate (u2)
! Point to intrinsic targets.
u1 => obj3
call bar (u1, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer 999") call abort
u2 => obj4
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real array 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0") call abort
u2 => obj5
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer array 99 198 297") call abort
! Test allocate with source.
allocate (u1, source = sun)
call bar (u1, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "char( 8)sunshine") call abort
deallocate (u1)
allocate (u2(3), source = [7,8,9])
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer array 7 8 9") call abort
deallocate (u2)
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u2) .neqv. .TRUE.) call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u2, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) call abort
allocate (u2(3), source = [5.0,6.0,7.0])
call foo (u2, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real array 5.0 6.0 7.0") call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u2) .neqv. .FALSE.) call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u2, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) call abort
deallocate (u2)
! Check allocate with a MOLD tag.
allocate (u2(3), mold = 8.0)
call foo (u2, res)
if (res(1:10) .ne. "real array") call abort
deallocate (u2)
! Test passing an intrinsic type to a CLASS(*) formal.
call bar(1, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer 1") call abort
call bar(2.0, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real4 2.0") call abort
call bar(2d0, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real8 2.0") call abort
call bar(a(3), res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) 3") call abort
call bar(sun, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "char( 8)sunshine") call abort
call bar (obj3, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer 999") call abort
call foo([4,5], res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer array 4 5") call abort
call foo([6.0,7.0], res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real array 6.0 7.0") call abort
call foo([a(8),a(9)], res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) array 8 9") call abort
call foo([sun, " & rain"], res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "char( 8, 2)sunshine & rain") call abort
call foo([sun//" never happens", " & rain always happens"], res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "char(22, 2)sunshine never happens & rain always happens") call abort
call foo (obj4, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real array 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0") call abort
call foo (obj5, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "integer array 99 198 297") call abort
! Allocatable entities
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u3) .neqv. .TRUE.) call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u3, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u4) .neqv. .TRUE.) call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u4, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) call abort
allocate (u3, source = 2.4)
call bar (u3, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "real4 2.4") call abort
allocate (u4(2), source = [a(88), a(99)])
call foo (u4, res)
if (trim (res) .ne. "type(a) array 88 99") call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u3) .neqv. .FALSE.) call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u3, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) call abort
deallocate (u3)
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u3) .neqv. .TRUE.) call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u3, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u4) .neqv. .TRUE.) call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u4, obj1) .neqv. .TRUE.) call abort
deallocate (u4)
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (obj1, u4) .neqv. .TRUE.) call abort
if (EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (u4, obj1) .neqv. .FALSE.) call abort
! Check assumed rank calls
call foobar (u3, 0)
call foobar (u4, 1)
subroutine foobar (arg, ranki)
class(*) :: arg (..)
integer :: ranki
integer i
i = rank (arg)
if (i .ne. ranki) call abort
end subroutine