blob: bac91945bc76c20ebf00b8f1e76ec59f17b0854b [file] [log] [blame]
// names-1 is a change detector for Go symbol names. We don't want
// the name mangling to change silently.
package main
import (
type Type int
type Alias = int
func Function1(out *bytes.Buffer) int {
var f2 func(int) int
f1 := func(i int) int {
if i == 0 {
return 0
type NestedType struct { a int }
t := NestedType{f2(i-1)}
fmt.Fprint(out, t)
return t.a
f2 = func(i int) int {
if i == 0 {
return 0
type NestedType struct { a int }
t := NestedType{f1(i-1)}
fmt.Fprint(out, t)
return t.a
return f1(10) + f2(10)
func Function2(out *bytes.Buffer) {
type T struct { b int }
fmt.Fprint(out, T{1})
type T struct { b int }
fmt.Fprint(out, T{2})
func (t Type) M(bool, int8, float32, complex64, string, func(), func(int16) (float64, complex128), *byte, struct { f int "tag #$%^&{}: 世界" }, []int32, [24]int64, map[uint8]uint16, chan uint32, <-chan uint64, chan <- uintptr, Type, Alias) {
func Function3(out *bytes.Buffer) {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%T", Type(0))
func main() {
var b bytes.Buffer
_ = len(b.String())
for _, n := range []string{"/proc/self/exe", os.Args[0]} {
if f, err := os.Open(n); err == nil {
fmt.Println("checksyms: could not find executable")
fmt.Println("UNSUPPORTED: checksyms")
func checkFile(f *os.File) {
var syms []string
if ef, err := elf.NewFile(f); err == nil {
esyms, err := ef.Symbols()
if err != nil {
for _, esym := range esyms {
syms = append(syms, esym.Name)
} else if mf, err := macho.NewFile(f); err == nil {
for _, msym := range mf.Symtab.Syms {
syms = append(syms, msym.Name)
} else if pf, err := pe.NewFile(f); err == nil {
for _, psym := range pf.Symbols {
syms = append(syms, psym.Name)
} else if xf, err := xcoff.NewFile(f); err == nil {
for _, xsym := range xf.Symbols {
syms = append(syms, xsym.Name)
} else {
fmt.Println("checksyms: could not parse executable")
fmt.Println("UNSUPPORTED: checksyms")
var want = []string{
"type...1.1main.Type", // Why is this here?
func checkSyms(syms []string) {
m := make(map[string]bool)
for _, sym := range syms {
if strings.Contains(sym, ".") {
m[sym] = true
ok := true
for _, w := range want {
if m[w] {
delete(m, w)
} else {
fmt.Printf("checksyms: missing expected symbol %q\n", w)
ok = false
for sym := range m {
if !strings.Contains(sym, "main") {
// Skip some symbols we may see but know are unimportant.
if sym == "go-main.c" {
if strings.HasPrefix(sym, "runtime.") {
// We can see a lot of spurious .eq and .hash
// functions for types defined in other packages.
// This is a bug but skip them for now.
if strings.Contains(sym, "..eq") || strings.Contains(sym, "..hash") {
// Skip closure types by skipping incomparable structs.
// This may be a bug, not sure.
if strings.Contains(sym, ".4x.5") {
// These functions may be inlined.
if sym == "main.checkFile" || sym == "main.checkSyms" {
fmt.Printf("checksyms: found unexpected symbol %q\n", sym)
ok = false
if !ok {
fmt.Println("FAIL: checksyms")