blob: 21ef0d980c05e89c68a4ad7414dee73acd8aefcc [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 1999-2019 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#pragma once
#include "dsystem.h"
#include "array.h"
typedef Array<struct File *> Files;
struct FileName;
struct File
int ref; // != 0 if this is a reference to someone else's buffer
unsigned char *buffer; // data for our file
size_t len; // amount of data in buffer[]
FileName *name; // name of our file
File(const char *);
static File *create(const char *);
File(const FileName *);
const char *toChars();
/* Read file, return true if error
bool read();
/* Write file, return true if error
bool write();
/* Set buffer
void setbuffer(void *buffer, size_t len)
this->buffer = (unsigned char *)buffer;
this->len = len;
void remove(); // delete file