blob: 7edf1179cc152252d42febecb6f7063e9f4e211c [file] [log] [blame]
2021-04-19 H.J. Lu <>
* config/abi/post/x86_64-linux-gnu/x32/baseline_symbols.txt:
2021-04-17 Jakub Jelinek <>
* config/abi/post/powerpc-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
* config/abi/post/powerpc64-linux-gnu/32/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
2021-04-17 Jakub Jelinek <>
* config/abi/post/x86_64-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
* config/abi/post/x86_64-linux-gnu/32/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
* config/abi/post/i386-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
* config/abi/post/i486-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
* config/abi/post/s390x-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
* config/abi/post/powerpc64-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
2021-04-15 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/lib/dg-options.exp (add_options_for_libatomic): Also
add libatomic options for 32-bit sparc*-*-linux-gnu.
2021-04-15 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/96657
* libsupc++/ Add here.
* src/c++98/ Remove it from here.
* libsupc++/ Regenerate.
* src/c++98/ Regenerate.
* testsuite/18_support/exception_ptr/ New test.
2021-04-13 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/100060
* include/std/bit: Only include <ext/numeric_traits.h> for
hosted build, use <limits> otherwise.
2021-04-13 Jonathan Wakely <>
* doc/xml/manual/backwards_compatibility.xml: Remove porting
notes for libg++ and libstdc++-v2, and bibliography.
* doc/html/*: Regenerated.
2021-04-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/100044
* include/bits/ranges_util.h (__detail::__iterator_sentinel_pair):
Remove helper concept.
(subrange(_Pr), subrange(Pr, __make_unsigned_like<...>)): Remove
deduction guides, as per LWG 3404.
* testsuite/std/ranges/subrange/ Check that class
template argument deduction fails.
2021-04-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/26_numerics/random/linear_congruential_engine/requirements/
Adjust expected error for C++20 mode.
* testsuite/tr1/5_numerical_facilities/random/linear_congruential/requirements/
2021-04-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99995
* testsuite/17_intro/headers/c++1998/ Include all
standard headers and XFAIL for effective-target c++20.
2021-04-09 François Dumont <>
PR libstdc++/99402
* include/debug/helper_functions.h (__can_advance(_InputIterator,
const std::pair<_Diff, _Distance_precision>&, int)): New.
(__can_advance(const _Safe_iterator<>&,
const std::pair<_Diff, _Distance_precision>&, int)): New.
* include/debug/macros.h (__glibcxx_check_can_increment_dist): New,
use latter.
(__glibcxx_check_can_increment_range): Adapt to use latter.
(__glibcxx_check_can_decrement_range): Likewise.
* include/debug/safe_iterator.h
(_Safe_iterator<>::_M_can_advance(const std::pair<_Diff, _Distance_precision>&,
int)): New.
(__can_advance(const _Safe_iterator<>&,
const std::pair<_Diff, _Distance_precision>&, int)): New.
* include/debug/safe_iterator.tcc
(_Safe_iterator<>::_M_can_advance(const std::pair<_Diff, _Distance_precision>&,
int)): New.
(_Safe_iterator<>::_M_valid_range(const _Safe_iterator<>&,
std::pair<difference_type, _Distance_precision>&, bool)): Adapt for
(__copy_move_a): Adapt to use __glibcxx_check_can_increment_dist.
(__copy_move_backward_a): Likewise.
(__equal_aux): Likewise.
* include/debug/stl_iterator.h (__can_advance(const std::reverse_iterator<>&,
const std::pair<_Diff, _Distance_precision>&, int)): New.
(__can_advance(const std::move_iterator<>&,
const std::pair<_Diff, _Distance_precision>&, int)): New.
* testsuite/25_algorithms/copy/debug/ New test.
2021-04-09 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99985
* include/bits/hashtable.h (_Hashtable::_S_nothrow_move()): Fix
to be a valid constexpr function in C++11.
* testsuite/23_containers/unordered_set/cons/ New test.
2021-04-09 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/fs_fwd.h: Fix doxygen group command.
* include/bits/streambuf_iterator.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/uses_allocator_args.h: Likewise.
* include/std/memory: Likewise.
* include/tr1/complex: Likewise.
2021-04-08 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/basic_string.h: Tweak doxygen comment.
2021-04-08 Patrick Palka <>
* include/std/ranges (__detail::find): Define.
(split_view::_OuterIter::operator++): Apply proposed resolution
of LWG 3505.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test10): New test.
2021-04-08 Patrick Palka <>
* include/std/ranges (__detail::find_if): Simplify.
(__detail::find_if_not): Likewise.
(__detail::min): Remove.
(__detail::mismatch): Simplify.
(take_view::size): Use std::min instead of __detail::min.
2021-04-08 Patrick Palka <>
* include/std/ranges (__detail::__returnable_element): New
(elements_view): Use this concept in its constraints. Add
missing private access specifier.
(elements_view::_S_get_element): Define as per LWG 3502.
(elements_view::operator*, elements_view::operator[]): Use
(elements_view::operator++): Remove unnecessary constraint
as per LWG 3492.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test05): New test.
2021-04-08 Jonathan Wakely <>
* doc/ (stamp-pdf-doxygen): Also grep for
out-of-memory error in log file.
* doc/ Regenerate.
2021-04-08 Jonathan Wakely <>
* configure: Regenerate.
2021-04-08 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/random.h: Fix doxygen group commands.
* include/bits/regex_constants.h: Likewise.
* include/tr1/random.h: Likewise.
2021-04-08 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/hashtable.h (_Hashtable::_S_nothrow_move()):
New function to determine noexcept-specifier for move
(_Hashtable): Use _S_nothrow_move() on move constructors.
* testsuite/23_containers/unordered_map/cons/
Correct static assertion message.
* testsuite/23_containers/unordered_multimap/cons/
* testsuite/23_containers/unordered_multiset/cons/
* testsuite/23_containers/unordered_set/cons/
2021-04-08 Patrick Palka <>
PR libstdc++/98384
* testsuite/20_util/to_chars/ Don't run the test
on targets without a large long double. XFAIL the execution on
targets with a non-conforming printf.
2021-04-08 Patrick Palka <>
PR libstdc++/99433
* include/std/ranges (__adaptor::__maybe_refwrap): Remove.
(__adaptor::__adaptor_invocable): New concept.
(__adaptor::__adaptor_partial_app_viable): New concept.
(__adaptor::_RangeAdaptorClosure): Rewrite, turning it into a
non-template base class.
(__adaptor::_RangeAdaptor): Rewrite, turning it into a CRTP base
class template.
(__adaptor::_Partial): New class template that represents
partial application of a range adaptor non-closure.
(__adaptor::__pipe_invocable): New concept.
(__adaptor::_Pipe): New class template.
(__detail::__can_ref_view): New concept.
(__detail::__can_subrange): New concept.
(all): Replace the lambda here with ...
(_All): ... this functor. Add appropriate constraints.
(__detail::__can_filter_view): New concept.
(filter, _Filter): As in all/_All.
(__detail::__can_transform): New concept.
(transform, _Transform): As in all/_All.
(__detail::__can_take_view): New concept.
(take, _Take): As in all/_All.
(__detail::__can_take_while_view): New concept.
(take_while, _TakeWhile): As in all/_All.
(__detail::__can_drop_view): New concept.
(drop, _Drop): As in all/_All.
(__detail::__can_drop_while_view): New concept.
(drop_while, _DropWhile): As in all/_All.
(__detail::__can_join_view): New concept.
(join, _Join): As in all/_All.
(__detail::__can_split_view): New concept.
(split, _Split): As in all/_All. Rename template parameter
_Fp to _Pattern.
(__detail::__already_common): New concept.
(__detail::__can_common_view): New concept.
(common, _Common): As in all/_All.
(__detail::__can_reverse_view): New concept.
(reverse, _Reverse): As in all/_All.
(__detail::__can_elements_view): New concept.
(elements, _Elements): As in all/_All.
(keys, values): Adjust.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ No longer expect that
adding empty range adaptor closure objects to a pipeline doesn't
increase the size of the pipeline.
(test05): New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test03): New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test09): New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test04): New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test04): New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test06): New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test09): New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test07): New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test01, test04):
(test09): New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test01): Adjust
expected error message.
(test02): Likewise. Extend test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test06): New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test05): New test.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ (test07, test08):
New test.
2021-04-08 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/std/string_view: Adjust Doxygen @file comment.
2021-04-08 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/std/type_traits (is_scoped_enum<T>): Constrain partial
specialization to not match incomplete enum types. Use a
requires-expression instead of instantiating is_convertible.
(is_scoped_enum<const T>): Add as workaround for PR c++/99968.
* testsuite/20_util/is_scoped_enum/ Check with
incomplete types and opaque-enum-declarations.
2021-04-07 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99805
* src/c++17/ (path::_M_split_cmpts): Do not call
non-const member on _M_pathname, to avoid copy-on-write.
* testsuite/27_io/filesystem/path/decompose/
Check construction from strings that might be shared.
2021-04-06 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/move.h (forward, move, move_if_noexcept)
(addressof): Add _GLIBCXX_NODISCARD.
* include/bits/ranges_cmp.h (identity::operator()): Add
nodiscard attribute.
* include/c_global/cstddef (to_integer): Likewise.
* include/std/bit (bit_cast): Likewise.
* include/std/utility (as_const, to_underlying): Likewise.
2021-04-06 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/move.h (forward): Change static_assert message
to be unambiguous about what must be true.
* testsuite/20_util/forward/ Adjust dg-error.
* testsuite/20_util/forward/ Likewise.
2021-04-06 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/alloc_traits.h: Use markdown for code font.
* include/bits/basic_string.h: Fix @param names.
* include/bits/max_size_type.h: Remove period after @file.
* include/bits/regex.h: Fix duplicate @retval names, and rename.
* include/ext/pb_ds/detail/priority_queue_base_dispatch.hpp: Add
group open to match existing group close.
* include/ext/pb_ds/priority_queue.hpp: Add blank line before group
2021-04-06 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/atomic_base.h: Fix doxygen group close.
* include/bits/basic_ios.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/forward_list.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/fs_dir.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/fs_ops.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/fs_path.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/functional_hash.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/gslice.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/gslice_array.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/hashtable_policy.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/indirect_array.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/locale_classes.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/locale_facets.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/locale_facets_nonio.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/mask_array.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/refwrap.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/regex.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/regex_automaton.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/regex_compiler.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/regex_constants.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/regex_error.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/regex_executor.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/regex_scanner.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/shared_ptr.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/shared_ptr_atomic.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/shared_ptr_base.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/slice_array.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/specfun.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/std_function.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/std_mutex.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/stl_deque.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/stl_iterator.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/stl_map.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/stl_multimap.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/stl_multiset.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/stl_numeric.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/stl_pair.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/stl_set.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/stl_uninitialized.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/stream_iterator.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/streambuf_iterator.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/unique_ptr.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/unordered_map.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/unordered_set.h: Likewise.
* include/decimal/decimal: Likewise.
* include/experimental/any: Likewise.
* include/experimental/array: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/fs_dir.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/fs_fwd.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/fs_ops.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/fs_path.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/buffer: Likewise.
* include/experimental/internet: Likewise.
* include/experimental/optional: Likewise.
* include/experimental/propagate_const: Likewise.
* include/experimental/socket: Likewise.
* include/ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp: Likewise.
* include/ext/pb_ds/detail/priority_queue_base_dispatch.hpp:
* include/ext/pb_ds/detail/tree_policy/node_metadata_selector.hpp: Likewise.
* include/ext/pb_ds/detail/trie_policy/node_metadata_selector.hpp: Likewise.
* include/ext/pb_ds/detail/types_traits.hpp: Likewise.
* include/ext/pb_ds/exception.hpp: Likewise.
* include/ext/pb_ds/priority_queue.hpp: Likewise.
* include/ext/pb_ds/tag_and_trait.hpp: Likewise.
* include/ext/random: Likewise.
* include/std/any: Likewise.
* include/std/atomic: Likewise.
* include/std/bitset: Likewise.
* include/std/chrono: Likewise.
* include/std/complex: Likewise.
* include/std/condition_variable: Likewise.
* include/std/fstream: Likewise.
* include/std/future: Likewise.
* include/std/iostream: Likewise.
* include/std/istream: Likewise.
* include/std/mutex: Likewise.
* include/std/numeric: Likewise.
* include/std/ostream: Likewise.
* include/std/ratio: Likewise.
* include/std/shared_mutex: Likewise.
* include/std/stdexcept: Likewise.
* include/std/streambuf: Likewise.
* include/std/system_error: Likewise.
* include/std/thread: Likewise.
* include/std/valarray: Likewise.
* include/std/variant: Likewise.
* include/tr1/cmath: Likewise.
* include/tr1/regex: Likewise.
* include/tr2/dynamic_bitset: Likewise.
* libsupc++/atomic_lockfree_defines.h: Likewise.
* libsupc++/exception: Likewise.
* libsupc++/exception.h: Likewise.
* libsupc++/exception_ptr.h: Likewise.
* libsupc++/nested_exception.h: Likewise.
2021-03-31 Alexandre Oliva <>
* testsuite/30_threads/future/members/ Use faster
after-ready call in the calibration loop.
2021-03-29 Jonathan Wakely <>
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2017.xml: Adjust link for PSTL.
* doc/html/manual/status.html: Regenerate.
2021-03-28 François Dumont <>
* include/debug/forward_list
(forward_list(forward_list&&, const allocator_type&)): Add noexcept qualification.
* include/debug/list (list(list&&, const allocator_type&)): Likewise and add
call to safe container allocator aware move constructor.
* include/debug/vector (vector(vector&&, const allocator_type&)):
Fix noexcept qualification.
* testsuite/23_containers/forward_list/cons/
Add allocator-extended move constructor noexceot qualification check.
* testsuite/23_containers/list/cons/ Likewise.
2021-03-26 Jonathan Wakely <>
* src/c++11/ (USE_LCG): Define when a pseudo-random
fallback is needed.
[USE_LCG] (bad_seed, construct_lcg_at, destroy_lcg_at, __lcg):
New helper functions and callback.
(random_device::_M_init): Add 'prng' and 'all' enumerators.
Replace switch with fallthrough with a series of 'if' statements.
[USE_LCG]: Construct an lcg_type engine and use __lcg when cpuid
checks fail.
(random_device::_M_init_pretr1) [USE_MT19937]: Accept "prng"
(random_device::_M_getval): Check for callback unconditionally
and always pass _M_file pointer.
* testsuite/26_numerics/random/random_device/ Remove
effective-target check. Use new random_device_available helper.
* testsuite/26_numerics/random/random_device/ Likewise.
* testsuite/26_numerics/random/random_device/cons/
Remove effective-target check.
* testsuite/26_numerics/random/random_device/cons/
* testsuite/26_numerics/random/random_device/cons/ Use
new random_device_available helper. Test "prng" token.
* testsuite/util/testsuite_random.h (random_device_available):
New helper function.
2021-03-25 François Dumont <>
* include/debug/string
(basic_string(const basic_string&, const _Alloc&)): Define even if !_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI.
(basic_string(basic_string&&, const _Alloc&)): Likewise and add noexcept qualification.
(basic_string<>::erase): Adapt to take __const_iterator.
(basic_string(const _CharT*, const _Allocator&)): Remove assign call.
(basic_string<>::insert(const_iterator, _InputIte, _InputIte)): Try to
remove iterator debug layer even if !_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI.
[_GLIBCXX_USE_CHAR8_T] (__gnu_debug::u8string): New.
(__gnu_debug::u16string, __gnu_debug::u32string): New.
(std::hash<__gnu_debug::basic_string<>>): New partial specialization.
(std::__is_fast_hash<__gnu_debug::basic_string<>>): Likewise.
* testsuite/util/exception/safety.h
(erase_base<__gnu_debug::basic_string<>>): New partial specialization.
(insert_base<__gnu_debug::basic_string<>>): Likewise.
* testsuite/util/testsuite_container_traits.h (traits<__gnu_debug::basic_string<>>):
New partial specialization.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/hash/ New test.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/requirements/
Add test on __gnu_debug::string.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/requirements/dr438/ Likewise.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/requirements/exception/ Likewise.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/requirements/exception/
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/requirements/exception/
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/requirements/explicit_instantiation/char/
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/requirements/explicit_instantiation/char16_t/
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/requirements/explicit_instantiation/char32_t/
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/requirements/explicit_instantiation/char8_t/
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/requirements/explicit_instantiation/wchar_t/
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/requirements/ Likewise.
2021-03-25 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR c++/99672
* testsuite/18_support/source_location/ (main): Adjust
expected column numbers.
* testsuite/18_support/source_location/ (main): Likewise.
2021-03-25 Jonathan Wakely <>
* libsupc++/ [!_GLIBCXX_HOSTED]: Declare malloc.
2021-03-25 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/util/exception/safety.h (setup_base::generate):
Support seeding random engine.
(erase_point, erase_range): Adjust range of random numbers to
ensure dereferenceable iterators are used where required.
(generation_prohibited::run): Do not try to erase from empty
* testsuite/util/testsuite_containergen.h (test_containers):
Support seeding random engine.
2021-03-23 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ Replace duplicated
line with a check that uses the const being/end overloads.
2021-03-23 Moritz Sichert <>
* include/std/ranges (reverse_view::begin, reverse_view::end):
Qualify make_reverse_iterator calls to avoid ADL.
* testsuite/std/ranges/adaptors/ Test that
views::reverse works when make_reverse_iterator is defined
in an associated namespace.
2021-03-23 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/c++config (_GLIBCXX_LONG_DOUBLE_ALT128_COMPAT):
Do not define when compiling with Clang.
2021-03-22 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/std/string_view (basic_string_view(Range&&)): Define new
constructor and deduction guide.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string_view/cons/char/ New test.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string_view/cons/wchar_t/ New test.
2021-03-22 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/range_access.h (begin(T (&)[N]), end(T (&)[N])):
Add missing 'noexcept' as per LWG 2280.
(rbegin(T (&)[N]), rend(T (&)[N]), rbegin(initializer_list<T>))
(rend(initializer_list<T>)): Add 'noexcept' as per LWG 3537.
* testsuite/24_iterators/range_access/ Check for
expected noexcept specifiers. Check result types of generic
std::begin and std::end overloads.
* testsuite/24_iterators/range_access/
Check for expected noexcept specifiers.
* testsuite/24_iterators/range_access/
2021-03-19 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/std/type_traits (is_scoped_enum): Define.
* include/std/version (__cpp_lib_is_scoped_enum): Define.
* testsuite/20_util/is_scoped_enum/ New test.
* testsuite/20_util/is_scoped_enum/ New test.
2021-03-16 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99341
* config/abi/post/aarch64-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Remove
std::once_flag symbols.
* config/abi/post/ia64-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Likewise.
* config/abi/post/m68k-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Likewise.
* config/abi/post/riscv64-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt:
* config/abi/pre/gnu.ver: Likewise.
(struct __once_flag_compat): Remove.
(_ZNSt9once_flag11_M_activateEv): Remove.
(_ZNSt9once_flag9_M_finishEb): Remove.
2021-03-16 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99341
* include/std/mutex [_GLIBCXX_HAVE_LINUX_FUTEX] (once_flag):
Revert to pthread_once_t implementation.
[_GLIBCXX_HAVE_LINUX_FUTEX] (call_once): Likewise.
(struct __once_flag_compat): New type matching the reverted
implementation of once_flag using futexes.
(once_flag::_M_activate): Remove, replace with ...
(_ZNSt9once_flag11_M_activateEv): ... alias symbol.
(once_flag::_M_finish): Remove, replace with ...
(_ZNSt9once_flag9_M_finishEb): ... alias symbol.
* testsuite/30_threads/call_once/ Removed.
2021-03-15 Iain Sandoe <>
* testsuite/17_intro/ Exclude j from the list
of test symbols for Darwin.
2021-03-15 Iain Sandoe <>
* config/os/bsd/darwin/ppc-extra.ver: Add matching for
to_chars and from_chars for long double.
2021-03-15 Patrick Palka <>
* include/bits/max_size_type.h (__max_size_type::operator _Tp):
Fix formatting.
(__max_size_type::operator++): Define.
(__max_size_type::operator--): Likewise.
(__max_size_type::operator<=>): Conditionally define (in place
of the other comparison operators).
(__max_diff_type::operator _Tp): Fix formatting.
(__max_diff_type::operator++): Define.
(__max_diff_type::operator--): Likewise.
(__max_diff_type::operator<=>): Conditionally define (in place
of the other comparison operators).
* testsuite/std/ranges/iota/ (test01): Test
these operator overloads.
2021-03-15 Caroline Tice <>
PR libstdc++/99172
AM_CXXFLAGS_PRE with the old definition of AM_CXXFLAGS; make
AM_CXXFLAGS to be AM_CXXFLAGS_PRE with '-fvtable-verify=std'
filtered out.
* src/ Regenerate.
2021-03-11 Patrick Palka <>
* src/c++17/ Simplify the file as if
__SIZEOF_INT128__ is always defined.
[!defined __SIZEOF_INT128__]: Include "uint128_t.h". Define
a base-10 to_chars overload for the uint128_t class type.
* src/c++17/uint128_t.h: New file.
* testsuite/20_util/to_chars/ No longer expect an
execution FAIL on targets that have a large long double type
but lack __int128.
2021-03-11 Patrick Palka <>
* src/c++17/ryu/LOCAL_PATCHES: Update.
* src/c++17/ryu/d2s_intrinsics.h: Don't define uint128_t.
* src/c++17/ryu/generic_128.h: Likewise.
* src/c++17/ryu/ryu_generic_128.h (struct floating_decimal_128):
Use uint128_t instead of __uint128_t.
(generic_binary_to_decimal): Likewise.
2021-03-11 Patrick Palka <>
* src/c++17/ryu/LOCAL_PATCHES: New file.
2021-03-11 Patrick Palka <>
* src/c++17/ (uint128_t): New conditionally
defined alias of unsigned __int128.
(floating_type_traits_binary128::mantissa_t): Use uint128_t
instead of unsigned __int128.
(floating_type_traits<long double>::mantissa_t)
[LONG_DOUBLE_KIND == LDK_IBM128]: Likewise.
(get_ieee_repr): Likewise. Make casts from uint_t to mantissa_t
and uint32_t explicit. Simplify the extraction of mantissa,
exponent and sign bit.
2021-03-11 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/std/barrier (barrier::arrival_token): New move-only
class that encapsulates the underlying token value.
2021-03-11 Jonathan Wakely <>
* python/libstdcxx/v6/ (find_type): Use tag attribute
instead of unqualified() method.
2021-03-11 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99537
* include/std/stop_token (_Stop_state_t::_M_release_ownership):
Use acq_rel memory ordering.
2021-03-11 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99533
* src/c++17/ (recursive_directory_iterator): Use new
helper function to check for permission denied errors.
* src/filesystem/ (recursive_directory_iterator):
* src/filesystem/dir-common.h (is_permission_denied_error): New
helper function.
2021-03-11 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99536
* include/bits/random.h (normal_distribution): Use
default-initializer for _M_saved and _M_saved_available.
2021-03-10 John David Anglin <>
* testsuite/29_atomics/atomic/wait_notify/ Add options to
link with libatomic.
* testsuite/29_atomics/atomic/wait_notify/ Likewise.
* testsuite/29_atomics/atomic/wait_notify/ Likewise.
* testsuite/29_atomics/atomic_flag/wait_notify/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/latch/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/semaphore/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/semaphore/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/semaphore/ Likewise.
2021-03-10 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99413
* include/bits/align.h: Include debug/assertions.h.
* include/bits/codecvt.h: Include bits/c++config.h.
* include/bits/enable_special_members.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/erase_if.h: Likewise.
* include/bits/functional_hash.h: Include <type_traits>.
* include/bits/invoke.h: Include bits/move.h.
* include/bits/ostream_insert.h: Include bits/exception_defines.h.
* include/bits/parse_numbers.h: Include <type_traits>.
* include/bits/predefined_ops.h: Include bits/c++config.h.
* include/bits/range_access.h: Include bits/stl_iterator.h.
* include/bits/stl_bvector.h: Do not include bits/stl_vector.h.
* include/bits/stl_iterator.h: Include bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h.
* include/bits/stl_uninitialized.h: Include bits/stl_algobase.h.
* include/bits/uniform_int_dist.h: Include bits/concept_check.h.
* include/bits/unique_lock.h: Include bits/std_mutex.h.
* include/debug/assertions.h: Include bits/c++config.h.
2021-03-10 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/ranges_cmp.h (__eq_builtin_ptr_cmp): Remove.
(ranges::equal_to, ranges::not_equal_to): Do not constrain
with __eq_builtin_ptr_cmp.
(ranges::less, ranges::greater, ranges::less_equal)
(ranges::greater_equal): Do not constrain with
* libsupc++/compare (compare_three_way): Do not constrain with
* testsuite/18_support/comparisons/object/ Moved to...
* testsuite/18_support/comparisons/object/
* testsuite/20_util/function_objects/range.cmp/ New test.
2021-03-10 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/std/time/ Enable synopsis checks for
C++20 calendar types.
2021-03-06 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR libstdc++/99396
* include/std/bit (__rotl, __rotr): Add optimized variants for power of
two _Nd which the compiler can pattern match the rotates.
2021-03-04 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99382
* testsuite/20_util/specialized_algorithms/uninitialized_default_n/
Make storage larger than required. Verify no write to the last
* testsuite/20_util/specialized_algorithms/uninitialized_value_construct_n/
2021-03-03 Rainer Orth <ro@CeBiTec.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
* config/abi/post/i386-solaris/baseline_symbols.txt: Regenerate.
* config/abi/post/i386-solaris/amd64/baseline_symbols.txt:
* config/abi/post/sparc-solaris/baseline_symbols.txt: Likewise.
* config/abi/post/sparc-solaris/sparcv9/baseline_symbols.txt:
2021-03-03 Rainer Orth <ro@CeBiTec.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
* include/experimental/bits/simd.h: Replace reserved _X, _B by
_Xp, _Bp.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_builtin.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_x86.h: Likewise.
2021-02-27 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99301
* include/std/chrono (year_month_day::_M_days_since_epoch()):
Convert chrono::month and chrono::day to unsigned before
converting to uint32_t.
2021-02-25 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/std/chrono (year_month_day::_S_from_days): Perform
all calculations with type uint32_t.
2021-02-25 Jonathan Wakely <>
* doc/xml/manual/abi.xml: Document versioning for GCC 11.
* doc/html/manual/abi.html: Regenerate.
2021-02-25 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99270
* testsuite/27_io/headers/cstdio/ Use pointer to
FILE instead of FILE.
2021-02-25 Andreas Schwab <>
* config/abi/post/aarch64-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
* config/abi/post/ia64-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
* config/abi/post/m68k-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
* config/abi/post/riscv64-linux-gnu/baseline_symbols.txt: Update.
2021-02-25 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99265
* include/std/chrono (year_month_day::_S_from_days): Cast long
to int explicitly.
2021-02-25 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/std/utility (to_underlying): Define.
* include/std/version (__cpp_lib_to_underlying): Define.
* testsuite/20_util/to_underlying/ New test.
* testsuite/20_util/to_underlying/ New test.
2021-02-24 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99261
* src/c++17/ (sprintf_ld): Add extra args
before value to be printed.
2021-02-24 Patrick Palka <>
* src/c++17/ (__floating_to_chars_precision):
Relax the condition that guards the printf code path to accept
F128_type as well as long double.
2021-02-24 Cassio Neri <>
* include/std/chrono (year_month_day_last:day): New
2021-02-24 Cassio Neri <>
* include/std/chrono (year::is_leap): New implementation.
* testsuite/std/time/year/ New test.
2021-02-24 Cassio Neri <>
* include/std/chrono (year_month_day::_M_days_since_epoch):
New implementation.
* testsuite/std/time/year_month_day/ New test.
2021-02-24 Cassio Neri <>
* include/std/chrono (year_month_day::_S_from_days): New
* testsuite/std/time/year_month_day/ New test.
2021-02-24 Patrick Palka <>
PR libstdc++/98384
* testsuite/20_util/to_chars/ Include <optional>.
(test01): Simplify verifying the nearby values by using a
2-iteration loop and a dedicated output buffer to check that the
nearby values are different. Factor out the printf-based
verification into a local function, and check that the leading
hex digits agree before comparing to the output of printf. Also
verify the output by round-tripping it through from_chars.
2021-02-24 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/98389
* config/abi/pre/gnu.ver (GLIBCXX_3.4.29): Do not match to_chars
symbols for long double arguments mangled as 'g'.
* config/os/gnu-linux/ldbl-extra.ver: Likewise.
* config/os/gnu-linux/ldbl-ieee128-extra.ver: Likewise.
Use -mabi=ibmlongdouble for
* src/c++17/ Regenerate.
* src/c++17/ (floating_type_traits_binary128):
New type defining type traits of IEEE binary128 format.
(floating_type_traits<__float128>): Define specialization.
(floating_type_traits<long double>): Define in terms of
floating_type_traits_binary128 when appropriate.
(floating_to_shortest_scientific): Handle __float128.
(sprintf_ld): New function template for printing a long double
or __ieee128 value using sprintf.
(__floating_to_chars_shortest, __floating_to_chars_precision):
Use sprintf_ld.
(to_chars): Define overloads for __float128.
2021-02-24 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/17_intro/ Undefine 'u' on powerpc*-linux*.
2021-02-23 Martin Sebor <>
PR c++/99074
* libsupc++/ (__dynamic_cast): Return null when
first argument is null.
2021-02-23 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR libstdc++/99181
* testsuite/21_strings/char_traits/requirements/char/ New
2021-02-23 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR libstdc++/99181
* include/bits/char_traits.h (char_traits<char>::compare): For
constexpr evaluation don't call
__gnu_cxx::char_traits<char_type>::compare but do the comparison loop
2021-02-23 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR libstdc++/97549
* include/pstl/parallel_backend_serial.h: Remove __pstl::__par_backend.
2021-02-23 Patrick Palka <>
PR libstdc++/98384
* src/c++17/ (get_ieee_repr): Extract
the high- and low-order parts from an IBM long double value
in an endian-agnostic way.
2021-02-19 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/atomic_wait.h (__thread_relax()): Call
__thread_yield() not __gthread_yield().
2021-02-15 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/atomic_wait.h (__thread_yield()): Check
_GLIBCXX_HAS_GTHREADS before using __gthread_yield.
(__thread_relax()): Use __thread_yield() instead of repeating
the preprocessor checks for __gthread_yield.
2021-02-15 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/std/mutex (once_flag::_M_activate()): Add explicit
return statement for passive case.
(once_flag::_M_finish(bool)): Use reserved name for parameter.
2021-02-14 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99096
* testsuite/util/testsuite_fs.h: Always include <unistd.h>.
2021-02-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/88881
* src/c++17/ (fs::symlink_status): Re-enable workaround.
2021-02-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2014.xml: Document implementation
specific properties of std::experimental::filesystem::rename.
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2017.xml: Document implementation
specific properties of std::filesystem::rename.
* doc/html/*: Regenerate.
* src/c++17/ (fs::rename): Implement correct behaviour
for directories on Windows.
* src/filesystem/ops-common.h (__gnu_posix::rename): Use
MoveFileExW on Windows.
* testsuite/27_io/filesystem/operations/ New test.
* testsuite/experimental/filesystem/operations/ New test.
2021-02-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/util/testsuite_fs.h (nonexistent_path): Add
random number to the path.
2021-02-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/experimental/internet (address_v6::to_string): Include
scope ID in string.
* testsuite/experimental/net/internet/address/v6/
Test to_string() results.
2021-02-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/experimental/internet (address_v6::any): Avoid using
memcpy in constexpr function.
(address_v6::loopback): Likewise.
(make_address_v6): Fix missing return statements on error paths.
* include/experimental/io_context: Avoid -Wdangling-else
* testsuite/experimental/net/internet/address/v4/
Remove unused variables.
* testsuite/experimental/net/internet/address/v6/
New test.
2021-02-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/bits/shared_ptr_base.h (__shared_ptr::_M_get_deleter):
Add unused attribute to parameter.
* src/c++11/ (_Sp_make_shared_tag::_S_eq):
2021-02-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/27_io/basic_ostream/emit/ Expect test to fail
if -fno-rtti is used.
* testsuite/30_threads/async/ Expect test
to abort if -fno-rtti is used.
2021-02-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/util/testsuite_allocator.h (memory_resource):
Remove requirement for RTTI and exceptions to be enabled.
2021-02-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/27_io/basic_istringstream/rdbuf/char/ Use
static_cast when RTTI is disabled.
* testsuite/27_io/basic_istringstream/rdbuf/wchar_t/
* testsuite/27_io/basic_ostringstream/rdbuf/char/
* testsuite/27_io/basic_ostringstream/rdbuf/wchar_t/
* testsuite/27_io/basic_stringstream/str/char/
* testsuite/27_io/basic_stringstream/str/wchar_t/
2021-02-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/std/ostream (__syncbuf_base::_S_get): Mark parameter
as unused and only use dynamic_cast when RTTI is enabled.
2021-02-12 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99077
* src/c++11/ (__ios_failure(const char*, int)):
Change int parameter to error_code, to match std::ios_failure.
(__throw_ios_failure(const char*, int)): Construct error_code
from int parameter.
2021-02-11 Jonathan Wakely <>
* libsupc++/ (_GLIBCXX_EH_PTR_RELOPS_COMPAT): Define
new macro.
* libsupc++/exception_ptr.h (_GLIBCXX_EH_PTR_USED): Check new
macro instead of _GLIBCXX_EH_PTR_COMPAT.
(operator==): Likewise.
2021-02-11 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99058
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2011.xml: Document when support
became stable.
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2014.xml: Likewise.
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2017.xml: Likewise.
* doc/html/manual/status.html: Regenerate.
2021-02-10 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/88881
* src/c++17/ (fs::status): Re-enable workaround.
2021-02-10 Jonathan Wakely <>
* src/c++17/ (fs::create_hard_link, fs::equivalent)
(fs::remove): Use std::system_category() for error codes from
* src/filesystem/ (fs::create_hard_link, fs::remove):
2021-02-10 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/27_io/filesystem/operations/ Fix typo
in __MINGW32__ macro name.
* testsuite/27_io/filesystem/path/compare/ Likewise.
* testsuite/27_io/filesystem/path/generation/
* testsuite/27_io/filesystem/path/generation/
* testsuite/util/testsuite_fs.h: Likewise.
2021-02-09 François Dumont <>
* include/bits/stl_tree.h
(__has_is_transparent, __has_is_transparent_t): Move...
* include/bits/stl_function.h:
* include/bits/hashtable_policy.h (_Hash_code_base<>::_M_hash_code_tr): New..
(_Hashtable_base<>::_M_equals_tr): New.
* include/bits/hashtable.h (_Hashtable<>::_M_find_tr, _Hashtable<>::_M_count_tr,
_Hashtable<>::_M_equal_range_tr): New member function templates to perform
heterogeneous lookup.
(_Hashtable<>::_M_find_before_node_tr): New.
(_Hashtable<>::_M_find_node_tr): New.
* include/bits/unordered_map.h (unordered_map::find<>, unordered_map::count<>,
unordered_map::contains<>, unordered_map::equal_range<>): New member function
templates to perform heterogeneous lookup.
(unordered_multimap::find<>, unordered_multimap::count<>,
unordered_multimap::contains<>, unordered_multimap::equal_range<>): Likewise.
* include/bits/unordered_set.h (unordered_set::find<>, unordered_set::count<>,
unordered_set::contains<>, unordered_set::equal_range<>): Likewise.
(unordered_multiset::find<>, unordered_multiset::count<>,
unordered_multiset::contains<>, unordered_multiset::equal_range<>): Likewise.
* include/debug/unordered_map
(unordered_map::find<>, unordered_map::equal_range<>): Likewise.
(unordered_multimap::find<>, unordered_multimap::equal_range<>): Likewise.
* include/debug/unordered_set
(unordered_set::find<>, unordered_set::equal_range<>): Likewise.
(unordered_multiset::find<>, unordered_multiset::equal_range<>): Likewise.
* testsuite/23_containers/unordered_map/operations/ New test.
* testsuite/23_containers/unordered_multimap/operations/ New test.
* testsuite/23_containers/unordered_multiset/operations/ New test.
* testsuite/23_containers/unordered_set/operations/ New test.
2021-02-09 François Dumont <>
* include/bits/stl_deque.h
(std::operator-(deque::iterator, deque::iterator)): Replace if/then with
a null pointer test.
2021-02-09 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/27_io/filesystem/operations/ Remove
test directory after making it writable again.
* testsuite/experimental/filesystem/operations/
2021-02-09 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/99021
* include/std/coroutine (coroutine_handle<P>::from_address): Add
2021-02-09 Vladimir Vishnevsky <>
* include/ext/stdio_sync_filebuf.h: Remove unused <unistd.h>.
* src/c++17/ (fs::permissions): Qualify mode_t.
2021-02-09 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR middle-end/98465
* include/bits/basic_string.tcc (basic_string::_M_replace): When __s
points to the characters moved by earlier _S_move, compute the source
address using expression based on the __p pointer rather than __s
2021-02-03 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/19_diagnostics/error_code/operators/
Add comparison with same category and different values.
* testsuite/19_diagnostics/error_code/operators/
Likewise. Fix comparison involving different categories.
* testsuite/19_diagnostics/error_code/operators/
* testsuite/19_diagnostics/error_condition/operators/
Add comment.
* testsuite/19_diagnostics/error_condition/operators/
2021-02-03 yaozhongxiao <>
* include/experimental/bits/simd_neon.h: Replace repeated vpadd
calls with a single vaddv for aarch64.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* testsuite/ Warn about the workaround. Add
-fno-tree-vrp to CXXFLAGS passed to the check_simd script.
Improve initial user feedback from make check-simd.
* testsuite/ Regenerated.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* include/experimental/bits/simd.h: Add __detail::_Minimum and
__detail::_Maximum to use them as _BinaryOperation to _S_reduce.
Add hmin and hmax overloads for simd and const_where_expression.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_scalar.h
(_SimdImplScalar::_S_reduce): Make unused _BinaryOperation
parameter const-ref to allow calling _S_reduce with an rvalue.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Add tests for
hmin and hmax. Since the compiler statically determined that all
tests pass, repeat the test after a call to make_value_unknown.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/bits/verify.h (verify): Add
instruction pointer data member. Ensure that the `if (m_failed)`
branch is always inlined into the calling code. The body of the
conditional can still be a function call. Move the get_ip call
into the verify ctor to simplify the ctor calls.
(COMPARE): Don't mention the use of all_of for reduction of a
simd_mask. It only distracts from the real issue.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ Abstract reading test
options into read_src_option function. Read skip, only,
expensive, and xfail via read_src_option. Add timeout and
timeout-factor options and adjust timeout variable accordingly.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Set
timeout-factor 2.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ When handling the pipe
to log (and on verbose to stdout) count the lines. If it exceeds
1000 log the issue and exit 125, which is then handled as a
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Add skip:
markup for long double on powerpc64*.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* include/experimental/bits/simd.h: Add __have_power10vec
conditional on _ARCH_PWR10.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_builtin.h: Forward declare
_MaskImplPpc and use it as _MaskImpl when __ALTIVEC__ is
(_MaskImplBuiltin::_S_some_of): Call _S_popcount from the
_SuperImpl for optimizations and correctness.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_ppc.h: Add _MaskImplPpc.
(_MaskImplPpc::_S_popcount): Implement via vec_cntm for POWER10.
Otherwise, for >=int use -vec_sums divided by a sizeof factor.
For <int use -vec_sums(vec_sum4s(...)) to sum all mask entries.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ Remove executable on
SIGINT. Process compiler and test executable output: In verbose
mode print messages immediately, limited to 1000 lines and
breaking long lines to below $COLUMNS (or 1024 if not set).
Communicating the exit status of the compiler / test with the
necessary pipe is done via a message through stdout/-in.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* testsuite/ Ensure .simd.summary is empty before
collecting a new summary.
* testsuite/ Regenerate.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ Use
different variables internally than documented for user
overrides. This makes internal append/prepend work as intended.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ (verify_test): Print
test output on run xfail. Do not repeat lines from the log that
were already printed on stdout.
(test_selector): Make the compiler flags pattern usable as a
substring selector.
(toplevel): Trap on SIGINT and remove the log and sum files.
Call timout with --foreground to quickly terminate on SIGINT.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ Simplify run
targets via target patterns. Default DRIVEROPTS to -v for run
targets. Remove log and sum files after completion of the run
target (so that it's always recompiled).
Place help text into text file for reasonable 'make help'
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* include/experimental/bits/simd.h: Remove unnecessary static
assertion. Allow sizeof(8) integer __intrinsic_type to enable
the necessary mask type.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* include/experimental/bits/simd.h: Let __intrinsic_type<long
double, N> be valid if sizeof(long double) == sizeof(double) and
use a __vector double as member type.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* include/experimental/bits/simd.h (__is_intrinsic_type): New
internal type trait. Alias for __is_vector_type on x86.
(_VectorTraitsImpl): Enable for __intrinsic_type in addition for
(__intrin_bitcast): Allow casting to & from vector & intrinsic
(__intrinsic_type): Explicitly specialize for NEON intrinsic
vector types.
2021-02-03 Matthias Kretz <>
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ Implement skip, only,
expensive, and xfail markers. They can select on type, ABI tag
subset number, target-triplet, and compiler flags.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ The summary
now includes lines for unexpected passes and expected failures.
If the skip or only markers are only conditional on the type, do
not generate rules for those types.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Mark test expensive
for ABI tag subsets 1-9.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto. In
addition replace "test only floattypes" marker by unconditional
"float|double|ldouble" only marker.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ Ditto. In
addition, xfail on run because the reference data is missing.
2021-02-02 Jonathan Wakely <>
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2011.xml: Remove stray table cell.
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2014.xml: Likewise.
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2017.xml: Likewise.
* doc/html/manual/status.html: Regenerate.
2021-02-01 François Dumont <>
PR libstdc++/70303
* include/bits/stl_deque.h (std::deque<>::operator-(iterator, iterator)):
Return 0 if both iterators are value-initialized.
* testsuite/23_containers/deque/ New test.
* testsuite/23_containers/vector/ New test.
2021-02-01 Jonathan Wakely <>
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2011.xml: Update std::call_once
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2014.xml: Likewise.
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2017.xml: Likewise. Update
std::from_chars and std::to_chars status. Fix formatting.
* doc/html/manual/status.html: Regenerate.
2021-01-28 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/experimental/bits/numeric_traits.h: Update copyright
* include/experimental/bits/simd.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_builtin.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_converter.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_detail.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_fixed_size.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_math.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_neon.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_ppc.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_scalar.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_x86.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_x86_conversions.h: Likewise.
* include/experimental/simd: Likewise.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/*: Likewise.
2021-01-27 Jonathan Wakely <>
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2017.xml: Replace invalid entity.
* doc/html/*: Regenerate.
2021-01-27 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ Use printf
instead of echo when printing escape characters.
2021-01-27 Matthias Kretz <>
* scripts/check_simd: New file. This script is called from the
the check-simd target. It determines a set of compiler flags and
simulator setups for calling and passes the
information back to the check-simd target, which recurses to the
generated Makefiles.
* scripts/create_testsuite_files: Remove files below simd/tests/
from testsuite_files and place them in testsuite_files_simd.
* testsuite/ Add testsuite_files_simd. Add
check-simd target.
* testsuite/ Regenerate.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ New file. This script
compiles and runs a given simd test, logging its output and
status. It uses the timeout command to implement compile and
test timeouts.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ New file.
This script generates a Makefile which uses to compile
and run the tests and collect the logs into a single log file.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Tests
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file.
Tests min/max(simd, simd).
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/bits/conversions.h: New
file. Contains functions to support tests involving conversions.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/bits/make_vec.h: New file.
Support functions make_mask and make_vec.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/bits/mathreference.h: New
file. Support functions to supply precomputed math function
reference data.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/bits/metahelpers.h: New
file. Support code for SFINAE testing.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/bits/simd_view.h: New file.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/bits/test_values.h: New
file. Test functions to easily drive a test with simd objects
initialized from a given list of values and a range of random
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/bits/ulp.h: New file.
Support code to determine the ULP distance of simd objects.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/bits/verify.h: New file.
Test framework for COMPARE'ing simd objects and instantiating
the test templates with value_type and ABI tag.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
simd broadcasts.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
simd casts.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file.
Test floating-point classification functions.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
simd generator constructor.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file.
Test 3-arg hypot(simd,simd,simd) and fma(simd,simd,sim).
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New
file. Test integer operators.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/
New file. Test ldexp(simd), scalbn(simd), scalbln(simd), and
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
(converting) simd loads and stores.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file.
Test simd_mask broadcasts.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New
file. Test simd_mask conversions.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New
file. Test simd_mask implicit conversions.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file.
Test simd_mask loads and stores.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New
file. Test simd_mask operators convert as specified.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file.
Test simd_mask compares, subscripts, and negation.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New
file. Test simd_mask reductions.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
1-arg math functions on simd.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
2-arg math functions on simd.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file.
Test implicit conversions on simd binary operators behave as
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
simd compares, subscripts, not, unary minus, plus, minus,
multiplies, divides, increment, and decrement.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file.
Test reduce(simd).
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Basic
sanity checks of simd types.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
sin(simd) and cos(simd).
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file.
Test split(simd) and concat(simd, simd).
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file.
Test remaining trigonometric functions on simd.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New
file. Test trunc(simd), ceil(simd), and floor(simd).
* testsuite/experimental/simd/tests/ New file. Test
masked operations using where.
2021-01-27 Matthias Kretz <>
* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2017.xml: Add implementation status
of the Parallelism TS 2. Document implementation-defined types
and behavior.
* include/ Add new headers.
* include/ Regenerate.
* include/experimental/simd: New file. New header for
Parallelism TS 2.
* include/experimental/bits/numeric_traits.h: New file.
Implementation of P1841R1 using internal naming. Addition of
missing IEC559 functionality query.
* include/experimental/bits/simd.h: New file. Definition of the
public simd interfaces and general implementation helpers.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_builtin.h: New file.
Implementation of the _VecBuiltin simd_abi.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_converter.h: New file. Generic
simd conversions.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_detail.h: New file. Internal
macros for the simd implementation.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_fixed_size.h: New file. Simd
fixed_size ABI specific implementations.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_math.h: New file. Math
overloads for simd.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_neon.h: New file. Simd NEON
specific implementations.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_ppc.h: New file. Implement bit
shifts to avoid invalid results for integral types smaller than
* include/experimental/bits/simd_scalar.h: New file. Simd scalar
ABI specific implementations.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_x86.h: New file. Simd x86
specific implementations.
* include/experimental/bits/simd_x86_conversions.h: New file.
x86 specific conversion optimizations. The conversion patterns
work around missing conversion patterns in the compiler and
should be removed as soon as PR85048 is resolved.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ New file.
Test that all (not all fixed_size<N>, though) standard simd and
simd_mask types are usable.
* testsuite/experimental/simd/ New
file. As above but with -ffast-math.
* testsuite/libstdc++-dg/conformance.exp: Don't build simd tests
from the standard test loop. Instead use
check_vect_support_and_set_flags to build simd tests with the
relevant machine flags.
2021-01-27 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/66414
* include/bits/string_view.tcc
(basic_string_view::find(const CharT*, size_type, size_type)):
2021-01-27 Paul Fee <>
* include/bits/basic_string.h (basic_string::contains): New
member functions.
* include/std/string_view (basic_string_view::contains):
* include/std/version (__cpp_lib_string_contains): Define.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/operations/starts_with/char/
Remove trailing whitespace.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/operations/starts_with/wchar_t/
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/operations/contains/char/ New test.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/operations/contains/wchar_t/ New test.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string_view/operations/contains/char/ New test.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string_view/operations/contains/char/ New test.
* testsuite/21_strings/basic_string_view/operations/contains/wchar_t/ New test.
2021-01-21 Jonathan Wakely <>
* src/c++17/ Regenerate.
2021-01-20 David Edelsohn <>
* config/os/aix/ctype_inline.h (bool ctype<char>:: is): Cast
_OBJ_DATA subscript to unsigned char. Add _THREAD_SAFE access to
(const char* ctype<char>:: is): Same.
2021-01-18 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/98725
* testsuite/20_util/unique_ptr/io/ Do not try to
write to a wide character stream if wide character support is
disabled in the library.
2021-01-18 Jonathan Wakely <>
* testsuite/27_io/basic_stringstream/cons/char/ Use
stringbuf not wstringbuf.
2021-01-18 Jakub Jelinek <>
PR debug/98708
* src/c++11/ (cxx11-ios_failure-lt.s, cxx11-ios_failure.s):
Compile with -gno-as-loc-support.
* src/c++11/ Regenerated.
2021-01-16 H.J. Lu <>
* testsuite/29_atomics/atomic_flag/test_and_set/
Add -fcf-protection=none to -march=i486.
2021-01-14 François Dumont <>
* testsuite/23_containers/deque/debug/ Make it pre-C++11
2021-01-14 Alexandre Oliva <>
* testsuite/30_threads/future/members/ Calibrate
iteration count.
2021-01-14 François Dumont <>
PR libstdc++/98466
* include/bits/hashtable_policy.h (_Node_iterator_base()): Set _M_cur to nullptr.
(_Node_iterator()): Make default.
(_Node_const_iterator()): Make default.
* include/debug/macros.h (__glibcxx_check_erae_range_after): Add _M_singular
iterator checks.
* include/debug/safe_iterator.h
(_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY_OPERANDS): Accept if both iterator are value initialized.
* include/debug/safe_local_iterator.h (_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY_OPERANDS):
* include/debug/safe_iterator.tcc (_Safe_iterator<>::_M_valid_range): Add
_M_singular checks on input iterators.
* src/c++11/ (_Safe_iterator_base::_M_can_compare): Remove _M_singular
* testsuite/23_containers/deque/debug/ New test.
* testsuite/23_containers/unordered_map/debug/ New test.
2021-01-14 Jonathan Wakely <>
PR libstdc++/98471
* include/bits/fs_path.h (__throw_conversion_error): New
function to throw or abort on character conversion errors.
(__wstr_from_utf8): Move definition after filesystem_error has
been defined. Use __throw_conversion_error.
(path::_S_convert<_EcharT>): Use __throw_conversion_error.
(path::_S_str_convert<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>): Likewise.
(path::u8string): Likewise.
2021-01-14 Jonathan Wakely <>
* include/std/barrier: Update copyright years. Fix whitespace.
* include/std/version: Fix whitespace.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Update copyright years.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
2021-01-13 Jonathan Wakely <>
* doc/doxygen/ (INPUT): Remove include/debug/array.
2021-01-10 David Edelsohn <>
PR libstdc++/98613
* testsuite/ext/vstring/cons/ Suppress false positive
* testsuite/ext/vstring/modifiers/assign/ Same.
2021-01-08 Olivier Hainque <>
* testsuite/20_util/bind/ Tweak the
dg-prune-output regex for out-of-build-tree contexts.
2021-01-07 Thomas Rodgers <>
* doc/doxygen/ Add new header.
* include/ (std_headers): likewise.
* include/ Regenerate.
* include/precompiled/stdc++.h: Add new header.
* include/std/barrier: New file.
* include/std/version: Add __cpp_lib_barrier feature test macro.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ New test.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
* testsuite/30_threads/barrier/ Likewise.
2021-01-07 Patrick Palka <>
PR libstdc++/98384
* testsuite/20_util/to_chars/ Use nexttowardl
instead of the non-standard nextupl and nextdownl.
2021-01-05 Samuel Thibault <>
* configure: Re-generate.
2021-01-05 Ed Smith-Rowland <>
* include/precompiled/stdc++.h: Add <source_location> to C++20 section.
2021-01-01 Jakub Jelinek <>
* ChangeLog-2020: Rotate ChangeLog. New file.
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved.