blob: ad19994cdf29d5b5110594dc155e6bb0d41807f9 [file] [log] [blame]
template Recursive(T) if (is(T == class))
// fails because T is still forward referenced
// speculative determineSize must not set type to error
static assert (!__traits(compiles, { new T; }));
// known size of class
static assert (is(typeof(T.init) == T));
alias Recursive = T;
// must be resolvable
class C
Recursive!C r;
template Recursive(T) if (is(T == struct))
// fails because T is still forward referenced
// speculative determineSize must not set type to error
static assert (!__traits(compiles, { T t; }));
// no size yet for struct
static assert (!is(typeof(T.init)));
alias Recursive = T*;
// must be resolvable
struct S
Recursive!S r;