blob: 875636b3124211974275b02caedee94179993d31 [file] [log] [blame]
int f() {
struct S {}
union U {}
class C {}
// OK <- CTFE fails on this:
enum E { X }
// OK <- CTFE fails on this:
int f(int x) { return x + 2; }
// OK <- CTFE fails on this:
@(&f) int a;
@(1) @(2) int b = 4, c;
@(3) extern(C) int d = 3;
enum uda1 = __traits(getAttributes, a);
enum uda2 = __traits(getAttributes, b);
enum uda3 = __traits(getAttributes, c);
// These are to trigger a compiler assert if parser is updated in the future
static assert(!__traits(compiles, mixin("{ @(1) { int x; int y; } }")));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, mixin("{ @(1): int x; int y; }")));
// 3+2 1 2 4 1 3
return uda1[0](3) + uda2[0] + uda2[1] + b + uda3[0] + d;
static assert(f() == 16);