blob: d08de08b553c3f0c57c93d48b6b8fc4fbb4d9f7e [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/casttuple.d(104): Error: cannot cast `__tup1_field_0` of type `int` to tuple type `(string)`
fail_compilation/casttuple.d(107): Error: cannot cast `tuple(__tup2_field_0, __tup2_field_1)` of type `(int, int)` to tuple type `(string, string)`
fail_compilation/casttuple.d(111): Error: cannot cast `tuple(foo, 123)` of type `(int, int)` to tuple type `(string, string)`
alias tuple(T...) = T;
#line 100
void nomatch()
tuple!int tup1;
auto x = cast(tuple!string) tup1;
tuple!(int, int) tup2;
auto y = cast(tuple!(string, string)) tup2;
int foo;
alias tup3 = tuple!(foo, 123);
auto z = cast(tuple!(string, string)) tup3;