blob: 9d86bdcd3e2f203752ff4931913a67e77bf3ce74 [file] [log] [blame]
string result;
struct A
this(ref A rhs)
result ~= "A";
this(ref immutable A rhs)
result ~= "B";
this(ref const A rhs)
result ~= "C";
this(ref A rhs) immutable
result ~= "D";
this(ref const A rhs) shared
result ~= "E";
this(ref A rhs) shared
result ~= "F";
this(ref shared A rhs) immutable
result ~= "G";
this(ref shared A rhs) shared
result ~= "H";
// copy constructor correctly uses function declaration overload resolution
void test1()
result = "";
A a;
A a1 = a;
immutable A a2 = a;
const A a3 = a2;
shared A a4 = a3;
A a5 = a3;
assert(result == "ADBEC");
// copy constructor has priority over alias this
struct B
B fun(immutable B)
return B();
this(ref immutable B rhs)
result ~= "A";
alias fun this;
void test2()
result = "";
immutable B a;
B a1 = a;
assert(result == "A");
// arguments and return values correctly call the copy constructor
shared(A) fun(A x)
return x;
immutable(A) fun2(shared A x)
return x;
void test3()
result = "";
A a1;
shared A a2 = fun(a1);
immutable A a3 = fun2(a2);
assert(result == "AFHG");
// nested structs
int fun()
int x = 1;
struct A
struct B
int x2 = 2;
B b;
int x1;
this(int x)
this.x1 = x;
b = B(3);
this(ref A rhs)
this.x1 = rhs.x1 + rhs.b.x2 + x;
A a = A(2);
A b = a;
return b.x1;
void test4()
assert(fun() == 6);
// generated copy constructor
struct X
this(ref inout(X) rhs) inout
result ~= "A";
struct Y
X a;
void test5()
result = "";
Y b1;
Y b2 = b1;
assert(result == "A");
void main()