blob: a596504ae1e4a2b8f9cb93022a2d4c63fa403147 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-additional-options "-ffpe-trap=overflow,invalid" }
! Use dg-additional-options rather than dg-options to avoid overwriting the
! default IEEE options which are passed by ieee.exp and necessary.
program foo
use ieee_arithmetic
implicit none
real x
real(8) y
! At this point it is unclear what the behavior should be
! for -ffpe-trap=invalid with a signaling NaN
!x = ieee_value(x, ieee_signaling_nan)
!if (.not. ieee_is_nan(x)) stop 1
x = ieee_value(x, ieee_quiet_nan)
if (.not. ieee_is_nan(x)) stop 2
x = ieee_value(x, ieee_positive_inf)
if (ieee_is_finite(x)) stop 3
x = ieee_value(x, ieee_negative_inf)
if (ieee_is_finite(x)) stop 4
! At this point it is unclear what the behavior should be
! for -ffpe-trap=invalid with a signaling NaN
!y = ieee_value(y, ieee_signaling_nan)
!if (.not. ieee_is_nan(y)) stop 5
y = ieee_value(y, ieee_quiet_nan)
if (.not. ieee_is_nan(y)) stop 6
y = ieee_value(y, ieee_positive_inf)
if (ieee_is_finite(y)) stop 7
y = ieee_value(y, ieee_negative_inf)
if (ieee_is_finite(y)) stop 8
end program foo