blob: 4f182959cb19791e707d288dcbe89838c323007f [file] [log] [blame]
module breaker;
import core.stdc.stdio, core.vararg;
U foo(T, U)(U i)
return i + 1;
int foo(T)(int i)
return i + 2;
void test1()
auto i = foo!(int)(2L);
// assert(i == 4); // now returns 3
U foo2(T, U)(U i)
return i + 1;
void test2()
auto i = foo2!(int)(2L);
assert(i == 3);
class Foo3
T bar(T,U)(U u)
return cast(T)u;
void test3()
Foo3 foo = new Foo3;
int i =!(int)(1.0);
assert(i == 1);
T* begin4(T)(T[] a) { return a.ptr; }
void copy4(string pred = "", Ranges...)(Ranges rs)
alias rs[$ - 1] target;
pragma(msg, typeof(target).stringof);
auto tb = begin4(target);//, te = end(target);
void test4()
int[] a, b, c;
copy4(a, b, c);
// comment the following line to prevent compiler from crashing
copy4!("a > 1")(a, b, c);
import std.stdio:writefln;
template foo5(T,S)
void foo5(T t, S s) {
writefln("typeof(T)=",typeid(T)," typeof(S)=",typeid(S));
template bar5(T,S)
void bar5(S s) {
void test5()
int foo6(T...)(auto ref T x)
{ int result;
foreach (i, v; x)
if (v == 10)
assert(__traits(isRef, x[i]));
assert(!__traits(isRef, x[i]));
result += v;
return result;
void test6()
{ int y = 10;
int r;
r = foo6(8);
assert(r == 8);
r = foo6(y);
assert(r == 10);
r = foo6(3, 4, y);
assert(r == 17);
r = foo6(4, 5, y);
assert(r == 19);
r = foo6(y, 6, y);
assert(r == 26);
auto ref min(T, U)(auto ref T lhs, auto ref U rhs)
return lhs > rhs ? rhs : lhs;
void test7()
{ int x = 7, y = 8;
int i;
i = min(4, 3);
assert(i == 3);
i = min(x, y);
assert(i == 7);
min(x, y) = 10;
assert(x == 10);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, min(3, y) = 10));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, min(y, 3) = 10));
// 5946
template TTest8()
int call(){ return this.g(); }
class CTest8
int f() { mixin TTest8!(); return call(); }
int g() { return 10; }
void test8()
assert((new CTest8()).f() == 10);
// 693
template TTest9(alias sym)
int call(){ return sym.g(); }
class CTest9
int f1() { mixin TTest9!(this); return call(); }
int f2() { mixin TTest9!this; return call(); }
int g() { return 10; }
void test9()
assert((new CTest9()).f1() == 10);
assert((new CTest9()).f2() == 10);
// 1780
template Tuple1780(Ts ...) { alias Ts Tuple1780; }
template Decode1780( T ) { alias Tuple1780!() Types; }
template Decode1780( T : TT!(Us), alias TT, Us... ) { alias Us Types; }
void test1780()
struct S1780(T1, T2) {}
// should extract tuple (bool,short) but matches the first specialisation
alias Decode1780!( S1780!(bool,short) ).Types SQ1780; // --> SQ2 is empty tuple!
static assert(is(SQ1780 == Tuple1780!(bool, short)));
// 1659
class Foo1659 { }
class Bar1659 : Foo1659 { }
void f1659(T : Foo1659)() { }
void f1659(alias T)() { static assert(false); }
void test1659()
// 2025
struct S2025 {}
void f2025() {}
template Foo2025(int i) { enum Foo2025 = 1; }
template Foo2025(TL...) { enum Foo2025 = 2; }
static assert(Foo2025!1 == 1);
static assert(Foo2025!int == 2);
static assert(Foo2025!S2025 == 2);
static assert(Foo2025!f2025 == 2);
template Bar2025(T) { enum Bar2025 = 1; }
template Bar2025(A...) { enum Bar2025 = 2; }
static assert(Bar2025!1 == 2);
static assert(Bar2025!int == 1); // 2 -> 1
static assert(Bar2025!S2025 == 1); // 2 -> 1
static assert(Bar2025!f2025 == 2);
template Baz2025(T) { enum Baz2025 = 1; }
template Baz2025(alias A) { enum Baz2025 = 2; }
static assert(Baz2025!1 == 2);
static assert(Baz2025!int == 1);
static assert(Baz2025!S2025 == 1); // 2 -> 1
static assert(Baz2025!f2025 == 2);
// 3608
template foo3608(T, U){}
template BaseTemplate3608(alias TTT : U!V, alias U, V...)
alias U BaseTemplate3608;
template TemplateParams3608(alias T : U!V, alias U, V...)
alias V TemplateParams3608;
template TyueTuple3608(T...) { alias T TyueTuple3608; }
void test3608()
alias foo3608!(int, long) Foo3608;
static assert(__traits(isSame, BaseTemplate3608!Foo3608, foo3608));
static assert(is(TemplateParams3608!Foo3608 == TyueTuple3608!(int, long)));
// 5015
import breaker;
static if (is(ElemType!(int))){}
template ElemType(T) {
alias _ElemType!(T).type ElemType;
template _ElemType(T) {
alias r type;
// 5185
class C5185(V)
void f()
C5185!(C5185!(int)) c;
void test5185()
C5185!(C5185!(int)) c;
// 5893
class C5893
int concatAssign(C5893 other) { return 1; }
int concatAssign(int other) { return 2; } // to demonstrate overloading
template opOpAssign(string op) if (op == "~")
{ alias concatAssign opOpAssign; }
int opOpAssign(string op)(int other) if (op == "+") { return 3; }
void test5893()
auto c = new C5893;
assert(c.opOpAssign!"~"(c) == 1); // works
assert(c.opOpAssign!"~"(1) == 2); // works
assert((c ~= 1) == 2);
assert((c += 1) == 3); // overload
// 5988
template Templ5988(alias T)
alias T!int Templ5988;
class C5988a(T) { Templ5988!C5988a foo; }
//Templ5988!C5988a foo5988a; // Commented version
void test5988a() { C5988a!int a; } // Was error, now works
class C5988b(T) { Templ5988!C5988b foo; }
Templ5988!C5988b foo5988b; // Uncomment version
void test5988b() { C5988b!int a; } // Works
// 6404
// receive only rvalue
void rvalue(T)(auto ref T x) if (!__traits(isRef, x)) {}
void rvalueVargs(T...)(auto ref T x) if (!__traits(isRef, x[0])) {}
// receive only lvalue
void lvalue(T)(auto ref T x) if ( __traits(isRef, x)) {}
void lvalueVargs(T...)(auto ref T x) if ( __traits(isRef, x[0])) {}
void test6404()
int n;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, rvalue(n)));
static assert( __traits(compiles, rvalue(0)));
static assert( __traits(compiles, lvalue(n)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, lvalue(0)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, rvalueVargs(n)));
static assert( __traits(compiles, rvalueVargs(0)));
static assert( __traits(compiles, lvalueVargs(n)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, lvalueVargs(0)));
// 2246
class A2246(T,d){
T p;
class B2246(int rk){
int[rk] p;
class C2246(T,int rk){
T[rk] p;
template f2246(T:A2246!(U,d),U,d){
void f2246(){ }
template f2246(T:B2246!(rank),int rank){
void f2246(){ }
template f2246(T:C2246!(U,rank),U,int rank){
void f2246(){ }
void test2246(){
A2246!(int,long) a;
B2246!(2) b;
C2246!(int,2) c;
// 2296
void foo2296(size_t D)(int[D] i...){}
void test2296()
foo2296(1, 2, 3);
// 1684
template Test1684( uint memberOffset ){}
class MyClass1684 {
int flags2;
mixin Test1684!(cast(uint)flags2.offsetof) t1; // compiles ok
mixin Test1684!(cast(int)flags2.offsetof) t2; // compiles ok
mixin Test1684!(flags2.offsetof) t3; // Error: no property 'offsetof' for type 'int'
void bug4984a(int n)() if (n > 0 && is(typeof(bug4984a!(n-1) ()))) {
void bug4984a(int n : 0)() {
void bug4984b(U...)(U args) if ( is(typeof( bug4984b(args[1..$]) )) ) {
void bug4984b(U)(U u) {
void bug4984() {
// Note: compiling this overflows the stack if dmd is build with DEBUG
bug4984b(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19);
// 2579
void foo2579(T)(T delegate(in Object) dlg)
void test2579()
foo2579( (in Object o) { return 15; } );
// 2803
auto foo2803(T)(T t = 0) { return t; }
struct S2803 {}
S2803 s2803;
ref S2803 getS2803() { return s2803; }
auto fun2803(T, U)(T t, ref U u = getS2803)
static assert(is(U == S2803));
return &u;
// from the past version of std.conv
template to2803(T) { T to2803(S)(S src) { return T.init; } }
auto toImpl2803a(T, S)(S s, in T left, in T sep = ", ", in T right = "]") {}
auto toImpl2803b(T, S)(S s, in T left = to2803!T(S.stringof~"("), in T right = ")") {}
auto toImpl2803c(T, S)(S s, in T left = S.stringof~"(" , in T right = ")") {} // combination with enh 13944
// from std.range.package in 2.067a.
auto enumerate2803(En = size_t, R)(R r, En start = 0)
// The type of 'start' should be size_t, it's the defaultArg of En,
// rather than the deduced type from its defualtArg '0'.
static assert(is(typeof(start) == size_t));
return start;
// from std.numeric.
alias ElementType2803(R) = typeof(R.init[0].init);
void normalize2803(R)(R range, ElementType2803!R sum = 1)
// The type of 'sum' should be determined to ElementType!(double[]) == double
// before the type deduction from its defaultArg '1'.
static assert(is(typeof(sum) == double));
auto foo14468(T)(T[]...) { return 1; }
auto foo14468(bool flag, T)(T[]...) { return 2; }
void test2803()
assert(foo2803() == 0);
assert(foo2803(1) == 1);
S2803 s;
assert(fun2803(1) is &s2803);
assert(fun2803(1, s) is &s);
// regression cases
toImpl2803a!string(1, "[");
toImpl2803b! string(1);
toImpl2803c! string(1);
toImpl2803c!wstring(1); // requires enhancement 13944
toImpl2803c!dstring(1); // requires enhancement 13944
double[] a = [];
assert(foo14468!int() == 1);
// 6613
alias Tuple6613(T...) = T;
void f6613(T...)(int x = 0, T xs = Tuple6613!())
assert(x == 0);
static assert(T.length == 0);
void test6613()
// 4953
void bug4953(T = void)(short x) {}
static assert(is(typeof(bug4953(3))));
// 5886 & 5393
mixin template Foo5886(T)
void foo(U : T, this X)() const { static assert(is(X == const K5886)); }
struct K5886
void get1(this T)() const
pragma(msg, T);
void get2(int N=4, this T)() const
pragma(msg, N, " ; ", T);
mixin Foo5886!double;
mixin Foo5886!string;
void test() const
get1; // OK
get2; // OK
get2!8; // NG
void test5886()
K5886 km;
const(K5886) kc;
immutable(K5886) ki;
km.get1; // OK
kc.get1; // OK
ki.get1; // OK
km.get2; // OK
kc.get2; // OK
ki.get2; // OK
km.get2!(1, K5886); // Ugly
kc.get2!(2, const(K5886)); // Ugly
ki.get2!(3, immutable(K5886)); // Ugly
km.get2!8; // Error
kc.get2!9; // Error
ki.get2!10; // Error
// --------
void test5393()
class A
void opDispatch (string name, this T) () { }
class B : A {}
auto b = new B;
// 5896
struct X5896
T opCast(T)(){ return 1; }
const T opCast(T)(){ return 2; }
immutable T opCast(T)(){ return 3; }
shared T opCast(T)(){ return 4; }
const shared T opCast(T)(){ return 5; }
void test5896()
auto xm = X5896 ();
auto xc = const(X5896) ();
auto xi = immutable(X5896) ();
auto xs = shared(X5896) ();
auto xcs= const(shared(X5896))();
assert(cast(int)xm == 1);
assert(cast(int)xc == 2);
assert(cast(int)xi == 3);
assert(cast(int)xs == 4);
assert(cast(int)xcs== 5);
// 6312
void h6312() {}
class Bla6312
mixin wrap6312!h6312;
mixin template wrap6312(alias f)
void blub(alias g = f)()
void test6312()
Bla6312 b = new Bla6312();
// 6825
void test6825()
struct File
void write(S...)(S args) {}
void dump(void delegate(string) d) {}
auto o = File();
// 6789
template isStaticArray6789(T)
static if (is(T U : U[N], size_t N)) // doesn't match
pragma(msg, "> U = ", U, ", N:", typeof(N), " = ", N);
enum isStaticArray6789 = true;
enum isStaticArray6789 = false;
void test6789()
alias int[3] T;
static assert(isStaticArray6789!T);
// 2778
struct ArrayWrapper2778(T)
T[] data;
alias data this;
void doStuffFunc2778(int[] data) {}
void doStuffTempl2778(T)(T[] data) {}
int doStuffTemplOver2778(T)(void* data) { return 1; }
int doStuffTemplOver2778(T)(ArrayWrapper2778!T w) { return 2; }
void test2778()
ArrayWrapper2778!(int) foo;
doStuffFunc2778(foo); // Works.
doStuffTempl2778!(int)(foo); // Works.
doStuffTempl2778(foo); // Error
assert(doStuffTemplOver2778(foo) == 2);
// ----
void test2778aa()
void foo(K, V)(V[K] aa){ pragma(msg, "K=", K, ", V=", V); }
int[string] aa1;
foo(aa1); // OK
struct SubTypeOf(T)
T val;
alias val this;
SubTypeOf!(string[char]) aa2;
foo(aa2); // NG
// ----
void test2778get()
void foo(ubyte[]){}
static struct S
ubyte[] val = [1,2,3];
@property ref ubyte[] get(){ return val; }
alias get this;
S s;
// 6208
int getRefNonref(T)(ref T s){ return 1; }
int getRefNonref(T)( T s){ return 2; }
int getAutoRef(T)(auto ref T s){ return __traits(isRef, s) ? 1 : 2; }
void getOut(T)(out T s){ {} }
void getLazy1(T=int)(lazy void s){ s(), s(); }
void getLazy2(T)(lazy T s){ s(), s(); }
void test6208a()
int lvalue;
int rvalue(){ int t; return t; }
assert(getRefNonref(lvalue ) == 1);
assert(getRefNonref(rvalue()) == 2);
assert(getAutoRef(lvalue ) == 1);
assert(getAutoRef(rvalue()) == 2);
static assert( __traits(compiles, getOut(lvalue )));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, getOut(rvalue())));
int n1; getLazy1(++n1); assert(n1 == 2);
int n2; getLazy2(++n2); assert(n2 == 2);
struct X
int f(T)(auto ref T t){ return 1; }
int f(T)(auto ref T t, ...){ return -1; }
auto xm = X ();
auto xc = const(X)();
int n;
assert(xm.f!int(n) == 1); // resolved 'auto ref'
assert(xm.f!int(0) == 1); // ditto
void test6208b()
void foo(T)(const T value) if (!is(T == int)) {}
int mn;
const int cn;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo(mn))); // OK -> OK
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo(cn))); // NG -> OK
void test6208c()
struct S
// Original test case.
int foo(V)(in V v) { return 1; }
int foo(Args...)(auto ref const Args args) { return 2; }
// Reduced test cases
int hoo(V)(const V v) { return 1; } // typeof(10) : const V -> MATCHconst
int hoo(Args...)(const Args args) { return 2; } // typeof(10) : const Args[0] -> MATCHconst
// If deduction matching level is same, tuple parameter is less specialized than others.
int bar(V)(V v) { return 1; } // typeof(10) : V -> MATCHexact
int bar(Args...)(const Args args) { return 2; } // typeof(10) : const Args[0] -> MATCHconst
int baz(V)(const V v) { return 1; } // typeof(10) : const V -> MATCHconst
int baz(Args...)(Args args) { return 2; } // typeof(10) : Args[0] -> MATCHexact
inout(int) war(V)(inout V v) { return 1; }
inout(int) war(Args...)(inout Args args){ return 2; }
inout(int) waz(Args...)(inout Args args){ return 0; } // wild deduction test
S s;
int nm = 10;
assert( == 1);
assert(s.hoo(nm) == 1);
assert( == 1);
assert(s.baz(nm) == 2);
assert(s.war(nm) == 1);
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(nm)) == int));
const int nc = 10;
assert( == 1);
assert(s.hoo(nc) == 1);
assert( == 1);
assert(s.baz(nc) == 1);
assert(s.war(nc) == 1);
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(nc)) == const(int)));
immutable int ni = 10;
assert( == 1);
assert(s.hoo(ni) == 1);
assert( == 1);
assert(s.baz(ni) == 2);
assert(s.war(ni) == 1);
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(ni)) == immutable(int)));
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(nm, nm)) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(nm, nc)) == const(int)));
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(nm, ni)) == const(int)));
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(nc, nm)) == const(int)));
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(nc, nc)) == const(int)));
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(nc, ni)) == const(int)));
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(ni, nm)) == const(int)));
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(ni, nc)) == const(int)));
static assert(is(typeof(s.waz(ni, ni)) == immutable(int)));
// 6805
struct T6805
template opDispatch(string name)
alias int Type;
static assert(is( == int));
// 6738
struct Foo6738
int _val = 10;
@property int val()() { return _val; }
int get() { return val; } // fail
void test6738()
Foo6738 foo;
auto x = foo.val; // ok
assert(x == 10);
assert(foo.get() == 10);
// 7498
template IndexMixin(){
void insert(T)(T value){ }
class MultiIndexContainer{
mixin IndexMixin!() index0;
class Index0{
void baburk(){
// 6780
@property int foo6780()(){ return 10; }
int g6780;
@property void bar6780()(int n){ g6780 = n; }
void test6780()
auto n = foo6780;
assert(n == 10);
bar6780 = 10;
assert(g6780 == 10);
// 6810
int f6810(int n)(int) { return 1;}
int f6810(U...)(U) { assert(0); }
int f6810(U...)(U a) { assert(0); }
int f6810(U...)(U) if (true) { assert(0); }
int f6810(U...)(U a) if (true) { assert(0); }
void test6810()
assert(f6810!0(0) == 1);
// 6891
struct S6891(int N, T)
void f(U)(S6891!(N, U) u) { }
void test6891()
alias S6891!(1, void) A;
// 6994
struct Foo6994
T get(T)(){ return T.init; }
T func1(T)()
if (__traits(compiles, get!T()))
{ return get!T; }
T func2(T)()
if (__traits(compiles, this.get!T())) // add explicit 'this'
{ return get!T; }
void test6994()
Foo6994 foo;
foo.get!int(); // OK
foo.func1!int(); // OK
foo.func2!int(); // NG
// 6764
enum N6764 = 1; //use const for D1
alias size_t[N6764] T6764; //workaround
void f6764()(T6764 arr...) { }
void g6764()(size_t[1] arr...) { }
void h6764()(size_t[N6764] arr...) { }
void test6764()
f6764(0); //good
g6764(0); //good
h6764!()(0); //good
h6764(0); //Error: template main.f() does not match any function template declaration
// 3467 & 6806
struct Foo3467( uint n )
Foo3467!( n ) bar( ) {
typeof( return ) result;
return result;
struct Vec3467(size_t N)
void opBinary(string op:"~", size_t M)(Vec3467!M) {}
void test3467()
Foo3467!( 4 ) baz;
baz =;// FAIL
Vec3467!2 a1;
Vec3467!3 a2;
a1 ~ a2; // line 7, Error
struct TS6806(size_t n) { pragma(msg, typeof(n)); }
static assert(is(TS6806!(1u) == TS6806!(1)));
// 4413
struct Foo4413
alias typeof(this) typeof_this;
void bar1(typeof_this other) {}
void bar2()(typeof_this other) {}
void bar3(typeof(this) other) {}
void bar4()(typeof(this) other) {}
void test4413()
Foo4413 f;
f.bar1(f); // OK
f.bar2(f); // OK
f.bar3(f); // OK
f.bar4(f); // ERR
// 4675
template isNumeric(T)
enum bool test1 = is(T : long); // should be hidden
enum bool test2 = is(T : real); // should be hidden
enum bool isNumeric = test1 || test2;
void test4675()
static assert( isNumeric!int);
static assert(!isNumeric!string);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, isNumeric!int.test1)); // should be an error
static assert(!__traits(compiles, isNumeric!int.test2)); // should be an error
static assert(!__traits(compiles, isNumeric!int.isNumeric));
// 5525
template foo5525(T)
T foo5525(T t) { return t; }
T foo5525(T t, T u) { return t + u; }
void test5525()
alias foo5525!int f;
assert(f(1) == 1);
assert(f(1, 2) == 3);
// 5801
int a5801;
void bar5801(T = double)(typeof(a5801) i) {}
void baz5801(T)(typeof(a5801) i, T t) {}
void test5801()
bar5801(2); // Does not compile.
baz5801(3, "baz"); // Does not compile.
// 5832
struct Bar5832(alias v) {}
template isBar5832a(T)
static if (is(T _ : Bar5832!(v), alias v))
enum isBar5832a = true;
enum isBar5832a = false;
template isBar5832b(T)
static if (is(T _ : Bar5832!(v), alias int v))
enum isBar5832b = true;
enum isBar5832b = false;
template isBar5832c(T)
static if (is(T _ : Bar5832!(v), alias string v))
enum isBar5832c = true;
enum isBar5832c = false;
static assert( isBar5832a!(Bar5832!1234));
static assert( isBar5832b!(Bar5832!1234));
static assert(!isBar5832c!(Bar5832!1234));
// 2550
template pow10_2550(long n)
const long pow10_2550 = 0;
static if (n < 0)
const long pow10_2550 = 0;
const long pow10_2550 = 10 * pow10_2550!(n - 1);
template pow10_2550(long n:0)
const long pow10_2550 = 1;
static assert(pow10_2550!(0) == 1);
// [2.057] Remove top const in IFTI, 9198
void foo10a(T )(T) { static assert(is(T == const(int)[])); }
void foo10b(T...)(T) { static assert(is(T[0] == const(int)[])); }
// ref parameter doesn't remove top const
void boo10a(T )(ref T) { static assert(is(T == const(int[]))); }
void boo10b(T...)(ref T) { static assert(is(T[0] == const(int[]))); }
// auto ref with lvalue doesn't
void goo10a(T )(auto ref T) { static assert(is(T == const(int[]))); }
void goo10b(T...)(auto ref T) { static assert(is(T[0] == const(int[]))); }
// auto ref with rvalue does
void hoo10a(T )(auto ref T) { static assert(is(T == const(int)[])); }
void hoo10b(T...)(auto ref T) { static assert(is(T[0] == const(int)[])); }
void bar10a(T )(T) { static assert(is(T == const(int)*)); }
void bar10b(T...)(T) { static assert(is(T[0] == const(int)*)); }
void test10()
const a = [1,2,3];
static assert(is(typeof(a) == const(int[])));
int n;
const p = &n;
static assert(is(typeof(p) == const(int*)));
// 3092
template Foo3092(A...)
alias A[0] Foo3092;
static assert(is(Foo3092!(int, "foo") == int));
// 7037
struct Foo7037 {}
struct Bar7037 { Foo7037 f; alias f this; }
void works7037( T )( T value ) if ( is( T : Foo7037 ) ) {}
void doesnotwork7037( T : Foo7037 )( T value ) {}
void test7037()
Bar7037 b;
works7037( b );
doesnotwork7037( b );
// 7110
struct S7110
int opSlice(int, int) const { return 0; }
int opSlice() const { return 0; }
int opIndex(int, int) const { return 0; }
int opIndex(int) const { return 0; }
enum e7110 = S7110();
template T7110(alias a) { } // or T7110(a...)
alias T7110!( S7110 ) T71100; // passes
alias T7110!((S7110)) T71101; // passes
alias T7110!( S7110()[0..0] ) A0; // passes
alias T7110!( (e7110[0..0]) ) A1; // passes
alias T7110!( e7110[0..0] ) A2; // passes
alias T7110!( S7110()[0, 0] ) B0; // passes
alias T7110!( (e7110[0, 0]) ) B1; // passes
alias T7110!( e7110[0, 0] ) B2; // passes
alias T7110!( S7110()[] ) C0; // passes
alias T7110!( (e7110[]) ) C1; // passes
alias T7110!( e7110[] ) C2; // fails: e7110 is used as a type
alias T7110!( S7110()[0] ) D0; // passes
alias T7110!( (e7110[0]) ) D1; // passes
alias T7110!( e7110[0] ) D2; // fails: e7110 must be an array or pointer type, not S7110
// 7124
template StaticArrayOf(T : E[dim], E, size_t dim)
pragma(msg, "T = ", T, ", E = ", E, ", dim = ", dim);
alias E[dim] StaticArrayOf;
template DynamicArrayOf(T : E[], E)
pragma(msg, "T = ", T, ", E = ", E);
alias E[] DynamicArrayOf;
template AssocArrayOf(T : V[K], K, V)
pragma(msg, "T = ", T, ", K = ", K, ", V = ", V);
alias V[K] AssocArrayOf;
void test7124()
struct SA { int[5] sa; alias sa this; }
static assert(is(StaticArrayOf!SA == int[5]));
struct DA { int[] da; alias da this; }
static assert(is(DynamicArrayOf!DA == int[]));
struct AA { int[string] aa; alias aa this; }
static assert(is(AssocArrayOf!AA == int[string]));
// 7359
bool foo7359(T)(T[] a ...)
return true;
void test7359()
assert(foo7359(1,1,1,1,1,1)); // OK
assert(foo7359("abc","abc","abc","abc")); // NG
// 7363
template t7363()
enum e = 0;
static if (true)
enum t7363 = 0;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, t7363!().t7363 == 0)); // Assertion fails
static assert(t7363!() == 0); // Error: void has no value
template u7363()
static if (true)
enum e = 0;
enum u73631 = 0;
alias u73631 u7363;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, u7363!().u7363 == 0)); // Assertion fails
static assert(u7363!() == 0); // Error: void has no value
struct S4371(T ...) { }
alias S4371!("hi!") t;
static if (is(t U == S4371!(U))) { }
// 7416
void t7416(alias a)() if(is(typeof(a())))
void test7416() {
void f() {}
alias t7416!f x;
// 7563
class Test7563
void test(T, bool a = true)(T t)
void test7563()
auto test = new Test7563;
pragma(msg, typeof(test.test!(int, true)).stringof);
pragma(msg, typeof(test.test!(int)).stringof); // Error: expression (test.test!(int)) has no type
// 7572
class F7572
Tr fn7572(Tr, T...)(T t) { return 1; }
Tr Fn7572(Tr, T...)(T t) { return 2; }
void test7572()
F7572 f = new F7572();
int delegate() dg = &f.fn7572!int;
assert(dg() == 1);
int function() fn = &Fn7572!int;
assert(fn() == 2);
// 7580
struct S7580(T)
void opAssign()(T value) {}
struct X7580(T)
private T val;
@property ref inout(T) get()() inout { return val; } // template
alias get this;
struct Y7580(T)
private T val;
@property ref auto get()() inout { return val; } // template + auto return
alias get this;
void test7580()
S7580!(int) s;
X7580!int x;
Y7580!int y;
s = x;
s = y;
shared(X7580!int) sx;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, s = sx));
// 7585
extern(C) alias void function() Callback;
template W7585a(alias dg)
//pragma(msg, typeof(dg));
extern(C) void W7585a() { dg(); }
void test7585()
static void f7585a(){}
Callback cb1 = &W7585a!(f7585a); // OK
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
void f7585b(){}
Callback cb2 = &W7585a!(f7585b); // NG
Callback cb3 = &W7585a!((){}); // NG -> OK
Callback cb4 = &W7585a!(function(){}); // OK
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
Callback cb5 = &W7585a!(delegate(){}); // NG
static int global; // global data
Callback cb6 = &W7585a!((){return global;}); // NG -> OK
static assert(!__traits(compiles,
int n;
Callback cb7 = &W7585a!((){return n;}); // NG
// 7643
template T7643(A...){ alias A T7643; }
alias T7643!(long, "x", string, "y") Specs7643;
alias T7643!( Specs7643[] ) U7643; // Error: tuple A is used as a type
// 7671
inout(int)[3] id7671n1 ( inout(int)[3] );
inout( U )[n] id7671x1(U, size_t n)( inout( U )[n] );
shared(inout int)[3] id7671n2 ( shared(inout int)[3] );
shared(inout U )[n] id7671x2(U, size_t n)( shared(inout U )[n] );
void test7671()
static assert(is( typeof( id7671n1( (immutable(int)[3]).init ) ) == immutable(int[3]) ));
static assert(is( typeof( id7671x1( (immutable(int)[3]).init ) ) == immutable(int[3]) ));
static assert(is( typeof( id7671n2( (immutable(int)[3]).init ) ) == immutable(int[3]) ));
static assert(is( typeof( id7671x2( (immutable(int)[3]).init ) ) == immutable(int[3]) ));
// 7672
T foo7672(T)(T a){ return a; }
void test7672(inout(int[]) a = null, inout(int*) p = null)
static assert(is( typeof( a ) == inout(int[]) ));
static assert(is( typeof(foo7672(a)) == inout(int)[] ));
static assert(is( typeof( p ) == inout(int*) ));
static assert(is( typeof(foo7672(p)) == inout(int)* ));
// 7684
U[] id7684(U)( U[] );
shared(U[]) id7684(U)( shared(U[]) );
void test7684()
shared(int)[] x;
static assert(is( typeof(id7684(x)) == shared(int)[] ));
// 7694
void match7694(alias m)()
{; //removing this line suppresses ice in both cases
struct T7694
void foo(){}
void bootstrap()
//next line causes ice
//while this works:
alias this p;
// 7755
template to7755(T)
T to7755(A...)(A args)
return toImpl7755!T(args);
T toImpl7755(T, S)(S value)
return T.init;
template Foo7755(T){}
struct Bar7755
void qux()
if (is(typeof(to7755!string(Foo7755!int)))){}
U[] id11a(U)( U[] );
inout(U)[] id11a(U)( inout(U)[] );
inout(U[]) id11a(U)( inout(U[]) );
inout(shared(U[])) id11a(U)( inout(shared(U[])) );
void test11a(inout int _ = 0)
shared(const(int))[] x;
static assert(is( typeof(id11a(x)) == shared(const(int))[] ));
shared(int)[] y;
static assert(is( typeof(id11a(y)) == shared(int)[] ));
inout(U)[n] idz(U, size_t n)( inout(U)[n] );
inout(shared(bool[1])) z;
static assert(is( typeof(idz(z)) == inout(shared(bool[1])) ));
inout(U[]) id11b(U)( inout(U[]) );
void test11b()
alias const(shared(int)[]) T;
static assert(is(typeof(id11b(T.init)) == const(shared(int)[])));
// 7769
void f7769(K)(inout(K) value){}
void test7769()
// 7812
template A7812(T...) {}
template B7812(alias C) if (C) {}
template D7812()
alias B7812!(A7812!(NonExistent!())) D7812;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, D7812!()));
// 7873
inout(T)* foo(T)(inout(T)* t)
static assert(is(T == int*));
return t;
inout(T)* bar(T)(inout(T)* t)
return foo(t);
void test7873()
int *i;
// 7933
struct Boo7933(size_t dim){int a;}
struct Baa7933(size_t dim)
Boo7933!dim a;
//Boo7933!1 a; //(1) This version causes no errors
auto foo7933()(Boo7933!1 b){return b;}
//auto fuu7933(Boo7933!1 b){return b;} //(2) This line neutralizes the error
void test7933()
Baa7933!1 a; //(3) This line causes the error message
auto b = foo7933(Boo7933!1(1));
// 8094
struct Tuple8094(T...) {}
template getParameters8094(T, alias P)
static if (is(T t == P!U, U...))
alias U getParameters8094;
static assert(false);
void test8094()
alias getParameters8094!(Tuple8094!(int, string), Tuple8094) args;
struct Tuple12(T...)
void foo(alias P)()
alias Tuple12 X;
static if (is(typeof(this) t == X!U, U...))
alias U getParameters;
static assert(false);
void test12()
Tuple12!(int, string) t;!Tuple12();
// 14290
struct Foo14290(int i) {}
alias Foo14290a = Foo14290!1;
static assert(!is(Foo14290!2 == Foo14290a!T, T...));
// 8125
void foo8125(){}
struct X8125(alias a) {}
template Y8125a(T : A!f, alias A, alias f) {} //OK
template Y8125b(T : A!foo8125, alias A) {} //NG
void test8125()
alias Y8125a!(X8125!foo8125) y1;
alias Y8125b!(X8125!foo8125) y2;
struct A13() {}
struct B13(TT...) {}
struct C13(T1) {}
struct D13(T1, TT...) {}
struct E13(T1, T2) {}
struct F13(T1, T2, TT...) {}
template Test13(alias X)
static if (is(X x : P!U, alias P, U...))
enum Test13 = true;
enum Test13 = false;
void test13()
static assert(Test13!( A13!() ));
static assert(Test13!( B13!(int) ));
static assert(Test13!( B13!(int, double) ));
static assert(Test13!( B13!(int, double, string) ));
static assert(Test13!( C13!(int) ));
static assert(Test13!( D13!(int) ));
static assert(Test13!( D13!(int, double) ));
static assert(Test13!( D13!(int, double, string) ));
static assert(Test13!( E13!(int, double) ));
static assert(Test13!( F13!(int, double) ));
static assert(Test13!( F13!(int, double, string) ));
static assert(Test13!( F13!(int, double, string, bool) ));
struct A14(T, U, int n = 1)
template Test14(alias X)
static if (is(X x : P!U, alias P, U...))
alias U Test14;
static assert(0);
void test14()
alias A14!(int, double) Type;
alias Test14!Type Params;
static assert(Params.length == 3);
static assert(is(Params[0] == int));
static assert(is(Params[1] == double));
static assert( Params[2] == 1);
// test for evaluateConstraint assertion
bool canSearchInCodeUnits15(C)(dchar c)
if (is(C == char))
return true;
void test15()
int needle = 0;
auto b = canSearchInCodeUnits15!char(needle);
// 8129
class X8129 {}
class A8129 {}
class B8129 : A8129 {}
int foo8129(T : A8129)(X8129 x) { return 1; }
int foo8129(T : A8129)(X8129 x, void function (T) block) { return 2; }
int bar8129(T, R)(R range, T value) { return 1; }
int baz8129(T, R)(R range, T value) { return 1; }
int baz8129(T, R)(R range, Undefined value) { return 2; }
void test8129()
auto x = new X8129;
assert(x.foo8129!B8129() == 1);
assert(x.foo8129!B8129((a){}) == 2);
assert(foo8129!B8129(x) == 1);
assert(foo8129!B8129(x, (a){}) == 2);
assert(foo8129!B8129(x) == 1);
assert(foo8129!B8129(x, (B8129 b){}) == 2);
ubyte[] buffer = [0, 1, 2];
assert(bar8129!ushort(buffer, 915) == 1);
// While deduction, parameter type 'Undefined' shows semantic error.
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {
baz8129!ushort(buffer, 915);
// 8238
void test8238()
static struct S { template t(){ int t; } }
S s1, s2;
assert(cast(void*)&s1 != cast(void*)&s2 );
assert(cast(void*)&s1 != cast(void*)&s1.t!());
assert(cast(void*)&s2 != cast(void*)&s2.t!());
assert(cast(void*)&s1.t!() == cast(void*)&s2.t!());
s1.t!() = 256;
assert(s2.t!() == 256);
// 8669
struct X8669
void mfoo(this T)()
static assert(is(typeof(this) == T));
void cfoo(this T)() const
static assert(is(typeof(this) == const(T)));
void sfoo(this T)() shared
static assert(is(typeof(this) == shared(T)));
void scfoo(this T)() shared const
static assert(is(typeof(this) == shared(const(T))));
void ifoo(this T)() immutable
static assert(is(typeof(this) == immutable(T)));
void test8669()
X8669 mx;
const X8669 cx;
immutable X8669 ix;
shared X8669 sx;
shared const X8669 scx;
static assert(!is(typeof( mx.sfoo() )));
static assert(!is(typeof( cx.sfoo() )));
static assert(!is(typeof( mx.scfoo() )));
static assert(!is(typeof( cx.scfoo() )));
static assert(!is(typeof( mx.ifoo() )));
static assert(!is(typeof( cx.ifoo() )));
static assert(!is(typeof( sx.ifoo() )));
static assert(!is(typeof( scx.ifoo() )));
// 8833
template TypeTuple8833(T...) { alias TypeTuple = T; }
void func8833(alias arg)() { }
void test8833()
int x, y;
alias TypeTuple8833!(
) Map;
// 8976
void f8976(ref int) { }
void g8976()()
f8976(0); // line 5
void h8976()()
static assert(! __traits(compiles, h8976!()() ) ); // causes error
static assert(!is(typeof( h8976!()() )));
void test8976()
static assert(! __traits(compiles, h8976!()() ) );
static assert(!is(typeof( h8976!()() )));
// 8940
const int n8940; // or `immutable`
static this() { n8940 = 3; }
void f8940(T)(ref int val)
assert(val == 3);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, f8940!void(n8940))); // fails
void test8940()
assert(n8940 == 3);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, f8940!void(n8940)));
//assert(n8940 == 3); // may pass as compiler caches comparison result
//assert(n8940 != 4); // may pass but likely will fail
// 6969 + 8990
class A6969() { alias C6969!() C1; }
class B6969 { alias A6969!() A1; }
class C6969() : B6969 {}
struct A8990(T) { T t; }
struct B8990(T) { A8990!T* a; }
struct C8990 { B8990!C8990* b; }
// 9018
template Inst9018(alias Template, T)
alias Template!T Inst;
template Template9018(T)
enum Template9018 = T;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Inst9018!(Template9018, int))); // Assert passes
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Inst9018!(Template9018, int))); // Assert fails
// 9022
class C9022
struct X {}
alias B = X;
class D9022
struct X {}
void test9022()
auto c = new C9022();
auto d = new D9022();
auto cx = C9022.X();
auto dx = D9022.X();
void foo1(T)(T, T.X) { static assert(is(T == C9022)); }
void foo2(T)(T.X, T) { static assert(is(T == C9022)); }
foo1(c, cx);
foo2(cx, c);
void hoo1(T)(T, T.B) { static assert(is(T == C9022)); }
void hoo2(T)(T.B, T) { static assert(is(T == C9022)); }
hoo1(c, cx);
hoo1(c, cx);
void bar1(alias A)(A.C9022, A.D9022) { static assert(A.stringof == "module breaker"); }
void bar2(alias A)(A.D9022, A.C9022) { static assert(A.stringof == "module breaker"); }
bar1(c, d);
bar2(d, c);
void var1(alias A)(A.C9022, A.D9022.X) { static assert(A.stringof == "module breaker"); }
void var2(alias A)(A.D9022.X, A.C9022) { static assert(A.stringof == "module breaker"); }
var1(c, dx);
var2(dx, c);
void baz(T)(T.X t, T.X u) { }
static assert(!__traits(compiles, baz(cx, dx)));
// 9026
mixin template node9026()
static if (is(this == struct))
alias typeof(this)* E;
alias typeof(this) E;
E prev, next;
struct list9026(alias N)
N.E head;
N.E tail;
class A9026
mixin node9026 L1;
mixin node9026 L2;
list9026!(A9026.L1) g9026_l1;
list9026!(A9026.L2) g9026_l2;
void test9026()
list9026!(A9026.L1) l9026_l1;
list9026!(A9026.L2) l9026_l2;
// 9038
mixin template Foo9038()
string data = "default";
class Bar9038
string data;
mixin Foo9038 f;
void check_data9038(alias M, T)(T obj)
assert( == "Bar");
assert( == "F");
void test9038()
auto bar = new Bar9038; = "Bar"; = "F";
assert( == "Bar");
assert( == "F");
// 9050
struct A9050(T) {}
struct B9050(T)
void f() { foo9050(A9050!int()); }
auto foo9050()(A9050!int base) pure
return B9050!int();
auto s9050 = foo9050(A9050!int());
// 10936 (dup of 9050)
struct Vec10936(string s)
auto foo(string v)()
return Vec10936!(v)();
static void bar()
Vec10936!"" v;
auto p =!"sup";
Vec10936!"" v;
// 9076
template forward9076(args...)
@property forward9076()(){ return args[0]; }
void test9076()
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
assert(a == forward9076!b);
// 9083
template isFunction9083(X...) if (X.length == 1)
enum isFunction9083 = true;
struct S9083
static string func(alias Class)()
foreach (m; __traits(allMembers, Class))
pragma(msg, m); // prints "func"
enum x1 = isFunction9083!(mixin(m)); //NG
enum x2 = isFunction9083!(func); //OK
return "";
enum nothing9083 = S9083.func!S9083();
class C9083
int x; // some class members
void func()
void templateFunc(T)(const T obj)
enum x1 = isFunction9083!(mixin("x")); // NG
enum x2 = isFunction9083!(x); // NG
// 9100
template Id(alias A) { alias Id = A; }
template ErrId(alias A) { static assert(0); }
template TypeTuple9100(TL...) { alias TypeTuple9100 = TL; }
class C9100
int value;
int fun() { return value; }
int tfun(T)() { return value; }
TypeTuple9100!(int, long) field;
void test()
this.value = 1;
auto c = new C9100();
c.value = 2;
alias t1a = Id!(; // OK
alias t1b = Id!(; // Prints weird error, bad
// -> internally given TOKdotvar
assert(t1a() == this.value);
assert(t1b() == this.value);
alias t2a = Id!(c.tfun); // OK
static assert(!__traits(compiles, ErrId!(this.tfun)));
alias t2b = Id!(this.tfun); // No error occurs, why?
// -> internally given TOKdottd
assert(t2a!int() == this.value);
assert(t2b!int() == this.value);
alias t3a = Id!(foo9100); // OK
alias t3b = Id!(mixin("foo9100")); // Prints weird error, bad
// -> internally given TOKtemplate
assert(t3a() == 10);
assert(t3b() == 10);
assert(field[0] == 0);
alias t4a = TypeTuple9100!(field); // NG
alias t4b = TypeTuple9100!(GetField9100!()); // NG
t4a[0] = 1; assert(field[0] == 1);
t4b[0] = 2; assert(field[0] == 2);
int foo9100()() { return 10; }
template GetField9100() { alias GetField9100 = C9100.field[0]; }
void test9100()
(new C9100()).test();
// 9101
class Node9101
template ForwardCtorNoId()
this() {} // default constructor
void foo() { 0 = 1; } // wrong code
enum x9101 = __traits(compiles, Node9101.ForwardCtorNoId!());
// 9124
struct Foo9124a(N...)
enum SIZE = N[0];
private int _val;
public void opAssign (T) (T other)
if (is(T unused == Foo9124a!(_N), _N...))
_val = other._val; // compile error
this._val = other._val; // explicit this make it work
public auto opUnary (string op) () if (op == "~") {
Foo9124a!(SIZE) result = this;
return result;
void test9124a()
Foo9124a!(28) a;
Foo9124a!(28) b = ~a;
// --------
template Foo9124b(T, U, string OP)
enum N = T.SIZE;
alias Foo9124b = Foo9124b!(false, true, N);
struct Foo9124b(bool S, bool L, N...)
enum SIZE = 5;
long[1] _a = 0;
void someFunction() const {
auto data1 = _a; // Does not compile
auto data2 = this._a; // <--- Compiles
auto opBinary(string op, T)(T) {
Foo9124b!(typeof(this), T, op) test;
void test9124b()
auto p = Foo9124b!(false, false, 5)();
auto q = Foo9124b!(false, false, 5)();
// 9143
struct Foo9143a(bool S, bool L)
auto noCall() {
Foo9143a!(S, false) x1; // compiles if this line commented
static if(S) Foo9143a!(true, false) x2;
else Foo9143a!(false, false) x2;
this(T)(T other) // constructor
if (is(T unused == Foo9143a!(P, Q), bool P, bool Q)) { }
struct Foo9143b(bool L, size_t N)
void baaz0() {
bar!(Foo9143b!(false, N))(); // line 7
// -> move to before the baaz semantic
void baaz() {
bar!(Foo9143b!(false, 2LU))(); // line 3
bar!(Foo9143b!(true, 2LU))(); // line 4
bar!(Foo9143b!(L, N))(); // line 5
bar!(Foo9143b!(true, N))(); // line 6
bar!(Foo9143b!(false, N))(); // line 7
void bar(T)()
if (is(T unused == Foo9143b!(_L, _N), bool _L, size_t _N))
void test9143()
Foo9143a!(false, true) k = Foo9143a!(false, false)();
auto p = Foo9143b!(true, 2LU)();
// 9266
template Foo9266(T...)
T Foo9266;
struct Bar9266()
alias Foo9266!int f;
void test9266()
Bar9266!() a, b;
// 9361
struct Unit9361(A)
void butPleaseDontUseMe()()
if (is(unitType9361!((this)))) // !
template isUnit9361(alias T) if ( is(T)) {}
template isUnit9361(alias T) if (!is(T)) {}
template unitType9361(alias T) if (isUnit9361!T) {}
void test9361()
Unit9361!int u;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, u.butPleaseDontUseMe())); // crashes
// 9536
struct S9536
static A foo(A)(A a)
return a * 2;
int bar() const
return foo(42);
void test9536()
S9536 s;
assert( == 84);
// 9578
template t9578(alias f) { void tf()() { f(); } }
void g9578a(alias f)() { f(); } // Error -> OK
void g9578b(alias ti)() {; } // Error -> OK
void test9578()
int i = 0;
int m() { return i; }
// 9596
int foo9596a(K, V)(inout( V [K])) { return 1; }
int foo9596a(K, V)(inout(shared(V) [K])) { return 2; }
int foo9596b(K, V)(inout( V [K])) { return 1; }
int foo9596b(K, V)(inout( const(V) [K])) { return 3; }
int foo9596c(K, V)(inout(shared(V) [K])) { return 2; }
int foo9596c(K, V)(inout( const(V) [K])) { return 3; }
int foo9596d(K, V)(inout( V [K])) { return 1; }
int foo9596d(K, V)(inout(shared(V) [K])) { return 2; }
int foo9596d(K, V)(inout( const(V) [K])) { return 3; }
int foo9596e(K, V)(inout(shared(V) [K])) { return 2; }
int foo9596e(K, V)(inout( V [K])) { return 1; }
int foo9596e(K, V)(inout( const(V) [K])) { return 3; }
void test9596()
shared(int)[int] aa;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo9596a(aa)));
assert(foo9596b(aa) == 1);
assert(foo9596c(aa) == 2);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo9596d(aa)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo9596e(aa)));
// 9806
struct S9806a(alias x)
alias S9806a!0 N;
enum expr9806a = 0 * 0;
alias S9806a!expr9806a T9806a;
// --------
struct S9806b(alias x)
template Next()
enum expr = x + 1;
alias S9806b!expr Next;
alias S9806b!1 One9806b;
alias S9806b!0.Next!() OneAgain9806b;
// --------
struct S9806c(x...)
template Next()
enum expr = x[0] + 1;
alias S9806c!expr Next;
alias S9806c!1 One9806c;
alias S9806c!0.Next!() OneAgain9806c;
// 9837
void test9837()
enum DA : int[] { a = [1,2,3] }
DA da;
int[] bda = da;
static assert(is(DA : int[]));
void fda1(int[] a) {}
void fda2(T)(T[] a) {}
enum SA : int[3] { a = [1,2,3] }
SA sa;
int[3] bsa = sa;
static assert(is(SA : int[3]));
void fsa1(int[3] a) {}
void fsa2(T)(T[3] a) {}
void fsa3(size_t d)(int[d] a) {}
void fsa4(T, size_t d)(T[d] a) {}
enum AA : int[int] { a = null }
AA aa;
int[int] baa = aa;
static assert(is(AA : int[int]));
void faa1(int[int] a) {}
void faa2(V)(V[int] a) {}
void faa3(K)(int[K] a) {}
void faa4(K, V)(V[K] a) {}
// 9874
bool foo9874() { return true; }
void bar9874(T)(T) if (foo9874()) {} // OK
void baz9874(T)(T) if (foo9874) {} // error
void test9874()
foo9874; // OK
void test9885()
void foo(int[1][]) {}
void boo()(int[1][]){}
struct X(T...) { static void xoo(T){} }
struct Y(T...) { static void yoo()(T){} }
struct Z(T...) { static void zoo(U...)(T, U){} }
struct V(T...) { static void voo()(T, ...){} }
struct W(T...) { static void woo()(T...){} }
struct R(T...) { static void roo(U...)(int, U, T){} }
// OK
// OK
// NG!
Y!(int, int[]).yoo(1, [10]);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Y!().yoo(1)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Y!(int).yoo("a")));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Y!().yoo!(int)()));
// NG!
Z!().zoo([1], [1:1]);
Z!(int, string).zoo(1, "a");
Z!(int, string).zoo(1, "a", [1], [1:1]);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Z!().zoo!()(1))); // (none) <- 1
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Z!(int).zoo!()())); // int <- (none)
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Z!(int).zoo!()(""))); // int <- ""
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Z!().zoo!(int)())); // int <- (none)
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Z!().zoo!(int)(""))); // int <- ""
V!(int, long).voo(1,2,3);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, V!(int).voo())); // int <- (none)
static assert(!__traits(compiles, V!(int, long).voo(1))); // long <- (none)
static assert(!__traits(compiles, V!(int, string).voo(1,2,3))); // string <- 2
//W!().woo(1, 2, 3); // Access Violation
{ // this behavior is consistent with:
//alias TL = TypeTuple!();
//void foo(TL...) {}
//foo(1, 2, 3); // Access Violation
//pragma(msg, typeof(foo)); // void(...) -> D-style variadic function?
static assert(!__traits(compiles, W!(int,int,int).woo(1,2,3))); // int... <- 2
static assert(!__traits(compiles, W!(int,int).woo(1,2))); // int... <- 2
static assert(!__traits(compiles, W!(int,int[2]).woo(1,2))); // int[2]... <- 2
R!().roo(1, "", []);
R!(int).roo(1, "", [], 1);
R!(int, string).roo(1, "", [], 1, "");
R!(int, string).roo(1, 2, "");
static assert(!__traits(compiles, R!(int).roo(1, "", []))); // int <- []
static assert(!__traits(compiles, R!(int, int).roo(1, "", []))); // int <- []
static assert(!__traits(compiles, R!(int, string).roo(1, 2, 3))); // string <- 3
// test case
struct Tuple(T...) { this()(T values) {} }
alias T = Tuple!(int[1][]);
auto t = T([[10]]);
// 9971
void goo9971()()
auto g = &goo9971;
struct S9971
void goo()()
auto g = &goo;
static assert(is(typeof(g) == delegate));
void test9971()
// 9977
void test9977()
struct S1(T) { T value; }
auto func1(T)(T value) { return value; }
static assert(is(S1!int == struct));
assert(func1(10) == 10);
template S2(T) { struct S2 { T value; } }
template func2(T) { auto func2(T value) { return value; } }
static assert(is(S2!int == struct));
assert(func2(10) == 10);
template X(T) { alias X = T[3]; }
static assert(is(X!int == int[3]));
int a;
template Y(T) { alias Y = T[typeof(a)]; }
static assert(is(Y!double == double[int]));
int v = 10;
template Z() { alias Z = v; }
assert(v == 10);
Z!() = 20;
assert(v == 20);
enum T8848a(int[] a) = a;
enum T8848b(int[int] b) = b;
enum T8848c(void* c) = c;
static assert(T8848a!([1,2,3]) == [1,2,3]);
static assert(T8848b!([1:2,3:4]) == [1:2,3:4]);
static assert(T8848c!(null) == null);
// 9990
auto initS9990() { return "hi"; }
class C9990(alias init) {}
alias SC9990 = C9990!(initS9990);
// 10067
struct assumeSize10067(alias F) {}
template useItemAt10067(size_t idx, T)
void impl(){ }
alias useItemAt10067 = assumeSize10067!(impl);
useItemAt10067!(0, char) mapS10067;
// 4072
void bug4072(T)(T x)
if (is(typeof(bug4072(x))))
static assert(!is(typeof(bug4072(7))));
// 10074
template foo10074(F)
enum foo10074 = false;
bool foo10074(F)(F f)
if (foo10074!F)
return false;
static assert(!is(typeof(foo10074(1))));
// 10083
// [a-c] IFTI can find syntactic eponymous member
template foo10083a(T)
int foo10083a(double) { return 1; }
int foo10083a(T) { return 2; }
template foo10083b(T)
int foo10083b(T) { return 1; }
int foo10083b(T, T) { return 2; }
template foo10083c1(T)
int foo10083c1(T) { return 1; }
static if (true) { int x; }
template foo10083c2(T)
int foo10083c2(T) { return 1; }
static if (true) { int x; } else { int y; }
// [d-f] IFTI cannot find syntactic eponymous member
template foo10083d1(T)
static if (true)
int foo10083d1(T) { return 1; }
template foo10083d2(T)
static if (true)
int foo10083d2(T) { return 1; }
template foo10083e(T)
static if (true)
int foo10083e(double arg) { return 1; }
int foo10083e(T arg) { return 2; }
template foo10083f(T)
static if (true)
int foo10083f(T) { return 1; }
int foo10083f(T) { return 2; }
void test10083()
assert(foo10083a(1) == 2);
assert(foo10083a!int(1) == 2);
assert(foo10083a!int(1.0) == 1);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo10083a!double(1)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo10083a!double(1.0)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo10083a!real(1)));
assert(foo10083a!real(1.0) == 1);
assert(foo10083a!real(1.0L) == 2);
assert(foo10083b(2) == 1);
assert(foo10083b(3, 4) == 2);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo10083b(2, "")));
assert(foo10083c1(1) == 1);
assert(foo10083c2(1) == 1);
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo10083d1(2)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo10083d2(2)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo10083e(3)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, foo10083f(3)));
// 10134
template ReturnType10134(alias func)
static if (is(typeof(func) R == return))
alias R ReturnType10134;
static assert(0);
struct Result10134(T) {}
template getResultType10134(alias func)
static if(is(ReturnType10134!(func.exec) _ == Result10134!(T), T))
alias getResultType10134 = T;
template f10134(alias func)
Result10134!(getResultType10134!(func)) exec(int i)
return typeof(return)();
template a10134()
Result10134!(double) exec(int i)
return b10134!().exec(i);
template b10134()
Result10134!(double) exec(int i)
return f10134!(a10134!()).exec(i);
pragma(msg, getResultType10134!(a10134!()));
// 10313
void test10313()
struct Nullable(T)
this()(inout T value) inout {}
struct S { S[] array; }
S s;
auto ns = Nullable!S(s);
class C { C[] array; }
C c;
auto nc = Nullable!C(c);
// 10498
template triggerIssue10498a()
enum triggerIssue10498a = __traits(compiles, { T10498a; });
template PackedGenericTuple10498a(Args...)
alias Args Tuple;
enum e = triggerIssue10498a!();
struct S10498a { }
template T10498a()
alias PackedGenericTuple10498a!S10498a T10498a;
void test10498a()
alias T10498a!() t;
static assert(is(t.Tuple[0])); // Fails -> OK
// --------
template triggerIssue10498b(A...)
enum triggerIssue10498b = __traits(compiles, { auto a = A[0]; });
template PackedGenericTuple10498b(Args...)
alias Args Tuple;
enum e = triggerIssue10498b!Args;
template T10498b()
struct S {} // The fact `S` is in `T` causes the problem
alias PackedGenericTuple10498b!S T10498b;
void test10498b()
alias T10498b!() t;
static assert(is(t.Tuple[0]));
// 10537
struct Iota10537
int s,e,i;
mixin Yield10537!q{ ; };
auto skipStrings10537(T)(T source)
return "";
mixin template Yield10537(dstring code)
alias X = typeof({ enum x = rewriteCode10537(code); }());
dstring rewriteCode10537(dstring code)
skipStrings10537(code); // IFTI causes forward reference
return "";
// 10558
template Template10558() {}
struct Struct10558(alias T){}
alias bar10558 = foo10558!(Template10558!());
template foo10558(alias T)
alias foobar = Struct10558!T;
void fun()
alias a = foo10558!T;
// 10592
void test10592()
struct A(E)
int put()(const(E)[] data)
return 1;
int put()(const(dchar)[] data) if (!is(E == dchar))
return 2;
int put(C)(const(C)[] data) if (!is(C == dchar) && !is(E == C))
return 3;
A!char x;
assert(x.put("abcde"c) == 1); // OK: hit 1
assert(x.put("abcde"w) == 3); // NG: this should hit 3
assert(x.put("abcde"d) == 2); // OK: hit 2
// 11242
inout(T[]) fromString11242(T)(inout(char[]) s, T[] dst)
return s;
void test11242()
char[] a;
fromString11242(a, a);
// 10811
void foo10811a(R1, R2)(R1, R2) {}
template foo10811a(alias pred) { void foo10811a(R1, R2)(R1, R2) {} }
template foo10811b(alias pred) { void foo10811b(R1, R2)(R1, R2) {} }
void foo10811b(R1, R2)(R1, R2) {}
void test10811()
foo10811a(1, 2);
foo10811a!(a => a)(1, 2);
foo10811b(1, 2);
foo10811b!(a => a)(1, 2);
// 10969
template A10969(T, U...) { alias A10969 = T; }
void foo10969(T, U...)(A10969!(T, U) a) {}
template B10969(T, U) { alias B10969 = T; }
void bar10969(T, U...)(B10969!(T, U[0]) a) {}
void test10969()
foo10969!(int, float)(3);
bar10969!(int, float)(3);
// 11271
struct SmartPtr11271(T)
~this() {}
void opAssign(U)(auto ref U rh) {}
void test11271()
SmartPtr11271!Object a;
a = SmartPtr11271!Object();
// 11533
version (none)
struct S11533
void put(alias fun)() { fun!int(); }
void test11533a()
static void foo(T)() {}
S11533 s;
void test11533b()
static void bar(alias fun)() { fun(); }
void nested() {}
void test11533c()
static struct Foo(alias fun)
auto call() { return fun(); }
int var = 1;
auto getVar() { return var; }
Foo!getVar foo;
assert( == var);
var += 1;
assert( == var);
void test11533()
void test11533()
// 11553
struct Pack11553(T ...)
alias Unpack = T;
enum length = T.length;
template isPack11553(TList ...)
static if (TList.length == 1 && is(Pack11553!(TList[0].Unpack) == TList[0]))
enum isPack11553 = true;
enum isPack11553 = false;
template PartialApply11553(alias T, uint argLoc, Arg ...)
if (Arg.length == 1)
template PartialApply11553(L ...)
alias PartialApply11553 = T!(L[0 .. argLoc], Arg, L[argLoc .. $]);
template _hasLength11553(size_t len, T)
static if (T.length == len)
enum _hasLength11553 = true;
enum _hasLength11553 = false;
alias _hasLength11553(size_t len) = PartialApply11553!(._hasLength11553, 0, len);
alias hl11553 = _hasLength11553!1;
// this segfaults
static if (!isPack11553!hl11553) { pragma(msg, "All good 1"); }
// these are fine
static if ( hl11553!(Pack11553!(5))) { pragma(msg, "All good 2"); }
static if (!hl11553!(Pack11553!( ))) { pragma(msg, "All good 3"); }
// 11818
enum E11818 { e0, e1 }
struct SortedRange11818
void fun(E11818 e = true ? E11818.e0 : E11818.e1)()
void test11818()
SortedRange11818 s;;
// 11843
void test11843()
struct Foo
int x[string];
struct Bar(alias foo) {}
enum bar1 = Bar!(Foo(["a": 1]))();
enum bar2 = Bar!(Foo(["a": 1]))();
static assert(is(typeof(bar1) == typeof(bar2)));
enum foo1 = Foo(["a": 1]);
enum foo2 = Foo(["b": -1]);
static assert(!__traits(isSame, foo1, foo2));
enum bar3 = Bar!foo1();
enum bar4 = Bar!foo2();
static assert(!is(typeof(bar3) == typeof(bar4)));
// 11872
class Foo11872
auto test(int v)() {}
auto test(int v)(string) {}
template Bar(T)
void test(T) {}
void test11872()
auto foo = new Foo11872();
with (foo)
// ScopeExp(ti) -> DotTemplateInstanceExp(wthis, ti)
foo.test!2(); // works
test!2(); // works <- fails
test!2; // works <- fails
// ScopeExp(ti) -> DotTemplateInstanceExp(wthis, ti) -> DotExp(wthis, ScopeExp)
foo.Bar!int.test(1); // works
Bar!int.test(1); // works <- fails
// 12042
struct S12042
int[] t;
void m()()
t = null; // CTFE error -> OK
int test12042()
S12042 s;
with (s)
return 1;
static assert(test12042());
// 12077
struct S12077(A) {}
alias T12077(alias T : Base!Args, alias Base, Args...) = Base;
static assert(__traits(isSame, T12077!(S12077!int), S12077));
alias U12077(alias T : Base!Args, alias Base, Args...) = Base;
alias U12077( T : Base!Args, alias Base, Args...) = Base;
static assert(__traits(isSame, U12077!(S12077!int), S12077));
// 12262
template Inst12262(T) { int x; }
enum fqnSym12262(alias a) = 1;
enum fqnSym12262(alias a : B!A, alias B, A...) = 2;
static assert(fqnSym12262!(Inst12262!(Object)) == 2);
static assert(fqnSym12262!(Inst12262!(Object).x) == 1);
// 12264
struct S12264(A) {}
template AX12264(alias A1) { enum AX12264 = 1; }
template AX12264(alias A2 : B!A, alias B, A...) { enum AX12264 = 2; }
template AY12264(alias A1) { enum AY12264 = 1; }
template AY12264(alias A2 : B!int, alias B) { enum AY12264 = 2; }
template AZ12264(alias A1) { enum AZ12264 = 1; }
template AZ12264(alias A2 : S12264!T, T) { enum AZ12264 = 2; }
static assert(AX12264!(S12264!int) == 2);
static assert(AY12264!(S12264!int) == 2);
static assert(AZ12264!(S12264!int) == 2);
template TX12264(T1) { enum TX12264 = 1; }
template TX12264(T2 : B!A, alias B, A...) { enum TX12264 = 2; }
template TY12264(T1) { enum TY12264 = 1; }
template TY12264(T2 : B!int, alias B) { enum TY12264 = 2; }
template TZ12264(T1) { enum TZ12264 = 1; }
template TZ12264(T2 : S12264!T, T) { enum TZ12264 = 2; }
static assert(TX12264!(S12264!int) == 2);
static assert(TY12264!(S12264!int) == 2);
static assert(TZ12264!(S12264!int) == 2);
// 12122
enum N12122 = 1;
void foo12122(T)(T[N12122]) if(is(T == int)) {}
void test12122()
int[N12122] data;
// 12186
template map_front12186(fun...)
auto map_front12186(Range)(Range r)
return fun[0](r[0]);
void test12186()
immutable int[][] mat;
mat.map_front12186!((in r) => 0); // OK
mat.map_front12186!((const r) => 0); // OK
mat.map_front12186!((immutable int[] r) => 0); // OK
mat.map_front12186!((immutable r) => 0); // OK <- Error
// 12207
void test12207()
static struct S
static void f(T)(T) {}
immutable S s;
// 12263
template A12263(alias a) { int x; }
template B12263(alias a) { int x; }
template fqnSym12263(alias T : B12263!A, alias B12263, A...)
enum fqnSym12263 = true;
static assert(fqnSym12263!(A12263!(Object)));
static assert(fqnSym12263!(B12263!(Object)));
// 12290
void test12290()
short[] arrS;
float[] arrF;
double[] arrD;
real[] arrR;
string cstr;
wstring wstr;
dstring dstr;
short[short] aa;
auto func1a(E)(E[], E) { return E.init; }
auto func1b(E)(E, E[]) { return E.init; }
static assert(is(typeof(func1a(arrS, 1)) == short));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b(1, arrS)) == short));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a(arrF, 1.0)) == float));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b(1.0, arrF)) == float));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a(arrD, 1.0L)) == double));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b(1.0L, arrD)) == double));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a(arrR, 1)) == real));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b(1, arrR)) == real));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a("str" , 'a')) == immutable char));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b('a', "str" )) == immutable char));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a("str"c, 'a')) == immutable char));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b('a', "str"c)) == immutable char));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a("str"w, 'a')) == immutable wchar));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b('a', "str"w)) == immutable wchar));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a("str"d, 'a')) == immutable dchar));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b('a', "str"d)) == immutable dchar));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a([1,2,3], 1L)) == long));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b(1L, [1,2,3])) == long));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a([1,2,3], 1.5)) == double));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b(1.5, [1,2,3])) == double));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a(["a","b"], "s"c)) == string));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b("s"c, ["a","b"])) == string));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a(["a","b"], "s"w)) == wstring));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b("s"w, ["a","b"])) == wstring));
static assert(is(typeof(func1a(["a","b"], "s"d)) == dstring));
static assert(is(typeof(func1b("s"d, ["a","b"])) == dstring));
auto func2a(K, V)(V[K], K, V) { return V[K].init; }
auto func2b(K, V)(V, K, V[K]) { return V[K].init; }
static assert(is(typeof(func2a(aa, 1, 1)) == short[short]));
static assert(is(typeof(func2b(1, 1, aa)) == short[short]));
static assert(is(typeof(func2a([1:10,2:20,3:30], 1L, 10L)) == long[long]));
static assert(is(typeof(func2b(1L, 10L, [1:20,2:20,3:30])) == long[long]));
auto func3a(T)(T, T) { return T.init; }
auto func3b(T)(T, T) { return T.init; }
static assert(is(typeof(func3a(arrS, null)) == short[]));
static assert(is(typeof(func3b(null, arrS)) == short[]));
static assert(is(typeof(func3a(arrR, null)) == real[]));
static assert(is(typeof(func3b(null, arrR)) == real[]));
static assert(is(typeof(func3a(cstr, "str")) == string));
static assert(is(typeof(func3b("str", cstr)) == string));
static assert(is(typeof(func3a(wstr, "str")) == wstring));
static assert(is(typeof(func3b("str", wstr)) == wstring));
static assert(is(typeof(func3a(dstr, "str")) == dstring));
static assert(is(typeof(func3b("str", dstr)) == dstring));
static assert(is(typeof(func3a("str1" , "str2"c)) == string));
static assert(is(typeof(func3b("str1"c, "str2" )) == string));
static assert(is(typeof(func3a("str1" , "str2"w)) == wstring));
static assert(is(typeof(func3b("str1"w, "str2" )) == wstring));
static assert(is(typeof(func3a("str1" , "str2"d)) == dstring));
static assert(is(typeof(func3b("str1"d, "str2" )) == dstring));
inout(V) get(K, V)(inout(V[K]) aa, K key, lazy V defaultValue) { return V.init; }
short[short] hash12220;
short res12220 = get(hash12220, 1, 1);
short[short] hash12221;
enum Key12221 : short { a }
get(hash12221, Key12221.a, Key12221.a);
int[][string] mapping13026;
int[] v = get(mapping13026, "test", []);
// 12292
void test12292()
void fun(T : string)(T data) {}
ubyte[3] sa;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, fun(sa)));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { alias f = fun!(ubyte[3]); }));
// 12376
static auto encode12376(size_t sz)(dchar ch) if (sz > 1)
void test12376()
enum x = __traits(compiles, encode12376!2(x));
// 12447
enum test12447(string str) = str; // [1]
string test12447(T...)(T args) if (T.length) { return args[0]; } // [2]
// With [1]: The template parameter str cannot be be deduced -> no match
// With [2]: T is deduced to a type tuple (string), then match to the function call.
static assert(test12447("foo") == "foo");
// With [1]: template parameter str is deduced to "bar", then match.
// With [2]: T is deduced to an expression tuple ("bar"), but it will make invalid the function signature (T args).
// The failure should be masked silently and prefer the 1st version.
static assert(test12447!("bar") == "bar");
// 12651
alias TemplateArgsOf12651(alias T : Base!Args, alias Base, Args...) = Args;
struct S12651(T) { }
static assert(!__traits(compiles, TemplateArgsOf12651!(S12651!int, S, float)));
// 12719
struct A12719
B12719!int b();
struct B12719(T)
A12719 a;
void m()
auto v = B12719!T.init;
// --------
enum canDoIt12719(R) = is(typeof(W12719!R));
struct W12719(R)
R r;
static if (canDoIt12719!R) {}
W12719!int a12719;
// 12746
template foo12746()
void bar()
static assert(!__traits(compiles, bar(1)));
alias foo12746 = bar;
void foo12746(int)
void test12746()
foo12746(); // instantiate
// 12748
void foo12748(S, C : typeof(S.init[0]))(S s, C c)
void test12748()
foo12748("abc", 'd');
// 9708
struct S9708
void f()(inout(Object)) inout {}
void test9708()
S9708 s;
s.f(new Object);
// 12880
void f12880(T)(in T value) { static assert(is(T == string)); }
void test12880() { f12880(string.init); }
// 13087
struct Vec13087
int x;
void m() { auto n = component13087!(this, 'x'); }
void c() const { auto n = component13087!(this, 'x'); }
void w() inout { auto n = component13087!(this, 'x'); }
void wc() inout const { auto n = component13087!(this, 'x'); }
void s() shared { auto n = component13087!(this, 'x'); }
void sc() shared const { auto n = component13087!(this, 'x'); }
void sw() shared inout { auto n = component13087!(this, 'x'); }
void swc() shared inout const { auto n = component13087!(this, 'x'); }
void i() immutable { auto n = component13087!(this, 'x'); }
template component13087(alias vec, char c)
alias component13087 = vec.x;
// 13127
/+void test13127(inout int = 0)
int [] ma1;
const(int)[] ca1;
const(int[]) ca2;
inout( int)[] wma1;
inout( int[]) wma2;
inout(const int)[] wca1;
inout(const int[]) wca2;
immutable(int)[] ia1;
immutable(int[]) ia2;
shared( int)[] sma1;
shared( int[]) sma2;
shared( const int)[] sca1;
shared( const int[]) sca2;
shared(inout int)[] swma1;
shared(inout int[]) swma2;
shared(inout const int)[] swca1;
shared(inout const int[]) swca2;
/* In all cases, U should be deduced to top-unqualified type.
/* Parameter is (shared) mutable
U f_m(U)( U) { return null; }
U fsm(U)(shared U) { return null; }
// 9 * 2 - 1
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( ma1)) == int []));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( ca1)) == const(int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( ca2)) == const(int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( wma1)) == inout( int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( wma2)) == inout( int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( wca1)) == inout(const int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( wca2)) == inout(const int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( ia1)) == immutable(int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( ia2)) == immutable(int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( sma1)) == shared( int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( sma2)) == shared( int)[])); // <- shared(int[])
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( sca1)) == shared( const int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m( sca2)) == shared( const int)[])); // <- shared(const(int)[])
static assert(is(typeof(f_m(swma1)) == shared(inout int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m(swma2)) == shared(inout int)[])); // <- shared(inout(int[]))
static assert(is(typeof(f_m(swca1)) == shared(inout const int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_m(swca2)) == shared(inout const int)[])); // <- shared(inout(const(int))[])
// 9 * 2 - 1
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( ma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( ca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( ca2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( wma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( wma2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( wca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( wca2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( ia1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( ia2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( sma1)) == shared( int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( sma2)) == shared( int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( sca1)) == shared( const int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsm( sca2)) == shared( const int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(fsm(swma1)) == shared(inout int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsm(swma2)) == shared(inout int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(fsm(swca1)) == shared(inout const int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsm(swca2)) == shared(inout const int)[]));
/* Parameter is (shared) const
U f_c(U)( const U) { return null; }
U fsc(U)(shared const U) { return null; }
// 9 * 2 - 1
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( ma1)) == int []));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( ca1)) == const(int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( ca2)) == const(int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( wma1)) == inout( int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( wma2)) == inout( int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( wca1)) == inout(const int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( wca2)) == inout(const int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( ia1)) == immutable(int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( ia2)) == immutable(int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( sma1)) == shared( int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( sma2)) == shared( int)[])); // <- shared(int[])
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( sca1)) == shared( const int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c( sca2)) == shared( const int)[])); // <- shared(const(int)[])
static assert(is(typeof(f_c(swma1)) == shared(inout int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c(swma2)) == shared(inout int)[])); // shared(inout(int)[])
static assert(is(typeof(f_c(swca1)) == shared(inout const int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_c(swca2)) == shared(inout const int)[])); // shared(inout(const(int))[])
// 9 * 2 - 1
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( ma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( ca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( ca2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( wma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( wma2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( wca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( wca2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( ia1)) == immutable(int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( ia2)) == immutable(int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( sma1)) == shared( int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( sma2)) == shared( int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( sca1)) == shared( const int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsc( sca2)) == shared( const int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(fsc(swma1)) == shared(inout int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsc(swma2)) == shared(inout int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(fsc(swca1)) == shared(inout const int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsc(swca2)) == shared(inout const int)[]));
/* Parameter is immutable
U fi(U)(immutable U) { return null; }
// 9 * 2 - 1
static assert(is(typeof(fi( ma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi( ca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi( ca2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi( wma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi( wma2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi( wca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi( wca2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi( ia1)) == immutable(int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fi( ia2)) == immutable(int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fi( sma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi( sma2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi( sca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi( sca2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi(swma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi(swma2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi(swca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fi(swca2))) == false);
/* Parameter is (shared) inout
U f_w(U)( inout U) { return null; }
U fsw(U)(shared inout U) { return null; }
// 9 * 2 - 1
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( ma1)) == int []));
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( ca1)) == int [])); // <- const(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( ca2)) == int [])); // <- const(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( wma1)) == int [])); // <- inout(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( wma2)) == int [])); // <- inout(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( wca1)) == const(int)[])); // <- inout(const(int))[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( wca2)) == const(int)[])); // <- inout(const(int))[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( ia1)) == int [])); // <- immutable(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( ia2)) == int [])); // <- immutable(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( sma1)) == shared( int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( sma2)) == shared( int)[])); // <- shared(int[])
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( sca1)) == shared( int)[])); // <- shared(const(int))[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_w( sca2)) == shared( int)[])); // <- shared(const(int)[])
static assert(is(typeof(f_w(swma1)) == shared( int)[])); // <- shared(inout(int))[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_w(swma2)) == shared( int)[])); // <- shared(inout(int)[])
static assert(is(typeof(f_w(swca1)) == shared(const int)[])); // <- shared(inout(const(int)))[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_w(swca2)) == shared(const int)[])); // <- shared(inout(const(int))[])
// 9 * 2 - 1
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( ma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( ca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( ca2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( wma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( wma2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( wca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( wca2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( ia1)) == int [])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( ia2)) == int [])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( sma1)) == int [])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( sma2)) == int []));
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( sca1)) == int [])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsw( sca2)) == int [])); // const(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(fsw(swma1)) == int [])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsw(swma2)) == int [])); // inout(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(fsw(swca1)) == const(int)[])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fsw(swca2)) == const(int)[])); // <- inout(const(int))[]
/* Parameter is (shared) inout const
U f_wc(U)( inout const U) { return null; }
U fswc(U)(shared inout const U) { return null; }
// 9 * 2 - 1
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( ma1)) == int []));
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( ca1)) == int [])); // <- const(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( ca2)) == int [])); // <- const(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( wma1)) == int [])); // <- inout(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( wma2)) == int [])); // <- inout(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( wca1)) == int [])); // <- inout(const(int))[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( wca2)) == int [])); // <- inout(const(int))[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( ia1)) == int [])); // <- immutable(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( ia2)) == int [])); // <- immutable(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( sma1)) == shared(int)[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( sma2)) == shared(int)[])); // <- shared(int[])
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( sca1)) == shared(int)[])); // <- shared(const(int))[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc( sca2)) == shared(int)[])); // <- shared(const(int)[])
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc(swma1)) == shared(int)[])); // <- shared(inout(int))[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc(swma2)) == shared(int)[])); // <- shared(inout(int)[])
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc(swca1)) == shared(int)[])); // <- shared(inout(const(int)))[]
static assert(is(typeof(f_wc(swca2)) == shared(int)[])); // <- shared(inout(const(int))[])
// 9 * 2 - 1
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( ma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( ca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( ca2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( wma1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( wma2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( wca1))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( wca2))) == false);
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( ia1)) == int [])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( ia2)) == int [])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( sma1)) == int [])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( sma2)) == int []));
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( sca1)) == int [])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fswc( sca2)) == int [])); // <- const(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(fswc(swma1)) == int [])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fswc(swma2)) == int [])); // <- inout(int)[]
static assert(is(typeof(fswc(swca1)) == int [])); // <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(fswc(swca2)) == int [])); // <- inout(const(int))[]
void test13127a()
void foo(T)(in T[] src, T[] dst) { static assert(is(T == int[])); }
int[][] a;
foo(a, a);
// 13159
template maxSize13159(T...)
static if (T.length == 1)
enum size_t maxSize13159 = T[0].sizeof;
enum size_t maxSize13159 =
T[0].sizeof >= maxSize13159!(T[1 .. $])
? T[0].sizeof
: maxSize13159!(T[1 .. $]);
struct Node13159
struct Pair
Node13159 value;
//alias Algebraic!(Node[], int) Value;
enum n = maxSize13159!(Node13159[], int);
// 13180
void test13180()
inout(V) get1a(K, V)(inout(V[K]) aa, lazy inout(V) defaultValue)
static assert(is(V == string));
static assert(is(K == string));
return defaultValue;
inout(V) get1b(K, V)(lazy inout(V) defaultValue, inout(V[K]) aa)
static assert(is(V == string));
static assert(is(K == string));
return defaultValue;
inout(V) get2a(K, V)(inout(V)[K] aa, lazy inout(V) defaultValue)
static assert(is(V == string));
static assert(is(K == string));
return defaultValue;
inout(V) get2b(K, V)(lazy inout(V) defaultValue, inout(V)[K] aa)
static assert(is(V == string));
static assert(is(K == string));
return defaultValue;
string def;
string[string] aa;
string s1a = get1a(aa, def);
string s1b = get1b(def, aa);
string s2a = get2a(aa, def);
string s2b = get2b(def, aa);
// 13204
struct A13204(uint v)
alias whatever = A13204y;
static assert(is(whatever == A13204));
alias A13204x = A13204!1;
alias A13204y = A13204x;
struct B13204(uint v)
alias whatever = B13204z;
static assert(is(whatever == B13204));
alias B13204x = B13204!1;
alias B13204y = B13204x;
alias B13204z = B13204y;
void test13204()
static assert(is(A13204x == A13204!1));
static assert(is(A13204x == A13204!1.whatever));
static assert(is(A13204x == A13204y));
static assert(is(B13204x == B13204!1));
static assert(is(B13204x == B13204!1.whatever));
static assert(is(B13204x == B13204y));
static assert(is(B13204x == B13204z));
// 8462 (dup of 13204)
alias FP8462 = void function(C8462.Type arg);
class C8462
enum Type { Foo }
alias funcPtrPtr = FP8462*;
// 13218
template isCallable13218(T...)
if (T.length == 1)
static assert(0);
template ParameterTypeTuple13218(func...)
if (func.length == 1 && isCallable13218!func)
static assert(0);
struct R13218
private static string mangleFuncPtr(ArgTypes...)()
string result = "fnp_";
foreach (T; ArgTypes)
result ~= T.mangleof;
return result;
void function(int) fnp_i;
double delegate(double) fnp_d;
void opAssign(FnT)(FnT func)
mixin(mangleFuncPtr!( ParameterTypeTuple13218!FnT) ~ " = func;"); // parsed as TypeInstance
//mixin(mangleFuncPtr!(.ParameterTypeTuple13218!FnT) ~ " = func;"); // parsed as DotTemplateInstanceExp -> works
// 13219
struct Map13219(V) {}
void test13219a(alias F, VA, VB)(Map13219!VA a, Map13219!VB b)
if (is(VA : typeof(F(VA.init, VB.init))))
void test13219b(alias F)()
test13219a!((a, b) => b)(Map13219!int.init, Map13219!int.init);
void test13219()
int x;
// 13223
void test13223()
T[] f1(T)(T[] a1, T[] a2)
static assert(is(T == int));
return a1 ~ a2;
T[] f2(T)(T[] a1, T[] a2)
static assert(is(T == int));
return a1 ~ a2;
int[] a = [1, 2];
static assert(is(typeof(f1(a, [])) == int[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f2([], a)) == int[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f1(a, null)) == int[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f2(null, a)) == int[]));
T[] f3(T)(T[] a) { return a; }
static assert(is(typeof(f3([])) == void[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f3(null)) == void[]));
T f4(T)(T a) { return a; }
static assert(is(typeof(f4([])) == void[]));
static assert(is(typeof(f4(null)) == typeof(null)));
T[][] f5(T)(T[][] a) { return a; }
static assert(is(typeof(f5([])) == void[][]));
static assert(is(typeof(f5(null)) == void[][]));
void translate(C = immutable char)(const(C)[] toRemove)
static assert(is(C == char));
void test13223a()
T f(T)(T, T) { return T.init; }
immutable i = 0;
const c = 0;
auto m = 0;
shared s = 0;
static assert(is(typeof(f(i, i)) == immutable int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(i, c)) == const int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(c, i)) == const int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(i, m)) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(m, i)) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(c, m)) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(m, c)) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(m, m)) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(i, s)) == shared int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(s, i)) == shared int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(c, s)) == shared int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(s, c)) == shared int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(s, s)) == shared int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(s, m)) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(f(m, s)) == int));
// 13235
struct Tuple13235(T...)
T expand;
alias expand field;
this(T values)
field = values;
struct Foo13235
Tuple13235!(int, Foo13235)* foo;
template Inst13235(T...)
struct Tuple
T expand;
alias expand field;
this(T values)
field = values;
alias Inst13235 = Tuple*;
struct Bar13235
Inst13235!(int, Bar13235) bar;
void test13235()
alias Tup1 = Tuple13235!(int, Foo13235);
assert(Tup1(1, Foo13235()).expand[0] == 1);
alias Tup2 = typeof(*Inst13235!(int, Bar13235).init);
assert(Tup2(1, Bar13235()).expand[0] == 1);
// 13252
alias TypeTuple13252(T...) = T;
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(int )1)[0]) == int ));
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(long)1)[0]) == long));
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(float )3.14)[0]) == float ));
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(double)3.14)[0]) == double));
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(cfloat )(1 + 2i))[0]) == cfloat ));
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(cdouble)(1 + 2i))[0]) == cdouble));
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(string )null)[0]) == string ));
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(string[])null)[0]) == string[])); // OK <- NG
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(wstring)"abc")[0]) == wstring));
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(dstring)"abc")[0]) == dstring));
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(int[] )[])[0]) == int[] ));
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(cast(long[])[])[0]) == long[])); // OK <- NG
struct S13252 { }
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(const S13252())[0]) == const(S13252)));
static assert(is(typeof(TypeTuple13252!(immutable S13252())[0]) == immutable(S13252))); // OK <- NG
// 13294
void test13294()
void f(T)(const ref T src, ref T dst)
pragma(msg, "T = ", T);
static assert(!is(T == const));
const byte src;
byte dst;
f(src, dst);
const char src;
char dst;
f(src, dst);
// 13351
T add(T)(in T x, in T y)
T z;
z = x + y;
return z;
const double a = 1.0;
const double b = 2.0;
double c;
c = add(a,b);
// 13299
struct Foo13299
Foo13299 opDispatch(string name)(int a, int[] b...)
if (name == "bar")
return Foo13299();
Foo13299 opDispatch(string name)()
if (name != "bar")
return Foo13299();
void test13299()
// 13333
template AliasThisTypeOf13333(T)
static assert(0, T.stringof); // T.stringof is important
template StaticArrayTypeOf13333(T)
static if (is(AliasThisTypeOf13333!T AT))
alias X = StaticArrayTypeOf13333!AT;
alias X = T;
static if (is(X : E[n], E, size_t n))
alias StaticArrayTypeOf13333 = X;
static assert(0, T.stringof~" is not a static array type");
enum bool isStaticArray13333(T) = is(StaticArrayTypeOf13333!T);
struct VaraiantN13333(T)
static if (isStaticArray13333!T)
~this() { static assert(0); }
struct DummyScope13333
alias A = VaraiantN13333!C;
static class C
A entity;
void test13333()
struct DummyScope
alias A = VaraiantN13333!C;
static class C
A entity;
// 13374
int f13374(alias a)() { return 1; }
int f13374(string s)() { return 2; }
void x13374(int i) {}
void test13374()
assert(f13374!x13374() == 1);
// 14109
string f14109() { return "a"; }
string g14109()() { return "a"; }
struct S14109(string s) { static assert(s == "a"); }
alias X14109 = S14109!(f14109);
alias Y14109 = S14109!(g14109!());
static assert(is(X14109 == Y14109));
// 13378
struct Vec13378(size_t n, T, string as)
T[n] data;
void doSome13378(size_t n, T, string as)(Vec13378!(n,T,as) v) {}
void test13378()
auto v = Vec13378!(3, float, "xyz")([1,2,3]);
// 13379
void test13379()
auto match13379(RegEx )(RegEx re)
if (is(RegEx == Regex13379!char)) // #1 Regex!char (speculative && tinst == NULL)
auto match13379(String)(String re)
struct Regex13379(Char)
ShiftOr13379!Char kickstart; // #2 ShiftOr!char (speculative && tinst == Regex!char)
struct ShiftOr13379(Char)
this(ref Regex13379!Char re) // #3 Regex!Char (speculative && tinst == ShiftOr!char)
uint n_length;
uint idx;
n_length = min13379(idx, n_length);
template MinType13379(T...)
alias MinType13379 = T[0];
MinType13379!T min13379(T...)(T args) // #4 MinType!uint (speculative && thist == ShiftOr!char)
alias a = args[0];
alias b = args[$-1];
return cast(typeof(return)) (a < b ? a : b);
// 13417
struct V13417(size_t N, E, alias string AS)
auto f13417(E)(in V13417!(4, E, "ijka"))
return V13417!(3, E, "xyz")();
void test13417()
f13417(V13417!(4, float, "ijka")());
// 13484
int foo13484()(void delegate() hi) { return 1; }
int foo13484(T)(void delegate(T) hi) { return 2; }
void test13484()
assert(foo13484({}) == 1); // works
assert(foo13484((float v){}) == 2); // works <- throws error
// 13675
enum E13675;
bool foo13675(T : E13675)()
return false;
void test13675()
if (foo13675!E13675)
// 13694
auto foo13694(T)(string A, T[] G ...) { return 1; }
auto foo13694(T)(string A, long E, T[] G ...) { return 2; }
void test13694()
struct S {}
S v;
assert(foo13694("A", v) == 1); // <- OK
assert(foo13694("A", 0, v) == 2); // <- used to be OK but now fails
assert(foo13694!S("A", 0, v) == 2); // <- workaround solution
// 13760
void test13760()
void func(K, V)(inout(V[K]) aa, inout(V) val) {}
class C {}
C[int] aa;
func(aa, new C);
// 13714
struct JSONValue13714
this(T)(T arg)
this(T : JSONValue13714)(inout T arg) inout
//store =;
void opAssign(T)(T arg)
void test13714()
enum DummyStringEnum
foo = "bar"
JSONValue13714[string] aa;
aa["A"] =;
// 13807
T f13807(T)(inout(T)[] arr)
return T.init;
void test13807()
static assert(is(typeof(f13807([1, 2, 3])) == int)); // OK
static assert(is(typeof(f13807(["a", "b"])) == string)); // OK <- Error
static assert(is(typeof(f13807!string(["a", "b"])) == string)); // OK
// 14174
struct Config14174(a, b) {}
struct N14174 {}
alias defConfig14174 = Config14174!(N14174, N14174);
void accepter14174a(Config : Config14174!(T) = defConfig14174, T...)()
static assert(accepter14174a.mangleof
== "_D7breaker131__T14"~
void accepter14174b(Config : Config14174!(T) = defConfig14174, T...)()
static assert(accepter14174b.mangleof
== "_D7breaker131__T14"~
void test14174()
accepter14174a!()(); // ok
accepter14174b(); // error
// 14836
template a14836x(alias B, C...)
int a14836x(D...)() if (D.length == 0) { return 1; }
int a14836x(D...)(D d) if (D.length > 0) { return 2; }
template a14836y(alias B, C...)
int a14836y(T, D...)(T t) if (D.length == 0) { return 1; }
int a14836y(T, D...)(T t, D d) if (D.length > 0) { return 2; }
void test14836()
int v;
assert(a14836x!(v)() == 1);
assert(a14836x!(v)(1) == 2);
assert(a14836y!(v)(1) == 1);
assert(a14836y!(v)(1, 2) == 2);
// 14357
template Qux14357(T : U*, U : V*, V)
pragma(msg, T); // no match <- float**
pragma(msg, U); // no match <- float*
pragma(msg, V); // no match <- int
enum Qux14357 = T.sizeof + V.sizeof;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, Qux14357!(float**, int*)));
// 14481
template someT14481(alias e)
alias someT14481 = e;
mixin template Mix14481(alias e)
alias SomeAlias = someT14481!e;
struct Hoge14481
mixin Mix14481!e;
enum e = 10;
// 14520
template M14520(alias a) { enum M14520 = 1; }
template M14520(string s) { enum M14520 = 2; }
int f14520a();
string f14520b() { assert(0); }
string f14520c() { return "a"; }
static assert(M14520!f14520a == 1);
static assert(M14520!f14520b == 1);
static assert(M14520!f14520c == 1);
// 14568
struct Interval14568()
auto left = INVALID;
auto opAssign()(Interval14568) { left; }
auto interval14568(T)(T point)
alias Instantiate14568(alias symbol, Args...) = symbol!Args;
template Match14568(patterns...)
static if (__traits(compiles, Instantiate14568!(patterns[0])))
alias Match14568 = patterns[0];
else static if (patterns.length == 1)
template SubOps14568(Args...)
auto opIndex()
template IntervalType(T...)
alias Point() = typeof(T.interval14568);
alias IntervalType = Match14568!(Point);
alias Subspace = IntervalType!(Args);
struct Nat14568 { mixin SubOps14568!(null); }
// 14603, 14604
struct S14603
template opDispatch(string name)
void opDispatch()() {}
alias a14603 = S14603.opDispatch!"go"; // OK
alias b14603 = S14603.go; // OK <- NG
struct S14604
template opDispatch(string name)
void opDispatch()() {}
alias Id14604(alias thing) = thing;
alias c14604 = Id14604!(S14604.opDispatch!"go"); // ok
alias d14604 = Id14604!(S14604.go); // issue 14604, 'Error: template instance opDispatch!"go" cannot resolve forward reference'
// 14735
enum CS14735 { yes, no }
int indexOf14735a(Range )(Range s, in dchar c) { return 1; }
int indexOf14735a(T, size_t n)(ref T[n] s, in dchar c) { return 2; }
int indexOf14735b(Range )(Range s, in dchar c, in CS14735 cs = CS14735.yes) { return 1; }
int indexOf14735b(T, size_t n)(ref T[n] s, in dchar c, in CS14735 cs = CS14735.yes) { return 2; }
void test14735()
char[64] buf;
// Supported from 2.063: (
assert(indexOf14735a(buf[0..32], '\0') == 2);
assert(indexOf14735b(buf[0..32], '\0') == 2);
// Have to work as same as above.
assert(indexOf14735a(buf[], '\0') == 2);
assert(indexOf14735b(buf[], '\0') == 2);
// 14743
class A14743
auto func1 = (A14743 a) { a.func2!int(); };
auto func2(T)() {}
// 14802
void test14802()
auto func(T)(T x, T y) { return x; }
struct S1 { double x; alias x this; }
struct S2 { double x; alias x this; }
S1 s1;
S2 s2;
enum E1 : double { a = 1.0 }
enum E2 : double { a = 1.0 }
static assert(is(typeof( func(1 , 1 ) ) == int));
static assert(is(typeof( func(1u, 1u) ) == uint));
static assert(is(typeof( func(1u, 1 ) ) == uint));
static assert(is(typeof( func(1 , 1u) ) == uint));
static assert(is(typeof( func(1.0f, 1.0f) ) == float));
static assert(is(typeof( func(1.0 , 1.0 ) ) == double));
static assert(is(typeof( func(1.0 , 1.0f) ) == double));
static assert(is(typeof( func(1.0f, 1.0 ) ) == double));
static assert(is(typeof( func(s1, s1) ) == S1));
static assert(is(typeof( func(s2, s2) ) == S2));
static assert(is(typeof( func(s1, s2) ) == double));
static assert(is(typeof( func(s2, s1) ) == double));
static assert(is(typeof( func(E1.a, E1.a) ) == E1));
static assert(is(typeof( func(E2.a, E2.a) ) == E2));
static assert(is(typeof( func(E1.a, 1.0) ) == double));
static assert(is(typeof( func(E2.a, 1.0) ) == double));
static assert(is(typeof( func(1.0, E1.a) ) == double));
static assert(is(typeof( func(1.0, E2.a) ) == double));
static assert(is(typeof( func(E1.a, E2.a) ) == double));
static assert(is(typeof( func(E2.a, E1.a) ) == double));
// 14886
void test14886()
alias R = int[100_000];
auto front(T)(T[] a) {}
auto bar1(T)(T, T[] a) { return T.init; }
auto bar2(T)(T[] a, T) { return T.init; }
static assert(is(typeof(bar1(1L, R.init)) == long));
static assert(is(typeof(bar2(R.init, 1L)) == long));
// <-- T should be deduced to int because R.init is rvalue...?
ubyte x;
static assert(is(typeof(bar1(x, R.init)) == int));
static assert(is(typeof(bar2(R.init, x)) == int));
// 15156
// 15156
auto f15116a(T)(string s, string arg2) { return 1; }
auto f15116b(T)(int i, string arg2) { return 2; }
template bish15116(T)
alias bish15116 = f15116a!T;
alias bish15116 = f15116b!T;
void test15116()
alias func = bish15116!string;
assert(func("", "") == 1);
assert(func(12, "") == 2);
// 15152
void test15152()
void func(string M)() { }
struct S
enum name = "a";
enum s = S.init;
// 15352
struct S15352(T, T delegate(uint idx) supplier)
auto make15352a(T, T delegate(uint idx) supplier)()
enum local = supplier; // OK
S15352!(T, local) ret;
return ret;
auto make15352b(T, T delegate(uint idx) supplier)()
S15352!(T, supplier) ret; // OK <- Error
return ret;
void test15352()
enum dg = delegate(uint idx) => idx;
auto s1 = S15352!(uint, dg)();
auto s2 = make15352a!(uint, dg)();
auto s3 = make15352b!(uint, dg)();
assert(is(typeof(s1) == typeof(s2)));
assert(is(typeof(s1) == typeof(s3)));
// 15623
struct WithFoo15623a { void foo() {} }
struct WithFoo15623b { void foo() {} }
struct WithFoo15623c { void foo() {} }
struct WithFoo15623d { void foo() {} }
struct WithoutFoo15623a {}
struct WithoutFoo15623b {}
struct WithoutFoo15623c {}
struct WithoutFoo15623d {}
struct CallsFoo15623(T)
T t;
void bar() {; } // error occurs during TemplateInstance.semantic3
// Instantiations outside of function bodies
static assert( is(CallsFoo15623!WithFoo15623a));
static assert(!is(CallsFoo15623!WithoutFoo15623a)); // OK <- NG
static assert( __traits(compiles, CallsFoo15623!WithFoo15623b));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, CallsFoo15623!WithoutFoo15623b)); // OK <- NG
// Instantiations inside function bodies (OK)
static assert( is(typeof({ alias Baz = CallsFoo15623!WithFoo15623c; return Baz.init; }())));
static assert(!is(typeof({ alias Baz = CallsFoo15623!WithoutFoo15623c; return Baz.init; }())));
static assert( __traits(compiles, { alias Baz = CallsFoo15623!WithFoo15623d; return Baz.init; }()));
static assert(!__traits(compiles, { alias Baz = CallsFoo15623!WithoutFoo15623d; return Baz.init; }()));
// 15781
void test15781()
static struct S
int value;
T foo(T)(T a, T b)
return T();
const S cs;
S ms;
static assert(is(typeof(foo(ms, ms)) == S));
static assert(is(typeof(foo(ms, cs)) == const S));
static assert(is(typeof(foo(cs, ms)) == const S));
static assert(is(typeof(foo(cs, cs)) == const S));
int main()
return 0;