blob: 6b6655c2ea226b6e6381466a8471ad1a9f758cb2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Stores command line options and contains other miscellaneous declarations.
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* Authors: $(LINK2, Walter Bright)
* License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0)
* Source: $(LINK2, _globals.d)
* Documentation:
* Coverage:
module dmd.globals;
import core.stdc.stdint;
import dmd.root.array;
import dmd.root.filename;
import dmd.common.outbuffer;
import dmd.file_manager;
import dmd.identifier;
/// Defines a setting for how compiler warnings and deprecations are handled
enum DiagnosticReporting : ubyte
error, /// generate an error
inform, /// generate a warning
off, /// disable diagnostic
/// How code locations are formatted for diagnostic reporting
enum MessageStyle : ubyte
digitalmars, /// filename.d(line): message
gnu, /// filename.d:line: message, see
/// In which context checks for assertions, contracts, bounds checks etc. are enabled
enum CHECKENABLE : ubyte
_default, /// initial value
off, /// never do checking
on, /// always do checking
safeonly, /// do checking only in @safe functions
/// What should happend when an assertion fails
enum CHECKACTION : ubyte
D, /// call D assert on failure
C, /// call C assert on failure
halt, /// cause program halt on failure
context, /// call D assert with the error context on failure
/// Position Indepent Code setting
enum PIC : ubyte
fixed, /// located at a specific address
pic, /// Position Independent Code
pie, /// Position Independent Executable
Each flag represents a field that can be included in the JSON output.
NOTE: set type to uint so its size matches C++ unsigned type
enum JsonFieldFlags : uint
none = 0,
compilerInfo = (1 << 0),
buildInfo = (1 << 1),
modules = (1 << 2),
semantics = (1 << 3),
/// Version of C++ standard to support
enum CppStdRevision : uint
cpp98 = 1997_11,
cpp11 = 2011_03,
cpp14 = 2014_02,
cpp17 = 2017_03,
cpp20 = 2020_02,
/// Configuration for the C++ header generator
enum CxxHeaderMode : uint
none, /// Don't generate headers
silent, /// Generate headers
verbose /// Generate headers and add comments for hidden declarations
/// Trivalent boolean to represent the state of a `revert`able change
enum FeatureState : byte
default_ = -1, /// Not specified by the user
disabled = 0, /// Specified as `-revert=`
enabled = 1 /// Specified as `-preview=`
/// Put command line switches in here
extern (C++) struct Param
bool obj = true; // write object file
bool link = true; // perform link
bool dll; // generate shared dynamic library
bool lib; // write library file instead of object file(s)
bool multiobj; // break one object file into multiple ones
bool oneobj; // write one object file instead of multiple ones
bool trace; // insert profiling hooks
bool tracegc; // instrument calls to 'new'
bool verbose; // verbose compile
bool vcg_ast; // write-out codegen-ast
bool showColumns; // print character (column) numbers in diagnostics
bool vtls; // identify thread local variables
bool vtemplates; // collect and list statistics on template instantiations
bool vtemplatesListInstances; // collect and list statistics on template instantiations origins. TODO: make this an enum when we want to list other kinds of instances
bool vgc; // identify gc usage
bool vfield; // identify non-mutable field variables
bool vcomplex = true; // identify complex/imaginary type usage
bool vin; // identify 'in' parameters
ubyte symdebug; // insert debug symbolic information
bool symdebugref; // insert debug information for all referenced types, too
bool optimize; // run optimizer
DiagnosticReporting useDeprecated = DiagnosticReporting.inform; // how use of deprecated features are handled
bool stackstomp; // add stack stomping code
bool useUnitTests; // generate unittest code
bool useInline = false; // inline expand functions
FeatureState useDIP25; // implement
FeatureState useDIP1000; // implement
bool useDIP1021; // implement
bool release; // build release version
bool preservePaths; // true means don't strip path from source file
DiagnosticReporting warnings =; // how compiler warnings are handled
PIC pic = PIC.fixed; // generate fixed, pic or pie code
bool color; // use ANSI colors in console output
bool cov; // generate code coverage data
ubyte covPercent; // 0..100 code coverage percentage required
bool ctfe_cov = false; // generate coverage data for ctfe
bool nofloat; // code should not pull in floating point support
bool ignoreUnsupportedPragmas; // rather than error on them
bool useModuleInfo = true; // generate runtime module information
bool useTypeInfo = true; // generate runtime type information
bool useExceptions = true; // support exception handling
bool noSharedAccess; // read/write access to shared memory objects
bool previewIn; // `in` means `[ref] scope const`, accepts rvalues
bool shortenedMethods; // allow => in normal function declarations
bool betterC; // be a "better C" compiler; no dependency on D runtime
bool addMain; // add a default main() function
bool allInst; // generate code for all template instantiations
bool fix16997 = true; // fix integral promotions for unary + - ~ operators
bool fixAliasThis; // if the current scope has an alias this, check it before searching upper scopes
bool inclusiveInContracts; // 'in' contracts of overridden methods must be a superset of parent contract
/** The --transition=safe switch should only be used to show code with
* silent semantics changes related to @safe improvements. It should not be
* used to hide a feature that will have to go through deprecate-then-error
* before becoming default.
bool ehnogc; // use @nogc exception handling
FeatureState dtorFields; // destruct fields of partially constructed objects
bool fieldwise; // do struct equality testing field-wise rather than by memcmp()
FeatureState rvalueRefParam; // allow rvalues to be arguments to ref parameters
// Implementation:
CppStdRevision cplusplus = CppStdRevision.cpp11; // version of C++ standard to support
bool markdown = true; // enable Markdown replacements in Ddoc
bool vmarkdown; // list instances of Markdown replacements in Ddoc
bool showGaggedErrors; // print gagged errors anyway
bool printErrorContext; // print errors with the error context (the error line in the source file)
bool manual; // open browser on compiler manual
bool usage; // print usage and exit
bool mcpuUsage; // print help on -mcpu switch
bool transitionUsage; // print help on -transition switch
bool checkUsage; // print help on -check switch
bool checkActionUsage; // print help on -checkaction switch
bool revertUsage; // print help on -revert switch
bool previewUsage; // print help on -preview switch
bool externStdUsage; // print help on -extern-std switch
bool hcUsage; // print help on -HC switch
bool logo; // print compiler logo
CHECKENABLE useInvariants = CHECKENABLE._default; // generate class invariant checks
CHECKENABLE useIn = CHECKENABLE._default; // generate precondition checks
CHECKENABLE useOut = CHECKENABLE._default; // generate postcondition checks
CHECKENABLE useArrayBounds = CHECKENABLE._default; // when to generate code for array bounds checks
CHECKENABLE useAssert = CHECKENABLE._default; // when to generate code for assert()'s
CHECKENABLE useSwitchError = CHECKENABLE._default; // check for switches without a default
CHECKENABLE boundscheck = CHECKENABLE._default; // state of -boundscheck switch
CHECKACTION checkAction = CHECKACTION.D; // action to take when bounds, asserts or switch defaults are violated
uint errorLimit = 20;
const(char)[] argv0; // program name
Array!(const(char)*) modFileAliasStrings; // array of char*'s of -I module filename alias strings
Array!(const(char)*)* imppath; // array of char*'s of where to look for import modules
Array!(const(char)*)* fileImppath; // array of char*'s of where to look for file import modules
const(char)[] objdir; // .obj/.lib file output directory
const(char)[] objname; // .obj file output name
const(char)[] libname; // .lib file output name
bool doDocComments; // process embedded documentation comments
const(char)[] docdir; // write documentation file to docdir directory
const(char)[] docname; // write documentation file to docname
Array!(const(char)*) ddocfiles; // macro include files for Ddoc
bool doHdrGeneration; // process embedded documentation comments
const(char)[] hdrdir; // write 'header' file to docdir directory
const(char)[] hdrname; // write 'header' file to docname
bool hdrStripPlainFunctions = true; // strip the bodies of plain (non-template) functions
CxxHeaderMode doCxxHdrGeneration; /// Generate 'Cxx header' file
const(char)[] cxxhdrdir; // write 'header' file to docdir directory
const(char)[] cxxhdrname; // write 'header' file to docname
bool doJsonGeneration; // write JSON file
const(char)[] jsonfilename; // write JSON file to jsonfilename
JsonFieldFlags jsonFieldFlags; // JSON field flags to include
OutBuffer* mixinOut; // write expanded mixins for debugging
const(char)* mixinFile; // .mixin file output name
int mixinLines; // Number of lines in writeMixins
uint debuglevel; // debug level
Array!(const(char)*)* debugids; // debug identifiers
uint versionlevel; // version level
Array!(const(char)*)* versionids; // version identifiers
const(char)[] defaultlibname; // default library for non-debug builds
const(char)[] debuglibname; // default library for debug builds
const(char)[] mscrtlib; // MS C runtime library
const(char)[] moduleDepsFile; // filename for deps output
OutBuffer* moduleDeps; // contents to be written to deps file
bool emitMakeDeps; // whether to emit makedeps
const(char)[] makeDepsFile; // filename for makedeps output
Array!(const(char)*) makeDeps; // dependencies for makedeps
MessageStyle messageStyle = MessageStyle.digitalmars; // style of file/line annotations on messages
bool run; // run resulting executable
Strings runargs; // arguments for executable
// Linker stuff
Array!(const(char)*) objfiles;
Array!(const(char)*) linkswitches;
Array!bool linkswitchIsForCC;
Array!(const(char)*) libfiles;
Array!(const(char)*) dllfiles;
const(char)[] deffile;
const(char)[] resfile;
const(char)[] exefile;
const(char)[] mapfile;
extern (C++) struct structalign_t
ushort value = 0; // unknown
enum STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT = 1234; // default = match whatever the corresponding C compiler does
bool pack; // use #pragma pack semantics
pure @safe @nogc nothrow:
bool isDefault() const { return value == STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT; }
void setDefault() { value = STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT; }
bool isUnknown() const { return value == 0; } // value is not set
void setUnknown() { value = 0; }
void set(uint value) { this.value = cast(ushort)value; }
uint get() const { return value; }
bool isPack() const { return pack; }
void setPack(bool pack) { this.pack = pack; }
//alias structalign_t = uint;
// magic value means "match whatever the underlying C compiler does"
// other values are all powers of 2
//enum STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT = (cast(structalign_t)~0);
enum mars_ext = "d"; // for D source files
enum doc_ext = "html"; // for Ddoc generated files
enum ddoc_ext = "ddoc"; // for Ddoc macro include files
enum dd_ext = "dd"; // for Ddoc source files
enum hdr_ext = "di"; // for D 'header' import files
enum json_ext = "json"; // for JSON files
enum map_ext = "map"; // for .map files
enum c_ext = "c"; // for C source files
enum i_ext = "i"; // for preprocessed C source file
* Collection of global compiler settings and global state used by the frontend
extern (C++) struct Global
const(char)[] inifilename; /// filename of configuration file as given by `-conf=`, or default value
string copyright = "Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved";
string written = "written by Walter Bright";
Array!(const(char)*)* path; /// Array of char*'s which form the import lookup path
Array!(const(char)*)* filePath; /// Array of char*'s which form the file import lookup path
private enum string _version = import("VERSION");
private enum uint _versionNumber = parseVersionNumber(_version);
const(char)[] vendor; /// Compiler backend name
Param params; /// command line parameters
uint errors; /// number of errors reported so far
uint warnings; /// number of warnings reported so far
uint gag; /// !=0 means gag reporting of errors & warnings
uint gaggedErrors; /// number of errors reported while gagged
uint gaggedWarnings; /// number of warnings reported while gagged
void* console; /// opaque pointer to console for controlling text attributes
Array!Identifier* versionids; /// command line versions and predefined versions
Array!Identifier* debugids; /// command line debug versions and predefined versions
bool hasMainFunction; /// Whether a main function has already been compiled in (for -main switch)
uint varSequenceNumber = 1; /// Relative lifetime of `VarDeclaration` within a function, used for `scope` checks
/// Cache files read from disk
FileManager fileManager;
enum recursionLimit = 500; /// number of recursive template expansions before abort
* Start ignoring compile errors instead of reporting them.
* Used for speculative compilation like `__traits(compiles, XXX)`, but also internally
* to e.g. try out an `alias this` rewrite without comitting to it.
* Works like a stack, so N calls to `startGagging` should be paired with N
* calls to `endGagging`.
* Returns: the current number of gagged errors, which should later be passed to `endGagging`
extern (C++) uint startGagging()
gaggedWarnings = 0;
return gaggedErrors;
* Stop gagging, restoring the old gagged state before the most recent call to `startGagging`.
* Params:
* oldGagged = the previous number of errors, as returned by `startGagging`
* Returns: true if errors occurred while gagged.
extern (C++) bool endGagging(uint oldGagged)
bool anyErrs = (gaggedErrors != oldGagged);
// Restore the original state of gagged errors; set total errors
// to be original errors + new ungagged errors.
errors -= (gaggedErrors - oldGagged);
gaggedErrors = oldGagged;
return anyErrs;
* Increment the error count to record that an error has occurred in the current context.
* An error message may or may not have been printed.
extern (C++) void increaseErrorCount()
if (gag)
extern (C++) void _init()
this.fileManager = new FileManager();
version (MARS)
vendor = "Digital Mars D";
// -color=auto is the default value
import dmd.console : detectTerminal;
params.color = detectTerminal();
else version (IN_GCC)
vendor = "GNU D";
* Deinitializes the global state of the compiler.
* This can be used to restore the state set by `_init` to its original
* state.
extern (D) void deinitialize()
this = this.init;
* Computes the version number __VERSION__ from the compiler version string.
extern (D) private static uint parseVersionNumber(string version_)
// parse _version
uint major = 0;
uint minor = 0;
bool point = false;
// skip initial 'v'
foreach (const c; version_[1..$])
if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') // isdigit
minor = minor * 10 + c - '0';
else if (c == '.')
if (point)
break; // ignore everything after second '.'
point = true;
major = minor;
minor = 0;
return major * 1000 + minor;
Returns: the version as the number that would be returned for __VERSION__
extern(C++) uint versionNumber()
return _versionNumber;
Returns: compiler version string.
extern(D) string versionString()
return _version;
Returns: compiler version as char string.
extern(C++) const(char*) versionChars()
return _version.ptr;
Returns: the final defaultlibname based on the command-line parameters
extern (D) const(char)[] finalDefaultlibname() const
return params.betterC ? null :
params.symdebug ? params.debuglibname : params.defaultlibname;
// Because int64_t and friends may be any integral type of the
// correct size, we have to explicitly ask for the correct
// integer type to get the correct mangling with dmd
// Be careful not to care about sign when using dinteger_t
// use this instead of integer_t to
// avoid conflicts with system #include's
alias dinteger_t = ulong;
// Signed and unsigned variants
alias sinteger_t = long;
alias uinteger_t = ulong;
version (DMDLIB)
version = LocOffset;
A source code location
Used for error messages, `__FILE__` and `__LINE__` tokens, `__traits(getLocation, XXX)`,
debug info etc.
struct Loc
/// zero-terminated filename string, either absolute or relative to cwd
const(char)* filename;
uint linnum; /// line number, starting from 1
uint charnum; /// utf8 code unit index relative to start of line, starting from 1
version (LocOffset)
uint fileOffset; /// utf8 code unit index relative to start of file, starting from 0
static immutable Loc initial; /// use for default initialization of const ref Loc's
extern (D) this(const(char)* filename, uint linnum, uint charnum) pure
this.linnum = linnum;
this.charnum = charnum;
this.filename = filename;
extern (C++) const(char)* toChars(
bool showColumns = global.params.showColumns,
ubyte messageStyle = global.params.messageStyle) const pure nothrow
OutBuffer buf;
if (filename)
if (linnum)
final switch (messageStyle)
case MessageStyle.digitalmars:
if (showColumns && charnum)
case MessageStyle.gnu: //
if (showColumns && charnum)
return buf.extractChars();
* Checks for equivalence by comparing the filename contents (not the pointer) and character location.
* Note:
* - Uses case-insensitive comparison on Windows
* - Ignores `charnum` if `global.params.showColumns` is false.
extern (C++) bool equals(ref const(Loc) loc) const
return (!global.params.showColumns || charnum == loc.charnum) &&
linnum == loc.linnum &&
FileName.equals(filename, loc.filename);
* `opEquals()` / `toHash()` for AA key usage
* Compare filename contents (case-sensitively on Windows too), not
* the pointer - a static foreach loop repeatedly mixing in a mixin
* may lead to multiple equivalent filenames (`foo.d-mixin-<line>`),
* e.g., for test/runnable/test18880.d.
extern (D) bool opEquals(ref const(Loc) loc) const @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
import core.stdc.string : strcmp;
return charnum == loc.charnum &&
linnum == loc.linnum &&
(filename == loc.filename ||
(filename && loc.filename && strcmp(filename, loc.filename) == 0));
/// ditto
extern (D) size_t toHash() const @trusted pure nothrow
import dmd.root.string : toDString;
auto hash = hashOf(linnum);
hash = hashOf(charnum, hash);
hash = hashOf(filename.toDString, hash);
return hash;
* Returns:
* true if Loc has been set to other than the default initialization
bool isValid() const pure
return filename !is null;
/// Collection of global state
extern (C++) __gshared Global global;