blob: 6ba47dfa34e9a2f9b2a137166470a5620a5f271c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Compiler implementation of the D programming language
* Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
* written by Walter Bright
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#pragma once
#include "root/dcompat.h" // for d_size_t
#include "arraytypes.h"
#include "ast_node.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "visitor.h"
struct Scope;
class AggregateDeclaration;
class Identifier;
class Expression;
class StructDeclaration;
class ClassDeclaration;
class EnumDeclaration;
class TypeInfoDeclaration;
class Dsymbol;
class TemplateInstance;
class TemplateDeclaration;
class TypeBasic;
class Parameter;
// Back end
#ifdef IN_GCC
typedef union tree_node type;
typedef struct TYPE type;
void semanticTypeInfo(Scope *sc, Type *t);
Type *typeSemantic(Type *t, const Loc &loc, Scope *sc);
Type *merge(Type *type);
enum class TY : uint8_t
Tarray, // slice array, aka T[]
Tsarray, // static array, aka T[dimension]
Taarray, // associative array, aka T[type]
#define SIZE_INVALID (~(uinteger_t)0) // error return from size() functions
* type modifiers
* pick this order of numbers so switch statements work better
enum MODFlags
MODnone = 0, // default (mutable)
MODconst = 1, // type is const
MODimmutable = 4, // type is immutable
MODshared = 2, // type is shared
MODwild = 8, // type is wild
MODwildconst = (MODwild | MODconst), // type is wild const
MODmutable = 0x10 // type is mutable (only used in wildcard matching)
typedef unsigned char MOD;
enum class Covariant
distinct = 0,
yes = 1,
no = 2,
fwdref = 3,
enum VarArgValues
VARARGnone = 0, /// fixed number of arguments
VARARGvariadic = 1, /// T t, ...) can be C-style (core.stdc.stdarg) or D-style (core.vararg)
VARARGtypesafe = 2 /// T t ...) typesafe
/// or
typedef unsigned char VarArg;
class Type : public ASTNode
TY ty;
MOD mod; // modifiers MODxxxx
char *deco;
void* mcache;
Type *pto; // merged pointer to this type
Type *rto; // reference to this type
Type *arrayof; // array of this type
TypeInfoDeclaration *vtinfo; // TypeInfo object for this Type
type *ctype; // for back end
static Type *tvoid;
static Type *tint8;
static Type *tuns8;
static Type *tint16;
static Type *tuns16;
static Type *tint32;
static Type *tuns32;
static Type *tint64;
static Type *tuns64;
static Type *tint128;
static Type *tuns128;
static Type *tfloat32;
static Type *tfloat64;
static Type *tfloat80;
static Type *timaginary32;
static Type *timaginary64;
static Type *timaginary80;
static Type *tcomplex32;
static Type *tcomplex64;
static Type *tcomplex80;
static Type *tbool;
static Type *tchar;
static Type *twchar;
static Type *tdchar;
// Some special types
static Type *tshiftcnt;
static Type *tvoidptr; // void*
static Type *tstring; // immutable(char)[]
static Type *twstring; // immutable(wchar)[]
static Type *tdstring; // immutable(dchar)[]
static Type *terror; // for error recovery
static Type *tnull; // for null type
static Type *tnoreturn; // for bottom type typeof(*null)
static Type *tsize_t; // matches size_t alias
static Type *tptrdiff_t; // matches ptrdiff_t alias
static Type *thash_t; // matches hash_t alias
static ClassDeclaration *dtypeinfo;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoclass;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfointerface;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfostruct;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfopointer;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoarray;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfostaticarray;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoassociativearray;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfovector;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoenum;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfofunction;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfodelegate;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfotypelist;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoconst;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoinvariant;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoshared;
static ClassDeclaration *typeinfowild;
static TemplateDeclaration *rtinfo;
static Type *basic[(int)TY::TMAX];
virtual const char *kind();
Type *copy() const;
virtual Type *syntaxCopy();
bool equals(const RootObject *o) const;
bool equivalent(Type *t);
// kludge for template.isType()
DYNCAST dyncast() const { return DYNCAST_TYPE; }
size_t getUniqueID() const;
Covariant covariant(Type *t, StorageClass *pstc = NULL);
const char *toChars() const;
char *toPrettyChars(bool QualifyTypes = false);
static void _init();
uinteger_t size();
virtual uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc);
virtual unsigned alignsize();
Type *trySemantic(const Loc &loc, Scope *sc);
Type *merge2();
void modToBuffer(OutBuffer *buf) const;
char *modToChars() const;
virtual bool isintegral();
virtual bool isfloating(); // real, imaginary, or complex
virtual bool isreal();
virtual bool isimaginary();
virtual bool iscomplex();
virtual bool isscalar();
virtual bool isunsigned();
virtual bool isscope();
virtual bool isString();
virtual bool isAssignable();
virtual bool isBoolean();
virtual void checkDeprecated(const Loc &loc, Scope *sc);
bool isConst() const { return (mod & MODconst) != 0; }
bool isImmutable() const { return (mod & MODimmutable) != 0; }
bool isMutable() const { return (mod & (MODconst | MODimmutable | MODwild)) == 0; }
bool isShared() const { return (mod & MODshared) != 0; }
bool isSharedConst() const { return (mod & (MODshared | MODconst)) == (MODshared | MODconst); }
bool isWild() const { return (mod & MODwild) != 0; }
bool isWildConst() const { return (mod & MODwildconst) == MODwildconst; }
bool isSharedWild() const { return (mod & (MODshared | MODwild)) == (MODshared | MODwild); }
bool isNaked() const { return mod == 0; }
Type *nullAttributes() const;
Type *constOf();
Type *immutableOf();
Type *mutableOf();
Type *sharedOf();
Type *sharedConstOf();
Type *unSharedOf();
Type *wildOf();
Type *wildConstOf();
Type *sharedWildOf();
Type *sharedWildConstOf();
void fixTo(Type *t);
void check();
Type *addSTC(StorageClass stc);
Type *castMod(MOD mod);
Type *addMod(MOD mod);
virtual Type *addStorageClass(StorageClass stc);
Type *pointerTo();
Type *referenceTo();
Type *arrayOf();
Type *sarrayOf(dinteger_t dim);
bool hasDeprecatedAliasThis();
Type *aliasthisOf();
virtual Type *makeConst();
virtual Type *makeImmutable();
virtual Type *makeShared();
virtual Type *makeSharedConst();
virtual Type *makeWild();
virtual Type *makeWildConst();
virtual Type *makeSharedWild();
virtual Type *makeSharedWildConst();
virtual Type *makeMutable();
virtual Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
Type *toBasetype();
virtual bool isBaseOf(Type *t, int *poffset);
virtual MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
virtual MATCH constConv(Type *to);
virtual unsigned char deduceWild(Type *t, bool isRef);
virtual Type *substWildTo(unsigned mod);
Type *unqualify(unsigned m);
virtual Type *toHeadMutable();
virtual ClassDeclaration *isClassHandle();
virtual structalign_t alignment();
virtual Expression *defaultInitLiteral(const Loc &loc);
virtual bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc = Loc()); // if initializer is 0
Identifier *getTypeInfoIdent();
virtual int hasWild() const;
virtual bool hasPointers();
virtual bool hasVoidInitPointers();
virtual bool hasInvariant();
virtual Type *nextOf();
Type *baseElemOf();
uinteger_t sizemask();
virtual bool needsDestruction();
virtual bool needsCopyOrPostblit();
virtual bool needsNested();
TypeFunction *toTypeFunction();
// For eliminating dynamic_cast
virtual TypeBasic *isTypeBasic();
TypeFunction *isPtrToFunction();
TypeFunction *isFunction_Delegate_PtrToFunction();
TypeError *isTypeError();
TypeVector *isTypeVector();
TypeSArray *isTypeSArray();
TypeDArray *isTypeDArray();
TypeAArray *isTypeAArray();
TypePointer *isTypePointer();
TypeReference *isTypeReference();
TypeFunction *isTypeFunction();
TypeDelegate *isTypeDelegate();
TypeIdentifier *isTypeIdentifier();
TypeInstance *isTypeInstance();
TypeTypeof *isTypeTypeof();
TypeReturn *isTypeReturn();
TypeStruct *isTypeStruct();
TypeEnum *isTypeEnum();
TypeClass *isTypeClass();
TypeTuple *isTypeTuple();
TypeSlice *isTypeSlice();
TypeNull *isTypeNull();
TypeMixin *isTypeMixin();
TypeTraits *isTypeTraits();
TypeNoreturn *isTypeNoreturn();
TypeTag *isTypeTag();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeError : public Type
const char *kind();
TypeError *syntaxCopy();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc);
Expression *defaultInitLiteral(const Loc &loc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeNext : public Type
Type *next;
void checkDeprecated(const Loc &loc, Scope *sc);
int hasWild() const;
Type *nextOf();
Type *makeConst();
Type *makeImmutable();
Type *makeShared();
Type *makeSharedConst();
Type *makeWild();
Type *makeWildConst();
Type *makeSharedWild();
Type *makeSharedWildConst();
Type *makeMutable();
MATCH constConv(Type *to);
unsigned char deduceWild(Type *t, bool isRef);
void transitive();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeBasic : public Type
const char *dstring;
unsigned flags;
const char *kind();
TypeBasic *syntaxCopy();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
unsigned alignsize();
bool isintegral();
bool isfloating() /*const*/;
bool isreal() /*const*/;
bool isimaginary() /*const*/;
bool iscomplex() /*const*/;
bool isscalar() /*const*/;
bool isunsigned() /*const*/;
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
// For eliminating dynamic_cast
TypeBasic *isTypeBasic();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeVector : public Type
Type *basetype;
static TypeVector *create(Type *basetype);
const char *kind();
TypeVector *syntaxCopy();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc);
unsigned alignsize();
bool isintegral();
bool isfloating();
bool isscalar();
bool isunsigned();
bool isBoolean() /*const*/;
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
Expression *defaultInitLiteral(const Loc &loc);
TypeBasic *elementType();
bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeArray : public TypeNext
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
// Static array, one with a fixed dimension
class TypeSArray : public TypeArray
Expression *dim;
const char *kind();
TypeSArray *syntaxCopy();
bool isIncomplete();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc);
unsigned alignsize();
bool isString();
bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc);
structalign_t alignment();
MATCH constConv(Type *to);
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
Expression *defaultInitLiteral(const Loc &loc);
bool hasPointers();
bool hasInvariant();
bool needsDestruction();
bool needsCopyOrPostblit();
bool needsNested();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
// Dynamic array, no dimension
class TypeDArray : public TypeArray
const char *kind();
TypeDArray *syntaxCopy();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
unsigned alignsize() /*const*/;
bool isString();
bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
bool isBoolean() /*const*/;
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
bool hasPointers() /*const*/;
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeAArray : public TypeArray
Type *index; // key type
Loc loc;
static TypeAArray *create(Type *t, Type *index);
const char *kind();
TypeAArray *syntaxCopy();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc);
bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
bool isBoolean() /*const*/;
bool hasPointers() /*const*/;
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
MATCH constConv(Type *to);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypePointer : public TypeNext
static TypePointer *create(Type *t);
const char *kind();
TypePointer *syntaxCopy();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
MATCH constConv(Type *to);
bool isscalar() /*const*/;
bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
bool hasPointers() /*const*/;
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeReference : public TypeNext
const char *kind();
TypeReference *syntaxCopy();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
enum RET
RETregs = 1, // returned in registers
RETstack = 2 // returned on stack
enum class TRUST : unsigned char
default_ = 0,
system = 1, // @system (same as TRUSTdefault)
trusted = 2, // @trusted
safe = 3 // @safe
enum TRUSTformat
TRUSTformatDefault, // do not emit @system when trust == TRUSTdefault
TRUSTformatSystem // emit @system when trust == TRUSTdefault
enum class PURE : unsigned char
impure = 0, // not pure at all
fwdref = 1, // it's pure, but not known which level yet
weak = 2, // no mutable globals are read or written
const_ = 3, // parameters are values or const
class Parameter : public ASTNode
StorageClass storageClass;
Type *type;
Identifier *ident;
Expression *defaultArg;
UserAttributeDeclaration *userAttribDecl; // user defined attributes
static Parameter *create(StorageClass storageClass, Type *type, Identifier *ident,
Expression *defaultArg, UserAttributeDeclaration *userAttribDecl);
Parameter *syntaxCopy();
Type *isLazyArray();
// kludge for template.isType()
DYNCAST dyncast() const { return DYNCAST_PARAMETER; }
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
static size_t dim(Parameters *parameters);
static Parameter *getNth(Parameters *parameters, d_size_t nth);
const char *toChars() const;
bool isCovariant(bool returnByRef, const Parameter *p, bool previewIn) const;
struct ParameterList
Parameters* parameters;
StorageClass stc;
VarArg varargs;
bool hasIdentifierList; // true if C identifier-list style
size_t length();
Parameter *operator[](size_t i) { return Parameter::getNth(parameters, i); }
class TypeFunction : public TypeNext
// .next is the return type
ParameterList parameterList; // function parameters
uint16_t bitFields;
LINK linkage; // calling convention
TRUST trust; // level of trust
PURE purity; // PURExxxx
char inuse;
Expressions *fargs; // function arguments
static TypeFunction *create(Parameters *parameters, Type *treturn, VarArg varargs, LINK linkage, StorageClass stc = 0);
const char *kind();
TypeFunction *syntaxCopy();
void purityLevel();
bool hasLazyParameters();
bool isDstyleVariadic() const;
StorageClass parameterStorageClass(Parameter *p);
Type *addStorageClass(StorageClass stc);
Type *substWildTo(unsigned mod);
MATCH constConv(Type *to);
bool isnothrow() const;
void isnothrow(bool v);
bool isnogc() const;
void isnogc(bool v);
bool isproperty() const;
void isproperty(bool v);
bool isref() const;
void isref(bool v);
bool isreturn() const;
void isreturn(bool v);
bool isreturnscope() const;
void isreturnscope(bool v);
bool isScopeQual() const;
void isScopeQual(bool v);
bool isreturninferred() const;
void isreturninferred(bool v);
bool isscopeinferred() const;
void isscopeinferred(bool v);
bool islive() const;
void islive(bool v);
bool incomplete() const;
void incomplete(bool v);
bool isInOutParam() const;
void isInOutParam(bool v);
bool isInOutQual() const;
void isInOutQual(bool v);
bool iswild() const;
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeDelegate : public TypeNext
// .next is a TypeFunction
static TypeDelegate *create(TypeFunction *t);
const char *kind();
TypeDelegate *syntaxCopy();
Type *addStorageClass(StorageClass stc);
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
unsigned alignsize() /*const*/;
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
bool isBoolean() /*const*/;
bool hasPointers() /*const*/;
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeTraits : public Type
Loc loc;
/// The expression to resolve as type or symbol.
TraitsExp *exp;
/// The symbol when exp doesn't represent a type.
Dsymbol *sym;
const char *kind();
TypeTraits *syntaxCopy();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc);
Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeMixin : public Type
Loc loc;
Expressions *exps;
RootObject *obj;
const char *kind();
TypeMixin *syntaxCopy();
Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeQualified : public Type
Loc loc;
// array of Identifier and TypeInstance,
// representing ident.ident!tiargs.ident. ... etc.
Objects idents;
void syntaxCopyHelper(TypeQualified *t);
void addIdent(Identifier *ident);
void addInst(TemplateInstance *inst);
void addIndex(RootObject *expr);
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeIdentifier : public TypeQualified
Identifier *ident;
Dsymbol *originalSymbol; // The symbol representing this identifier, before alias resolution
static TypeIdentifier *create(const Loc &loc, Identifier *ident);
const char *kind();
TypeIdentifier *syntaxCopy();
Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
/* Similar to TypeIdentifier, but with a TemplateInstance as the root
class TypeInstance : public TypeQualified
TemplateInstance *tempinst;
const char *kind();
TypeInstance *syntaxCopy();
Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeTypeof : public TypeQualified
Expression *exp;
int inuse;
const char *kind();
TypeTypeof *syntaxCopy();
Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeReturn : public TypeQualified
const char *kind();
TypeReturn *syntaxCopy();
Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
// Whether alias this dependency is recursive or not.
enum AliasThisRec
RECno = 0, // no alias this recursion
RECyes = 1, // alias this has recursive dependency
RECfwdref = 2, // not yet known
RECtypeMask = 3,// mask to read no/yes/fwdref
RECtracing = 0x4, // mark in progress of implicitConvTo/deduceWild
RECtracingDT = 0x8 // mark in progress of deduceType
class TypeStruct : public Type
StructDeclaration *sym;
AliasThisRec att;
bool inuse;
static TypeStruct *create(StructDeclaration *sym);
const char *kind();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc);
unsigned alignsize();
TypeStruct *syntaxCopy();
Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
structalign_t alignment();
Expression *defaultInitLiteral(const Loc &loc);
bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc);
bool isAssignable();
bool isBoolean() /*const*/;
bool needsDestruction() /*const*/;
bool needsCopyOrPostblit();
bool needsNested();
bool hasPointers();
bool hasVoidInitPointers();
bool hasInvariant();
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
MATCH constConv(Type *to);
unsigned char deduceWild(Type *t, bool isRef);
Type *toHeadMutable();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeEnum : public Type
EnumDeclaration *sym;
const char *kind();
TypeEnum *syntaxCopy();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc);
unsigned alignsize();
Type *memType(const Loc &loc = Loc());
Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
bool isintegral();
bool isfloating();
bool isreal();
bool isimaginary();
bool iscomplex();
bool isscalar();
bool isunsigned();
bool isBoolean();
bool isString();
bool isAssignable();
bool needsDestruction();
bool needsCopyOrPostblit();
bool needsNested();
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
MATCH constConv(Type *to);
bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc);
bool hasPointers();
bool hasVoidInitPointers();
bool hasInvariant();
Type *nextOf();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeClass : public Type
ClassDeclaration *sym;
AliasThisRec att;
CPPMANGLE cppmangle;
const char *kind();
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
TypeClass *syntaxCopy();
Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
ClassDeclaration *isClassHandle();
bool isBaseOf(Type *t, int *poffset);
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
MATCH constConv(Type *to);
unsigned char deduceWild(Type *t, bool isRef);
Type *toHeadMutable();
bool isZeroInit(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
bool isscope() /*const*/;
bool isBoolean() /*const*/;
bool hasPointers() /*const*/;
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeTuple : public Type
// 'logically immutable' cached global - don't modify (neither pointer nor pointee)!
static TypeTuple *empty;
Parameters *arguments; // types making up the tuple
static TypeTuple *create(Parameters *arguments);
static TypeTuple *create();
static TypeTuple *create(Type *t1);
static TypeTuple *create(Type *t1, Type *t2);
const char *kind();
TypeTuple *syntaxCopy();
bool equals(const RootObject *o) const;
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeSlice : public TypeNext
Expression *lwr;
Expression *upr;
const char *kind();
TypeSlice *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeNull : public Type
const char *kind();
TypeNull *syntaxCopy();
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
bool isBoolean() /*const*/;
uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc) /*const*/;
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeNoreturn final : public Type
const char *kind();
TypeNoreturn *syntaxCopy();
MATCH implicitConvTo(Type* to);
MATCH constConv(Type* to);
bool isBoolean() /* const */;
uinteger_t size(const Loc& loc) /* const */;
unsigned alignsize();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
class TypeTag final : public Type
TypeTag *syntaxCopy();
void accept(Visitor *v) { v->visit(this); }
bool arrayTypeCompatibleWithoutCasting(Type *t1, Type *t2);
// If the type is a class or struct, returns the symbol for it, else null.
AggregateDeclaration *isAggregate(Type *t);