blob: 555b11aa5f4b013a2a0dfa28cb89a28c996d118e [file] [log] [blame]
Testing with QMTest
You can use QMTest to test G++. (In the future, it may be possible to
test other parts of GCC with QMTest as well, but it is not possible
The use of QMTest to run the G++ tests has not been approved as an
officially supported testing procedure. Therefore, you must run the
tests using DejaGNU (with "make check-g++") before committing changes
that affect G++.
Differences from DejaGNU
Although QMTest can be used to run the G++ test suite, it works
somewhat differently from DejaGNU. In particular:
- In DejaGNU, a single source file contains many tests. Each
line where a diagnostic is expected is considered a separate
test. Testing for successful compilation and testing for
successful execution of the generated program are considered
separate tests. Thus, a test "test.C" could contain, say,
seven tests; some of which might pass and some of which might
With QMTest, each source file is considered a single test. If any
of the seven sub-tests fail, the entire test is considered to fail.
However, QMTest does present information about *why* the test
failed, so the same information is effectively available.
It is true that, therefore, causing an already failing test to "fail
more" is not immediately detectable through an additional unexpected
failure messages when using QMTest. On the other hand, most people
seem to think of each source file as "a test", not "twelve tests",
so the model QMTest uses may be more natural.
- In DejaGNU, tests themselves keep track of expected and unexpected
failures. The QMTest philosophy is that expected failures should be
stored separately from the tests themselves; in particular, that
tonights results can be tomorrow's expectations. In order to
preserve compatibility with DejaGNU, the first time you use QMTest
to test G++, QMTest computes the set of expected failures indicated
by the tests, and then compares the actual results with these
results. Therefore, if you change the expected failure notations in
the DejaGNU tests, you must rebuild the set of expected failures.
To do this, remove the file "qmtestsuite/gpp-expected.qmr". Then,
when you rerun the tests, the expected failures will be
automatically recalculated.
Setting Up
You must download and install the following software:
- Python 2.1 (or greater)
You may already have Python on your system; in particular, many
GNU/Linux systems ship with Python installed.
Installation instructions are available on the web-site.
- QMTest 1.1.4 (or greater)
QMTest is available at:
Installation instructions are available on the web-site.
- QMTC 1.1
This package is available from:<version>.tar.gz
See the file called INSTALL in the distribution.
Running the Tests
To run the tests, run "make qmtest-g++" in the gcc directory of your
build tree. The first time that you do this, QMTest will calculate
the set of tests that are expected to fail on your platform, so it
will take several minutes before you see any test results. After the
first time, QMTest will start running the tests much more quickly.
If the test summary printed at the test run indicates no unexpected
failures, then G++ is behaving as expected on your target. (Some
unexpected passes are normal.)
You can obtain detailed information about why tests failed in one
of two ways:
1. By invoking QMTest with the "-f full" option. For example:
make QMTESTRUNFLAGS="-f full" qmtest-g++
2. Examining the log file qmtestsuite/gpp.qmr after the tests have
Here are some more advanced usage instructions:
1. To run a particular set of tests (rather than all of the tests),
use the make variable "QMTEST_GPP_TESTS". For example,
make QMTEST_GPP_TESTS="g++.dg" qmtest-g++
will run only the tests in the g++.dg subdirectory, and:
make QMTEST_GPP_TESTS="g++.dg/special/conpr1.C \
will run only the two tests indicated.
2. To run qmtest with particular flags, use the make variables
make QMTESTFLAGS="-v" QMTESTRUNFLAGS="-f full" qmtest-g++
will run qmtest like this:
qmtest -v run -f full ...
3. To run the compiler with particular flags, use QMTESTRUNFLAGS to
set the QMTest context variable "GPPTest.flags", like this:
make QMTESTRUNFLAGS='-c GPPTest.flags="-funroll-loops"' qmtest-g++
The compiler will then use the "-funroll-loops" switch when
4. If qmtest is not in your path, you can indicate the full path to
QMTest by using the make variable "QMTEST_PATH", like this:
make QMTEST_PATH=/path/to/qmtest qmtest-g++
5. To start the QMTest GUI, use:
make qmtest-gui
(Note that this will run the program called "netscape" in your path.
If you want to use another browser, you must configure qmtest as
described in its manual.)
Bear in mind that the QMTest GUI is insecure; malicious users with
access to your machine may be able to run commands as if they were
you. The QMTest GUI only binds to the loopback IP addresss, which
provides a measure of security, but not enough for use in untrusted
6. If you have a multiprocessor, you can run the tests in parallel by
passing the "-j" option to qmtest:
make QMTESTRUNFLAGS="-j 4" qmtest-g++
will run tests in four threads. (It is also possible to run tests
across multiple machines; for more information see the QMTest
7. If you are testing a cross compiler, you must specify an interpreter
that is capable of running the generated program. It must be a
program "p" such that:
p program arg1 arg2 arg3 ...
behaves exactly like running:
program arg1 arg2 arg3 ...
would on the target machine. You specify this program via the
"CompilerTest.interpreter" context variable:
make QMTESTRUNFLAGS='-c CompilerTest.interpreter=/path/to/interpreter'