blob: 0d31cee7a1531aca0f524e3b930b33b1b3481de1 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-Wcharacter-truncation" }
! Tests the fix for PR31266: references to CHARACTER
! components lead to the wrong length being assigned to substring
! expressions.
type data
character(len=5) :: c
end type data
type(data), dimension(5), target :: y
character(len=2), dimension(5) :: p
character(len=3), dimension(5) :: q
y(:)%c = "abcdef" ! { dg-warning "in assignment \\(5/6\\)" }
p(1) = y(1)%c(3:) ! { dg-warning "in assignment \\(2/3\\)" }
if (p(1).ne."cd") call abort()
p(1) = y(1)%c ! { dg-warning "in assignment \\(2/5\\)" }
if (p(1).ne."ab") call abort()
q = "xyz"
p = q ! { dg-warning "CHARACTER expression will be truncated in assignment \\(2/3\\)" }
if (any ( call abort()