blob: e012d3736dc81bf27e16a8d0098da829f29ee4a2 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . T R E E --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This package defines the structure of the Project File tree
with GNAT.Dynamic_HTables;
with GNAT.Dynamic_Tables;
with Table;
with Prj.Attr; use Prj.Attr;
with Prj.Env;
with Prj.Ext;
package Prj.Tree is
-- Environment --
-- The following record contains the context in which projects are parsed
-- and processed (finding importing project, resolving external values,..).
type Environment is record
External : Prj.Ext.External_References;
-- External references are stored in this hash table (and manipulated
-- through subprograms in External references are
-- project-tree specific so that one can load the same tree twice but
-- have two views of it, for instance.
Project_Path : aliased Prj.Env.Project_Search_Path;
-- The project path is tree specific, since we might want to load
-- simultaneously multiple projects, each with its own search path, in
-- particular when using different compilers with different default
-- search directories.
Flags : Prj.Processing_Flags;
-- Configure errors and warnings
end record;
procedure Initialize
(Self : out Environment;
Flags : Processing_Flags);
-- Initialize a new environment
procedure Initialize_And_Copy
(Self : out Environment;
Copy_From : Environment);
-- Initialize a new environment, copying its values from Copy_From
procedure Free (Self : in out Environment);
-- Free the memory used by Self
procedure Override_Flags
(Self : in out Environment; Flags : Prj.Processing_Flags);
-- Override the subprogram called in case there are parsing errors. This
-- is needed in applications that do their own error handling, since the
-- error handler is likely to be a local subprogram in this case (which
-- can't be stored when the flags are created).
-- Project nodes --
type Project_Node_Tree_Data;
type Project_Node_Tree_Ref is access all Project_Node_Tree_Data;
-- Type to designate a project node tree, so that several project node
-- trees can coexist in memory.
Project_Nodes_Initial : constant := 1_000;
Project_Nodes_Increment : constant := 100;
-- Allocation parameters for initializing and extending number
-- of nodes in table Tree_Private_Part.Project_Nodes
Project_Node_Low_Bound : constant := 0;
Project_Node_High_Bound : constant := 099_999_999;
-- Range of values for project node id's (in practice infinite)
type Project_Node_Id is range
Project_Node_Low_Bound .. Project_Node_High_Bound;
-- The index of table Tree_Private_Part.Project_Nodes
Empty_Node : constant Project_Node_Id := Project_Node_Low_Bound;
-- Designates no node in table Project_Nodes
First_Node_Id : constant Project_Node_Id := Project_Node_Low_Bound + 1;
subtype Variable_Node_Id is Project_Node_Id;
-- Used to designate a node whose expected kind is one of
-- N_Typed_Variable_Declaration, N_Variable_Declaration or
-- N_Variable_Reference.
subtype Package_Declaration_Id is Project_Node_Id;
-- Used to designate a node whose expected kind is N_Project_Declaration
type Project_Node_Kind is
-- Each node in the tree is of a Project_Node_Kind. For the signification
-- of the fields in each node of Project_Node_Kind, look at package
-- Tree_Private_Part.
function Present (Node : Project_Node_Id) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Present);
-- Return True if Node /= Empty_Node
function No (Node : Project_Node_Id) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (No);
-- Return True if Node = Empty_Node
procedure Initialize (Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref);
-- Initialize the Project File tree: empty the Project_Nodes table
-- and reset the Projects_Htable.
function Default_Project_Node
(In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
Of_Kind : Project_Node_Kind;
And_Expr_Kind : Variable_Kind := Undefined) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Returns a Project_Node_Record with the specified Kind and Expr_Kind. All
-- the other components have default nil values.
-- To create a node for a project itself, see Create_Project below instead
function Hash (N : Project_Node_Id) return Header_Num;
-- Used for hash tables where the key is a Project_Node_Id
function Imported_Or_Extended_Project_Of
(Project : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
With_Name : Name_Id) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Return the node of a project imported or extended by project Project and
-- whose name is With_Name. Return Empty_Node if there is no such project.
-- Comments --
type Comment_State is private;
-- A type to store the values of several global variables related to
-- comments.
procedure Save (S : out Comment_State);
-- Save in variable S the comment state. Called before scanning a new
-- project file.
procedure Restore_And_Free (S : in out Comment_State);
-- Restore the comment state to a previously saved value. Called after
-- scanning a project file. Frees the memory occupied by S
procedure Reset_State;
-- Set the comment state to its initial value. Called before scanning a
-- new project file.
function There_Are_Unkept_Comments return Boolean;
-- Indicates that some of the comments in a project file could not be
-- stored in the parse tree.
procedure Set_Previous_Line_Node (To : Project_Node_Id);
-- Indicate the node on the previous line. If there are comments
-- immediately following this line, then they should be associated with
-- this node.
procedure Set_Previous_End_Node (To : Project_Node_Id);
-- Indicate that on the previous line the "end" belongs to node To.
-- If there are comments immediately following this "end" line, they
-- should be associated with this node.
procedure Set_End_Of_Line (To : Project_Node_Id);
-- Indicate the node on the current line. If there is an end of line
-- comment, then it should be associated with this node.
procedure Set_Next_End_Node (To : Project_Node_Id);
-- Put node To on the top of the end node stack. When an END line is found
-- with this node on the top of the end node stack, the comments, if any,
-- immediately preceding this "end" line will be associated with this node.
procedure Remove_Next_End_Node;
-- Remove the top of the end node stack
-- Comment Processing --
type Comment_Data is record
Value : Name_Id := No_Name;
Follows_Empty_Line : Boolean := False;
Is_Followed_By_Empty_Line : Boolean := False;
end record;
-- Component type for Comments Table below
package Comments is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Comment_Data,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 10,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Prj.Tree.Comments");
-- A table to store the comments that may be stored is the tree
procedure Scan (In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref);
-- Scan the tokens and accumulate comments
type Comment_Location is
(Before, After, Before_End, After_End, End_Of_Line);
-- Used in call to Add_Comments below
procedure Add_Comments
(To : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
Where : Comment_Location);
-- Add comments to this node
-- Access Functions --
-- The following query functions are part of the abstract interface
-- of the Project File tree. They provide access to fields of a project.
-- The access functions should be called only with valid arguments.
-- For each function the condition of validity is specified. If an access
-- function is called with invalid arguments, then exception
-- Assertion_Error is raised if assertions are enabled, otherwise the
-- behaviour is not defined and may result in a crash.
function Name_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Name_Id;
pragma Inline (Name_Of);
-- Valid for all non empty nodes. May return No_Name for nodes that have
-- no names.
function Display_Name_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Name_Id;
pragma Inline (Display_Name_Of);
-- Valid only for N_Project node. Returns the display name of the project.
function Kind_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Kind;
pragma Inline (Kind_Of);
-- Valid for all non empty nodes
function Location_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Source_Ptr;
pragma Inline (Location_Of);
-- Valid for all non empty nodes
function First_Comment_After
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Valid only for N_Comment_Zones nodes
function First_Comment_After_End
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Valid only for N_Comment_Zones nodes
function First_Comment_Before
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Valid only for N_Comment_Zones nodes
function First_Comment_Before_End
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Valid only for N_Comment_Zones nodes
function Next_Comment
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Valid only for N_Comment nodes
function End_Of_Line_Comment
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Name_Id;
-- Valid only for non empty nodes
function Follows_Empty_Line
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Boolean;
-- Valid only for N_Comment nodes
function Is_Followed_By_Empty_Line
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Boolean;
-- Valid only for N_Comment nodes
function Parent_Project_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Parent_Project_Of);
-- Valid only for N_Project nodes
function Project_File_Includes_Unkept_Comments
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Boolean;
-- Valid only for N_Project nodes
function Directory_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Path_Name_Type;
pragma Inline (Directory_Of);
-- Returns the directory that contains the project file. This always ends
-- with a directory separator. Only valid for N_Project nodes.
function Expression_Kind_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Variable_Kind;
pragma Inline (Expression_Kind_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Literal_String, N_Attribute_Declaration,
-- N_Variable_Declaration, N_Typed_Variable_Declaration, N_Expression,
-- N_Term, N_Variable_Reference, N_Attribute_Reference nodes or
-- N_External_Value.
function Is_Extending_All
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_Extending_All);
-- Only valid for N_Project and N_With_Clause
function Is_Not_Last_In_List
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_Not_Last_In_List);
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause
function First_Variable_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Variable_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (First_Variable_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project or N_Package_Declaration nodes
function First_Package_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Package_Declaration_Id;
pragma Inline (First_Package_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
function Package_Id_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Package_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Package_Id_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Package_Declaration nodes
function Path_Name_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Path_Name_Type;
pragma Inline (Path_Name_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project and N_With_Clause nodes
function String_Value_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Name_Id;
pragma Inline (String_Value_Of);
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause, N_Literal_String nodes or N_Comment.
-- For a N_With_Clause created automatically for a virtual extending
-- project, No_Name is returned.
function Source_Index_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Int;
pragma Inline (Source_Index_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Literal_String and N_Attribute_Declaration nodes
function First_With_Clause_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (First_With_Clause_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
function Project_Declaration_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Project_Declaration_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
function Project_Qualifier_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Qualifier;
pragma Inline (Project_Qualifier_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
function Extending_Project_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Extending_Project_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project_Declaration nodes
function First_String_Type_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (First_String_Type_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
function Extended_Project_Path_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Path_Name_Type;
pragma Inline (Extended_Project_Path_Of);
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause nodes
function Project_Node_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Project_Node_Of);
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause, N_Variable_Reference and
-- N_Attribute_Reference nodes.
function Non_Limited_Project_Node_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Non_Limited_Project_Node_Of);
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause nodes. Returns Empty_Node for limited
-- imported project files, otherwise returns the same result as
-- Project_Node_Of.
function Next_With_Clause_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Next_With_Clause_Of);
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause nodes
function First_Declarative_Item_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (First_Declarative_Item_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project_Declaration, N_Case_Item and
-- N_Package_Declaration.
function Extended_Project_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Extended_Project_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project_Declaration nodes
function Current_Item_Node
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Current_Item_Node);
-- Only valid for N_Declarative_Item nodes
function Next_Declarative_Item
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Next_Declarative_Item);
-- Only valid for N_Declarative_Item node
function Project_Of_Renamed_Package_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Project_Of_Renamed_Package_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Package_Declaration nodes. May return Empty_Node.
function Next_Package_In_Project
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Next_Package_In_Project);
-- Only valid for N_Package_Declaration nodes
function First_Literal_String
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (First_Literal_String);
-- Only valid for N_String_Type_Declaration nodes
function Next_String_Type
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Next_String_Type);
-- Only valid for N_String_Type_Declaration nodes
function Next_Literal_String
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Next_Literal_String);
-- Only valid for N_Literal_String nodes
function Expression_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Expression_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration, N_Typed_Variable_Declaration
-- or N_Variable_Declaration nodes
function Associative_Project_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref)
return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Associative_Project_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration nodes
function Associative_Package_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref)
return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Associative_Package_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration nodes
function Value_Is_Valid
(For_Typed_Variable : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
Value : Name_Id) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Value_Is_Valid);
-- Only valid for N_Typed_Variable_Declaration. Returns True if Value is
-- in the list of allowed strings for For_Typed_Variable. False otherwise.
function Associative_Array_Index_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Name_Id;
pragma Inline (Associative_Array_Index_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration and N_Attribute_Reference.
-- Returns No_Name for non associative array attributes.
function Next_Variable
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Next_Variable);
-- Only valid for N_Typed_Variable_Declaration or N_Variable_Declaration
-- nodes.
function First_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (First_Term);
-- Only valid for N_Expression nodes
function Next_Expression_In_List
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Next_Expression_In_List);
-- Only valid for N_Expression nodes
function Current_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Current_Term);
-- Only valid for N_Term nodes
function Next_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Next_Term);
-- Only valid for N_Term nodes
function First_Expression_In_List
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (First_Expression_In_List);
-- Only valid for N_Literal_String_List nodes
function Package_Node_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Package_Node_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Variable_Reference or N_Attribute_Reference nodes.
-- May return Empty_Node.
function Default_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Attribute_Default_Value;
pragma Inline (Default_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Reference nodes
function String_Type_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (String_Type_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Variable_Reference or N_Typed_Variable_Declaration
-- nodes.
function External_Reference_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (External_Reference_Of);
-- Only valid for N_External_Value nodes
function External_Default_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (External_Default_Of);
-- Only valid for N_External_Value nodes
function Case_Variable_Reference_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Case_Variable_Reference_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Case_Construction nodes
function First_Case_Item_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (First_Case_Item_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Case_Construction nodes
function First_Choice_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (First_Choice_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Case_Item nodes. Return the first choice in a
-- N_Case_Item, or Empty_Node if this is when others.
function Next_Case_Item
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
pragma Inline (Next_Case_Item);
-- Only valid for N_Case_Item nodes
function Case_Insensitive
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Boolean;
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration and N_Attribute_Reference nodes
-- Create procedures --
-- The following procedures are used to edit a project file tree. They are
-- slightly higher-level than the Set_* procedures below
function Create_Project
(In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
Name : Name_Id;
Full_Path : Path_Name_Type;
Is_Config_File : Boolean := False) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Create a new node for a project and register it in the tree so that it
-- can be retrieved later on.
function Create_Package
(Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
Project : Project_Node_Id;
Pkg : String) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Create a new package in Project. If the package already exists, it is
-- returned. The name of the package *must* be lower-cases, or none of its
-- attributes will be recognized.
function Create_Attribute
(Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
Prj_Or_Pkg : Project_Node_Id;
Name : Name_Id;
Index_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
Kind : Variable_Kind := List;
At_Index : Integer := 0;
Value : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Create a new attribute. The new declaration is added at the end of the
-- declarative item list for Prj_Or_Pkg (a project or a package), but
-- before any package declaration). No addition is done if Prj_Or_Pkg is
-- Empty_Node. If Index_Name is not "", then if creates an attribute value
-- for a specific index. At_Index is used for the " at <idx>" in the naming
-- exceptions.
-- To set the value of the attribute, either provide a value for Value, or
-- use Set_Expression_Of to set the value of the attribute (in which case
-- Enclose_In_Expression might be useful). The former is recommended since
-- it will more correctly handle cases where the index needs to be set on
-- the expression rather than on the index of the attribute (i.e. 'for
-- Specification ("unit") use "file" at 3', versus 'for Executable ("file"
-- at 3) use "name"'). Value must be a N_String_Literal if an index will be
-- added to it.
function Create_Literal_String
(Str : Namet.Name_Id;
Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Create a literal string whose value is Str
procedure Add_At_End
(Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
Parent : Project_Node_Id;
Expr : Project_Node_Id;
Add_Before_First_Pkg : Boolean := False;
Add_Before_First_Case : Boolean := False);
-- Add a new declarative item in the list in Parent. This new declarative
-- item will contain Expr (unless Expr is already a declarative item, in
-- which case it is added directly to the list). The new item is inserted
-- at the end of the list, unless Add_Before_First_Pkg is True. In the
-- latter case, it is added just before the first case construction is
-- seen, or before the first package (this assumes that all packages are
-- found at the end of the project, which isn't true in the general case
-- unless you have normalized the project to match this description).
function Enclose_In_Expression
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref) return Project_Node_Id;
-- Enclose the Node inside a N_Expression node, and return this expression.
-- This does nothing if Node is already a N_Expression.
-- Set Procedures --
-- The following procedures are part of the abstract interface of the
-- Project File tree.
-- Foe each Set_* procedure the condition of validity is specified. If an
-- access function is called with invalid arguments, then exception
-- Assertion_Error is raised if assertions are enabled, otherwise the
-- behaviour is not defined and may result in a crash.
-- These are very low-level, and manipulate the tree itself directly. You
-- should look at the Create_* procedure instead if you want to use higher
-- level constructs
procedure Set_Name_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Name_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Name_Of);
-- Valid for all non empty nodes
procedure Set_Display_Name_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Name_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Display_Name_Of);
-- Valid only for N_Project nodes
procedure Set_Kind_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Kind);
pragma Inline (Set_Kind_Of);
-- Valid for all non empty nodes
procedure Set_Location_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Source_Ptr);
pragma Inline (Set_Location_Of);
-- Valid for all non empty nodes
procedure Set_First_Comment_After
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Comment_After);
-- Valid only for N_Comment_Zones nodes
procedure Set_First_Comment_After_End
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Comment_After_End);
-- Valid only for N_Comment_Zones nodes
procedure Set_First_Comment_Before
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Comment_Before);
-- Valid only for N_Comment_Zones nodes
procedure Set_First_Comment_Before_End
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Comment_Before_End);
-- Valid only for N_Comment_Zones nodes
procedure Set_Next_Comment
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Next_Comment);
-- Valid only for N_Comment nodes
procedure Set_Parent_Project_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
-- Valid only for N_Project nodes
procedure Set_Project_File_Includes_Unkept_Comments
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Boolean);
-- Valid only for N_Project nodes
procedure Set_Directory_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Path_Name_Type);
pragma Inline (Set_Directory_Of);
-- Valid only for N_Project nodes
procedure Set_Expression_Kind_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Variable_Kind);
pragma Inline (Set_Expression_Kind_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Literal_String, N_Attribute_Declaration,
-- N_Variable_Declaration, N_Typed_Variable_Declaration, N_Expression,
-- N_Term, N_Variable_Reference, N_Attribute_Reference or N_External_Value
-- nodes.
procedure Set_Is_Extending_All
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref);
pragma Inline (Set_Is_Extending_All);
-- Only valid for N_Project and N_With_Clause
procedure Set_Is_Not_Last_In_List
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref);
pragma Inline (Set_Is_Not_Last_In_List);
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause
procedure Set_First_Variable_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Variable_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Variable_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project or N_Package_Declaration nodes
procedure Set_First_Package_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Package_Declaration_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Package_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
procedure Set_Package_Id_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Package_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Package_Id_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Package_Declaration nodes
procedure Set_Path_Name_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Path_Name_Type);
pragma Inline (Set_Path_Name_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project and N_With_Clause nodes
procedure Set_String_Value_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Name_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_String_Value_Of);
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause, N_Literal_String nodes or N_Comment.
procedure Set_Source_Index_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Int);
pragma Inline (Set_Source_Index_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Literal_String and N_Attribute_Declaration nodes. For
-- N_Literal_String, set the source index of the literal string. For
-- N_Attribute_Declaration, set the source index of the index of the
-- associative array element.
procedure Set_First_With_Clause_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_With_Clause_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
procedure Set_Project_Declaration_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Project_Declaration_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
procedure Set_Project_Qualifier_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Qualifier);
pragma Inline (Set_Project_Qualifier_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
procedure Set_Extending_Project_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Extending_Project_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project_Declaration nodes
procedure Set_First_String_Type_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_String_Type_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project nodes
procedure Set_Extended_Project_Path_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Path_Name_Type);
pragma Inline (Set_Extended_Project_Path_Of);
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause nodes
procedure Set_Project_Node_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id;
Limited_With : Boolean := False);
pragma Inline (Set_Project_Node_Of);
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause, N_Variable_Reference and
-- N_Attribute_Reference nodes.
procedure Set_Next_With_Clause_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Next_With_Clause_Of);
-- Only valid for N_With_Clause nodes
procedure Set_First_Declarative_Item_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Declarative_Item_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project_Declaration, N_Case_Item and
-- N_Package_Declaration.
procedure Set_Extended_Project_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Extended_Project_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Project_Declaration nodes
procedure Set_Current_Item_Node
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Current_Item_Node);
-- Only valid for N_Declarative_Item nodes
procedure Set_Next_Declarative_Item
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Next_Declarative_Item);
-- Only valid for N_Declarative_Item node
procedure Set_Project_Of_Renamed_Package_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Project_Of_Renamed_Package_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Package_Declaration nodes.
procedure Set_Next_Package_In_Project
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Next_Package_In_Project);
-- Only valid for N_Package_Declaration nodes
procedure Set_First_Literal_String
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Literal_String);
-- Only valid for N_String_Type_Declaration nodes
procedure Set_Next_String_Type
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Next_String_Type);
-- Only valid for N_String_Type_Declaration nodes
procedure Set_Next_Literal_String
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Next_Literal_String);
-- Only valid for N_Literal_String nodes
procedure Set_Expression_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Expression_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration, N_Typed_Variable_Declaration
-- or N_Variable_Declaration nodes
procedure Set_Associative_Project_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Associative_Project_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration nodes
procedure Set_Associative_Package_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Associative_Package_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration nodes
procedure Set_Associative_Array_Index_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Name_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Associative_Array_Index_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration and N_Attribute_Reference.
procedure Set_Next_Variable
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Next_Variable);
-- Only valid for N_Typed_Variable_Declaration or N_Variable_Declaration
-- nodes.
procedure Set_First_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Term);
-- Only valid for N_Expression nodes
procedure Set_Next_Expression_In_List
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Next_Expression_In_List);
-- Only valid for N_Expression nodes
procedure Set_Current_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Current_Term);
-- Only valid for N_Term nodes
procedure Set_Next_Term
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Next_Term);
-- Only valid for N_Term nodes
procedure Set_First_Expression_In_List
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Expression_In_List);
-- Only valid for N_Literal_String_List nodes
procedure Set_Package_Node_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Package_Node_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Variable_Reference or N_Attribute_Reference nodes
procedure Set_Default_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Attribute_Default_Value);
pragma Inline (Set_Default_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Reference nodes
procedure Set_String_Type_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_String_Type_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Variable_Reference or N_Typed_Variable_Declaration
-- nodes.
procedure Set_External_Reference_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_External_Reference_Of);
-- Only valid for N_External_Value nodes
procedure Set_External_Default_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_External_Default_Of);
-- Only valid for N_External_Value nodes
procedure Set_Case_Variable_Reference_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Case_Variable_Reference_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Case_Construction nodes
procedure Set_First_Case_Item_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Case_Item_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Case_Construction nodes
procedure Set_First_Choice_Of
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_First_Choice_Of);
-- Only valid for N_Case_Item nodes.
procedure Set_Next_Case_Item
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Project_Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Set_Next_Case_Item);
-- Only valid for N_Case_Item nodes.
procedure Set_Case_Insensitive
(Node : Project_Node_Id;
In_Tree : Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
To : Boolean);
-- Only valid for N_Attribute_Declaration and N_Attribute_Reference nodes
-- Restricted Access Section --
package Tree_Private_Part is
-- This is conceptually in the private part. However, for efficiency,
-- some packages are accessing it directly.
type Project_Node_Record is record
Kind : Project_Node_Kind;
Qualifier : Project_Qualifier := Unspecified;
Location : Source_Ptr := No_Location;
Directory : Path_Name_Type := No_Path;
-- Only for N_Project
Display_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- Only for N_Project
Expr_Kind : Variable_Kind := Undefined;
-- See below for what Project_Node_Kind it is used
Variables : Variable_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- First variable in a project or a package
Packages : Package_Declaration_Id := Empty_Node;
-- First package declaration in a project
Pkg_Id : Package_Node_Id := Empty_Package;
-- Only used for N_Package_Declaration
-- The component Pkg_Id is an entry into the table Package_Attributes
-- (in Prj.Attr). It is used to indicate all the attributes of the
-- package with their characteristics.
-- The tables Prj.Attr.Attributes and Prj.Attr.Package_Attributes
-- are built once and for all through a call (from Prj.Initialize)
-- to procedure Prj.Attr.Initialize. It is never modified after that.
Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- See below for what Project_Node_Kind it is used
Src_Index : Int := 0;
-- Index of a unit in a multi-unit source.
-- Only for some N_Attribute_Declaration and N_Literal_String.
Path_Name : Path_Name_Type := No_Path;
-- See below for what Project_Node_Kind it is used
Value : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- See below for what Project_Node_Kind it is used
Default : Attribute_Default_Value := Empty_Value;
-- Only used in N_Attribute_Reference
Field1 : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- See below the meaning for each Project_Node_Kind
Field2 : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- See below the meaning for each Project_Node_Kind
Field3 : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- See below the meaning for each Project_Node_Kind
Field4 : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- See below the meaning for each Project_Node_Kind
Flag1 : Boolean := False;
-- This flag is significant only for:
-- N_Attribute_Declaration and N_Attribute_Reference
-- Indicates for an associative array attribute, that the
-- index is case insensitive.
-- N_Comment
-- Indicates that the comment is preceded by an empty line.
-- N_Project
-- Indicates that there are comments in the project source that
-- cannot be kept in the tree.
-- N_Project_Declaration
-- Indicates that there are unkept comments in the project.
-- N_With_Clause
-- Indicates that this is not the last with in a with clause.
-- Set for "A", but not for "B" in with "B"; and with "A", "B";
Flag2 : Boolean := False;
-- This flag is significant only for:
-- N_Project
-- Indicates that the project "extends all" another project.
-- N_Comment
-- Indicates that the comment is followed by an empty line.
-- N_With_Clause
-- Indicates that the originally imported project is an extending
-- all project.
Comments : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
-- For nodes other that N_Comment_Zones or N_Comment, designates the
-- comment zones associated with the node.
-- For N_Comment_Zones, designates the comment after the "end" of
-- the construct.
-- For N_Comment, designates the next comment, if any.
end record;
-- type Project_Node_Kind is
-- (N_Project,
-- -- Name: project name
-- -- Path_Name: project path name
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: first with clause
-- -- Field2: project declaration
-- -- Field3: first string type
-- -- Field4: parent project, if any
-- -- Value: extended project path name (if any)
-- N_With_Clause,
-- -- Name: imported project name
-- -- Path_Name: imported project path name
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: project node
-- -- Field2: next with clause
-- -- Field3: project node or empty if "limited with"
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: literal string withed
-- N_Project_Declaration,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: first declarative item
-- -- Field2: extended project
-- -- Field3: extending project
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Declarative_Item,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: current item node
-- -- Field2: next declarative item
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Package_Declaration,
-- -- Name: package name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: project of renamed package (if any)
-- -- Field2: first declarative item
-- -- Field3: next package in project
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_String_Type_Declaration,
-- -- Name: type name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: first literal string
-- -- Field2: next string type
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Literal_String,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Single
-- -- Field1: next literal string
-- -- Field2: not used
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: string value
-- N_Attribute_Declaration,
-- -- Name: attribute name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: attribute kind
-- -- Field1: expression
-- -- Field2: project of full associative array
-- -- Field3: package of full associative array
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: associative array index
-- -- (if an associative array element)
-- N_Typed_Variable_Declaration,
-- -- Name: variable name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Single
-- -- Field1: expression
-- -- Field2: type of variable (N_String_Type_Declaration)
-- -- Field3: next variable
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Variable_Declaration,
-- -- Name: variable name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: variable kind
-- -- Field1: expression
-- -- Field2: not used
-- -- Field3 is used for next variable, instead of Field2,
-- -- so that it is the same field for
-- -- N_Variable_Declaration and
-- -- N_Typed_Variable_Declaration
-- -- Field3: next variable
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Expression,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: expression kind
-- -- Field1: first term
-- -- Field2: next expression in list
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Term,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: term kind
-- -- Field1: current term
-- -- Field2: next term in the expression
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Literal_String_List,
-- -- Designates a list of string expressions between brackets
-- -- separated by commas. The string expressions are not necessarily
-- -- literal strings.
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: List
-- -- Field1: first expression
-- -- Field2: not used
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Variable_Reference,
-- -- Name: variable name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: variable kind
-- -- Field1: project (if specified)
-- -- Field2: package (if specified)
-- -- Field3: type of variable (N_String_Type_Declaration), if any
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_External_Value,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Single
-- -- Field1: Name of the external reference (literal string)
-- -- Field2: Default (literal string)
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Attribute_Reference,
-- -- Name: attribute name
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: attribute kind
-- -- Field1: project
-- -- Field2: package (if attribute of a package)
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: associative array index
-- -- (if an associative array element)
-- N_Case_Construction,
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: Undefined
-- -- Field1: case variable reference
-- -- Field2: first case item
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Case_Item
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: not used
-- -- Field1: first choice (literal string), or Empty_Node
-- -- for when others
-- -- Field2: first declarative item
-- -- Field3: next case item
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: not used
-- N_Comment_zones
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: not used
-- -- Field1: comment before the construct
-- -- Field2: comment after the construct
-- -- Field3: comment before the "end" of the construct
-- -- Value: end of line comment
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Comments: comment after the "end" of the construct
-- N_Comment
-- -- Name: not used
-- -- Path_Name: not used
-- -- Expr_Kind: not used
-- -- Field1: not used
-- -- Field2: not used
-- -- Field3: not used
-- -- Field4: not used
-- -- Value: comment
-- -- Flag1: comment is preceded by an empty line
-- -- Flag2: comment is followed by an empty line
-- -- Comments: next comment
package Project_Node_Table is new
(Table_Component_Type => Project_Node_Record,
Table_Index_Type => Project_Node_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => First_Node_Id,
Table_Initial => Project_Nodes_Initial,
Table_Increment => Project_Nodes_Increment);
-- Table contains the syntactic tree of project data from project files
type Project_Name_And_Node is record
Name : Name_Id;
-- Name of the project
Node : Project_Node_Id;
-- Node of the project in table Project_Nodes
Resolved_Path : Path_Name_Type;
-- Resolved and canonical path of a real project file.
-- No_Name in case of virtual projects.
Extended : Boolean;
-- True when the project is being extended by another project
From_Extended : Boolean;
-- True when the project is only imported by projects that are
-- extended.
Proj_Qualifier : Project_Qualifier;
-- The project qualifier of the project, if any
end record;
No_Project_Name_And_Node : constant Project_Name_And_Node :=
(Name => No_Name,
Node => Empty_Node,
Resolved_Path => No_Path,
Extended => True,
From_Extended => False,
Proj_Qualifier => Unspecified);
package Projects_Htable is new GNAT.Dynamic_HTables.Simple_HTable
(Header_Num => Header_Num,
Element => Project_Name_And_Node,
No_Element => No_Project_Name_And_Node,
Key => Name_Id,
Hash => Hash,
Equal => "=");
-- This hash table contains a mapping of project names to project nodes.
-- Note that this hash table contains only the nodes whose Kind is
-- N_Project. It is used to find the node of a project from its name,
-- and to verify if a project has already been parsed, knowing its name.
end Tree_Private_Part;
type Project_Node_Tree_Data is record
Project_Nodes : Tree_Private_Part.Project_Node_Table.Instance;
Projects_HT : Tree_Private_Part.Projects_Htable.Instance;
Incomplete_With : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True if the projects were loaded with the flag
-- Ignore_Missing_With set to True, and there were indeed some with
-- statements that could not be resolved
end record;
procedure Free (Proj : in out Project_Node_Tree_Ref);
-- Free memory used by Prj
type Comment_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Comment_Data;
type Comments_Ptr is access Comment_Array;
type Comment_State is record
End_Of_Line_Node : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Previous_Line_Node : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Previous_End_Node : Project_Node_Id := Empty_Node;
Unkept_Comments : Boolean := False;
Comments : Comments_Ptr := null;
end record;
end Prj.Tree;