blob: ca0f48e058f1524bc0644e096d8acf1535f57c70 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- G N A T . C A L E N D A R . T I M E _ I O --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1999-2018, AdaCore --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT.Case_Util;
package body GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO is
type Month_Name is
function Month_Name_To_Number
(Str : String) return Ada.Calendar.Month_Number;
-- Converts a string that contains an abbreviated month name to a month
-- number. Constraint_Error is raised if Str is not a valid month name.
-- Comparison is case insensitive
type Padding_Mode is (None, Zero, Space);
type Sec_Number is mod 2 ** 64;
-- Type used to compute the number of seconds since 01/01/1970. A 32 bit
-- number will cover only a period of 136 years. This means that for date
-- past 2106 the computation is not possible. A 64 bits number should be
-- enough for a very large period of time.
-- Local Subprograms --
function Am_Pm (H : Natural) return String;
-- Return AM or PM depending on the hour H
function Hour_12 (H : Natural) return Positive;
-- Convert a 1-24h format to a 0-12 hour format
function Image (Str : String; Length : Natural := 0) return String;
-- Return Str capitalized and cut to length number of characters. If
-- length is 0, then no cut operation is performed.
function Image
(N : Sec_Number;
Padding : Padding_Mode := Zero;
Length : Natural := 0) return String;
-- Return image of N. This number is eventually padded with zeros or spaces
-- depending of the length required. If length is 0 then no padding occurs.
function Image
(N : Natural;
Padding : Padding_Mode := Zero;
Length : Natural := 0) return String;
-- As above with N provided in Integer format
procedure Parse_ISO_8861_UTC
(Date : String;
Time : out Ada.Calendar.Time;
Success : out Boolean);
-- Subsidiary of function Value. It parses the string Date, interpreted as
-- an ISO 8861 time representation, and returns corresponding Time value.
-- Success is set to False when the string is not a supported ISO 8861
-- date. The following regular expression defines the supported format:
-- (yyyymmdd | yyyy'-'mm'-'dd)'T'(hhmmss | hh':'mm':'ss)
-- [ ('Z' | ('.' | ',') s{s} | ('+'|'-')hh':'mm) ]
-- Trailing characters (in particular spaces) are not allowed.
-- Examples:
-- 2017-04-14T14:47:06 20170414T14:47:06 20170414T144706
-- 2017-04-14T14:47:06,12 20170414T14:47:06.12
-- 2017-04-14T19:47:06+05 20170414T09:00:06-05:47
-- Am_Pm --
function Am_Pm (H : Natural) return String is
if H = 0 or else H > 12 then
return "PM";
return "AM";
end if;
end Am_Pm;
-- Hour_12 --
function Hour_12 (H : Natural) return Positive is
if H = 0 then
return 12;
elsif H <= 12 then
return H;
else -- H > 12
return H - 12;
end if;
end Hour_12;
-- Image --
function Image
(Str : String;
Length : Natural := 0) return String
use Ada.Characters.Handling;
Local : constant String :=
To_Upper (Str (Str'First)) &
To_Lower (Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last));
if Length = 0 then
return Local;
return Local (1 .. Length);
end if;
end Image;
-- Image --
function Image
(N : Natural;
Padding : Padding_Mode := Zero;
Length : Natural := 0) return String
return Image (Sec_Number (N), Padding, Length);
end Image;
function Image
(N : Sec_Number;
Padding : Padding_Mode := Zero;
Length : Natural := 0) return String
function Pad_Char return String;
-- Pad_Char --
function Pad_Char return String is
case Padding is
when None => return "";
when Zero => return "00";
when Space => return " ";
end case;
end Pad_Char;
-- Local Declarations
NI : constant String := Sec_Number'Image (N);
NIP : constant String := Pad_Char & NI (2 .. NI'Last);
-- Start of processing for Image
if Length = 0 or else Padding = None then
return NI (2 .. NI'Last);
return NIP (NIP'Last - Length + 1 .. NIP'Last);
end if;
end Image;
-- Image --
function Image
(Date : Ada.Calendar.Time;
Picture : Picture_String) return String
Padding : Padding_Mode := Zero;
-- Padding is set for one directive
Result : Unbounded_String;
Year : Year_Number;
Month : Month_Number;
Day : Day_Number;
Hour : Hour_Number;
Minute : Minute_Number;
Second : Second_Number;
Sub_Second : Second_Duration;
P : Positive;
-- Get current time in split format
Split (Date, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Sub_Second);
-- Null picture string is error
if Picture = "" then
raise Picture_Error with "null picture string";
end if;
-- Loop through characters of picture string, building result
Result := Null_Unbounded_String;
P := Picture'First;
while P <= Picture'Last loop
-- A directive has the following format "%[-_]."
if Picture (P) = '%' then
Padding := Zero;
if P = Picture'Last then
raise Picture_Error with "picture string ends with '%";
end if;
-- Check for GNU extension to change the padding
if Picture (P + 1) = '-' then
Padding := None;
P := P + 1;
elsif Picture (P + 1) = '_' then
Padding := Space;
P := P + 1;
end if;
if P = Picture'Last then
raise Picture_Error with "picture string ends with '- or '_";
end if;
case Picture (P + 1) is
-- Literal %
when '%' =>
Result := Result & '%';
-- A newline
when 'n' =>
Result := Result & ASCII.LF;
-- A horizontal tab
when 't' =>
Result := Result & ASCII.HT;
-- Hour (00..23)
when 'H' =>
Result := Result & Image (Hour, Padding, 2);
-- Hour (01..12)
when 'I' =>
Result := Result & Image (Hour_12 (Hour), Padding, 2);
-- Hour ( 0..23)
when 'k' =>
Result := Result & Image (Hour, Space, 2);
-- Hour ( 1..12)
when 'l' =>
Result := Result & Image (Hour_12 (Hour), Space, 2);
-- Minute (00..59)
when 'M' =>
Result := Result & Image (Minute, Padding, 2);
-- AM/PM
when 'p' =>
Result := Result & Am_Pm (Hour);
-- Time, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss [AP]M)
when 'r' =>
Result := Result &
Image (Hour_12 (Hour), Padding, Length => 2) & ':' &
Image (Minute, Padding, Length => 2) & ':' &
Image (Second, Padding, Length => 2) & ' ' &
Am_Pm (Hour);
-- Seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
-- (a nonstandard extension)
when 's' =>
-- Compute the number of seconds using Ada.Calendar.Time
-- values rather than Julian days to account for Daylight
-- Savings Time.
Neg : Boolean := False;
Sec : Duration := Date - Time_Of (1970, 1, 1, 0.0);
-- Avoid rounding errors and perform special processing
-- for dates earlier than the Unix Epoc.
if Sec > 0.0 then
Sec := Sec - 0.5;
elsif Sec < 0.0 then
Neg := True;
Sec := abs (Sec + 0.5);
end if;
-- Prepend a minus sign to the result since Sec_Number
-- cannot handle negative numbers.
if Neg then
Result :=
Result & "-" & Image (Sec_Number (Sec), None);
Result := Result & Image (Sec_Number (Sec), None);
end if;
-- Second (00..59)
when 'S' =>
Result := Result & Image (Second, Padding, Length => 2);
-- Milliseconds (3 digits)
-- Microseconds (6 digits)
-- Nanoseconds (9 digits)
when 'i' | 'e' | 'o' =>
Sub_Sec : constant Long_Integer :=
Long_Integer (Sub_Second * 1_000_000_000);
Img1 : constant String := Sub_Sec'Img;
Img2 : constant String :=
"00000000" & Img1 (Img1'First + 1 .. Img1'Last);
Nanos : constant String :=
Img2 (Img2'Last - 8 .. Img2'Last);
case Picture (P + 1) is
when 'i' =>
Result := Result &
Nanos (Nanos'First .. Nanos'First + 2);
when 'e' =>
Result := Result &
Nanos (Nanos'First .. Nanos'First + 5);
when 'o' =>
Result := Result & Nanos;
when others =>
end case;
-- Time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss)
when 'T' =>
Result := Result &
Image (Hour, Padding, Length => 2) & ':' &
Image (Minute, Padding, Length => 2) & ':' &
Image (Second, Padding, Length => 2);
-- Locale's abbreviated weekday name (Sun..Sat)
when 'a' =>
Result := Result &
Image (Day_Name'Image (Day_Of_Week (Date)), 3);
-- Locale's full weekday name, variable length
-- (Sunday..Saturday)
when 'A' =>
Result := Result &
Image (Day_Name'Image (Day_Of_Week (Date)));
-- Locale's abbreviated month name (Jan..Dec)
when 'b' | 'h' =>
Result := Result &
Image (Month_Name'Image (Month_Name'Val (Month - 1)), 3);
-- Locale's full month name, variable length
-- (January..December).
when 'B' =>
Result := Result &
Image (Month_Name'Image (Month_Name'Val (Month - 1)));
-- Locale's date and time (Sat Nov 04 12:02:33 EST 1989)
when 'c' =>
case Padding is
when Zero =>
Result := Result & Image (Date, "%a %b %d %T %Y");
when Space =>
Result := Result & Image (Date, "%a %b %_d %_T %Y");
when None =>
Result := Result & Image (Date, "%a %b %-d %-T %Y");
end case;
-- Day of month (01..31)
when 'd' =>
Result := Result & Image (Day, Padding, 2);
-- Date (mm/dd/yy)
when 'D' | 'x' =>
Result := Result &
Image (Month, Padding, 2) & '/' &
Image (Day, Padding, 2) & '/' &
Image (Year, Padding, 2);
-- Day of year (001..366)
when 'j' =>
Result := Result & Image (Day_In_Year (Date), Padding, 3);
-- Month (01..12)
when 'm' =>
Result := Result & Image (Month, Padding, 2);
-- Week number of year with Sunday as first day of week
-- (00..53)
when 'U' =>
Offset : constant Natural :=
(Julian_Day (Year, 1, 1) + 1) mod 7;
Week : constant Natural :=
1 + ((Day_In_Year (Date) - 1) + Offset) / 7;
Result := Result & Image (Week, Padding, 2);
-- Day of week (0..6) with 0 corresponding to Sunday
when 'w' =>
DOW : constant Natural range 0 .. 6 :=
(if Day_Of_Week (Date) = Sunday
then 0
else Day_Name'Pos (Day_Of_Week (Date)));
Result := Result & Image (DOW, Length => 1);
-- Week number of year with Monday as first day of week
-- (00..53)
when 'W' =>
Result := Result & Image (Week_In_Year (Date), Padding, 2);
-- Last two digits of year (00..99)
when 'y' =>
Y : constant Natural := Year - (Year / 100) * 100;
Result := Result & Image (Y, Padding, 2);
-- Year (1970...)
when 'Y' =>
Result := Result & Image (Year, None, 4);
when others =>
raise Picture_Error with
"unknown format character in picture string";
end case;
-- Skip past % and format character
P := P + 2;
-- Character other than % is copied into the result
Result := Result & Picture (P);
P := P + 1;
end if;
end loop;
return To_String (Result);
end Image;
-- Month_Name_To_Number --
function Month_Name_To_Number
(Str : String) return Ada.Calendar.Month_Number
subtype String3 is String (1 .. 3);
Abbrev_Upper_Month_Names :
constant array (Ada.Calendar.Month_Number) of String3 :=
("JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN",
"JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC");
-- Short version of the month names, used when parsing date strings
S : String := Str;
GNAT.Case_Util.To_Upper (S);
for J in Abbrev_Upper_Month_Names'Range loop
if Abbrev_Upper_Month_Names (J) = S then
return J;
end if;
end loop;
return Abbrev_Upper_Month_Names'First;
end Month_Name_To_Number;
-- Parse_ISO_8861_UTC --
procedure Parse_ISO_8861_UTC
(Date : String;
Time : out Ada.Calendar.Time;
Success : out Boolean)
Index : Positive := Date'First;
-- The current character scan index. After a call to Advance, Index
-- points to the next character.
End_Of_Source_Reached : exception;
-- An exception used to signal that the scan pointer has reached the
-- end of the source string.
Wrong_Syntax : exception;
-- An exception used to signal that the scan pointer has reached an
-- unexpected character in the source string.
procedure Advance;
pragma Inline (Advance);
-- Past the current character of Date
procedure Advance_Digits (Num_Digits : Positive);
pragma Inline (Advance_Digits);
-- Past the given number of digit characters
function Scan_Day return Day_Number;
pragma Inline (Scan_Day);
-- Scan the two digits of a day number and return its value
function Scan_Hour return Hour_Number;
pragma Inline (Scan_Hour);
-- Scan the two digits of an hour number and return its value
function Scan_Minute return Minute_Number;
pragma Inline (Scan_Minute);
-- Scan the two digits of a minute number and return its value
function Scan_Month return Month_Number;
pragma Inline (Scan_Month);
-- Scan the two digits of a month number and return its value
function Scan_Second return Second_Number;
pragma Inline (Scan_Second);
-- Scan the two digits of a second number and return its value
function Scan_Separator (Expected_Symbol : Character) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Scan_Separator);
-- If the current symbol matches the Expected_Symbol then advance the
-- scanner index and return True; otherwise do nothing and return False
procedure Scan_Separator (Required : Boolean; Separator : Character);
pragma Inline (Scan_Separator);
-- If Required then check that the current character matches Separator
-- and advance the scanner index; if not Required then do nothing.
function Scan_Subsecond return Second_Duration;
pragma Inline (Scan_Subsecond);
-- Scan all the digits of a subsecond number and return its value
function Scan_Year return Year_Number;
pragma Inline (Scan_Year);
-- Scan the four digits of a year number and return its value
function Symbol return Character;
pragma Inline (Symbol);
-- Return the current character being scanned
-- Advance --
procedure Advance is
-- Signal the end of the source string. This stops a complex scan by
-- bottoming up any recursive calls till control reaches routine Scan
-- which handles the exception. Certain scanning scenarios may handle
-- this exception on their own.
if Index > Date'Last then
raise End_Of_Source_Reached;
-- Advance the scan pointer as long as there are characters to scan,
-- in other words, the scan pointer has not passed the end of the
-- source string.
Index := Index + 1;
end if;
end Advance;
-- Advance_Digits --
procedure Advance_Digits (Num_Digits : Positive) is
for J in 1 .. Num_Digits loop
if Symbol not in '0' .. '9' then
raise Wrong_Syntax;
end if;
Advance; -- past digit
end loop;
end Advance_Digits;
-- Scan_Day --
function Scan_Day return Day_Number is
From : constant Positive := Index;
Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 2);
return Day_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
end Scan_Day;
-- Scan_Hour --
function Scan_Hour return Hour_Number is
From : constant Positive := Index;
Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 2);
return Hour_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
end Scan_Hour;
-- Scan_Minute --
function Scan_Minute return Minute_Number is
From : constant Positive := Index;
Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 2);
return Minute_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
end Scan_Minute;
-- Scan_Month --
function Scan_Month return Month_Number is
From : constant Positive := Index;
Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 2);
return Month_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
end Scan_Month;
-- Scan_Second --
function Scan_Second return Second_Number is
From : constant Positive := Index;
Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 2);
return Second_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
end Scan_Second;
-- Scan_Separator --
function Scan_Separator (Expected_Symbol : Character) return Boolean is
if Symbol = Expected_Symbol then
return True;
return False;
end if;
end Scan_Separator;
-- Scan_Separator --
procedure Scan_Separator (Required : Boolean; Separator : Character) is
if Required then
if Symbol /= Separator then
raise Wrong_Syntax;
end if;
Advance; -- Past the separator
end if;
end Scan_Separator;
-- Scan_Subsecond --
function Scan_Subsecond return Second_Duration is
From : constant Positive := Index;
Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 1);
while Symbol in '0' .. '9'
and then Index < Date'Length
end loop;
if Symbol not in '0' .. '9' then
raise Wrong_Syntax;
end if;
return Second_Duration'Value ("0." & Date (From .. Index - 1));
end Scan_Subsecond;
-- Scan_Year --
function Scan_Year return Year_Number is
From : constant Positive := Index;
Advance_Digits (Num_Digits => 4);
return Year_Number'Value (Date (From .. Index - 1));
end Scan_Year;
-- Symbol --
function Symbol return Character is
-- Signal the end of the source string. This stops a complex scan by
-- bottoming up any recursive calls till control reaches routine Scan
-- which handles the exception. Certain scanning scenarios may handle
-- this exception on their own.
if Index > Date'Last then
raise End_Of_Source_Reached;
return Date (Index);
end if;
end Symbol;
-- Local variables
Date_Separator : constant Character := '-';
Hour_Separator : constant Character := ':';
Day : Day_Number;
Month : Month_Number;
Year : Year_Number;
Hour : Hour_Number := 0;
Minute : Minute_Number := 0;
Second : Second_Number := 0;
Subsec : Second_Duration := 0.0;
Local_Hour : Hour_Number := 0;
Local_Minute : Minute_Number := 0;
Local_Sign : Character := ' ';
Local_Disp : Duration;
Sep_Required : Boolean := False;
-- True if a separator is seen (and therefore required after it!)
-- Parse date
Year := Scan_Year;
Sep_Required := Scan_Separator (Date_Separator);
Month := Scan_Month;
Scan_Separator (Sep_Required, Date_Separator);
Day := Scan_Day;
if Index < Date'Last and then Symbol = 'T' then
-- Parse time
Hour := Scan_Hour;
Sep_Required := Scan_Separator (Hour_Separator);
Minute := Scan_Minute;
Scan_Separator (Sep_Required, Hour_Separator);
Second := Scan_Second;
-- [('Z' | ('.' | ',') s{s} | ('+'|'-')hh:mm)]
if Index <= Date'Last then
-- Suffix 'Z' just confirms that this is an UTC time. No further
-- action needed.
if Symbol = 'Z' then
-- A decimal fraction shall have at least one digit, and has as
-- many digits as supported by the underlying implementation.
-- The valid decimal separators are those specified in ISO 31-0,
-- i.e. the comma [,] or full stop [.]. Of these, the comma is
-- the preferred separator of ISO-8861.
elsif Symbol = ',' or else Symbol = '.' then
Advance; -- past decimal separator
Subsec := Scan_Subsecond;
-- Difference between local time and UTC: It shall be expressed
-- as positive (i.e. with the leading plus sign [+]) if the local
-- time is ahead of or equal to UTC of day and as negative (i.e.
-- with the leading minus sign [-]) if it is behind UTC of day.
-- The minutes time element of the difference may only be omitted
-- if the difference between the time scales is exactly an
-- integral number of hours.
elsif Symbol = '+' or else Symbol = '-' then
Local_Sign := Symbol;
Local_Hour := Scan_Hour;
-- Past ':'
if Index < Date'Last and then Symbol = Hour_Separator then
Local_Minute := Scan_Minute;
end if;
-- Compute local displacement
Local_Disp := Local_Hour * 3600.0 + Local_Minute * 60.0;
raise Wrong_Syntax;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Sanity checks. The check on Index ensures that there are no trailing
-- characters.
if Index /= Date'Length + 1
or else not Year'Valid
or else not Month'Valid
or else not Day'Valid
or else not Hour'Valid
or else not Minute'Valid
or else not Second'Valid
or else not Subsec'Valid
or else not Local_Hour'Valid
or else not Local_Minute'Valid
raise Wrong_Syntax;
end if;
-- Compute time without local displacement
if Local_Sign = ' ' then
Time := Time_Of (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Subsec);
-- Compute time with positive local displacement
elsif Local_Sign = '+' then
Time :=
Time_Of (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Subsec) -
-- Compute time with negative local displacement
elsif Local_Sign = '-' then
Time :=
Time_Of (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Subsec) +
end if;
-- Notify that the input string was successfully parsed
Success := True;
when End_Of_Source_Reached
| Wrong_Syntax
Success := False;
end Parse_ISO_8861_UTC;
-- Value --
function Value (Date : String) return Ada.Calendar.Time is
D : String (1 .. 21);
D_Length : constant Natural := Date'Length;
Year : Year_Number;
Month : Month_Number;
Day : Day_Number;
Hour : Hour_Number;
Minute : Minute_Number;
Second : Second_Number;
procedure Extract_Date
(Year : out Year_Number;
Month : out Month_Number;
Day : out Day_Number;
Time_Start : out Natural);
-- Try and extract a date value from string D. Time_Start is set to the
-- first character that could be the start of time data.
procedure Extract_Time
(Index : Positive;
Hour : out Hour_Number;
Minute : out Minute_Number;
Second : out Second_Number;
Check_Space : Boolean := False);
-- Try and extract a time value from string D starting from position
-- Index. Set Check_Space to True to check whether the character at
-- Index - 1 is a space. Raise Constraint_Error if the portion of D
-- corresponding to the date is not well formatted.
-- Extract_Date --
procedure Extract_Date
(Year : out Year_Number;
Month : out Month_Number;
Day : out Day_Number;
Time_Start : out Natural)
if D (3) = '-' or else D (3) = '/' then
if D_Length = 8 or else D_Length = 17 then
-- Formats are "yy*mm*dd" or "yy*mm*dd hh:mm:ss"
if D (6) /= D (3) then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Year := Year_Number'Value ("20" & D (1 .. 2));
Month := Month_Number'Value (D (4 .. 5));
Day := Day_Number'Value (D (7 .. 8));
Time_Start := 10;
elsif D_Length = 10 or else D_Length = 19 then
-- Formats are "mm*dd*yyyy" or "mm*dd*yyyy hh:mm:ss"
if D (6) /= D (3) then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Year := Year_Number'Value (D (7 .. 10));
Month := Month_Number'Value (D (1 .. 2));
Day := Day_Number'Value (D (4 .. 5));
Time_Start := 12;
elsif D_Length = 11 or else D_Length = 20 then
-- Formats are "dd*mmm*yyyy" or "dd*mmm*yyyy hh:mm:ss"
if D (7) /= D (3) then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Year := Year_Number'Value (D (8 .. 11));
Month := Month_Name_To_Number (D (4 .. 6));
Day := Day_Number'Value (D (1 .. 2));
Time_Start := 13;
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
elsif D (3) = ' ' then
if D_Length = 11 or else D_Length = 20 then
-- Possible formats are "dd mmm yyyy", "dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss"
if D (7) /= ' ' then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Year := Year_Number'Value (D (8 .. 11));
Month := Month_Name_To_Number (D (4 .. 6));
Day := Day_Number'Value (D (1 .. 2));
Time_Start := 13;
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
if D_Length = 8 or else D_Length = 17 then
-- Possible formats are "yyyymmdd" or "yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss"
Year := Year_Number'Value (D (1 .. 4));
Month := Month_Number'Value (D (5 .. 6));
Day := Day_Number'Value (D (7 .. 8));
Time_Start := 10;
elsif D_Length = 10 or else D_Length = 19 then
-- Possible formats are "yyyy*mm*dd" or "yyyy*mm*dd hh:mm:ss"
if (D (5) /= '-' and then D (5) /= '/')
or else D (8) /= D (5)
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Year := Year_Number'Value (D (1 .. 4));
Month := Month_Number'Value (D (6 .. 7));
Day := Day_Number'Value (D (9 .. 10));
Time_Start := 12;
elsif D_Length = 11 or else D_Length = 20 then
-- Possible formats are "yyyy*mmm*dd"
if (D (5) /= '-' and then D (5) /= '/')
or else D (9) /= D (5)
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Year := Year_Number'Value (D (1 .. 4));
Month := Month_Name_To_Number (D (6 .. 8));
Day := Day_Number'Value (D (10 .. 11));
Time_Start := 13;
elsif D_Length = 12 or else D_Length = 21 then
-- Formats are "mmm dd, yyyy" or "mmm dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss"
if D (4) /= ' '
or else D (7) /= ','
or else D (8) /= ' '
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Year := Year_Number'Value (D (9 .. 12));
Month := Month_Name_To_Number (D (1 .. 3));
Day := Day_Number'Value (D (5 .. 6));
Time_Start := 14;
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
end if;
end Extract_Date;
-- Extract_Time --
procedure Extract_Time
(Index : Positive;
Hour : out Hour_Number;
Minute : out Minute_Number;
Second : out Second_Number;
Check_Space : Boolean := False)
-- If no time was specified in the string (do not allow trailing
-- character either)
if Index = D_Length + 2 then
Hour := 0;
Minute := 0;
Second := 0;
-- Not enough characters left ?
if Index /= D_Length - 7 then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
if Check_Space and then D (Index - 1) /= ' ' then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
if D (Index + 2) /= ':' or else D (Index + 5) /= ':' then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Hour := Hour_Number'Value (D (Index .. Index + 1));
Minute := Minute_Number'Value (D (Index + 3 .. Index + 4));
Second := Second_Number'Value (D (Index + 6 .. Index + 7));
end if;
end Extract_Time;
-- Local Declarations
Success : Boolean;
Time_Start : Natural := 1;
Time : Ada.Calendar.Time;
-- Start of processing for Value
-- Let's try parsing Date as a supported ISO-8861 format. If we do not
-- succeed, then retry using all the other GNAT supported formats.
Parse_ISO_8861_UTC (Date, Time, Success);
if Success then
return Time;
end if;
-- Length checks
if D_Length /= 8
and then D_Length /= 10
and then D_Length /= 11
and then D_Length /= 12
and then D_Length /= 17
and then D_Length /= 19
and then D_Length /= 20
and then D_Length /= 21
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
-- After the correct length has been determined, it is safe to create
-- a local string copy in order to avoid String'First N arithmetic.
D (1 .. D_Length) := Date;
if D_Length /= 8 or else D (3) /= ':' then
Extract_Date (Year, Month, Day, Time_Start);
Extract_Time (Time_Start, Hour, Minute, Second, Check_Space => True);
Discard : Second_Duration;
Split (Clock, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second,
Sub_Second => Discard);
Extract_Time (1, Hour, Minute, Second, Check_Space => False);
end if;
-- Sanity checks
if not Year'Valid
or else not Month'Valid
or else not Day'Valid
or else not Hour'Valid
or else not Minute'Valid
or else not Second'Valid
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
return Time_Of (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second);
end Value;
-- Put_Time --
procedure Put_Time (Date : Ada.Calendar.Time; Picture : Picture_String) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Image (Date, Picture));
end Put_Time;
end GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO;