blob: b88b4b2c380c9d7dc755e054b0a6e71050cef197 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! Test that
! #pragma GCC unroll n
! rejects invalid n and improper use
subroutine wrong1(n)
implicit NONE
integer (kind=1), intent(in) :: n
integer (kind=4) :: i
!GCC$ unroll 999999999 ! { dg-error "non-negative integral constant less than" }
DO i=0, n, 1
call dummy1(i)
end subroutine wrong1
subroutine wrong2(a, b, n)
implicit NONE
integer (kind=1), intent(in) :: n
integer :: a(n), b(n)
integer (kind=4) :: i
!GCC$ unroll -1 ! { dg-error "non-negative integral constant less than" }
DO i=1, n, 2
call dummy2(a(i), b(i), i)
end subroutine wrong2
subroutine wrong3(a, b, n)
implicit NONE
integer (kind=1), intent(in) :: n
integer :: a(n), b(n)
integer (kind=4) :: i
!GCC$ unroll 8
write (*,*) "wrong"! { dg-error "directive does not commence a loop" }
DO i=n, 1, -1
call dummy2(a(i), b(i), i)
end subroutine wrong3