blob: ed19caf255c3d02636ac8c035111f3ff20a77f8a [file] [log] [blame]
/* { dg-additional-options "-Wno-analyzer-too-complex" } */
/* C only: C++ exceptions cause a Wanalyzer-va-list-leak warning to be emitted
at the end of commandrf. Therefore this test has been duplicated as
c-c++-common/analyzer/pr99193-1-noexcept.c */
/* Verify absence of false positive from -Wanalyzer-mismatching-deallocation
on realloc(3).
Based on
which is GPLv2 or later. */
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
typedef __builtin_va_list va_list;
#include "analyzer-decls.h"
extern void *malloc (size_t __size)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__))
__attribute__ ((__malloc__))
__attribute__ ((__alloc_size__ (1)));
extern void perror (const char *__s);
extern void *realloc (void *__ptr, size_t __size)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__))
__attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
__attribute__ ((__alloc_size__ (2)));
extern void guestfs_int_cleanup_free (void *ptr);
extern int commandrvf (char **stdoutput, char **stderror, unsigned flags,
char const* const *argv);
#define CLEANUP_FREE __attribute__((cleanup(guestfs_int_cleanup_free)))
commandrf (char **stdoutput, char **stderror, unsigned flags,
const char *name, ...)
va_list args;
CLEANUP_FREE const char **argv = NULL;
char *s;
int i, r;
/* Collect the command line arguments into an array. */
i = 2;
argv = (const char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * i);
if (argv == NULL) {
perror ("malloc");
return -1;
argv[0] = (char *) name;
argv[1] = NULL;
__builtin_va_start (args, name);
while ((s = __builtin_va_arg (args, char *)) != NULL) {
const char **p = (const char **) realloc (argv, sizeof (char *) * (++i)); /* { dg-bogus "'free'" } */
if (p == NULL) {
perror ("realloc");
__builtin_va_end (args);
return -1;
argv = p;
argv[i-2] = s;
argv[i-1] = NULL;
__builtin_va_end (args);
r = commandrvf (stdoutput, stderror, flags, argv);
return r;