blob: f43854705d073f75772ba811d9f693ae7a5a1f35 [file] [log] [blame]
-- { dg-do compile }
-- { dg-require-effective-target strub }
-- Check that strub mode mismatches between overrider and overridden
-- subprograms are reported.
procedure Strub_Intf is
package Foo is
type TP is interface;
procedure P (I : Integer; X : TP) is abstract;
pragma Machine_Attribute (P, "strub", "at-calls"); -- { dg-error "requires the same .strub. mode" }
type TF is interface;
function F (X : access TF) return Integer is abstract;
type TX is interface;
procedure P (I : Integer; X : TX) is abstract;
type TI is interface and TP and TF and TX;
-- When we freeze TI, we detect the mismatch between the
-- inherited P and another parent's P. Because TP appears
-- before TX, we inherit P from TP, and report the mismatch at
-- the pragma inherited from TP against TX's P. In contrast,
-- when we freeze TII below, since TX appears before TP, we
-- report the error at the line in which the inherited
-- subprogram is synthesized, namely the line below, against
-- the line of the pragma.
type TII is interface and TX and TP and TF; -- { dg-error "requires the same .strub. mode" }
function F (X : access TI) return Integer is abstract;
pragma Machine_Attribute (F, "strub", "at-calls"); -- { dg-error "requires the same .strub. mode" }
type A is new TI with null record;
procedure P (I : Integer; X : A);
pragma Machine_Attribute (P, "strub", "at-calls"); -- { dg-error "requires the same .strub. mode" }
function F (X : access A) return Integer; -- { dg-error "requires the same .strub. mode" }
type B is new TI with null record;
procedure P (I : Integer; X : B); -- { dg-error "requires the same .strub. mode" }
function F (X : access B) return Integer;
pragma Machine_Attribute (F, "strub", "at-calls"); -- { dg-error "requires the same .strub. mode" }
end Foo;
package body Foo is
procedure P (I : Integer; X : A) is
function F (X : access A) return Integer is (0);
procedure P (I : Integer; X : B) is
function F (X : access B) return Integer is (1);
end Foo;
use Foo;
procedure Q (X : TX'Class) is
P (-1, X);
XA : aliased A;
XB : aliased B;
I : Integer := 0;
XC : access TI'Class;
Q (XA);
Q (XB);
I := I + F (XA'Access);
I := I + F (XB'Access);
XC := XA'Access;
I := I + F (XC);
XC := XB'Access;
I := I + F (XC);
end Strub_Intf;